F81-1 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute : June 22 through July 5, 1981. |
Cantata BWV 205: Duet for Alto & Tenor Zweig und Aeste (Mvt. 13) [3:57] [Tenor: Seth McCoy; Contralto: Janice Taylor; Samuel Baron (Flute); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord)]
Cantata BWV 159: Aria for Bass Es ist vollbracht (Mvt. 4) [5:02] [Bass: Thomas Paul; Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Festival Orchestra; Samuel Baron, conductor]
Cantata BWV 97: Aria for Soprano Ihm hab'ich mich ergeben (Mvt. 8) [3:40] [Soprano: Phyllis Bryn-Julson; Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord); Avril, 2nd oboe]
Cantata BWV 55: Aria for Tenor (Mvt. 4) Erbaume dich [4:27] [Tenor: Seth McCoy; Samuel Baron (Flute); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord)]
Cantata BWV 70: Aria for Alto Wenn kommt der Tag? (Mvt. 3) [5:45] [Contralto: Janice Taylor; Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord)]
Sinfonia from the Christmas Oratorio BWV 248 [5:48] [Festival Orchestra; Samuel Baron, conductor]
Motet Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225 [12:21] [Festival Chorus; Hardorp; Counter-tenor: Drew Minter; Sturk; Sneed, assisting soloists; Yehudi Wyner (Conductor)]
Brandenburg Concerto #4 [15:54] [Samuel Baron (Flute); Goodman, 2nd flute; Festival Orchestra; James Buswell (Violin & conductor)] |
Yehudi Wyner; Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Phyllis Bryn-Julson; Contralto: Janice Taylor; Tenor: Seth McCoy; Counter-tenor: Drew Minter; Bass: Thomas Paul
Samuel Baron (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); James Buswell (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord) |
[Stony Brook, N.Y.] : Bach Aria Group Association |
Jun 22 - July 5, 1981 |
LP / TT: |
Recorded live at State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F81-2 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute at Stony Brook, Wednesday evening, July 1, 1981, at 8:30 PM |
1. Sinfonia from the Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248, part 2, for 2 flutes, 2 oboes d'amore, 2 oboes da caccia, strings, and continuo [The Festival Orchestra, Samuel Baron (Conductor)]
2. Suite for solo cello in E flat major, BWV 1010 [Timothy Eddy (Cello)]
3. Group of Arias:
Cantata BWV 84: Ich esse mit Freuden mein weniges Brot, for soprano, violin, oboe, and continuo
Cantata BWV 161: Komm, du süsse Todesstunde, for alto, 2 flutes, and orchestra
Cantata BWV 41: Woferne du den edlen Frieden, for tenor, cello, and continuo
Cantata BWV 8: Doch weichet, ihr tollen vergeblichen Sorgen, for bass, flute, and orchestra
[The Bach Aria Group; The Festival Orchestra]
4. Cantata BWV 97: In allen meinen Taten, for chorus, orchestra, soprano, alto, tenor, bass, violin, 2 oboes, cello, and continuo [The Bach Aria Group; The Festival Chorus and Orchestra, Samuel Baron (Conductor)]
The recording lacks the beginning of the final chorale of Cantata BWV 97.
5. Brandenburg Concerto No. 4, BWV 1049, for violin, 2 flutes, strings, and continuo [The Festival Orchestra; James Buswell (Violin solo & Conductor)]. |
Yehudi Wyner; Samuel Baron; James Buswell |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Phyllis Bryn-Julson; Contralto: Janice Taylor; Tenor: Seth McCoy; Bass: Thomas Paul
Samuel Baron (Flute); Timothy Eddy (Cello); James Buswell (Violin) |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jul 1, 1981 |
2-CD / TT: 110:25 |
Recorded live at State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F81-3 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute at Stony Brook, Saturday evening, July 4, 1981, at 8:30 PM |
1. Concerto in C minor for violin, oboe, and orchestra, BWV 1060 (James Buswell (Violin), Ronald Roseman (Oboe), The Festival Orchestra
2. Group of Arias:
[From] Cantata BWV 113: Jesus nimmt die Sünder an, for tenor, flute, and continuo
[From] Cantata BWV 23: Du wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn, for soprano, alto, 2 oboes, and continuo
[From] Cantata BWV 157: Ja, ja, ich halte Jesum feste, for bass, violin, flute, and continuo
[From] Cantata BWV 205: Angenehmer Zephyrus, for soprano, violin, and continuo
[From] Cantata BWV 205: Zweig und Äste, for tenor, alto, flute, and continuo [The Bach Aria Group]
Motet Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225, for double chorus and instruments [The Festival Chorus, Yehudi Wyner (Conductor)]
4. Brandenburg Concerto no. 5 in D major, BWV 1050, for harpsichord, flute, violin, and orchestra [Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord), James Buswell (Violin), Samuel Baron (Flute), The Festival Orchestra] |
Yehudi Wyner; Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Phyllis Bryn-Julson; Contralto: Janice Taylor; Tenor: Seth McCoy; Bass: Thomas Paul
Samuel Baron (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); James Buswell (Violin); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord) |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jul 4, 1981 |
CD / TT: 72:14 |
Recorded live at State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F82-1 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute at Stony Brook, Wednesday Evening, June 30, 1982, at 8:30 P.M. |
1. Concerto in E major for violin and orchestra, BWV 1042
2. Group of arias:
Cantata BWV 133: Wie lieblich klingt es, for soprano and orchestra
Cantata BWV 129: Gelobet sei der Herr, for alto, oboe d'[a]more, and continuo (Mvt. 4)
Cantata BWV 42: Jesus ist ein Schild der Seinen, for bass, 2 violins, and continuo
Cantata BWV 21: Seufzer, Thränen, for soprano, oboe, and continuo
Cantata BWV 180: Ermunt're dich, for tenor, flute, and continuo
[Soprano: Susan Davenny-Wyner; Contralto: Janice Taylor; Tenor: Seth McCoy; Bass: Thomas Paul; James Buswell (Violin); Samuel Baron (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord); The Festival Orchestra]
3. Sonata in G minor for gamba and harpsichord, BWV 1029
4. Cantata BWV 87: Bisher habt ihr nichts gebeten in meinem Namen, for chorus, orchestra, alto, tenor, bass, 2 oboes da caccia (english horns), and continuo [Contralto: Janice Taylor; Tenor: Seth McCoy; Bass: Thomas Paul; Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord); The Festival Orchestra and Chorus, Samuel Baron (conductor)] |
Yehudi Wyner; Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Susan Davenny-Wyner; Contralto: Janice Taylor; Tenor: Seth McCoy; Bass: Thomas Paul
Samuel Baron (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Timothy Eddy (Cello); James Buswell (Violin); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord) |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 30, 1982 |
2-CD / TT: 82:35 |
Recorded live at State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F82-2 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute at Stony Brook, Saturday Evening, July 3, 1982, at 8:30 PM : [concert given at Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook] |
1. Motet Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227, for chorus with instruments / [The Festival Chorus, Yehudi Wyner, conductor]
2. Group of arias:
[From] Cantata BWV 120a: Leit' o Gott, durch deine Liebe, for soprano, violin, and orchestra
[From] Mass in G major, BWV 236: Quoniam tu solus sanctus, for tenor, oboe, and continuo
[From] Cantata BWV 32: Hier, in meines Vaters Stätte, for bass, violin, and continuo
[From] Cantata BWV 105: Wie zittern und wanken, for soprano, oboe, and continuo
[From] St. John Passion, BWV 245: Es ist vollbracht, for alto, cello, and orchestra
[Soprano: Susan Davenny-Wyner; Contralto: Janice Taylor; Tenor: Seth McCoy; Bass: Thomas Paul; James Buswell (Violin); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord), The Festival Orchestra]
3. Cantata BWV 135: Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder, for chorus, orchestra, alto, tenor, bass, 2 oboes, and continuo [Contralto: Janice Taylor; Tenor: Seth McCoy; Bass: Thomas Paul; Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord); The Festival Chorus and Orchestra, Samuel Baron (conductor)]
4. Suite in B minor for flute and orchestra, BWV 1067. |
Yehudi Wyner; Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Susan Davenny-Wyner; Contralto: Janice Taylor; Tenor: Seth McCoy; Bass: Thomas Paul
Samuel Baron (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); James Buswell (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord); |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jul 3, 1982. |
CD / T: 60:01 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F82-3 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute at Stony Brook, Sunday afternoon, July 4, 1982, at 4:00 P.M. |
Duet for tenor and bass [Uns treffen zwar der Sünden Flecken, from Cantata BWV 136] [Tenor: Seth McCoy, Fellows of the Institute]
Duet for soprano and alto [Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Schritten, from Cantata BWV 78] [Soprano: Susan Davenny-Wyner, Fellows of the Institute]
[Spoken introduction]
The Musical offering BWV 1079 (Fellows of the Institute under the direction of James Buswell). |
Samuel Baron; James Buswell |
Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Susan Davenny-Wyner; Tenor: Seth McCoy
James Buswell (Violin) |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jul 4, 1982 |
CD / TT: 72:06 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F82-4 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute at Stony Brook, Wednesday Evening, July 7, 1982, at 8:30 PM |
Sinfonia from Cantata BWV 169 for orchestra with organ solo (Yehudi Wyner (Organ), The Festival Orchestra)
Cantata BWV 51: Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen, for soprano, trumpet, and orchestra [Soprano: Phyllis Bryn-Julson; Edward Carroll (Trumpet); The Festival Orchestra, Samuel Baron (Conductor)]
Group of arias:
[From] Cantata BWV 102: Weh' der Seele, for alto, oboe, and continuo
[From] Cantata BWV 114: Wo wird in diesem Jammerthale, for tenor, flute, and continuo
[From] Cantata BWV 82: Ich habe genug, for bass, oboe, and orchestra
[From] Cantata BWV 60: Der Tod bleibt doch der menschlichen Natur verhasst[--Selig sind die Toten], dialogue for alto, bass and continuo, followed by the chorale, Es ist genug
[Contralto: Janice Taylor; Tenor: Seth McCoy; Bass: Thomas Paul; Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Samuel Baron (Flute); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord), The Festival Orchestra & Chorus]. |
Yehudi Wyner; Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra;. Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Phyllis Bryn-Julson; Contralto: Janice Taylor; Tenor: Seth McCoy; Bass: Thomas Paul
Edward Carroll (Trumpet); Samuel Baron (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord) |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jul 7, 1982 |
CD / TT: 55:27 |
Recorded live at the Fine Arts Center, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
1st recording of Cantata BWV 51 by S. Baron / Y. Wyner.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F82-5 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute at Stony Brook, Saturday evening, July 10, 1982, at 8:30 P.M. |
1. Sinfonia from Cantata BWV 18 for orchestra [The Festival Orchestra, Samuel Baron (Conductor)]
2. Concerto in A major for oboe d'amore and orchestra, BWV 1055a [Ronald Roseman (Oboe); The Festival Orchestra]
