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Feedback to the Bach Cantatas Website
Part 7: Year 2006 |
Year 2006: January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August |
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January 2006 |
Kirk McElhearn [BRML] wrote (January 3, 2006):
[Following the announcement that the Bach Cantatas Website celebrates its 5th anniversary]
Congratulations are certainly in order! |
Anthony Olszowy [BRML] wrote (January 3, 2006):
[To Kirk McElhearn] Once more, I have to second that. Volunteers, starting with the very generous Aryeh and continuing with frequent contributors to lurkers like me, are an essential element of the study and administration of the arts--and particularly music--throughout much of the world. Kudos to all. |
John Pike [BRML] wrote (January 3, 2006):
Congratulations are absolutely in order! It is certainly a most phenomenal achievement of the highest quality. |
Sw Anandgyan [BRML] wrote (January 3, 2006):
[To Kirk McElhearn]
Exacto Mundo!
I am so grateful to its wealth of knowledge freely available.
Its recognition is becoming more widespread too!
Bravo Aryeh
and to all contributors, past and present. |
Peter Smaill [BRML] wrote (January 3, 2006):
Please do take a bow (if that concept works on the Net!) for the fantastic execution of the Bach Cantata Website. It is to my mind a great medium for allowing this relatively unexplored treasure house to be opened up and even in the short time I have known it, my enjoyment and understanding of Bach has burgeoned.You have created a marvellous, living and lively clearing-house for scholarship and debate! <> |
John Pike [BRML] wrote (January 3, 2006):
[Following the announcment of New Addition to the BCW - Composers]
An excellent idea. Maybe, at a later date, it would be worth adding other composers with links to Bach in other ways, eg Vivaldi, Telemann, Lotti, Caldara, Pergolesi, Pachelbel. |
Dr. Thomas Jaenicke [Germany] wrote (January 3, 2005):
I updated the cantata calendar up to 2012 - I hope no major miscalculations included.
All the best for the next fifty years of the Bach-page! and to you too. |
Julian Mincham wrote (January 5, 2006):
Bach Cantatas
Also many congratulations on a great web site. <> |
Chris Shepard [Conductor, Sydneian Bach Choir] January 5, 2005):
Sydneian Bach Choir cantatas 2006
<> All concerts are Sunday afternoons at 4pm in the Big Schoolroom at Sydney Grammar School. I can't tell you how much I appreciate having them publicised like this!
many thanks, |
Tobin Schmuck [Bach Vespers at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church] wrote (January 5, 2005):
<> thank you for your attention. You have a fabulous Bach Site! |
Daniel Wallenberg wrote (January 6, 2006):
Duet The Poet and his composer
Shmi Danny Wallenberg v'ani gar b'Chicago. Chaver sheli she gar b'Haifa
and hu ohev Cantatot shel Bach Kamoni himlitz al ha website shelcha. Ze
davar madhim. Kol Ha kavod. Ani menatzeach makeilot. <> |
Francis Browne wrote (January 7, 2006):
<> Your new biographical sections are splendid. What will you do when you run out of ideas for adding to your ever more compendious and valuable site ? |
Francis Browne wrote (January 8, 2006):
My question was of course rhetorical : the continuing work you put in on the website is a constant wonder to me. <> |
Afoma Agbim wrote (January 9, 2006):
<> Thanks for the information on Carole Bogard; it was an interest in her that brought me to this site. <> |
Daniel Wallenberg wrote (January 6, 2006):
Hermann Max
I am a choir conductor here in Chicago (I studied with Stanley Sperber and Avner Itai) I'm also a big Bach cantatas lover. ( I have admired your website. It is incredible). <> In googleling Hermann Max, your name came up. <>
Thanks a lot and please keep up the wonderful work on that cantata website. |
Afoma Agbim wrote (January 10, 2006):
Thanks for so swift a response. |
Julian Mincham wrote (January 11, 2006):
[After adding his article JS Bach:- the developing composer:- a critical examination and comparison of BWV 1 & BWV 4 from the Second Cycle of Leipzig Cantatas]
Gosh!! I am impressed by your detailed editing!!
Well done ---I should have picked that upself. Cheers |
Ralph Johansen wrote (January 12, 2006):
I have recently come upon your list with its excellent discussions and your painstaking compilation of the performances and performers of the B Minor Mass (BWV 232).
I have accumulated several of those performances, and reading your and your contributors' impressions and analyses of this sublime music is a God-send to me.
I have Scherchen on LP, Richter's excerpts on LP, and on DVD Biller's performance; on CD I have Mauersberger, Rilling's 1st, Parrott, Shaw's 1990, Müller-Bruhl and Hengelbrock.
In the mail soon are Schreier, King and Jochum.
So far, I'd single out Parrott, Müller-Bruhl, Rilling and Hengelbrock as favorites, all subject to change. The balance, orchestra, tempi and surprisingly gifted soloists from the choir all cause me to lean toward the Hengelbrock just now. Biller's DVD is fascinating, watching his boys' choir getting into this magnificent music.
Since I'm retired I'm taking up my leisure time listening over and over to these performances. I have in the past sung the Mass several times with the California Bach Society and with the San Francisco Bach Choir and numerous times with recordings and a headset. I learn and appreciate it more with each hearing and each sing-along. I'm out on the island of Maui, where I don't hope to find a performance in which I can participate.
The article by Bernard Hermann on his analysis of nine versions is also excellent.
I find that I don't adhere to any school of performance. I value what I'm hearing from the whole range of interpreters that I have listened to so far.
Again, my thanks to you and all on your list. I hope to contribute my impressions if and when I feel that I've absorbed enough to make a helpful contribution. |
Julian Mincham wrote (January 14, 2006):
Just a thank you for accepting the article i submitted. I am working my way through all the articles on the website when time allows--a lot of fascinating stuff. <> |
Elizabeth Anker [Contralto, USA] wrote (January 15, 2006):
<> Thank you, again, for all your help and just for having this site! I just taught a class on Bach and the students loved using it! |
Srđan Depolo [Singer, Croatia] wrote (January 15, 2006):
My name is Srđan Depolo, croatian singer. I did the MIDI file of BWV 159 aria "Es ist vollbracht" but I was improvising using the vocal-score downloaded from your site. <> |
Mike Niemeck [Tenor] wrote (January 15, 2006):
Bach Cantatas Website
I'm a tenor looking for material for a church recital in about two months time. A nice aria from a cantata, possibly involving our choir, in addition we also have a violinist to spare.
Being quite internet-literate I decided to ask the omniscient net for advice. Your website was the first one that Google spit out, and probably the last one I will ever need when it comes to Bac's cantatas.
What an amazing piece of work! I can not even take a remote guess at how much work went into that page, but I hope you appreciate the amount of service you are doing not only to afficionados but to performers as well!
And even the scores online to skim the works and get an idea of performability and the like (although I must admit, I'm a fan of perfroming from actually baught printed scores).
I just felt that had to be said.