3. Group of Arias:
[From] Cantata BWV 119: Die Obrigkeit is Gottes Gabe, for alto, flute, and continuo
[From] Cantata BWV 10: Herr, der du stark und mächtig bist, for soprano and orchestra
[From] Cantata BWV 20: Ewigkeit, du machst mich bange, for tenor and orchestra
[From] Cantata BWV 130: Der alte Drache brennt vor Neid, for bass, 3 trumpets, [timpani, and orchestra]
[Soprano: Phyllis Bryn-Julson; Contralto: Janice Taylor, Tenor: Seth McCoy; Bass: Thomas Paul; Baron ; Carroll ; The Festival Orchestra]
4. Magnificat in D major, BWV 243, for chorus, orchestra, soprano, alto, tenor, bass, 3 trumpets, tympani, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, oboe d'amore, and continuo [Soprano: Phyllis Bryn-Julson; Contralto: Janice Taylor; Tenor: Seth McCoy; Bass: Thomas Paul; Carroll ; Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Samuel Baron (Flute); The Festival Chorus and Orchestra, Samuel Baron (Conductor)]. |
Samuel Baron |
Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Phyllis Bryn-Julson; Contralto: Janice Taylor; Tenor: Seth McCoy; Bass: Thomas Paul
Samuel Baron (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Edward Carroll |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jul 10, 1982 |
CD / TT: 71:36 |
Recorded live at State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F82-6 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute at Stony Brook, Sunday afternoon, July 11, 1982, at 4:00 PM : [concert] |
1. Doch weichet, ihr tollen vergeblichen Sorgen, for bass, flute, strings, and continuo, from Cantata BWV 8
2. Mache dich, mein Herze, rein, for bass, 2 oboes, strings, and continuo, from St. Matthew Passion BWV 244
3. Ächzen und erbärmlich Weinen, for bass, violin, flute, and continuo, from Cantata BWV 13
4. Kreuz und Krone, for alto, oboe, and continuo, from Cantata BWV 12
5. Woferne du den edlen Frieden, for tenor, violoncello, and continuo, from Cantata BWV 41
6. Er ist's, er ist's, er ist's, der ganz allein, for bass, trumpet, and continuo, from Cantata BWV 43
6. Mein Freund ist mein!, for soprano, bass, oboe, and continuo, from Cantata BWV 140 |
Yehudi Wyner; Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Institute. Fellows; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Phyllis Bryn-Julson; Contralto: Janice Taylor; Tenor: Seth McCoy; Bass: Thomas Paul
Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord) |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jul 11, 1982 |
CD / TT: 45:09 |
Recorded live at State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA. Event presented under the auspices of the Music Department, State University of New York at Stony Brook.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F87-1 |
Music from the Bach Aria Festival and Institute: Arias with Instrumental Obbligato |

Aria for Alto Was die Seele kann ergötzen (Mvt. 5) from Cantata BWV 30a [5:35]
Aria for Soprano Angenehmer Zephyrus (Mvt. 9) from Cantata BWV 205 [3:26]
Aria for Tenor Woferne du den edlen Frieden (Mvt. 4) from Cantata BWV 41 [9:21]
Aria for Bass & Chorale (Soprano) Welt, ade! (Mvt. 2) from Cantata BWV 158 [5:32]
Aria for Soprano Wie zittern und wanken der Sünder Gedanken (Mvt. 3) from Cantata BWV 105 [6:17]
Aria (Duet) for Tenor & Bass Wie will ich mich freuen (Mvt. 7) from Cantata BWV 146 [5:35]
Aria for Alto Wie furchtsam wankten meine Schritten (Mvt. 3) from Cantata BWV 33 [10:17]
Aria for Soprano Ich bin vergnügt in meinem Leiden (Mvt. 3) from Cantata BWV 58 [4:52]
Aria for Tenor Ich traue seiner Gnaden (Mvt. 4) from Cantata BWV 97 [8:41]
Aria (Duet) for Soprano & Bass Mein Freund ist mein (Mvt. 6) from Cantata BWV 140 [5:35]
Aria for Alto Erfreute Zeit! (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 83 [6:21] |
Samuel Baron and Fellows of the Institute |
Bach Aria Group |
Bach Aria Group: Soprano: Carol Webber; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: Jon Humphrey; Bass: Ruud van der Meer |
Musical Heritage Society MHS-512307A |
Jun 1987 |
CD / TT: 72:55 |
Recorded at the Bach Aria Festival, Staller Center for the Fine Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Buy this album at:
CD: Amazon.com | Amazon.de |
F88-1 |
[Bach Aria Festival and Institute] : Bach for young people : Wednesday Evening, June 22, 1988 : Melody, harmony, and counterpoint : [lecture-concert given at] Fine Arts Center, SUNY at Stony Brook |
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1. Pure melody. Sarabande for solo flute ; Das walt mein Gott, a song by J.S. Bach
2. Melody and harmony together. Das walt mein Gott, for voice and harpsichord ; Das walt mein Gott, for four voices, soprano, alto tenor, and bass
Two chorales
3. G.P. Telemann: Counterpoint: musical conversation. Duet for flute and oboe
Flute sonata in E minor / by Bach (Andante played by flute and bassoon ; Andante played by flute, bassoon, and harpsichord)
Rounds--singing by the audience
A three-way conversation (Invention in F minor, played on the harpsichord
The same Invention played by two violins and cello)
Fugue (The Fugue in G minor on Bach's organ
The 6-voice fugue from The Musical Offering BWV 1079, played by individual instruments)
4. Finale: melody, harmony, counterpoint, and rhythm. Concerto in D minor for two violins and orchestra (Allegro). |
Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Institute: Artist-Fellows; Bach Aria Group |
? |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 22, 1988 |
CD / TT: 56:23 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F89-1 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Wednesday Evening, June 14, 1989 at 8:30 P.M. : [concert given at] Staller Fine Arts Center, University at Stony Brook |
I. Sonata in G minor BWV 1030 for oboe and harpsichord [Ronald Roseman (Oboe), Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord)]
II. Motet Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225 [The Festival Chorus, Samuel Baron, conductor]
III. Group of arias:
[From] Cantata BWV 107: Wenn auch gleich aus der Höllen, for tenor cello and continuo
[From] Cantata BWV 57: Ich wünschte mir den Tod, for soprano and orchestra
[From] Cantata BWV 203: Chi in amore ha nemica la sorte, for bass and harpsichord
[From] Cantata BWV 125: Ich will auch mit gebroch'nen Augen, for alto, flute, oboe d'amore, and continuo
[Tenor: David Britton, Samuel Baron (Flute), Soprano: Carol Webber, Alto: D'Anna Fortunato, Baritone: William Sharp, Ronald Roseman (Oboe), Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord), Timothy Eddy (Cello), The Festival Orchestra]
IV. A. Vivaldi: Le quattro stagioni = The four seasons: Concerti from Il cimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione, Op. 8 [Daniel Phillips (Violin) and Artist-Fellows (Violin soloists); The Festival Orchestra] |
Yehudi Wyner; Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Carol Webber; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Baritone: William Sharp
Samuel Baron (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord) |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 14, 1989 |
2-CD / TT: ~97:00 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F89-2 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Saturday Evening, June 17, 1989 at 8:30 P.M. : [concert given at] Staller Fine Arts Center, University at Stony Brook |
1. Cantata BWV 8. Opening chorus: Liebster Gott, wann werd' ich sterben [The Festival Chorus and Orchestra, Samuel Baron, conductor]
2. Group of Arias:
[From] Cantata BWV 120a: Leit, o Gott, for soprano, violin, and continuo
[From] Cantata BWV 156: Herr, was du willst, for alto, oboe, and continuo
[From] Cantata BWV 9: Herr, du siehst, for soprano, alto, flute, oboe d'amore, and continuo
[Soprano: Carol Webber, Alto: D'Anna Fortunato, Daniel Phillips (Violin), Ronald Roseman (Oboe), Samuel Baron (Flute), Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord), Timothy Eddy (Cello)]
3. Sonata in E major, BWV 1035, for flute and continuo [Samuel Baron (Flute), Timothy Eddy (Cello), Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord)]
4. Cantata BWV 26: Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig, for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, solo flute, solo violin, 3 oboes, chorus, and orchestra [The Bach Aria Group, Festival Chorus & Orchestra, Yehudi Wyner (Conductor)] |
Yehudi Wyner; Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Carol Webber; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Baritone: William Sharp
Samuel Baron (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord) |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 17, 1989 |
CD / TT: ~55:00 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F89-3 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Sunday Afternoon, June 18, 1989 at 3:00 P.M. : [concert given at] Staller Fine Arts Center, University at Stony Brook |
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[Sonata for flute and harpsichord, BWV 1032 (2nd and 3rd movements)]
I. Group of arias:
[from Cantatas BWV 84, BWV 85, BWV 97, BWV 129]
II. J.D. Zelenka: Trio sonata for two oboes, bassoon, and continuo
III. Group of arias:
[from Cantatas BWV 146, BWV 32, BWV 115, BWV 56, BWV 166, BWV 35, BWV 140, BWV 5]
IV. Partita in A minor for flute alone, BWV 1013
V. Group of arias and duets:
[from Cantatas BWV 51, BWV 103, BWV 96, BWV 78] |
? |
Bach Aria Group |
? |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 18, 1989 |
2-CD / TT: ~128:00 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F89-4 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Friday Evening, June 23, 1989, at 8:30 P.M. : [concert given at] Staller Fine Arts Center, University at Stony Brook |
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1. Group of arias:
[from Cantatas BWV 8, BWV 16, BWV 11, BWV 127]
2. W.F. Bach: Sonata in F major for two flutes
3. Group of arias:
[from Cantatas BWV 163, BWV 94, St. Matthew Passion BWV 244, Cantatas BWV 123, BWV 27]
4. Group of arias:
[from Cantatas BWV 202, BWV 100, BWV 155, St. Matthew Passion BWV 244, Cantata BWV 82
5. Trio Sonata from The Musical Offering BWV 1079
6. Group of arias and duets:
[from Cantatas BWV 80, BWV 182, BWV 45, BWV 97, BWV 146]. |
? |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
? |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 23, 1989 |
2-CD / TT: ~141:00 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F89-5 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Saturday Evening, June 24, 1989 at 8:30 P.M. : [concert given at] Staller Fine Arts Center, University at Stony Brook |
I. Sinfonia from Cantata BWV 42: Am Abend aber desselbigen Sabbats, for 2 oboes, bassoon, strings, and continuo [The Festival Orchestra, Samuel Baron, conductor]
II. Triple concerto in A minor, BWV 1044, for harpsichord, flute, violin, and strings [Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord), Samuel Baron (Flute), Daniel Phillips (Violin), The Festival Orchestra]
III. H. Purcell: Dido and Aeneas (in concert performance) [Soprano: Carol Webber, Alto: D'Anna Fortunato, Tenor: David Britton, Baritone: William Sharp, Artist-Fellows, The Festival Orchestra & Chorus, Samuel Baron, conductor]. |
Yehudi Wyner; Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Carol Webber; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Baritone: William Sharp
Samuel Baron (Flute); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord) |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 24, 1989 |
2-CD / TT: ~90:00 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F89-0 |
Arias with instrumental obbligato (Music from the Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Cantatas) |
Was die Seele kann ergötzen: [from] Cantata BWV 30a [5:35]
Angenehmer Zephyrus: [from] Cantata BWV 205 [3:26]
Woferne du den edlen Frieden: [from] Cantata BWV 41 [9:21]
Welt, ade!: [from] Cantata BWV 158 [5:32]
Wie zittern und wanken der Sünder Gedanken: [from] Cantata BWV 105 [6:17]
Wie will ich mich freuen: [from] Cantata BWV 146 [5:35]
Wie furchtsam wankten meine Schritten: [from] Cantata BWV 33 [10:17]
Ich bin vergnügt in meinem Leiden: [from] Cantata BWV 58 [4:52]
Ich traue seiner Gnaden: [from] Cantata BWV 97 [8:41]
Mein Freund ist mein: [from] Cantata BWV 140 [5:35]
Erfreute Zeit!: [from] Cantata BWV 83 [6:21] |
? |
Bach Aria Group; Bach Aria Festival; Bach Aria Institute |
? |
Musical Heritage Society 512307 |
1989 |
CD / TT: |
F90-1 |
[Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Wednesd, June 13, 1990] : [concert given at Staller Fine Arts Center, University at Stony Brook] |
[Sinfonia from Cantata BWV 29
Ich will an den Himmel denken, from Cantata BWV 166
Der alte Drache brennt vor Neid, from Cantata BWV 130
Gesegnete Christen, glückselige Herde, from Cantata BWV 184
A. Vivaldi: Concerto for violoncello and string orchestra in C minor, RV 410
Trio Sonata in F for flute, violin, and harpsichord, BWV 1022/Anh. II, 154 / by J.S. and C.P.E. Bach:
Cantata BWV 77: Du sollt Gott, deinen Herren, lieben] |
? |
Bach Aria Group |
? |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 13, 1990 |
CD / TT: 61:10 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F90-2 |
[Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Saturday, June 16, 1990] : [lecture and concert given at Staller Fine Arts Center, University at Stony Brook]. |
[Lecture on his career as a builder of instruments for performance of the music of Bach's day, and on flute and recorder construction and performance practices during that period / by Friedrich von Huene ; introduction by Samuel Baron
Orchestral suite in D major, BWV 1068
Cantata BWV 205: Der zufriedengestellte Aeolus (Zerreisset, zersprenget, zertrümmert die Gruft), in English translation] |
Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Group |
Samuel Baron (Flute); Friedrich von Huene |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 16, 1990 |
2-CD / TT: 119:14 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F90-3 |
[Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Sunday, June 17, 1990] : [concert given at Staller Fine Arts Center, University at Stony Brook]. |
1. H. Purcell: Fantasia upon one note
2. Lass o Welt aus Verachtung, for bass, flute, and continuo, from Cantata BWV 123
3. Es dünket mich ich seh dich kommen, for tenor, violoncello, piccolo, and continuo, from Cantata BWV 175
4. Ach, bleibe doch, mein liebtes Leben, for alto, unison violins, and continuo, from the Himmelfahrts-Oratorium, BWV 11/249
5. Schweigt, ihr Flöten, for soprano, flute, and continuo, from Cantata BWV 210
6. Nichts ist es spat und frühe, for bass and continuo, from Cantata BWV 97
7-8. Es kann mir nichts geschehen - Ich traue seiner Gnaden: recitative & aria for tenor, violin, and continuo, from Cantata BWV 97
9. Ich hab mich ihm ergeben, for soprano, oboes 1-2, and continuo, from Cantata BWV 97
10. Endlich, endlich wird mein Joch, for bass, violoncello, and continuo, from Cantata BWV 56
11. Frohe Hirten, eilt, for tenor, flute, organ and continuo, from the Christmas Oratorio BWV 248, Pt. 2, BWV 246
12. Gelobet sei der Herr, mein Gott, for alto, oboe d'amore, and continuo, from Cantata BWV 129
13. Wann kommst du, mein Heil, for soprano, bass, violino piccolo, and continuo, from Cantata BWV 140
1. Ich will nur dir zu Ehren leben, for tenor, violins 1-2, organ, and continuo, from the Christmas Oratorio BWV 248, Pt. 4
2. Nur durch Lieb und durch Erbarmen, for alto, flutes 1-2, and continuo, from Cantata BWV 164
3. Sinfonia 5 from Inventions and Sinfonias, BWV 772-801, arranged for 2 oboes and bassoon
4. Sinfonia 10 from Inventions and Sinfonias, BWV 772-801, arranged for brass instruments
5. Wann kommt der Tag, for alto, violoncello, bassoon, and continuo, from Cantata BWV 70
6. Ich bin vergnügt in meinem Leiden, for soprano, violoncello, and continuo, from Cantata BWV 58
7. Er ists, der ganz allein, for bass, trumpet, and continuo, from Cantata BWV 43 |
? |
Bach Aria Group |
? |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 17, 1990 |
2-CD / TT: 93:50 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F90-4 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Wednesday, June 20, 1990 : Bach for young people : [concert given at] Staller Fine Arts Center, University at Stony Brook. |
1. Concert introd. / Bill [Baritone: William Sharp]
Danny and his Talking Violin [Daniel Phillips (Violin)]
2. The piano vs. the harpsichord
3. The pipe organ
4. Toccata from Toccata, Adagio, and Fugue in C major, BWV 564
5-8. Introd.
3 pieces from the Anna Magdalena Bach book (arr.):
Minuet in G, BWV Anh. II 114
Musette, BWV Anh. II 126]
March, BWV Anh. II 122
9-12. Introd.
Allemande, Gavotte, and Courante from the French Suite in G, BWV 816 [Noah Hoffmann (Piano)]
13-16. Introd.
Bourees I-II, Polonaise, and Badinerie from Orchestral Suite in B minor, BWV 1067 [Tara (Flute; Festival Orchestra]
17-18. Introd.
Now all the woods are sleeping (Bach's harmonization of the chorale tune Nun ruhen alle Wälder, sung in English)
19-26. Introd.
4 songs from Anna Magdalena Bach's Book (Notenbüchlein):
Bist du bei mir, BWV 508 [Tenor: David Britton]
When you say that you must leave me (Brich entzwei, mein armes Herz, BWV 444 in English translation) [Valerie (alto)]
Up, up, my heart ( Auf, auf! mein Herz, mit Freuden, BWV 441 in English translation) [Susie (Soprano)]
So oft ich meine Tabakspfeife mit gutem Knaster angefüllt, BWV 515a [Bass: Kurt Link]
27-28. Introd.
Allegro from the Concerto in D minor for 2 violins and string orchestra [Daniel Phillips (Violin); [Unnamed female violinist]; Festival Orchestra] |
Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Baritone: William Sharp; Tenor: David Britton; Bass: Kurt Link
Daniel Phillips (Violin); Noah Hoffman (Piano) |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 20, 1990 |
CD / TT: 61:01 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F90-5 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Friday, June 22, 1990 : [concert given at] Staller Fine Arts Center, University at Stony Brook. |
1. Group of arias::
Ich geh und suche mit Verlangen, from Cantata BWV 49
Gott versorget alles Leben, from Cantata BWV 187
Jesus ist ein guter Hirt, from Cantata BWV 85
Wo wird in diesem Jammertale, from Cantata BWV 114
Stürze zu Boden, from Cantata BWV 126
G.F. Handel: Trio sonata no. 5 in G major: Adagio; Allegro; Allegro
Group of arias:
Bete aber auch dabei, from Cantata BWV 115
Wir müssen durch viel Trübsal in das Reich Gottes eingehen, from Cantata BWV 146
Des Vaters Stimme liess sich hören, from Cantata BWV 7
Öffnet euch, ihr beiden Ohren, from Cantata BWV 175
Süsser Trost, mein Jesus kömmt, from Cantata BWV 151
Willkommen, will ich sagen, from Cantata BWV 27
Benedictus, from the Mass in B minor BWV 232
So löschet sich im Eifer der rächende Richter, from Cantata BWV 90
Komm in mein Herzenshaus, from Cantata BWV 80
Ich habe genug, from Cantata BWV 82
Aria for Alto Wie starb die Heldin so vergnügt! (Mvt. 5), from Cantata BWV 198 |
Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
? |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 22, 1990 |
2-CD / TT: 98:57 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F90-6 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Saturday, June 23, 1990 : [lecture and concert given at] Staller Fine Arts Center, University at Stony Brook. |
CD 1. Lecture on The art of fugue (Die Kunst der Fuge BWV 1080) / Samuel Baron
CD 2. Die Kunst der Fuge BWV 1080. Contrapuncti 1-11
CD 3. Die Kunst der Fuge BWV 1080. Contrapuncti 15, 17, 16, 14, 13-1, 13-2, 12-1, 12-2, 19 -- Chorale Prelude: Vor deinen Thron tret' ich. |
Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Group |
Samuel Baron |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 23, 1990 |
3-CD / TT: 137:29 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F91-1 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Wednesday Evening, June 12, 1991 at 8:30 PM : [concert given at] Staller Arts Center, University at Stony Brook : Homages: A salute to Vivaldi and Mozart: 200th and 250th anniversaries |
Cantata BWV 147: Part One [Soprano: Julianne Baird; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Baritone: David Evitts; Timothy Eddy (Cello); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Festival Orchestra and Chorus, Yehudi Wyner, conductor]
A. Vivaldi: "Il Cardellino" Concerto for flute, violin, oboe and continuo [Samuel Baron (Flute); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord)]
W.A. Mozart: Adagio and Fugue in C minor for strings, K. 546 [Timothy Eddy (Cello); Daniel Phillips (Violin); The Festival Orchestra]
Cantata BWV 147: Part Two [Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Baritone: David Evitts; Festival Chorus and Orchestra, Yehudi Wyner, conductor] |
Yehudi Wyner; Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Julianne Baird; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Baritone: David Evitts
Samuel Baron (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord) |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 12, 1991 |
CD / TT: 51:44 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F91-2 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Saturday Evening, June 15, 1991 at 8:30 PM : [concert given at] Staller Arts Center, University at Stony Brook : The rational Baroque and 20th century reflections |
Einige canonische Veränderungen über das Wei[h]nachtslied: Vom Himmel hoch, da komm' ich her, for organ solo, BWV 769 / J.S. Bach (William Porter, guest organist)
[Introductory explanation of the "one-to-a-part" performance style adopted for the following work / Samuel Baron]
Suite No. 1 for two oboes, bassoon, strings and continuo, BWV 1066 [Daniel Phillips (Violin); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); The Festival Orchestra, Samuel Baron (Conductor)]
Group of Arias:
[From] Cantata BWV 146: Ich will nach dem Himmel zu, for alto, violin, and continuo
[From] Cantata BWV 95: Ach, Schlage doch bald, for tenor, orchestra, and continuo
[From] Cantata BWV 151: Süsser Trost, for soprano, flute, strings, and continuo
[From] Cantata BWV 159: Es ist vollbracht, for bass, oboe, strings, and continuo
[From] Cantata BWV 78: Wir eilen, for soprano, alto, and continuo [The Bach Aria Group and The Festival Orchestra]
J.S. Bach Choral variations on the Christmas song Vom Himmel hoch, for chorus, wind and brass orchestra, and harp / Igor Stravinsky [Roseman; Jolles (guest harpist); Borror, guest trombonist; guest artists, chorus and orchestra, Samuel Baron (Conductor)] + |
Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Julianne Baird; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Baritone: David Evitts