Please keep up the amazing work! |
Tom Hens [BCML] wrote (January 21, 2006):
<> In fact, I'm using a printout of the list that is on the Bach Cantatas website daily. It's very useful to have a reliable list of things to do where you can cross out things you've finished. If what I'm putting together was similar to those, I wouldn't be wasting any time on it. <> |
Ande Rychter [Seattle] wrote (January 22, 2006):
First of all, many thanks for having this wonderful site, providing a seemingly never-ending bliss of Bach's music at home and the office alike. <> |
Igor Batura wrote (January 23, 2006):
<> This recording was my very first St John. And even now I think that it is VERY good lively performance, and like to see its cover on Your great site! |
Rianto Pardede wrote (January 24, 2006):
Reviewing the revision of Indonesia Translation pages
[After finishing revising all the translation pages]
Thanks to you, Aryeh.
I, myself, cannot imagine to even start all the undertakings (including all those continuous revisions) you have imposed on yourself, so far. Much less to finish them to the current admirable states. What a determination! Congratulations!
Wishing you all the best. Keep in touch, and please take care, Aryeh! |
Thomas Braatz wrote (January 25, 2006):
[After adding Navigation Bar at the top of the pages]
I think this will be helpful by removing perhaps an unnecessary click to get back to the Main/Home Page before clicking to go to another destination on the site. <>
In any case, it will provide better finger-tip navigation for the viewer who may want to check out related issues for which no links were provided: Doug Cowling, for instance, while viewing a CT or CM, may want to look up information on the church year in Leipzig, a question which could not be anticipated by a direct link. He should find it easier to maneuver quickly to the pages on the BCW where such information can be found quickly without having to do a search on the main page. |
Francis Browne wrote (January 25, 2006):
The navigation bar is a marked improvement on the little home page icon at the top of the page, and is easier to use than scrolling down to the foot of the page. I am sure it will lead many new visitors to explore the site and regular users will find it easier to get where they want to more quickly. The site is now so extensive that this innovation is another excellent idea.
(I suspect that only you yourself are fully aware of all the BCW contains)
Thank you for all your unceasing work. Bach seems never to have stopped working at a prodigious rate and neither do you! |
Emanuele Antonacci wrote (January 25, 2006):
The new navigation bar at the top of the pages is a very good improvement. Thank you for all your work. |
David Graham wrote (January 25, 2006):
I love your site and have downloaded many recordings of cantatas. <> |
David Graham wrote (January 25, 2006):
Thanks for the info. <> I've joined the Bach Cantata Mailing List; thanks for the invitation. Keep up the great work. I can honestly say that on my budget (I'm a technical writer with only a double degree in the humanities), and considering the price of CDs, if it weren't for your site, I wouldn't have even 1/4 the number of Bach's cantatas in my collection that I have now. |
Ted Seaman wrote (January 25, 2006)
<> Thank you so much for the site, which has been a valuable research tool for me in the absence of available hard copies in my area. |
Mark Stephenson [Conductor, UK - Official Website] wrote (January 26, 2006):
I am flattered that you have my short biography on your website. It comes up first via Google. <> |
Ted Seaman wrote (January 27, 2006)
<> Thanks so much for your prompt reply! I appreciate the detailed explanation, and the work you put into the website. <> |
Peter Dickie wrote (January 29, 2006):
<> I do hope that this information can be added to your inestimable and labyrinthine site. |
Thomas Shepherd [BCML] wrote (January 29, 2006):
[Following the announcement of some major revisions]
Do you have any time for work and relaxation?
grateful thanks for the only website I make use of nearly every day. |
Eric Bergerud [BCML] wrote (January 30, 2006):
Kudos Aryeh. A wonderful site even better. |
John Pike [BCML] wrote (January 30, 2006):
The Bach cantatas Website is, indeed, a most wonderful Labour of Love, worthy of the great man himself (I mean JSB, but it could just as well refer to Aryeh). |
Willemijn Mooij [Muziekafdeling - Radio Nederland Wereldomroep] wrote (January 30, 2006):
First my complimets on your marvellous website. It is valuable source for anyone involved in Bach projects!! <> |
Aya Itoi [Germany] wrote (January 30, 2006):
Guessing from the wonderful work you do for the Bach Cantata HP, I hope you are doing well ! <> |
February 2006 |
Srđan Depolo [Bass, Croatia] wrote (February 3, 2006):
I would like to know a brife information about the man who made such a remarkable Bach-web site.
In only one member of the Bach family could see our on-line world now !
Well, keep up the good work, all the best, |
Götz Wankelmuth wrote (February 5, 2006):
[After adding Renate Kaschmieder bio]
many thanks for adding Renate's bio to to the BCW. <> |
Peter Watchorn [Harpsiuchord, USA] wrote (February 7, 2006):
<> Congratulations on a wonderful online resource, and my personal thanks for taking such trouble to maintain it. <> |
Peter Watchorn wrote (February 7, 2006):
<> And many thanks for your work. |
Thomas Folan [Conductor, USA] wrote (February 7, 2006):
[After adding his bio to the BCW]
Thanks for putting up the information. It is terrific and I am honored to be a part of the Bach webring. I will check it out often and hope that I can make more contributions. |
Pieter Pannevis [Holland] wrote (February 8, 2006):
Thank you
Just a word of thanks from Holland for your continuing effort on all that’s related to Bach. He must be very happy with you !
You’re doing a great job! |
Julian Mincham [UK] wrote (February 8, 2006):
Bach site
I am writing to offer any services I can give to matters pertaining to the website.
I do intend to contribute to the discussions but if there is anything specific in addition which I could help with I should be delighted. (Probably there isn't--the information on offer is so comprehensive that I am still working my way through it all. My recent finding of access to the piano scores of the cantatas was a revelation).
I must congratulate you on one of the most informative and interesting websites I have come across--how you have found time to do it all beats me!
As to myself I have recently retired from full time work (as head of a university departments) and now freelance, leaving me more time to attend to the more important things in life like becoming intimate with a lot more of the great music of the western world--with the JSB cantatas at the top of the list! A lot of my time recently has been spent exploring your excellent site. |
Srđan Depolo [Bass, Croatia] wrote (February 8, 2006):
<> Keep up good work, <> |
Ralph Johansen wrote (February 9, 2006):
This message is first of all to say how much I get out of the Bach recordings discussions and your other lists as well.
Thank you again for maintaining these lists. |
Chris J. Stanley [BSc PhD - Deputy Head of Department of Mineralogy, Natural History Museum, London, England] (February 10, 2006):
I very much like your Bach Cantatas site and thought I would contribute a biography. Seems like Kronwitter was 12 when he performed so brilliantly, though not faultlessly in BWV 52 way back in 1976. |
Adrian Brand [Tenor, Australia] wrote (February 10, 2006):
[After adding his biography]
<> Thank you for your work! |
Peter Watchorn wrote (February 12, 2006):
[After adding recordings page of Isolde Ahlgrimm]
<> I am in awe of your industry in maintaining such an enormous site! |
Raymond Joly [BCML] wrote (January 14, 2006):
<> I am very grateful for the stupendous amount of information found on the Bach Cantatas site and will be happy to contribute any information I may gather that is relevant to the site's pursuits. |
Chris Stanley [BCML - Kensington, London, UK] wrote (January 14, 2006):
<> Now I'm coming towards the end of a reasonably successful career as a scientist (ore mineralogy, economic geology), I'm rediscovering some of the roots of my musical interests. In particular I found the BBC Radio 3 "A Bach Christmas" at the end of last year a real inspiration especially the choice of performance for the cantatas, and then I discovered Aryeh Oron's wonderful website………… |
Ed Myskowski [Salem MA, USA] wrote (February 15, 2006):
Thanks for your superbly useful website! <> |
Mary Legge wrote (February 17, 2006):
As comprehensive as your magnificent website is, I have been unable to determine whether Transfiguration Sunday (this year, Feb. 26) was deemed worthy of a cantata. <> |
William D. Chapman [Melick Porter & Shea LLP, Boston, MA, USA] wrote (Februarty 17, 2006):
Bach Cantatas Website
Good Afternoon:
I am just writing a note to thank you, very much, for putting up this fantastic website.