William Porter; Samuel Baron (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Susan Jolles; Ronald Borror |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 15, 1991 |
2-CD / TT: 86:11 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F91-3 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Sunday afternoon, June 16, 1991 at 2:00 PM : [concert given at] Staller Arts Center, University at Stony Brook |
Group of arias:
From Cantata BWV 85: Seht, was die Liebe tut
From Cantata BWV 43: Ich sehe schon im Geist
From Cantata BWV 51: Höchster, mache deine Güte ferner alle Morgen neu
From Cantata BWV 56: Endlich, endlich wird mein Joch
From Cantata BWV 21: Seufzer, Tränen, Kummer, Not
From Cantata BWV 29: Halleluja, Stärk und Macht
From Cantata BWV 13: Ächzen und erbärmlich Weinen
From Cantata BWV 186: Mein Heiland lässt sich merken
From Cantata BWV 175: Komm, leite mich
From Cantata BWV 205: Angenehmer Zephyrus
From Cantata BWV 47: Jesbeuge doch mein Herze
From Cantata BWV 35: Gott hat Alles gut gemacht
From Cantata BWV 168: Capital und Interessen meiner Schulden
From Cantata BWV 114: Wo wird in diesem Jammertale
From St. Matthew Passion BWV 244: Erbarme dich, mein Gott
Choral prelude for organ: Durch Adams Fall, BWV 637
Group of Arias:
From Cantata BWV 157: Ja, ja, ich halte Jesum feste
From the Mass in A major, BWV 234: Qui tollis peccata
From Cantata BWV 87: In der Welt habt ihr Angst
From Cantata BWV 99: Erschütt're dich nur nicht
From Cantata BWV 42: Jesus ist ein Schild der Seinen |
? |
Bach Aria Institute. Artist-Fellows; Bach Aria Group |
? |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 16, 1991 |
2-CD / TT: 16:26 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F91-4 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Thursday Evening, June 20, 1991, at 7:00 PM : Young People's Concert : Staller Arts Center, University at Stony Brook : Swingled, switched, and swung at the Bach Aria Festival |
1. Chorale prelude Wachet auf [chorale] on Bach's favorite instrument, the organ
2. Dr. Syntho meets Bach's music on his own favorite instrument [Wachet auf, as Chorale prelude]
3. Prelude no. 1 from Well-Tempered clavier / Harpsichord soloist
Charles Gounod meets Bach's music on his favorite instruments: Ave Maria for voice and piano / Bach-Gounod
4. English suite No. 2. Bourée: dancers and harpsichord
5. Paul Simon meets a Bach chorale: Sacred Head ; A Bach chorale
6. Brandenburg concerto No. 6. [3rd movement, performed on 3 synthesizers] ; [same, performed as written]
[7. Jesu, joy of man's desiring, from Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben]. |
Bach Aria Group |
Tenor: David Britton
Daniel Phillips (Violin); H Joseph Butler; Margaret Van Dijk; Faith Long; David Freiburg |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 20, 1991 |
CD / TT: 67:47 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F91-5 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Friday June 21, 1991, at 8:30 PM : [concert given at] Staller Arts Center, University at Stony Brook. |
[1. Improvisation (fantasia) for harpsichord
2. Aria from Cantata BWV 210
trio from the Christmas Oratorio BWV 248, pt. 5
aria from Cantata BWV 127]
3. Jakob F. Kleinknecht: Sonata in B minor for flute and continuo
4. Aria from Cantata BWV 84
Duet from Cantata BWV 33
5. Prelude for oboe, violin, and cello transcribed from the organ chorale prelude Nun komm' der Heiden Heiland, BWV 659
6. Group of arias:
[from Cantatas BWV 6, BWV 73, and BWV 201]
7. Prelude for flute, violin, viola, and cello transcribed from organ prelude O Mensch, bewein' dein Sünde gross, BWV 659
8. Arias from Cantata BWV 163 and St. Matthew Passion BWV 244 |
? |
Bach Aria Institute. Artist-Fellows; Bach Aria Group |
? |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 21, 1991 |
CD / TT: 72:33 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F91-6 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Saturday, June 22, 1991 at 8:30 PM : [concert and panel discussion given at] Staller Arts Center, University at Stony Brook : "The sensuous Bach." |
Pre-concert Panel Discussion:
Rational and sensuous in eighteenth-century aesthetics, with David Allison, Carol K. Baron, Robert Crease, Thomas Kranidas, and Victor Tejera.
1. Sinfonia for orchestra from Cantata BWV 18, Gleich wie die Regen und Schnee von Himmel fällt
Sinfonia for orchestra from Cantata BWV 106, Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit
[Festival Orchestra, Samuel Baron (Conductor)]
2. Group of arias and duets:
[From] Cantata BWV 139: Das Unglück schlägt, for bass, violin, oboe d'amore, and continuo
[From] Cantata BWV 96: Ach, ziehe die Seele, for tenor, flute, and continuo
[From] Cantata BWV 202: Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten, for soprano, oboe, strings, and continuo
H. Villa-Lobos: [Aria from] Bachianas brasileiras no. 5, for soprano and eight cellos
[From] Cantata BWV 146: Wie will ich mich freuen, for tenor, bass flute, oboe, and continuo
[Soprano: Julianne Baird; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Baritone: David Evitts; Timothy Eddy (Cello); guest artists, and Festival Orchestra]
3. Cantata BWV 198: Trauer-Ode, for chorus, soprano, alto, tenor, and bass soloists, 2 flutes, 2 oboes d'amore, 2 flutes, 2 gambas, strings, and continuo [The Bach Aria Group; The Festival Chorus and Orchestra, Samuel Baron (Conductor)] |
Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Julianne Baird; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Baritone: David Evitts
Samuel Baron (Flute); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Carol Baron; David Allison; Robert Crease; Thomas Kranidas; V Tejera |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 22, 1991 |
3-CD / TT: 155:17 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F92-1 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute, June 10, 1992 at 8:30 PM : [concert given at] Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook : Bach's early career in court and chapel |
1. Sonata in E minor for violin and harpsichord, BWV 1023: written for the Ducal Court of Weimar [Daniel Phillips (Violin); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord)]
2. Cantata BWV 106 "Actus tragicus": for the Mühlhausen church [Soprano: Julianne Baird; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Baritone: Robert Honeysucker; Festival Orchestra and Chorus, Yehudi Wyner (Conductor)]
3. Cantata BWV 63: Gott, du hast es wohl gefüget, duet for soprano, bass, oboe and continuo (Mvt. 3): probably from Weimar [Soprano: Julianne Baird; Baritone: Robert Honeysucker; Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord)]
4. Prelude & Fugue in B flat for harpsichord, on the name of BACH:probably from the Arnstadt period [Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord)]
5. Brandenburg Concerto No. 6 in B flat major, BWV 1051: from the court at Cöthen for the Margrave of Brandenburg [Daniel Phillips (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Artist-Fellows]. |
Yehudi Wyner; Samuel Baron (?) |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Julianne Baird; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Baritone: Robert Honeysucker
Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord) |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 10, 1992 |
CD / TT: 54:25 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F92-2 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Saturday June 13, 1992 at 8:30 PM : [concert given at] Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook : "Bach and the dance" |
1. Arias in the form of dances:
Gavotte: Nun verschwinden alle Plagen, from Cantata BWV 32, for soprano, bass, strings, and continuo [Soprano: Julianne Baird; Baritone: Robert Honeysucker; Festival Orchestra]
Loure: Mein Alles in Allem, from Cantata BWV 22, for tenor, strings, and continuo [Tenor: David Britton; Festival Orchestra]
Polonaise: Ich sehe schon im Geist, from Cantata BWV 43, for alto, 2 oboes, and continuo [Alto: D'Anna Fortunato ; Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord)]
Gigue: Doch, weichet, from Cantata BWV 8, for bass, flute, strings, and continuo [Baritone: Robert Honeysucker; Samuel Baron (Flute); Festival Orchestra]
2. French Overture in B minor, BWV 831
3. Dance forms transfigured:
Chaconne (Mvt. 5) from Partita for solo violin No. 2 in D minor, BWV 1004 [Daniel Phillips (Violin)]
"Sarabande" from Cantata BWV 114: Wo wird in diesem Jammertale, for tenor, flute, and continuo [Tenor: David Britton; Samuel Baron (Flute)]
"Siciliano" from Cantata BWV 101: Gedenk an Jesu bittern Tod, for soprano, alto [Soprano: Julianne Baird; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Samuel Baron (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe)]
"Réjouissance" from Suite No. 4 in D major for orchestra [Festival Orchestra, Samuel Baron (Conductor)] |
Yehudi Wyner; Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Julianne Baird; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Baritone: Robert Honeysucker
Samuel Baron (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord); Arthur Haas (Harpsichord or Organ) |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 13, 1992 |
2-CD / TT: 80:30 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Librarie |
F92-3 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Sunday June 14, 1992 at 2:00 PM : Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook : Artist-Fellows Recital |
1. Group of Arias:
[Gelobet sei der Herr, mein Gott (from Cantata BWV 129)
Lass, o Fürst der Cherubinen (from Cantata BWV 130)
Bist du, der mir helfen soll (from Cantata BWV 186)
Getrost! es fasst ein heilger Leib (from Cantata BWV 133)
Komm, du süsse Todesstunde (from Cantata BWV 161)
Ja, ja, ich halte Jesum feste (from Cantata BWV 157)]
2. J.G. Graun: Trio Sonata in B flat for violin, viola, and continuo [1st & 3rd mvts.only]
3. Group of Arias and Duets:
[Erschrecke doch (from Cantata BWV 102)
Wie jammern mich doch (from Cantata BWV 170)
Meinen Jesum lass ich nicht. (from Cantata BWV 98)
Auch die harte Kreuzesreise (from Cantata BWV 123)
Ich lebe, mein Herze, zu deinem Ergötzen (from Cantata BWV 145)
Ich will doch wohl Rosen brechen (from Cantata BWV 86)
O Menschen die ihr täglich sündigt (from Cantata BWV 122
Ergiesse dich reichlich (from Cantata BWV 5)
Capital und Interesse (from Cantata BWV 168)
Quoniam tu solus sanctus (from Mass in F major, BWV 233)]
4. Suite for solo cello in D major, BWV 1012: Allemande & Courante only
5. Group of Arias and Duets:
[Seufzer, Tränen, Kummer, Not, Komm, mein Jesu, und erquicke, and Erfreue dich Seele (from Cantata BWV 21)
Süsser Trost, mein Jesus kömmt (from Cantata BWV 151)] |
Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Institute. Artist-Fellows; Bach Aria Group |
? |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 14, 1992 |
2-CD / TT: 121:08 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F92-4 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Thursday June 18, 1992 at 7:00 PM : [concert given at] Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook : Young People's Concert |
1-3. [Introduction] ; Aria "Gigue" [Doch weichet, ihr tollen vergeblichen Sorgen] for bass, flute, strings, and continuo from Cantata BWV 8
4-5. [Introduction]
J.D. Zelenka: [From] Trio Sonata in C minor for 2 oboes, bassoon, and continuo: Andante ; Allegro [1st & 2nd mvts.]