The selection of recordings, in particular, has contributed greatly to keeping my sane on days when things go off the track, and otherwise to making any day here in the office much more enjoyable. |
Ed Myskowski [Salem MA, USA] wrote (February 18, 2006):
Thanks for the response, Aryeh, and thanks again for your obvious efforts to maintain the high quality sites.
Hardly worth the trouble, but I can tell you are the kind of guy who strives for accuracy. Greatly appreciated! <> |
Ed Myskowski [Salem MA, USA] wrote (February 19, 2006):
And thank you for being so prompt! I am happy to make a contribution (however
tiny) to the Bach site. <> |
Kevin Collins [BCML] wrote (February 22, 2006):
I will be going to Suzuki's concert tonight. It will be the first time for me to see his group live and I just can't wait!!! I have also been gobbling up his CD's recently but I read this web site before I listen to the piece.
I want to thank the creators and contributors of this sight. I use it daily and this is sure to be a long-term obsession.
Thank you |
Teddy Kaufman wrote (February 22, 2006): |

Jean-Christophe Le Toquin [Société Wilhelm Furtwängler] wrote (February 23, 2006):
[After updating Wilhelm Furtwängler recording page]
Thank you for the very quick update of your page, nearly no one can beat you ! J |
Peter McKenzie [Oxford UK] wrote (February 23, 2006):
I have just discovered this site and after reading with interest about the Xmas Oratorio <> |
Ed Myskowski wrote (February 24, 2006):
I would also like to compliment you on your mastery of English. From our first exchanges, I assumed you were an American or European emigrant native to the language. I have since scanned more of the discussions, and I realize that is not so. I have also read between the lines (if that is English you like) to realize that you actively manage the discussions to maintain good manners.
Once again, a superbly useful site. and job well done! I will see you in the
discussions. |
Francis Browne wrote (February 24, 2006):
[After adding texts & English translations of Cantatas & Chorales he had sent]
You must have set a record this morning for the rapidity with which you posted my translations. I still half expect to find one day that you have put a translation on the website before I have sent it - I wouldn't put it past you!! |
Scott Sperling wrote (February 26, 2006):
<> Thanks for your great Web Site, |
Ruud Janssen wrote (February 26, 2006):
<> Good luck with the website. |
Peter Watchorn [Cambridge, MA, USA] wrote (February 28, 2006):
<> To this end, I, for one, would wish to take the lead in extending my goodwill and sincere thanks to all who participate in this forum (whether or not they always agree with me), and, especially to Aryeh for his superhuman efforts in running it for all our benefit.
For those of ! you who might be interested in another great figure in the harpsichord revival (I'm using Dr. Leonhardt, not myself as the yardstick, by the way!), to whom we are all in debt, I ask that you look at the beautiful and informative page that Aryeh has constructed on this site about Isolde Ahlgrimm from Vienna, a very great artist, with whom I did have the privilege to study for many years, and without whom our idea of the harpsichord, and what it can do, would be very different. It's well worth a look. (See this site under "short biographies", non-vocal). |
March 2006 |
Dick Wursten [Dick Wursten] wrote (March 1, 2006):
On a concert we perform a new simple "geistlich konzert" on text and melody of Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz?. Surfing the internet for the text, I didnot find much (this chorale is de-moded ?) only your site.. Nice gathering of info !! <> |
Corinne Opie wrote (March 2, 2006):
[After addig the bio of Eric Greene]
Glad you got the bio. <>
Looking forward to checking the website. |
Ed Myskowski [BCML] wrote (March 2, 2006):
<> I do want to thank Aryeh publicly for the obvious effort he makes to maintain an orderly web site, and to all the contributors for useful and often entertaining (current alto madness notwithstanding) discussion. I am hooked! <> |
Ralph Johansen [BCML] wrote (March 4, 2006):
<> I thoroughly enjoy the exchanges here and Aryeh Oron's exhaustive compilations - and with this I will return to my perch and continue to read others' informed and interesting offerings. |
Marcel Beekman [Tenor, Holland - Official Website] wrote (March 4, 2006):
With great interest I have read information on your website concerning myself. I refer to the following link: www.bach-cantatas.com/Bio/Beekman-Marcel.htm
I'm happy to see there is much interest in following recordings of such beautiful music.
Perhaps it would be nice as contribution to your great website, to add some more recent photos or an updates biography. Even better would it be to add a hyper-link (direct link) to my personal website, which was launched only last week.
Good luck with your work and best regards from Amsterdam, |
Scott Sperling [BCML] wrote (March 5, 2006):
<> Thanks for your hard work in maintaining the site, |
Jean Laaninen [Singer] wrote (March 6, 2006):
<> I appreciate the time and trouble you take to answer my questions, and thank you for your time and efforts. It is a great thing that people like you make this kind of information so accessible to people like me. |
Ed Myskowski [BCML] (March 6, 2006):
<> Aryeh, you are a candidate for Sainthood, if that suits your spiritual beliefs! |
John Pike (March 6, 2006):
[To Ed myskowski] I agree. The BCW certainly meets the condition about there needing to have been a miracle associated with the candidate for sanctification. I would nominate Aryeh as patron saint of Bach Cantatas. |
Ed Myskowski wrote (March 13, 2006):
[After adding Main Navigation Bar at the upper and lower ends of each page]
I have only had a quick look, but I can tell you with confidence that the revisions are an improvement to what was already a superior website (indeed, the best, in my experience). Navigation bars at top and bottom of each page are a convenience. Discrete advertisements provide some assurance that there is medium term (at least) financial stability, and that the archives will not disappear unexpectedly, for whatever reason.
A brief personal experience. Today's FM radio broadcast, 8:00 AM (1300 GMT) in Boston, WGBH (www.wgbh.org) was BWV 99. I was on a schedule which limited my available time, but in less thanfive minutes, I was able to find, scan, enjoy, and mentally file for future reference:
Thomas Braatz wrote (November 13, 2002): BWV 99 - Provenance.
I cannot find enough good words to tell you what a resource you provide. You can probably already tell that I am not accustomed to being at a loss for words.
I made a comment in a recent post to the effect that, don't fix it if it isn't broken. A bit of American jargon. On the other hand, if you are driving a Ferrari and leading the race, a little attention to tune-up is always appropriate. More American jargon? I have a feeling you understand. |
Dr Basil Keen wrote (March 13, 2006):
Sir David Willcocks (conductor)
Can I thank you for amending the entry on your website so quickly. |
Thomas Braatz wrote (March 14, 2006):
[After presenting the new structure of the CM pages]
The new CM page is even more professional in appearance and more readily accessible than the earlier format. It needs fewer clicks to jump back and forth on the same page between sections of text and the musical examples which had been relegated to its own section below. At some point (I do not even know whether this is possible with all browsers viewing internet pages) I hope that it will be possible to call up a second window for comparisons between various versions of the melody (like split window in Microsoft Word). This will allow the viewer to choose which versions of the melody to inspect side-by-side. Congratulations! This is truly another major step forward in making this one of the websites that really helps the viewer to find information quickly, information which we know can be very complicated and difficult to put into a structure because there are so many possible connections, some of which are tentative or speculative. <> |
Thomas Braatz wrote (March 14, 2006):
<> This new format looks really great. It has a more modern look to it than the former 'studious' arrangement. Without losing any information, it has become more easily accessible and perhaps readable. |
John Pike [BCML] wrote (March 14, 2006):
[After adding Google Search faility to the BCW]
Excellent. Google is so much better. |
Ed Myskowski [BCML] wrote (March 15, 2006):
Aryeh Oron wrote:
< BTW, following some feedback, I have started converting the discussion pages > of the BCW into a new, narrower format, for easier reading.
See, for example: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/BWV144-D.htm
and compare it to: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/BWV83-D.htm >
I did not see a difference. Could that be because I use a fairly narrow window, and your text format already was adjusting to it? In any event, I have not had any problems reading BCW or BCML. If you make improvements, so much the better, but you are fine-tuning a Ferrari, already leading the race. I said that once before, but I enjoyed it so much, I said it again! |
Raymond Joly [Montréal, Canada] wrote (March 20, 2006):
<> PS. The site is an inexhaustible source of knowledge about baroque music. A good school too if you want to study human nature. Example: What is a nit-picker? Someone who strongly resents having his nits picked. |
Yoël L. Arbeitman wrote (March 20, 2006):
This article collection is very fine indeed. |
Yang Jingfeng wrote (March 23, 2006):
It would be a great pleasure to put Chinese translations of Bach's cantatas on your excellent BCW. As far as I know, there are no Chinese translations to most of the Bach cantatas. I even failed to find a translation for an integrated cantata piece throughout the web. <>
Now that you have mentioned it, I would like to try to translate the cantatas to fill the blank. It will be a tough work, especially when considering the huge gap between German and Chinese. I plan to start on some concise pieces to see whether it's feasibile.
BTW, I'm very grateful to your marvelous work on the BCW, which enables me to share the delight with lovely people who really understand and appreciate Bach music. Thanks. |
Michal Meacock [Baroque Music Club] wrote (March 25, 2006):
Wow, that's quite a labour of love! Our www.baroquemusic.org is quite a size now and that's a labour of love too, but we are retired so we have more time! Anyway, it's a tremendously valuable resource you have and no doubt much and widely appreciated. <> |
Ed Myskowski [BCML] wrote (March 27, 2006):
<> Thanks, as always, for your efforts. BCW is a wonderful resource to consolidate information, and a great listening asset for my level of knowledge: relative novice, eager to learn. |
April 2006 |
Jos Lemmens [Belgium] wrote (April 1, 2006):
Excusez-moi de vous écrire en français: ma connaissance de l'anglais est trop pauvre pour m'exprimer en cette langue. Même en français, qui n'est pas non plus ma première langue je ne me sens pas capable de prononcer d'une manière suffisante mon admiration et ma gratitude pour votre Bach Cantatas Website. Depuis que j'en ai fait la découverte il y a quelques années j'y suis revenu des dizaines, peut-être même des centaines de fois.
Thank you very much and hearty congratulations. |
Gerald Permantier [Webmaster - Paulus-Orchester Stuttgart] wrote (April 2, 2006):
[After adding some performr bios he has contributed]
hey, thanks for mentioning the translator, too.
Keep up the good work, |
Jan Hemmings wrote (April 2, 2006):
<> Keep up the good work. |
Alexander Volkov [Bach, Baroque and Classical music fan - Russia]wrote (April 3, 2006):
<> Taking an opportunity I want to thank you for your support for bach-cantatas site: very often when I needed or somebody asked for some information related to Bach (and even when it was not related) I could find it on bach-cantatas site and gave links to it. <>
I'll provide you additional information, if I find out anything more. |
Julian Mincham [BCML] wrote (April 3, 2006):
<> May I also use this opportunity to remind members how much of real interest istucked away on the site and to encourage them to explore it when they have some spare time. I was reading through the exchanges from about 2 1/2 years ago under the heading Bach's Secrets, the other day and it struck me then what a wide range of people have become members--Christians, Jews, aetheists, agnostics etc. and how Bach's music brings them all together in a civilised (well, mostly!) exchanges of views, opinions and information. That is such a healthy thing.
<> |
C. Leblé [Les Cantates - Intégrale des cantates de Bach à Paris] wrote (April 3, 2006):
<> Thanks for your support and enthousiasm about the cantatas. |
John Pike wrote (April 11, 2006):
<> I still regard the BCW as the acme of excellence on the WWW and I will dip into it in future when time permits. <> |
Frederick DeVaney wrote (April 12, 2006):
I am a Bach lover who has been taking advantage of the uploaded Leusink recordings to study cantatas before making purchases. <>
I remain a big fan of Bach-cantatas.com, |
Yang Jingfeng wrote (April 13, 2006):
[After adding his Chinese translation of Cantata BWV 134]
Thank you, it looks very good. Your efficiency is so amazing. <> |
Yang Jingfeng wrote (April 14, 2006):
[After updating the Chinese tranaslations]
Now it looks perfect. <> Thanks for your efforts. |
Ewald Demeyere [Ewald Demeyere Klavecinist Claveciniste Harpsichordist] wrote (April 15, 2006):
[After editing and adding his article: The Art of Fugue: Expanding the Limits!]
Many thanks for the very quick edition! <> |
Charles Francis wrote (April 17, 2006):
[After adding his article Tuning Interpretation of Bach's '1722 Seal' as Beats Per Second]
Many thanks, that was really quick! |
Martin Bendler wrote (April 17, 2006):
[After adding recording details to the BCW]
your are really fast!!..;-) <> |
Alexander Gorin [Israel] wrote (April 17, 2):
I use your site from time to time and I have some information that might be useful. <> |
David Mednicoff wrote (April 20, 2006):
More generally, though I remain a "lurker," I really enjoy your cantata website and look at it often. Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm for this wonderful music in so productive a way!
Toda raba vi chol tuv.