6-7. [Introduction]
[From] Sonata in G minor for solo violin: Adagio ; Presto [1st & 4th mvts.]
8-9. [Introduction]
Aria "Polonaise" for alto, 2 oboes, and continuo from Cantata BWV 43
10-11. [Introduction]
[From] Brandenburg Concerto, No. 6 in B♭̈ for violas, celli, and continuo: Allegro
12-13. [Introduction]
[Nos. 1, 4-7, and 10 from the Coffee Cantata (BWV 211)] |
? |
Bach Aria Institute. Artist-Fellows; Bach Aria Group |
Tenor: David Britton; Colin Jacobsen |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 18, 1992 |
CD / TT: 61:55 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Isla, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F92-5 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Friday June 19, 1992 : [concert given at] Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook : Artist-Fellows Recital |
1. Ensemble Arias and Duets:
from Cantatas BWV 248/5, BWV 85, BWV 199, BWV 29, BWV 132, BWV 166)
2. J.A. Hasse: Trio Sonata in F for oboe, violin, and continuo
3. Ensemble Arias and Duets:
from Cantatas BWV 182, BWV 171, BWV 116, BWV 159, BWV 158, Mass in B minor BWV 232, Cantatas BWV 55, BWV 115, BWV 248, BWV 110]
4. A. Lotti: Trios for voices and continuo [Fugacità del tempo ; Lamento di tre amanti]
5. Ensemble Arias and Duets:
from Cantata BWV 127, St. John Passion BWV 245, Cantatas BWV 206, BWV 155, 173a, BWV 82, and BWV 97]
Chorus "Freut euch und jubiliert from the 1st version, in E flat, of the Magnificat, BWV 243a arr. for instrumental ensemble] |
? |
Bach Aria Institute: Artist-Fellows; Bach Aria Group |
? |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 19, 1992 |
3-CD / TT: 157:15 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F92-6 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Saturday, June 20, 1992 at 8:30 PM : [concert given at] Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook : Bach and the opera |
1. G.F. Handel: Overture to Serse; Ombra mai fu from Serse, for tenor, strings and continuo [Tenor: David Britton; Festival Orchestra, Samuel Baron (Conductor)]
2. J.A. Hasse: Diglio ch'io son fedele from Cleofide, for soprano, strings, and continuo [Soprano: Beverly Hoch; Festival Orchestra]
3. Arias from Drammae per musica:
Take these tender grapes and cherries, from The appeasement of Aeolus (Cantata BWV 205) for alto, oboe d'amore, and continuo [English lyrics by Sheldon Harnick] [Alto: D'Anna Fortunato, Ronald Roseman (Oboe), Timothy Eddy (Cello), Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord)]
Sweet coffee from the Coffee cantata (Cantata BWV 211), aria for soprano, flute and coninuo [English lyrics by Samuel Baron] [Soprano: Beverly Hoch, Samuel Baron (Flute), Timothy Eddy (Cello), Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord)]
With dancing and leaping (Mvt. 7) from The contest between Phoebus and Pan (Cantata BWV 201)] / [English lyrics by Sheldon Harnick] [Baritone: Robert Honeysucker, Festival Orchestra, Samuel Baron (Conductor)]
4. C.H. Graun: Montezuma, in excerpted concert version; libretto by Frederick the Great [Baritone: Robert Honeysucker (Montezuma); Alto: D'Anna Fortunato (Montezuma); Soprano: Beverly Hoch (Eupaforice); Tenor: David Britton (Cortes); Soprano: Cherry O'Brien (Pilpatoe); Festival Orchestra & Chorus, Samuel Baron (Conductor)] |
Yehudi Wyner; Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Beverly Hoch; Soprano: Cherry O'Brien; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Baritone: Robert Honeysucker
Samuel Baron (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord) |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 20, 1992 |
2-CD / TT: 89:46 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F93-1 |
Bach Aria Festival & Institute, Saturday June 19, 1993 : Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook : panel discussion at 7:00 PM [and] concert at 8:30 PM |
1 [CD 2, tracks 1-4]:
F. Couperin: L'Apothéose de Lully, for flute, oboe, violin & continuo [Samuel Baron; Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Cowdery] [section introductions by Jeffrey Stevens]
2 [CD 2, tracks 5-10]:
Cantata BWV 194, Höchsterwünschtes Freudenfest. Part I [Soprano: Julianne Baird; Baritone: Robert Honeysucker; Daniel Phillips (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Festival Chorus and Orchestra, Samuel Baron (Conductor)]
3 [CD 2, tracks 11-17]:
F. Couperin: Ordre 8 in B minor, from Pièces de clavecin [Arthur Haas (Harpsichord)]
4 [CD 3, track 1]:
J.B. Lully: Scene from Armide [Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Festival Chorus and Orchestra, Samuel Baron (Conductor)]
5. [CD 3, track 2]:
Suite in B minor for flute and strings, BWV 1067 [Samuel Baron (Flute), Festival Orchestra] |
Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Julianne Baird; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Baritone: Robert Honeysucker
Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello); William Cowdery; Arthur Haas (Harpsichord); James R Anthony; Eugene L Cox; James Irsay; Jeffrey Stevens |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 19, 1993 |
3-CD / TT: 140:40 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F93-2 |
Bach Aria Festival & Institute, Sunday June 20, 1993 at 2:00 PM : Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook : Artist-Fellows recital. |
1. Introduction / Samuel Baron
2. Erfüllet, ihr himmlischen, göttlichen Flammen, from Cantata BWV 8
3.Tilg, Gott, die Lehren, from Cantata BWV 2
4. Was willst du dich, mein Geist, entsetzen, from Cantata BWV 8
5. Hier in meines Vaters Stätte, from Cantata BWV 32
6. Gott hat alles wohl gemacht, from Cantata BWV 35
7-8. J.D. Zelenka: [Adagio and Allegro ma non troppo from] Sonata for 2 oboes, bassoon and continuo [no. 4]
9. Ei! wie schmeckt der Coffee süsse, from the Coffee Cantata BWV 211
10. In der Welt habt ihr Angst, from Cantata BWV 87
11. Ergiesse dich reichlich, du göttliche Quelle, from Cantata BWV 5
12. Ich bin vergnügt in meinem Leiden, from Cantata BWV 58
13. Wenn auch gleich aus der Höllen, from Cantata BWV 107
14. Lass, o Welt, mich aus Verachtung, from Cantata BWV 123
15. A. Lotti: Lamento di tre amanti, from Duetti, terzetti e madrigali, Op. 1
16. Mein Jesu, ziehe mich nach dir, from Cantata, BWV 22
1. Auch mit gedämpften, schwachen Stimmen, from Cantata BWV 36
2. Lass mein Herz die Münze sein, from Cantata BWV 163
3. So schnell ein rauschend Wasser schiesst, from Cantata BWV 26
4. Gott, du hast es wohl gefüget, from Cantata BWV 63
5. H. Biber: Sonata for violin scordatura and continuo
6. Kein Arzt ist ausser dir zu finden, from Cantata BWV 103
7. Komm in mein Herzenshaus, Herr Jesu, from Cantata BWV 80
8. Es ist vollbracht, from Cantata BWV 159
9. Unser Mund und Ton der Saiten, from Cantata BWV 1 |
Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
? |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 20, 1993 |
2-CD / TT: 126:13 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F93-3 |
Bach Aria Festival & Institute, Thursday June 24, 1993 at 7:00 PM : Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook : Young People's Concert |
? |
? |
Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Beverly Hoch; Tenor: David Britton |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 24, 1993 |
CD / TT: |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA. The event, announced as being the "annual children's concert presented by the Bach Aria Festival", introduces the younger members of the audience to the music of J.S. Bach and his contemporaries through spoken commentary, performance of excerpts from works in various forms, including the trio sonata, the cantata, the concerto grosso, and the suite; the last five selections present examples of various dance forms from the 17th and 18th centuries.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F93-4 |
Bach Aria Festival & Institute, Friday June 25, 1993 at 8:30 PM : Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook : Artist-Fellows Recital. |
Ensemble arias and duets:
[1. Domine Deus, from the Mass in F major, BWV 233
2. Hört, ihr Augen, auf zu weinen, from Cantata BWV 98
3. Meine Seufzer, meine Tränen, from Cantata BWV 13
4. Meine Seele sei vergnügt, from Cantata BWV 204
5. Esurientes implevit bonis, from the Magnificat in D major, BWV 243
6. Phöbus eilt mit schnellen Pferden, from Cantata BWV 202
7. Warum willst du so zornig sein, from Cantata BWV 101
8. Des Vaters Stimme liess sich hören, from Cantata, BWV 7]
[Ensemble arias and duets (cont.):
(1. Jesu, beuge doch mein Herze, from Cantata BWV 47
2. Die Liebe zieht mit sanften Schritten, from Cantata, BWV 36
3. Die Schätzbarkeit der weiten Erden, from Cantata BWV 204
4. Ächzen und erbärmlich Weinen, from Cantata BWV 13
5. Bete aber auch dabei Mitten in dem Wachen!, from Cantata BWV 115)
6. Three movements from an unidentified suite in E minor for harpsichord
Ensemble arias and duets (cont.):
7. Mund und Herze steht dir offen, from Cantata BWV 148
8. Ach, bleibe doch, mein liebstes Leben, from the Himmelfahrts-Oratorium, BWV 11/249b
9. Qui tollis peccata, from the Mass in A major, BWV 234
10. Ich fürchte nicht des Grabes Finsternissen, from Cantata, BWV 66)]
[Ensemble arias and duets (cont.):
(1. Seid wachsam, ihr heiligen Wächter, from Cantata BWV 149
2. Buss' und Reu', from the St. Matthew Passion BWV 244
3. Erbarme dich, erbarme dich, mein Gott, from St. Matthew Passion BWV 244
4. Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben, from St. Matthew Passion BWV 244
5. G.F. Handel: Grave and Allegro (No. 1) from] Sonata for flute & continuo, from Op. 1
[Ensemble arias and duets (cont.):
(6. Jesu, deine Gnadenblicke, from the Himmelfahrts-Oratorium, BWV 11/249b
7. Woferne du den edlen Frieden, from Cantata BWV 41
8. Ich habe genug, from Cantata BWV 82
9. Wie will ich mich freuen, from Cantata BWV 146)]. |
Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
? |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 25, 1993 |
3-CD / TT: 147:33 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F93-5 |
Bach Aria Festival & Institute, Sunday June 27, 1993, Chelsea Center, East Norwich : "Bachanalia in Nassau" : The progressive Bach : concert at 2:00 PM |
1 (tracks 1-4). Trio Sonata from the Musical Offering BWV 1079 for flute, oboe and continuo (Largo; Allegro; Andante; Allegro) [Samuel Baron (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord)]
2 (tracks 5-9). Spoken introduction:
Cantata BWV 51, Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen for soprano, trumpet, strings and continuo
1. Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen, aria for soprano, trumpet and orchestra
2. Wir beten, recitative for soprano, strings, and continuo
3. Höchster, mache deine Güte, aria for soprano, cello, and continuo
4. Sei Lob un Preis mit Ehren, chorale for soprano, 2 violins and continuo; Alleluja, aria for soprano, trumpet, and continuo) [Soprano: Beverly Hoch; Thomas Hoyt (Trumpet); Festival Orchestra, Samuel Baron (Conductor)] |
Yehudi Wyner; Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group.; |
Soprano: Beverly Hoch
Thomas Hoyt (Trumpet); Samuel Baron (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord) |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music. |
Jun 27, 1993 |
CD / TT: 40:27 |
Recorded live at Chelsea Center, East Norwich, New York, USA. The Festival was presented under the direction of the Bach Aria Group and under the auspices of the Music Department, State University of New York, Stony Brook.