Prof. David Mednicoff
J.D., Ph.D (expected, 2006), Harvard University
Assistant Professor
Department of Legal Studies and Center for Public Policy and Administration
Department of Judaic and Near Eastern Studies (Adjunct)
Five College Program in Middle Eastern Studies
University of Massachusetts -- Amherst |
Juan Luis Contel [Valencia, Spain] wrote (April 22, 2006):
Thank you and congratulations again for your great job. |
Thomas Braatz wrote (April 24, 2006):
[After adding another CM page]
The CM looks fine indeed. Thanks for organizing and formatting my information so that it looks presentable/professional. |
Sandy Vaughan [BCML] wrote (April 25, 2006):
Hi. I'm new to this list, and as recommended here's an email to introduce myself. I live in Cambridge in the UK and at this moment I'm mostly writing up my PhD (in medieval history). I've joined the list having enjoyed the material presented on the excellent bach-cantatas.com website. <> |
Dale Higbee [Carolina Baroque] wrote (April 27, 2006):
[After updating the recordings page of Carolina Baroque]
Many thanks for listing our latest CD on your fabulous website. <> |
Scott Belyea wrote (April 30, 2006):
Note of appreciation
Just a quick note of appreciation for the Bach Cantatas site. I don't consider that I have the base of knowledge or experience from which I can add much to the discussions, but I certainly appreciate having the resource available to me.
I say this having spent much of my Sunday listening to the Bach2000 v5 secular cantatas box which arrived from Berkshire on Friday. A worthwhile addition to the sizable number of other cantata recordings (by my standard at least).
Thanks for the effort you're obviously put into it. |
May 2006 |
Sw Anandgyan wrote (May 1, 2006):
It's an honor to contribute to your creation. <> |
Jean-Pierre Grivois wrote (May 2, 2006):
[Following the progress report of the CM & CT pages]
You are doing a fantastic job with these chorals. I had made part of this job but not as completely as you are doing. However I am at your disposal if you want some confirmation for example with the names of authors or
melodists for each choral theme, or for the paragraphs of texts etc.. <> |
Ande Rychter [USA] wrote (May 4, 2006):
<> Kind regards and many thanks for maintaining this great site! |
Nicole Nussbaum wrote (May 4, 2006):
<> Your website is marvelous ! |
Ande Rychter [USA] wrote (May 5, 2006):
Indeed. Many thanks for the prompt response! |
Jörg Hansen [Bachhaus Eisenach] wrote (May 7, 2006):
with respect to your entry on the librettist Mariana von Ziegler, I attach an image of a copperplate engraving of her (18th century). There should be no copyright. |
Lee Morgan [Mezzo-soprano, USA] wrote (May 9, 2006):
[After updating her bio page]
<> Thanks so much for the changes. I'm hoping to do a performance of cantata BWV 170 in the coming year and we're thinking of releasing a recording. I'll let you know if we do. I have found your site very helpful in preparing for a performance of this lovely piece. |
Nicole Nussbaum [Mezzo-soprano, France] wrote (May 9, 2006):
<> Many thanks also for your quick responses.
I thanks you very much for your website. It is great to be able to access to all the this music sheets. Also many thanks for your assistance and your reactivity. It is helpfull. <> |
Harry W. Crosby wrote (May 10, 2006):
A heartfelt thank you
bach-cantatas.com is a priceless resource. I'd say "let me count the ways," but I'm such a lousy typist it would require hours of input.
I discovered the world of Bach cantatas in 1957 when I was laid out for six months with a dire case of hepatitis, couldn't work as the school teacher I was. I was absolutely enchanted by Mogen Woldike, Fritz Werner, and Fritz Lehman. I have remained, thank god, under Bach's spell while moving through two new recording formats, original instrument groups and soloists, and, of couse, new conductors/soloists/groups.
I only discovered you recently, but it has led an inventory of my hundred or so cantata disks, more comparisons, and discovering new recordings I knew not of. And that's just the start of it . . .
Please feel some tiny addition to the appreciation you deserve.
P.S. In case you wondered, Herreweghe is my favorite, overall, but not always. |
Nicole Nussbaum [Mezzo-soprano, France] wrote (May 12, 2006):
<> I enjoy discovering more and more the weath, treasures and possibilities of theBCWebsite, and singing marvelous arias witch I didnt know up till now.
Thank you ! |
Jeremias Marschalik [France] wrote (May 14, 2006):
Thank you so much for your wonderful Bach cantatas Web site. |
Denys Yemshanov [Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada] wrote (May 15, 2006):
I was impressed with you bach-cantatas website -- it provides the wealth of knowledge and a lot of useful information. <> |
Alfred Calabrese [Director of choral activities at SMU Choral Department] wrote (May 15, 2006):
Thank you for posting the following on your very wonderful website!
Date - October 21, 23, 2005
Location - Caruth Auditorium of Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, USA
Work - BWV 232
Performers - Meadows Chorale, Meadows Symphony Orchestra, Alfred Calabrese, conductor <> |
Stephan MacLeod [Baritone, Switzerland] wrote (May 15, 2006):
In order to keep being mentioned on your amazing website, here are some informations about the next four cantata concerts that we have planned in Geneva. <> |
Thérèse Hanquet wrote (May 16, 2006):
Thanks for your excellent site.
I use it very regularly to download scores of Bach cantatas. <> |
Thérèse Hanquet [Belgium] wrote (May 20, 2006):
Well, I am impressed! I never thought of looking in this part of the site. <> |
Ingo Schmidt-Lucas [Cybele Records] wrote (May 22, 2006):
We have recently visited your very informative site on:
<> |
Bill Parker [Author of "The International Guide to Building a Classical Music Library] wrote (May 23, 2006):
I was looking for information on a singer I enjoyed many years ago, the Dutch bass Guus Hoekman, and found your helpful short biography at: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Bio/Hoekman-Guus.htm
<> |
Joost van der Linden [Tenor, Holland] wrote (May 23, 2006):
[After adding his bio]
Dear Aryeh Oron, thank you for editing my Bio. It looks really fine! <> |
Harry W. Crosby wrote (May 25, 2006):
I was disappointed not to see any mention on your marvelous website of de Reyghere's to-me wonderful recording w/Ricercar Consort of BWV 202 --- not to mention BWV 152 on the same memorable disk.
I have bought at least five other recordings, either deliberately or as inclusions in collections, and I still find de Reyghere's the most satisfying in all ways.
I am not a musician, only a listener, but Bach is my passion (no pun intended) and I have developed strong preferences and opinions to match.
Thank you for listening, |
Clifton Hughes [Hitchin] wrote (May 26, 2006):
There are enthusiastic descriptions on the Bach Cantata web site of the opening chorus of Cantata BWV 19. <> |
Harry W. Crosby wrote (May 26, 2006):
<> I can only repeat how much I am in your debt for this really quite unbelievable website! ¡Mil gracias, Señor!
<> |
André Papillon wrote (May 29, 2006):
Chorale melodies
I discovered your chorale melodies project during the last stages of the publication of my book. Do you share my amazement that it had never been done ? <> |
Sabien Stols [publiciteit & marketing - Combattimento Consort Amsterdam] wrote (May 31, 2006):
[After updating Combattimento Consort Amsterdam bio page]
wow, that is fast!!! <> |
June 2006 |
Robert Chase wrote (June 1, 2006):
I am a member of the Pueblo Choral Society (in Pueblo, Colorado). We are performing 'Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme' and the Magnificat next season. May we use the scores on your website? Thanks for the wonderful resource you have provided lovers of the music of Bach. |
Maximilan Kiener [Tenor, Germany] wrote (June 1, 2006):
It was me, who sent you the bio and I thank you for putting it into the webpage. <> |
Michael Cervin [Lund Sweden] wrote (June 5, 2006):
<> You are doing a great job. |
Vojmir Spoljaric [Croatia] wrote (June 5, 2006):
I'm writing to you from Croatia, I'm a big fan of your website (and Bach, of course) and I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for creating the website and providing us with all the information about cantatas and Bach's other works. <> |
Walter Riemer [Kulturkreis Niederfellabrunn] wrote (June 10, 2006):
<> Thank you for your consideration and particularly for the huge documentation work you are doing! |
Rhian Davies [Gregynog Festival, Wales, UK] wrote (June 13, 2006):
I write in the hope that you may be willing to grant permission for the use of the parallel German/English texts for Bach's St John Passion which appear in interlinear format on your excellent website, or that you may be able to put me in touch direct with Francis Browne who has submitted the English translation.
I am looking to provide texts so that the audience members who attend a performance of St John Passion at Gregynog Hall in mid Wales on 25 June will be able to follow the German narrative.
The performance is being given in tribute to Anthony Rolfe-Johnson, the distinguished tenor and interpreter of the Evangelist in both Bach Passions, on the occasion of his retirement after 18 years as Artistic Director of the. The Festival is a registered charity and will gladly make any acknowledgements which you care to specify.
Do please let me know if there is any other information which you may require.
Looking forward to hearing from you, and with many thanks indeed for your help |
Ed Myskowski [NCML] wrote (June 13, 2006):
But what a wonderful job Aryeh does sorting it all out, and making the archives look like we are a bunch of intellectuals. <> |
Edward Lundergan [Artistic Director, Kairos: A Consort of Singers; Director of Choral Activities, State University of New York at New Paltz] wrote (June 14, 2006):
A new Bach Cantata series is under way at Holy Cross Monastery, Route 9W, West Park, NY, USA. We plan to perform a cantata in the context of a worship service, about 6 times per year. The performers are Kairos: A Consort of Singers with instrumental ensemble under the direction of Edward Lundergan. <> Please add these to the schedule of performances on your website, and accept our thanks for the
excellent service you are providing to the Bach community. |
Gerald Gray [Tenor, USA] wrote (June 14, 2006):
<> Thanks so much for everything! Your website is a wonderful resource indeed. |
Rhian Davies [Gwyl Gregynog Festival, Wales, UK] wrote (June 14, 2006):
<> And yes, with pleasure, I will forward full details of the performance when I return from working with our printers today. I noticed this area of the site after writing to you yesterday and it is another wonderful resource. |
Francis Browne wrote (June 14, 2006):
<> Many thanks for your ceaseless labours around Bach - if I want to find out about a Thomaskantor or feel that my current seven versions of the Art of Fugue are not enough, I shall know where to look. |
Rodrigo Maffei Libonati wrote (June 19, 2006):
[After adding his Portuguese translation of Cantata BWV 172]
The format in which you published the translation is perfect. I don't remember the way I used to do before, but the final result is what I had in mind. <> |
Ben Cruchley wrote (June 26, 2006):
I would first of all like to express my thanks and appreciation for your website, which was an unexpected help in something I needed to find. Unfortunately, I have nothing to offer to your site, <> |
Teddy Kaufman wrote (June 30, 2006):
[Following the annonucemnent of revised discographies of Bach's 4 big vocal works]
Your enormous efforts, skills and dedication are stunning.
Both Suzanne and me appreciate you.
As usual , we are speechless.
ééùø ëç
Best personal regards, |
July 2006 |
John Carroll wrote (July 20, 2006):
I have a few things to fill in on the great Bach-Cantatas Web site. <> |
Wayne Davies wrote (July 21, 2006):
I am not a member yet, but plan to join soon, as your site is outstanding. <> |
Leo [Webmaster Orlando di Lasso - "The Divine"] wrote (July 27, 2006):
<> Nice work on your site too! Bach and Lasso are my staples... <> |
August 2006 |
Dale Higbee [Carolina Baroque] wrote (August 1, 2006):
<> Hey, 99.9% correct is not bad! Thanks for all you do. |
Tim Smith wrote (August 3, 2006):
Thank you for your cantata website!
I am writing to thank you for your wonderful resource, the Bach cantata website, that I have used extensively in my latest research. I have found your site to be comprehensive, accurate, easily navigated, thoroughly documented, and beautiful! I am deeply appreciative. |
Frits V. Herbold [São Paulo, Brazil] wrote (August 6, 2006):
<> Congrats to your site! I am a daily user for my research! |
David O'List [Official Fan Site for Davy OList and Second Thoughts] wrote (August 13, 2006):
Thanks, I watch your sites with great interest. This is innovation. |
Chandler Branch [Executive Director - Soli Deo Gloria, Inc., West Chicago, IL, USA] wrote (August 14, 2006):
[To Brian Holding] Thank you for your continued contact. Unfortunately, I actually don’t have any information related to your inquiry about the general recorded repertoire of Bach cantatas sung in English. You might be able to find the information you are seeking by contacting Mr. Aryeh Oron who is the webmaster of what I believe is the most comprehensive collection of Bach-related websites in the world. I have copied this message to him. You might also enjoy visiting Mr. Oron’s Bach Cantatas website at: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/index.htm |
Chandler Branch wrote (August 15, 2006):
[To Aryeh Oron] Thank you so very much for your kind and prompt reply to this inquiry. It is much appreciated.
Many thanks to you for the wealth of Bach-related information that you have collected and preserved online. |
Wayne Davies wrote (August 20, 2006):
I would like to thank you for this Website, it is the greatest Website on Bach’s work in the world, and your devotion to it, is remarkable.
The Website is efficient, comprehensive, and easy to use, it is also structurally sound with a verity of was to research any topic that is incorporated with in the site.
You are extremely efficient & professional in every sence of the word, and I am sure at times it can be very trying for you, but you would never know this looking threw this site.
In short Aryeh, it is fantastic, one thing is for sure, you love Bach with a Passion, and I for one am glad, because there is no other composer of music that can match him, the Greatest that man has ever seen, and ever will see again.
Thanks again |
Peter Bright wrote (August 20, 2006):
[After adding his reviews to the BCW]
I think that's it as far as Bach is concerned - I've got one or two for Biber and Marais but these would not be relevant for your wonderful site...
Anyway, it's a priviledge to have my reviews on the Bach Cantatas site
- thanks again... |
Julian Mincham wrote (August 20, 2006):
I know you are aware of this but I wanted to say directly to you how useful I continue to find your website. As I think you know I am in the process of writing a listeners' and students' guide to all the Bach cantat. I generally work from full scores, but the facility to go quickly onto the website and check a detail from one of your piano reduction scores has been invaluable, particularly in the cross referencing and comparative analysis of works. Be assured that when I (as I hope to) publish, your facility will be given full credit. It is an incredibly well organised body of information and opinion. I refer to it daily. <> |
Andrew Mirams [New Zealand] wrote (August 26, 2006):
<> And I'd just like to say that bach-cantatas.com is a great website! Keep it up! |
Tobin Schmuck [Bach Office Mgr. - Bach Vespers at Holy Trinity wrote (August 31, 2006):
Thanks for getting our schedule up on your site so promptly. You're great!