2nd recording of Cantata BWV 51 by S. Baron / Y. Wyner.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F94-1 |
Bach Aria Festival & Institute, Wednesday, June 15, 1994 : [concert given at] Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook |
1. G.P. Telemann: Hamburger Ebb und Fluth (Wasser-Ouvertüre), TWV 55 = Overture in C major for 2 oboes, 2 flutes, bassoon & orchestra [Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Festival Orchestra, Samuel Baron (Conductor)]
2. The Peasant Cantata BWV 212 (Cantata in Burlesque) [Soprano: Beverly Hoch; Baritone: James Maddalena; Festival Orchestra, Samuel Baron (Conductor)]
3. Arias in Dance Forms:
Wohl mir, Jesus is gefunden, duet for alto, tenor, oboe d'amore & strings from Cantata BWV 154
Die Liebe zieht mit sanften Schritten, aria for tenor, oboe & continuo from Cantata BWV 36
O Mensch, errette deine Seele, aria for alto, strings, & continuo from Cantata BWV 20
Ich fürchte nicht des Grabes Finsternissen, duet for alto, tenor, violin & continuo from Cantata BWV 66
[Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord)]
4. Orchestral Suite in B minor, BWV 1067, for flute, strings & continuo [Samuel Baron (Flute); Festival Orchestra] |
Yehudi Wyner; Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Beverly Hoch; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Baritone: James Maddalena
Samuel Baron (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord) |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 15, 1994 |
2-CD / TT: 87:33 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F94-2 |
Bach Aria Festival & Institute, Saturday, June 18, 1994 : Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook : Bach's libretti : their literary background : Panel discussion at 7:00 PM, Concert at 8:30 PM |
I. Panel Discussion at 7:00 PM [James Day; Barbara Becker-Cantarino; Mark Lederway]
II. Concert at 8:30 PM:
1. Cantata BWV 156 Ich steh mit einem Fuss im Grabe [Soprano: Beverly Hoch; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Baritone: James Maddalena; Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Festival Orchestra & Chorus, Samuel Baron (Conductor)]
2. O selger Christ, der allzeit seinen Willen, arioso, recitative and aria for alto, 2 violins & continuo from Cantata BWV 72
Seufzer, Tränen, Kummer, Not, aria for soprano, oboe & continuo from Cantata BWV 21 [Soprano: Beverly Hoch; Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord)]
3. Ihr werdet weinen und heulen, opening chorus from Cantata BWV 103 [Festival Orchestra & Chorus, Yehudi Wyner (Conductor)]
4. Cantata BWV 211: Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht (Coffee cantata) [Soprano: Beverly Hoch; Tenor: David Britton Baritone: James Maddalena; Samuel Baron (Flute); Festival Orchestra, Yehudi Wyner (Conductor)] |
Yehudi Wyner; Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Beverly Hoch; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Baritone: James Maddalena
Samuel Baron (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord); James Day; Barbara Becker-Cantarino; Mark I Lederway |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 18, 1994 |
2-CD / TT: 122:18 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
1st recording of Cantata BWV 211 by S. Baron / Y. Wyner.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F94-3 |
Bach Aria Festival & Institute, Sunday, June 19, 1994 : Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook : Artist-Fellows Recital : concert at 2:00 PM |
1. [Two movements from an unidentified trio sonata for two violins and continuo]
2. Ensemble Arias and Duets:
from cantatas BWV 87, BWV 113, BWV 110, BWV 205]
3. [Affettuoso and Vivace from the Trio Sonata in G.P. Telemann's Tafelmusik II]
[4. Ensemble Arias and Duets:
from Cantatas:BWV 132, BWV 113, BWV 182, BWV 21, BWV 26, BWV 29 12, BWV 120a, BWV 26, BWV 94]
[5]. Sonata for cello and harpsichord in D major, BWV 1028
[6]. Ensemble Arias and Duets:
from Cantatas BWV 145, 98, BWV 35, BWV 139] |
? |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute. Artist-Fellows; Bach Aria Group |
? |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 19, 1994 |
2-CD / TT: 108:53 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F94-4 |
Bach Aria Festival & Institute, Thursday, June 23, 1994 : Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook : Young People's Concert : The ebb and flow of summer waters : concert at 7:00 PM |
[Excerpts from]:
Water Music for 2 oboes, 2 flutes, bassoon & orchestra. [Ouverture ; Gavotte: Die spielenden Najaden]
Harlequina: Triton joking [= Die schertzenden Tritons]
Aeolus, god of the winds [= Der stürmende Aeolus]
G.P. Telemann: Gigue: Ebb and flow of the harbor in Hamburg [= Ebbe und Fluth]
[Artist-Fellows of the Institute]
Arias of rivers and streams:
[Hört doch! der sanften Flöten Chor (from Cantata BWV 206)
Merkt und hört, ihr Menschenkinder (from Cantata BWV 7)
Zum reinen Wasser er mich weist (from Cantata BWV 112)
So schnell ein rauschend Wasser schiesst (from Cantata BWV 26)] [Artist-Fellows of the Institute]
A. Vivaldi: Concerto in A minor for violin & orchestra [Christine Ahn (Violin); Eroica Youth Symphony of the North Shore Suzuki School; Gary Hodges (Conductor)] |
Gary Hodges |
Bach Aria Institute: Artist-Fellows; North Shore Suzuki School. Eroica Youth Symphony; Bach Aria Group. |
Tenor: David Britton; Christine Ahn |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 23, 1994 |
CD / TT: 53:10 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F94-5 |
Bach Aria Festival & Institute, June 24, 1994. : [Part 1] Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook : Artist-Fellows recital : concert at 8:30 PM |
1. J.D. Zelenka: Trio sonata in F major [2nd-3rd mvts. only]
2. Ensemble arias and duets:
[Ja, ja, ich halte Jesum feste (from Cantata BWV 157)
Gedenk an Jesu bittern Tod (from Cantata BWV 101)
O du angenehmes Paar (from Cantata BWV 197)]
3. F. Couperin: Concert royal No. 4 in E minor for flute, oboe and continuo [i.e. flute and continuo; Prelude, Courante, and Forlane only]
4. Ensemble arias and Duets:
[Lass mein Herz die Münze sein (Cantata BWV 163)
Tröste mir, Jesu mein Gemüte (from Cantata BWV 135)
Wann kommt der Tag (from Cantata BWV 70)
Ei! wie schmeckt der Coffee süsse (from Cantata BWV 211)]
5. Sonata in C major for 2 violins [i.e.Sonata for violin and cembalo in C minor, BWV 1017: 1st and 4th mvts. only]
[6. Arias. Komm, süsses Kreuz, from St. Matthew Passion BWV 244
Bete aber auch dabei Mitten in dem Wachen! (from Cantata BWV 115)
Des Vaters Stimme liess sich hören (from Cantata BWV 7) |
? |
Bach Aria Institute. Artist-Fellows; Bach Aria Group |
? |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 24, 1994 |
2-CD / TT: 85:54 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F94-6 |
Bach Aria Festival & Institute, June 24, 1994. : [Part 2] Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook : Artist-Fellows recital : concert at 8:30 PM |
Arias and duets from the Cantatas:
Ach, wir bekennen unsre Schuld (from Cantata BWV 116)
Gott, du hast es wohl gefüget (from Cantata BWV 63)
Stürze zu Boden, schwülstige Stolze (from Cantata BWV 126)
Du musst glauben, du musst hoffen (from Cantata BWV 155)
Ächzen und erbärmlich Weinen (from Cantata BWV 13)
Trio Sonata from The Musical Offering BWV 1079 [1st and 2nd mvts. only]
Arias. Es ist vollbracht (from St. John Passion BWV 245)
Ich traue seiner Gnaden (from Cantata BWV 97)
Ihm hab ich mich ergeben (from Cantata BWV 97)
Was die Seele kann ergötzen (from Cantata BWV 30a
Sei vergnügt (from Cantata BWV 210a) |
? |
Bach Aria Institute: Artist-Fellows; Bach Aria Group |
? |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 24, 1994 |
2-CD / TT: 77:06 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F94-7 |
Bach Aria Festival & Institute, Saturday, June 25, 1994 : Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook : Currents in Bach's religious thought : Panel discussion at 7:00 PM, Concert at 8:30 PM |
I. Panel discussion at 7:00 PM (John Ogasapian; Peter Reill; Joyce Irwin; James Irsay).
II. Concert at 8:30 PM:
1. Bach the Rationalist:
Ich glaube lieber Herr, hilf meinem Unglauben: opening chorus from Cantata BWV 109 [Festival Orchestra & Chorus, Samuel Baron (Conductor)]
2. Bach the Orthodox Lutheran:
Arias from Cantata BWV 97:
Nichts ist es spät und frühe: aria for bass, cello & continuo (Mvt. 2)
Ich traue seiner Gnaden: aria for tenor, violin & continuo (Mvt. 4)
[Tenor: David Britton; Baritone: James Maddalena; Daniel Phillips (Violin)]
3. Bach the Secularist:
Brandenburg concerto No. 3 in G major, BWV 1048, for 3 violins, 3 violas & continuo [Daniel Phillips (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Festival Orchestra]
4. Bach the Pietist: Group of arias:
Betörte Welt : aria for alto, flute & continuo from Cantata BWV 94
Die Seele ruht in Jesu Händen: aria for soprano, oboe, 2 flutes & orchestra (Mvt. 3) from Cantata BWV 127 [*]
[Soprano: Beverly Hoch; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Samuel Baron (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord)]
5. Bach the Enlightened Humanist:
Doch Königin, du stirbest nicht : final chorus from the Trauerode, Cantata BWV 198 [Festival Orchestra & Chorus, Samuel Baron (Conductor)]. |
Yehudi Wyner; Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Beverly Hoch; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Baritone: James Maddalena
Samuel Baron (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord); John Ogasapian; Peter Hanns Reill; Joyce L Irwin; James Irsay |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 25, 1994 |
2-CD / TT: 120:07 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F94-8 |
Bach Aria Festival & Institute, Sunday, June 26, 1994 : "Bacchanalia in Nassau" : Bach's society and his social status : [concerts and panel discussion given at] Chelsea Center, East Norwich |
Concert at 2:00 PM:
1. Music for the Thomaskirche:
Ihr werdet weinen und heulen: opening chorus from Cantata BWV 103 [Festival Orchestra & Chorus, Yehudi Wyner (Conductor)]
2. [Sein Segen fliesst daher wie ein Strom]: Music cby the director of Leipzig barge traffic for his wedding (used later in the Mass in B minor BWV 232 for the Court of Friedrich August II in Dresden):
Aria: Wohl Dir, da zur erwünschten Stunde
Arioso: Ein Mara weicht von Dir
Aria: So tritt in diese Paradies
[The Bach Aria Group]
3. Music for the court at Cöthen:
Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G major, BWV 1048 [Festival Orchestra]
4. Music played at Zimmermann's Coffee House by the Collegium Musicum:
Cantata BWV 211: Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht (Coffee Cantata) [Soprano: Beverly Hoch; Tenor: David Britton; Baritone: James Maddalena; Samuel Baron (Flute); Festival Orchestra, Yehudi Wyner (Conductor)]
Panel Discussion at 3:15 PM [Joyce Irwin; Ulrich Siegele; Teri Noel Towe; Suzanne Bona]
Concert at 5:00 PM:
1. Music for Frederick the Great:
Ricercar for six voices from The musical offering BWV 1079 (Festival Orchestra, Samuel Baron, conductor)
2. Music commissioned to honor nobility and royalty:
Was die Seele kann ergötzen: aria for alto, flute, violin & orchestra from Cantata BWV 30a
Doch Königin, du stirbest nicht: final chorus from the Trauer Ode, Cantata BWV 198 [Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Samuel Baron (Flute); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Festival Orchestra & Chorus]
3. Music for the Prince of Cöthen:
Orchestral suite in B minor, BWV 1067, for flute, strings & continuo [Samuel Baron (Flute), Festival Orchestra] |
Yehudi Wyner; Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Beverly Hoch; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Baritone: James Maddalena
Samuel Baron (Flute); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Suzanne Bona; Joyce Irwin; Ulrich Siegele; Teri Noel Towe |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 26, 1994 |
3-CD / TT: 174:18 |
Recorded live at Chelsea Center, East Norwich, New York, USA.
2nd recording of Cantata BWV 211 by S. Baron / Y. Wyner.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F95-1 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Wednesday, June 14 1995 : Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook : Bach & the 18th century : concert at 8:30 PM |
1. G.F. Handel: Music from L'Allegro ed il Penseroso [Soprano: Beverly Hoch; Tenor: David Britton; Bass: Kurt Link; Festival Orchestra & Chorus, Samuel Baron, conductor]
2. W.A. Mozart: The Scene of the two armed men from The magic flute, K. 546; Adagio and Fugue in C minor for string orchestra [Festival Orchestra, Samuel Baron, conductor]
3. Cantata BWV 80, Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott [Bach Aria Group; Festival Orchestra & Chorus, Yehudi Wyner (Conductor)] |
Yehudi Wyner; Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Beverly Hoch; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Bass: Kurt Link |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 14, 1995 |
2-CD / TT: 76:55 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F95-2 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Saturday, June 17 1995 : Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook : Bach & the 19th century-- the romantic interpreters : pre-concert recital/discussion at 7:00 PM, concert at 8:30 PM |
1. Group of arias:
Liebster Jesu, mein Verlangen, aria for soprano, oboe, strings & continuo from Cantata BWV 32
Erbarme dich, aria for tenor, flute & continuo from Cantata BWV 55
Ach, wenn wird die Zeit erscheinen, trio for soprano, alto, tenor, violin & continuo from the Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248
[Soprano: Beverly Hoch; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Samuel Baron (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord)]
2. Four chorales by Bach and the Chorale Preludes on the same chorales by J. Brahms, Op. 122 (performed in chamber music transcriptions by Samuel Baron):
Herzliebster Jesu
Herzlich tut mich erfreuen
Herzlich tut mich verlangen
O Welt, ich muss dich lassen
[Festival Chorus & Orchestra, Samuel Baron (conductor)]
3. F. Mendelssohn: It is enough, from Elijah, aria for bass & orchestra
Es ist vollbracht, from St. John Passion BWV 245, aria for alto, v'cello, orchestra & continuo
[Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Bass: Kurt Link; Timothy Eddy (Cello) Timothy Eddy (Cello); Festival Orchestra, Samuel Baron (Conductor)]
4. Brandenburg concerto No. 4, BWV 1049 [Daniel Phillips (Violin); Samuel Baron (Flute); Festival Orchestra]
Pre-Concert Recital/Discussion:
1. Introduction to concert / Carol Baron
2. Introduction to Bach violin-music selections as composed by him and as arranged by Schumann / Yehudi Wyner
3-8. Adagio from the Sonata in G minor for solo violin, BWV 1001
The same Adagio with piano acc. by Schumann
Preludio from the Partita in E major for solo violin, BWV 1006
The same Preludio with piano acc. by Schumann
[Daniel Phillips (Violin); Yehudi Wyner (Piano)]. |
Yehudi Wyner; Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Beverly Hoch; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Bass: Kurt Link
Samuel Baron (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord, Piano) |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 17, 1995 |
2-CD / TT: 118:42 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WoLibraries |
F95-3 |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute, Sunday, June 18, 1995 : Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook : Artist-Fellows Recital : concert at 2:00 PM. |
1. C.P.E. Bach: Trio sonata in B minor for 2 violins & continuo
2. Ensemble Arias and Duets:
[Ich nehme mein Leiden mit Freuden auf mich, from Cantata BWV 75
Geliebter Jesu, from Cantata BWV 16
Gott hat alles wohl gemacht, from Cantata BWV 35
Sie werden euch in den Bann tun, from Cantata BWV 44
Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (Soprano aria), from Cantata BWV 100
3. Andante and Allegro moderato (2nd-3rd mvts.) from Sonata for Viola da gamba and harpsichord (arr.)
4. Ensemble Arias and Duets:
Hochgelobter Gottessohn, from Cantata BWV 6
Erschrecke doch, from Cantata BWV 102
Ach, bleibe doch, mein liebstes Leben, from Cantata BWV 11
Jesus ist ein Schild der Seinen, from Cantata BWV 42
Was willst du dich, mein Geist, entsetzen, from Cantata BWV 8
Ach, ziehe die Seele mit Seilen der Liebe, from Cantata BWV 96]
4. (Cont.). Ensemble Arias and Duets:
Doch Jesus will auch bei der Strafe, from Cantata BWV 46
Nichts ist es spat und frühe, from Cantata BWV 97
Auch mit gedämpften, schwachen Stimmen, from Cantata BWV 36
Canon alla duodecima from Die Kunst der Fuge BWV 1080 (No. 17)
Ich wünschte mir den Tod, from Cantata BWV 57
Gebt mir meinen Jesum wieder, from the St. Matthew Passion BWV 244
Schweigt, ihr Flöten, schweigt, ihr Töne, from Cantata BWV 210
Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Schritten, from Cantata BWV 78
Doch weichet, ihr tollen vergeblichen Sorgen, from Cantata BWV 8]. |
Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Institute. Artist-Fellows; Bach Aria Group |
? |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 18, 1995 |
2-CD / TT: 113:02 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F95-4 |
Bach Aria Festival & Institute, Thursday, June 22, 1995 : Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook : Young People's Concert : The Baroque concerto : concert at 7:00 PM. |
[Gott hat allles wohl gemacht, from Cantata BWV 35]
A. Vivaldi: Allegro from Concerto in A minor for 2 violins, Op. 3 No. 8
Aria in concerto form:
[Ach, mein Sinn, wo willt du endlich hin, from St. John Passion BWV 245]
Brandenburg concerto No. 4 [Artist-Fellows of the Institute]
[Arias in concerto form (cont.):
Ach, wenn wird die Zeit erscheinen, from the Christmas Oratorio BWV 248
Gebt mir meinen Jesum wieder, from the St. Matthew Passion BWV 244]
A. Vivaldi: Allegro from Spring (The Four Seasons) [Caren Lee (Violin soloist); Eroica Youth Symphony; John Cardona (Conductor)] |
John Cardona |
Eroica Youth Symphony; Bach Aria Group |
Tenor: David Britton; Caren Lee (Violin) |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 22, 1995 |
CD / TT: 54:50 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F95-5 |
Bach Aria Festival & Institute, Friday, June 23, 1995 : Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook : Artist-Fellows Recital : Concert at 8:30 PM |
- |
F. Couperin: La Paix du Parnasse from L'Apothéose de Lully, for flute, oboe, violin & continuo
Ensemble arias and duets:
[Erfüllet, ihr himmlischen, göttlichen Flammen, from Cantata BWV 1
Schliesse, mein Herze, Frohe Hirten, eilt, and Erleucht auch meine finstre Sinnen, from the Christmas Oratorio BWV 248
Kein Arzt ist ausser dir zu finden, from Cantata BWV 103]
[Two movements from unidentified trio sonata for violin, oboe, and continuo]
Ensemble arias and duets (cont.):
[Wann kommt der Tag, from Cantata BWV 70
Herr, du siehst statt guter Werke, from Cantata BWV 9
Bete aber auch dabei, from Cantata BWV 115
Ich traue seiner Gnaden, from Cantata BWV 97
Herr, dein Mitleid, dein Erbarmen, from the Christmas Oratorio BWV 248]
Ensemble arias and duets (cont.):