<> and again thank you. |
Teddy Kaufman wrote (August 31, 2006): |

September 2006 |
Bracha Kol [Mezzo-soprano, Israel] wrote (September 2, 2006): |

Barry Murray [Barrister, Australia] wrote (September 4, 2006):
<> I really enjoy your Bach Cantatas website. I don't have sufficient knowledge to contribute to most of the on list discussions, but I have always loved the music of JS Bach. <> |
Julian Mincham wrote (September 4, 2006):
<> I think you are aware from my earlier Emails to you how much I appreciate and use the website. |
Prof Eliyahu Schleifer [Jerusalem Baroque Orchestra] wrote (September 6, 2006): |

Aya Itoy wrote (September 10, 2006):
[After updating the Schedule]
Thanks for your quick work! |
David Shemer [Musical Drector & Conductor - Jerusalem Baroque Orchestra] wrote (September 10, 2006):
<> May I, too, take this opportunity to thank you for your consent to use your translations of the St. Matthew Passion text, as well as my admiration for the whole site. Hope to meet you after our concert at Abu Gosh. |
Pal Domokos [Hungary] wrote (September 11, 2006):
<> I must say that you're doing a really great job! The website is more than excellent: it's unbeleivably useful. The lists look also great, apart from the usual hostilities. |
Thomas Braatz wrote (September 11, 2006):
[After setting up the page: Actual and Potential Non-Thomaner Singers and Players who participated in Bach’s Figural Music in Leipzig]
Thank you for setting this list up so quickly. I hope that you did not lose too much sleep over this! <> |
Luca Toldo wrote (September 11, 2006):
Compliments for the great web site. It really helps me a lot in my study of Bach cantatas. I have just studied BWV104 and I have the wish of study all Bach's cantata in my life. Given that I am not a fulltime musician, and I am already 41, I do not think I will succeed beefore I die (given the Biblical life expectation of about 80) however it is my current "musical target".
Perhaps you might want to include his files as well in your already outstanding good resource ?
Anyhow, thankyou again for your wonderful and very useful web site. <> |
Ed Myskowski wrote (September 12, 2006):
<> Thanks as always for your efforts! |
Charles W. Scheel [Frankfurt, Germany] wrote (September 12, 2009):
Congratulation on all this wonderful work! Can't imagine how you do it all... <> |
Thomas Shepherd [Sale, Cheshire, England] wrote (September 13, 2009):
<> I'm still very thankful for the work you do for us all - its about time you were awarded some sort of "gong" - A web Oscar perhaps! <> |
Tobias Schölkopf [Tobi's Notenarchiv] wrote (September 16, 2009):
<> I know your site very well and visited it very often in the past. <> |
Pal Domokos [Hungary] wrote (September 16, 2009):
[After adding links to Hungarian translations of Bach's vocal works]
great work! <>
I haven't seen the pages of the translations before (just like I don't know many more pages of your unbelievably rich site). <> |
Tobias Schölkopf [Tobi's Notenarchiv] wrote (September 16, 2009):
[After adding his Capella files to the BCW]
<> Looks good.
I wish you all the best for your work. <> |
Pal Domokos [Hungary] wrote (September 16, 2009):
everything looks perfect to me!
Greetings and keep up the good work, |
Alain Bruguières wrote (September 18, 2006):
[After adding his profile]
You are very efficient! <> |
Thomas Braatz wrote (September 19, 2006):
[After adding many Capella files to the BCW]
<> It appears that this will be another welcome addition with much work required from you. <> |
Harry W. Crosby wrote (September 19, 2006):
<> Aryeh, I love your work, and there is so little I can contribute; <> |
Jörg Hansen [Bachhaus Eisenach] wrote (September 19, 2006):
<> It is very nice to visit your bach-cantatas webpage and see a photo of the Eisenach Bach memorial by Donndorf, 20 meters from where I sit right now. <> |
Jörg Hansen [Bachhaus Eisenach] wrote (September 20, 2006):
<> Grateful for your support, and the quality of your Bach pages is always a pleasure, |
Anna Sándor wrote (September 28, 2006):
I just found this interesting website. I am the daughter of the hungarian conductor Frigyes Sándor. <> |
Laura Abrahamson [Saint Luke Church, Chicago, IL, USA] wrote (September 29, 2006):
Thank you for this wonderful service. The following three corrections to our listings will help to better serve your readers.
Thank you, <> |
October 2006 |
Matthis Girel wrote (October 2, 2006):
<> Thanks again for all the resources you provide to the community |
Marijke Halberstadt wrote (October 6, 2006):
I just saw on your great website that the part about Barbara Bonney hasn't the latest (although sad) information about her: the fact the she has cancelled all concerts "for the foreseeable future" (August 1, 2006). <> |
Herman Schimmel wrote (October 6, 2006):
In your most delightful site about Bach recordings I found information about two recordings of Markus-Passion BWV 247 <> |
Jacques Ogereau [Versailles, France] wrote (October 8, 2006):
Here are some additions to the schedule of the concerts of Bach’s Choral Works in France.
Thanks a lot for your incredible work. |
Raf [Italy] wrote (October 10, 2006):
[Rgarding the Italian translations presented at the BCW]
Questa è un'iniziativa davvero lodevole, grazie per avercela segnalata.
In Italia circolano traduzioni orrende dei testi bachiani. |
McCreath wrote (October 10, 2006):
I am a radio producer at WGBH in Boston, and, continuing a 35-year tradition, I present a Bach cantata each Sunday morning at 8am on my program. Thanks for your invaluable site. wgbh.org/classical |
William A Loneragan [Associate Professor & Honorary Research Fellow - School of Plant Biology (M090), Faculty of Natural & Agricultural Sciences, The University of Western Australia] wrote (October 18, 2006):
Neithard Bethke
I have been trying to locate an email address for Dr Neithard Bethke and have come across several websites featuring him but which have been constructed by yourself. I was particularly attracted by your Bach Tour site which I want to explore much further, it looks most interesting and detailed. <> |
David Feldman [Counter-tenor, Israel] wrote (October 18, 2006):
[After adding his bio page to the BCW]
<> I would like to thank you for all! It's a great honor to be on internet :) |
Assaf Ben-Yishai [Israel] wrote (October 18, 2006): |

Hanan Ron [Israel] wrote (October 24, 2006): |

Thomas Michael Allen [Counter-tenor, USA] wrote (October 25, 2006):
Thank you for your nice website - <> |
Dan Long [Conductor, Chattanooga Bach Choir and the Rome Bach Festival Orchestra] wrote (October 27, 2006):
Thank you for your work and for including our concerts in your listing. |
Alexandra Lowe [Hudson Valley Singers] wrote (October 29, 2006):
[After adding their concert to the Schedule]
Very kind of you. Thanks for your help. We circulatthe link to your website to all of our chorus members when we embarked on these 4 catnatas in August. |
Alexander Behrens [Cantatafinder) wrote (October 29, 2006):
<> Only recently, I noticed that you dedicated a huge chapter on your site to this issue (http://www.bach-cantatas.com/CM/index.htm). I am seriously impressed! <> |
November 2006 |
Julian Mincham wrote (November 3, 2006):
<> Much of the list and most certainly the web site remains wholly productive and stimulating and I make use of both virtually every day---a fantastic resource. I just feel that this feud is pointless, irritating and devalues the many positives. <> |
Alexander Behrens [Cantatafinder) wrote (November 3, 2006):
Another discovery: I am also impressed by your search tool: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/INS-Search.htm
<> |
Simon Drost [The Netherlands] wrote (November 3, 2006):
Thank you for your beautiful schedule of Bach cantatas. <> |
Alexander Behrens [Cantatafinder) wrote (November 4, 2006):
<> your site is so giant ... there must be several persons working on it. <> |
Andrew David Shipley wrote (November 9, 2006):
I came across a reference to Johann August Landvoigt on your fabulous Bach site. <> |
Raúl Neumann [Singer, Buenos Aires, Argentina] wrote (November 13, 2006):
I’d like to send you my compliments for your great work on compiling all of the music examples at the BCW. I enjoy them daily, I’m singer myself as well as singing and german phonetics teacher and I’ve sung a large number of Bach Cantatas, mostly with the Bach Academy Buenos Aires. <> |
David Munderloh [Tenor, USA] wrote (November 14, 2006):
Thank you for including me in your fantastic web site. <> |
Andrew Crawford [Flute, Shropshire, UK] wrote (November 15, 2006):
<> Thanks in advance, and for an otherwise excellent site! |
Eladio Berrio [Spain] wrote (November 20, 2006):
Muchas Gracias por su información sobre Bach. Todo está muy bien |
Ilario Zampone [Italy] wrote (November 20, 2006):
I've always forgot to congratulate you on the Bach Cantatas website.It's very complete and indispensable for a Bach Music lover like me. <> |
Kalliopi Monoyios [Webmaster of Ann Monoyios] wrote (November 21, 2006):
What an extensive site you have created! I found it by chance when googling Ann Monoyios. She did not have a website at the time you created your page, but she does have one now if you wouldn't mind adding it. <> |
Göran Tegnér [Sweden] wrote (November 21, 2006):
<> who is also very impressed by your useful site. |
Yulia Van Doren [Soprano] wrote (November 27, 2006):
Thank you for the amazing Bach Cantatas website. It is such a wonderful source of information! <> |
December 2006 |
Harry W. Crosby wrote (December 12, 2006):
I am having to clear out a great deal of accumulated memorabilia, including all my old LP recordings of Bach Cantatas. Thanks to your magisterial website, I was able to find that 80% of them have been made available on CDs. <> |
Pal Domokos wrote (December 14, 2006):
[After discovering the Terms & Abbreviatiins section]
That's great, Aryeh! Why haven't I seen these lists before? <> |
Markús Möller [Iceland] wrote (December 14, 2006):
First, - great thanks and admiration on account of your Bach-Cantatas site.
Admiringly yours |
Santu de Silva wrote (December 15, 2006):
I happened to find myself in the Schweitzer page, and thoroughly enjoyed his (translated) analysis of the history of German hymnody. http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Articles/CT-Schweitzer.htm |
Nessie Russell [BRML] wrote (December 16, 2006):
[Following the announcement of WTC 1 Discography]
Thank you. This is a wonderful resource. |
Teddy Kaufman wrote (December 17, 2006):
Congratulations & Appreciations
The WTC is spectacular.
As usually, I am amazed by your productivity, capability and diligence.
I always wonder when do you find time for "praying" ? (analogue to Bach).
Looking forward to collaborate with you <> |
David Hitchin [BRML] wrote (December 19, 2006):
[Following the announcement of biographies & discographies of keyboard players]
Thanks to Aryeh for yet another wonderful resource
Of course there are errors and omissions, but that is a challenge to everyone to send in updates - which is so much easier than creating something new. I look forward to seeing this grow, and will try not to be too tempted to buy more CD's than I can afford. |
Andrew Rose [SARL Pristine Audio] wrote (December 20, 2006):
Rilling's Bach Sacred Cantatas
I wanted to let you know that Rilling's edition of the Cantatas from the Hänssler Classic Bachakacademie series will be available to download from Pristine Classical from 1st January 2007.
I've included a link to the Bach Cantatas website from the sales page here <>
I hope this link is OK with you and the Bach Cantatas website. |
Peter Van den Borre [Brussels, Belgium] wrote (December 20, 2006):
additions bach vocal works belgium
The Flanders Baroque Consort & players are planning monthly concerts solely with Bach cantatas.
They have been doing this since some months and they hope to bring all known cantatas in the months and years to come.
Thanks for posting this on your website and thanks for your great website
another bachlover, |
Russell Telfer [Dorset Bach Cantata Club] wrote (December 21, 2006):
Dorset Bach Cantata Club website upgrade
Just to let you know that I've upgraded the website I run. I've given a more detailed description of what the BCML and BRML offer to those who are interested in our DBCC site (as well as BCML).
Thanks for all the enormous amount of work you do on behalf of the whole project. |
Hester Zevenhuizen [Belgium] wrote (December 22, 2006):
Thank you very much for updating of Patrick's biography and addition of the concerts in the Bach Cantata Cycle in Belgium. <> Thank you for you for all your efforts to keep your Complete Bach Cantatas website the most important Bach site date. |
Ehud Siloni [BRML] wrote (December 25, 2006):
[Following the announcement of Musical Offering discography]
Thanks to your indefatigable energy, all of us, Bach addicts, know that we really have nothing to worry about and we can always rely on you!!
What a nice gift for the new year.
Thanks again, and have a happy 2007. |
Hester Zevenhuizen [Belgium] wrote (December 25, 2006):
Thank you so much ! Even at Christmas you work on you most complete and perfect Bach Site.. It is really wonderful. By the way, Patrick Van Goethem wishes to thank you for the work you have done to add his Bach Cantata Cycle to the Site. It is a busy time for him now, in a few days he will sing Bach''s B-minor Mass in Dresden on 31 December.
From Dresden and Amsterdam we wish you a Happy New Year ! |
Teddy Kaufman wrote (December 25, 2006):
[After adding biography and Bach discograpohy of the late Pnina Salzman]
I appreciate your kindness & nobleness. I remember her featuring in Haifa during my late childhood.
Congratulations for the enormous energy & diligence & skills & compatibility for creation of the new and formidable MO section.
Thanks, |
Vera Scherr [Contralto, Germany] wrote (December 30, 2006):
<> Thanks for the enormous work you are obviously doing! <> |
Nina Heebink [Mezzo-soprano, USA] wrote (December 31, 2006):
Thanks, Aryeh. I really appreciate you taking the time to edit my bio. <> |