[Erschütt're dich nur nicht, from Cantata BWV 99
Ich habe genug, from Cantata BWV 82
Phöbus eilt mit schnellen Pferden, from Cantata BWV 202]
W.F. Bach: Duet for 2 flutes in F major
Ensemble arias and duets (cont.):
[Die Armut, so Gott auf sich nimmt, from Cantata BWV 91
Mein Freund ist mein!, from Cantata BWV 140
Ich esse mit Freude, from Cantata BWV 84
In der Welt habt ihr Angst, from Cantata BWV 87
Erbarme dich, from the St. Matthew Passion BWV 244
Ich halt es mit dem lieben Gott, from Cantata BWV 52]
Largo & Allegro (1st & 4th mvts.) from Musical Offering BWV 1079
Ensemble arias and duets (cont.):
Nun mögt ihr stolzen Feinde schrecken, from the Christmas Oratorio BWV 248
Woferne du den edlen Frieden, from Cantata BWV 41
Qui sedes, from the Mass in B minor BWV 232
Mein gläubiges Herze, from Cantata BWV 68]. |
? |
Bach Aria Institute. Fellows; Bach Aria Group |
? |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 23, 1995 |
3-CD / TT: 160:03 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F95-6 |
Bach Aria Festival & Institute, Saturday, June 24, 1995 : Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook : Bach in the Americas : concert at 8:30 PM |
1. Group of arias and duets performed in 19th century America:
Ich lebe mein Herz, zu deinem Ergötzen, duet for soprano, tenor, violin & continuo, from Cantata BWV 145
Aria for Tenor So schnell ein rauschend Wasser schiesst (Mvt. 6), from Cantata BWV 26
Stürze zu Boden, aria for bass, v'cello & continuo, from Cantata BWV 126
Wie starb die Heldin so vergnügt, aria for alto, 2 celli, & continuo (Mvt. 5) from Cantata BWV 198
Leit' o Gott, durch deine Liebe, aria for soprano, violin, strings & continuo from Cantata BWV 120a
Der Tod bleibt doch der menschlichen Natur verhasst, dialog for alto, bass & continuo, from Cantata BWV 60
Es ist genug, chorale from Cantata BWV 60
[Soprano: Beverly Hoch ; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Bass: Kurt Link; Samuel Baron (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord)]
2. Woodwind quintet (1988). Reflections on a question; Romanza: Andante; Scherzo; Chorale prelude (on Es ist genug) [Ronald Roseman (Oboe); New York Woodwind Quintet]
3. H. Villa-Lobos: Bachianas Brasileiras No. 9 for orchestra of voices (1948).: Prelude; Fugue [Festival Chorus, Samuel Baron (Conductor)]
4. Orchestral suite no. 1 in C major, BWV 1066: Ouverture; Courante; Gavottes I & II; Forlane; Menuett I & II ; Bourree I & II ; Passepied I & II [Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Daniel Phillips (Violin), Festival Orchestra] |
Yehudi Wyner; Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group; New York Woodwind Quintet |
Soprano: Beverly Hoch; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Bass: Kurt Link
Samuel Baron (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord); Carol Baron |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 24, 1995 |
2-CD / TT: 85:57 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F97-1 |
Bach Aria Festival & Institute, Wednesday, June 11, 1997 : [concert given at] Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook |
I. F. Mendelssohn: Symphony no. 12 for strings in G minor: 1st mvt. [Festival Orchestra, Daniel Phillips (Conductor)]
II. Cantata BWV 178: Wo Gott, der Herr, nicht bei uns hält [Alto: D'Anna Fortunato, Tenor: David Britton, Bass-Baritone: Stephen Morscheck, Ronald Roseman (Oboe), Daniel Phillips (Violin), Timothy Eddy (Cello), Festival Orchestra & Chorus, Yehudi Wyner, Conductor]
III. [Four chorale preludes, arranged for instrumental ensemble] - In place of Samuel Baron's arrangements for instrumental ensemble of the chorale preludes Nun komm der Heiden Heiland, O Mensch, bewein' dein Sünde gross, Das alte Jahr vergangen ist, and Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt, listed in the program, the recording presents four other works for instrumental ensemble, apparently also chorale-prelude arrangements by Samuel Baron.
IV. Group of arias:
Wenn kommst du, mein Heil?, duet for soprano and bass, violin & continuo from Cantata BWV 140
Zweig' und Äste, duet for alto and tenor, flute & continuo from Cantata BWV 205
Qui tollis, aria for soprano, 2 flutes & continuo from Mass in A major, BWV 234
Wie will ich mich freuen, duet for tenor and bass & orchestra from Cantata BWV 146
[Soprano: Beverly Hoch, Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton, Bass-Baritone: Stephen Morscheck, Christopher Krueger (Flute), Daniel Phillips (Violin), Timothy Eddy (Cello), Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord), Festival Orchestra]. |
Yehudi Wyner; Daniel Phillips |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Beverly Hoch; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Bass-Baritone: Stephen Morscheck
Christopher Krueger (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord) |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 11, 1997 |
CD / TT: |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F97-2 |
Bach Aria Festival & Institute, Saturday, June 14, 1997 : [concert given at] Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook |
I. Group of Arias:
from Cantatas BWV 86, BWV 180, BWV 126]
[Alto: D'Anna Fortunato, Tenor: David Britton, Bass-Baritone: Stephen Morscheck, Daniel Phillips (Violin), Timothy Eddy (Cello), Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord)]
II. Jazz improvisations on music by J.S. Bach. Dosoku I (Prelude from Partita No. 3, Anna Magdalena's Notebook); Dosoku II (Prelude from Suite No. 4 for Unaccompanied Violoncello) [Ray Anderson (Trombone); Steve Salerno (Guitar)]
III. Suite No. 3 in C major for Unaccompanied Violoncello, BWV 1009 [Timothy Eddy (Cello)]
V. Cantata BWV 101, Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott [Soprano: Beverly Hoch; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Bass-Baritone: Stephen Morscheck; Ronald Roseman (Oboe), Daniel Phillips (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Festival Orchestra & Chorus, Yehudi Wyner (Conductor)] |
Yehudi Wyner |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Beverly Hoch; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Bass-Baritone: Stephen Morscheck
Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord); Ray Anderson (Trombone); Steve Salerno (Guitar) |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 14, 1997 |
2-CD / TT: 80:54 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F97-3 |
Bach Aria Festival & Institute, Sunday, June 15, 1997 : Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony : Artist-Fellows Recital : Concert at 2:00 PM |
[1]. J.B. Loeillet: Trio Sonata in D minor for violin, oboe & continuo [movts. 1-2 only] /
2. Ensemble arias and duets:
[from Cantatas BWV 123, BWV 132, BWV 187, 5, BWV 103]
[3]. J.D. Zelenka: Sonata [in G minor] for 2 oboes, bassoon & continuo [2nd mvt. only]
[4]. Ensemble arias and duets:
[from Cantatas BWV 97, BWV 115, 213, BWV 120a, BWV 42, BWV 140, BWV 110, BWV 58, BWV 35, BWV 55]
Die Kunst der Fuge BWV 1080. Contrapunctus 1
[Ensemble arias and duets from Cantatas BWV 206, BWV 182, BWV 159, BWV 78] |
? |
Bach Aria Festival and Institute. Artist-Fellows; Bach Aria Group |
? |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 15, 1997 |
2-CD / TT: 109:22 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F97-4 |
Bach Aria Festival & Institute, Thursday, June 19, 1997 : Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook : Young People's Concert |
1. Cantata BWV 133, Opening Chorus [Gemini Youth Chorale; Artist-Fellows of the Institute; Steve Finch (Conductor)]
2[a]. S. Rachmaninov: Vocalise (Op. 34 #14) [North Shore Suzuki School]
2[b]. D. Shostakovich: Spanish Dance, arr. Lazar Gosman [North Shore Suzuki School]
3. A. Vivaldi: Violin Concerto in G minor [Elizabeth Fayette (Violin); Artist-Fellows of the Institute]
4. Prelude & Allegro / F. Kreisler [Amos Fayette (Violin); Artist-Fellows of the Institute)
5. Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G major [Daniel Phillips (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Artist-Fellows of the Institute]
6. Cantata BWV 88: Closing Chorus [Gemini Youth Chorale; Artist-Fellows of the Institute, Steve Finch (Conductor)] |
Steve Finch |
Gemini Youth Chorale; Bach Aria Institute. Artist-Fellows; Bach Aria Group.; |
Alto: D'Anna Fortunato
Elizabeth Fayette (Violin); Amos Fayette (Violin); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello) |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 19, 1997 |
CD / TT: 49:45 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F97-5 |
Bach Aria Festival & Institute, Friday, June 20, 1997 : Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook : Artist-Fellows recital : concert at 8:30 PM |
G.F. Handel: Sonata for flute & continuo [?]
Ensemble arias and duets:
[from Cantatas BWV 87, BWV 6, BWV 96, BWV 202, BWV 139, BWV 11, Mass in G major, BWV 236, Cantata BWV 210]
[Sonata in D, BWV 1028]
Ensemble arias and duets:
[from Cantatas BWV 14, BWV 80, BWV 73, BWV 140, BWV 166, BWV 205, BWV 198, BWV 80]
H. Purcell: [Aria from the Fairy Queen
Ensemble arias and duets:
[from Cantatas BWV 97, BWV 3, St. Matthew Passion BWV 244
Contrapunctus V from Die Kunst der Fuge BWV 1080
Ensemble arias and duets:
[from Cantatas BWV 84, BWV 46, BWV 70, BWV 124]
[Trio Sonata (Mvts. 1-2) from Musical Offering BWV 1079]
[Ensemble arias and duets:
from Cantatas BWV 86, BWV 68] |
? |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
? |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 20, 1997 |
3-CD / TT: 178:37 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |
F97-6 |
Bach Aria Festival & Institute, Saturday, June 21, 1997 : [concert given at] Staller Center for the Arts, University at Stony Brook |
1. Sinfonia from Cantata BWV 169 [Daniel Phillips (Violin), Festival Orchestra]
2. Cantata BWV 94, Was frag ich nach der Welt [Soprano: Beverly Hoch; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Bass-Baritone: Stephen Morscheck; Susan Rotholz (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Festival Orchestra & Chorus, Yehudi Wyner (Conductor)]
3. Group of arias:
Jesus ist ein Schild der Seinen, aria for bass, 2 violins & continuo (Mvt. 6) from Cantata BWV 42
Leit' o Gott, aria for soprano, violin, strings & continuo from Cantata BWV 120a
Wir eilen, duet for soprano, alto & continuo from Cantata BWV 78
[Soprano: Beverly Hoch; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Bass-Baritone: Stephen Morscheck; Daniel Phillips (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord)]
4. Brandenburg Concerto no. 3 in G major, BWV 1048 [Daniel Phillips (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Festival Orchestra] |
Yehudi Wyner; Samuel Baron |
Bach Aria Festival Chorus / Bach Aria Festival Orchestra; Bach Aria Group |
Soprano: Beverly Hoch; Alto: D'Anna Fortunato; Tenor: David Britton; Bass-Baritone: Stephen Morscheck
Susan Rotholz (Flute); Ronald Roseman (Oboe); Daniel Phillips (Violin); Timothy Eddy (Cello); Yehudi Wyner (Harpsichord) |
State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Music |
Jun 21, 1997 |
CD / TT: 63:33 |
Recorded live at Staller Center for the Arts, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries |