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Feedback to the Bach Cantatas Website
Part 6: Year 2005 |
Year 2005: January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August |
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BCML: Year 2011 | Year 2009 | Year 2008 | Year 2007 | Year 2006 | Year 2005 | Year 2004 | Year 2003 |
January 2005 |
Rob Linder [New Jersey, USA] wrote (January 1, 2005):
Thanks for the great site.
Having fussed you about that detail, I will repeat that you have a fine site that gave me a lot of great information.
Cheers for the new year!
Francis Browne wrote (January 1, 2005):
<> Congratulations on the fourth birthday of your website. May it (and you) have many more !
John Carroll wrote (January 2, 2005):
[After updating the discography page of Cantata BWV 210]
Thanks Ayreh -- the page looks good. <>
Thomas Shepherd wrote (January 4, 2005):
Aryeh Oron wrote: < If you want to know in which album a certain cantata is included, please take a look at the 'Table of Cantata Recordings by Major Conductors according to BWV Number': http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Performers/Recordings-Table.htm >
I never knew these pages existed.
A great help!!
Guillaume Fréchette wrote (January 4, 2005):
I bought today the sets of recordings of Bach’s cantatas made by Fritz Werner (originally Erato, reissue 2004 of Warner): These are 3 Box-Sets of 10CDs each, 2 of them are cantatas, the 3rd one contains recordings of the passions, masses and motets. I’m writing to you because I was surprised to see the web address of your site on these boxes along with the Warner Classics web address. <>
Guillaume Fréchette wrote (January 4, 2005):
Thanks for your answer! I’m happy to hear that your site got such a good reputation among classical labels as a source of information. <>
Srđan Depolo [Baritone from Croatia] wrote (January 4, 2005):
Kind request
I am the one of the numerous delighted visitors of the precious web site of Yours, where we finally can get various of musical treasures, among them the most important for me, vocal - scores of the cantatas.
My aims will be trully fulfiled, If one day I could find complete vocal - scores of the Passions ( maybe all four, but Mätthaus and Johannes will do for the moment), and maybe Schemelli's songbook appeared on Your web.
Could You plese be kind and make it possible ???
Margaret Greentree [The Bach Chorales] wrote (January 4, 2005):
[After adding links to her The Bach Chorales Website at: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Mus/Chorales-MIDI-1.htm]
I did check the page and it looks wonderful. I appreciate the links directly to the files on my site. <>
Thank you for going to the extra trouble of linking directly to mine.
Victoria Tiffany [BCML/BRML] wrote (Januarty 5, 2005):
Thanks for the website! It's a great resource.
Margaret Greentree [The Bach Chorales] wrote (January 5, 2005):
Thank you for these wonderful pages. I especially like the way you have split the files into three sections. Very logical.
Clotilde Bertin [Maîtrise des Petits Chanteurs de Versailles, France] wrote (January 6, 2005):
Questions about Bach Cantatas Website
Good afternoon Aryeh, I wish you a happy new year !
I am the lady who was in contact with you about the update of the website for the 2005 schedule of the Lutheran Church Year. Thank you again for your reactivity on the subjetct, it helped us a lot !
I remember you told me that we need an authorization for using the french translation of the cantatas. How can we manage to get this autorization ?
I took time to surf on your fabulous website and I noticed there are interesting subjects, such as Performers' Short Biographies or Schedule of Concerts. Could we contribute to these subjects ? <>
Steve Robinson wrote (January 7, 2005):
Thank you for the wonderful cantatas web site. I have been looking at it off and on for a year, and now that I own a complete set (Rilling) I snoop around nearly every night! What a fantastic resource you have built.
Thank you!
Srđan Depolo [Baritone from Croatia] wrote (January 7, 2005):
Thanking for Your prompt answer, I am happy to hear that the situation about Your Bach's web-site is improving on and on. <>
Marcie Mackin wrote (January 8, 2005):
Hello. My father was Robert Harmon, a tenor in the Bach Aria Group in the late '40s. I was just talking with my mother about the magic of the internet and how you can find just about anything you can think of on the web. She challenged me to search the web for a recording of the Bach Aria Group from when my father sang with it, something that she has wanted to find since he died in 1970. That's when I came across your website. I was thrilled to find it. <> I do plan to ask my mom to write my dad's bio to add to your site. Thanks for documenting my dad's work and for your help.
Christian Fliegner [Tenor] wrote (January 10, 2005):
Thank you for the biography in your website. <>
Sw Anandgyan [BeginnersBach] wrote (January 12, 2005):
A Warm Welcome
<> Please consider browsing the magnificent Bach website from Mr Oron and maybe even join the related lists. I have searched it for 'sheet music' and pasted the very first result here: http://tinyurl.com/4cxyo
Paolo Vaccarino wrote (January 16, 2005):
Very great site!!!! <>
Wieland Witt wrote (January 18, 2005):
[After adding Titus Witt bio]
Thanks for your prompt reaction, it is all ok, <>
Helena Jiraskova [Karlsbad] wrote (January 18, 2005):
I've seen your page http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Tour/Karlsbad.htm#Info which I've found really interesting. <>
Tim Mirfin [Tenor, England] wrote (January 18, 2005):
[After updating his bio]
Thank you so much for your incredibly quick and efficient response to my email. And a particular thank you for changing the biography. <>
Thank you very much for your help.
Wieland Witt wrote (January 19, 2005):
Besten dank für die schnelle Korrektur betreffs Titus Witt. <>
Clotilde Bertin [Maîtrise des Petits Chanteurs de Versailles, France] wrote (January 20, 2005):
Thank you for all the updates you do on the website. <>
Ami Blonder wrote (January 21, 2005): |

Wieland Witt wrote (January 21, 2005):
Besten Dank für die Fertigstellung of Titus Witt bio.It looks good and says quite enough about the artist. <>
Yoël l. Arbeitman [BCML] wrote (January 23, 2005):
<> Of course one most deeply appreciates all your web work for which our non-God or non-Goddess will bless you in some non-life and for which we all bless you in the here and now. <>
Thomas Braatz wrote (January 24, 2005):
[After adding his article Cantata BWV 127 Mvt. 1 - Melody Variants]
It looks great on your site! <>
Thomas Braatz wrote (January 29, 2005):
[After adding his Examples from the Score of BWV 196 & BWV 991]
Thanks for putting these jpgs on your site quickly. They're looking good!
Rodrigo Maffei Libonati wrote (January 30, 2005):
<> PS - The new format is wonderful.
Andrew J. Samm [Brooklyn, NY, USA] wrote (January 30, 2005):
Thank goodness for the Bach Cantatas Website
Your website is such a tremendous resource for music lovers, thank you so much for providing this resource.
Matin Benser [Cologne, Germany] wrote (January 30, 2005):
<> Anyway congratulations for this website! It is so interesting to read through the discussions and all the informations!!
Kieran O'Mahony [Dublin, Ireland] wrote (January 30, 2005):
I notice on your really excellent web page a calendar of cantata performances. As it happens, in Dublin (Ireland) there is a programme, currently in its fifth year, to perform all 200 or so Church cantatas, over a ten-year period. It is a wonderful, wonderful venture. <> |
February 2005 |
Huib Spoorenberg [Die Schöne Müllerein] wrote (February 6, 2005):
<> By the way: in my website I count now over 150 recordings of Schubert's Die schöne Müllerin with 127 different singers. At 70 of them (55%) I could make a link to the biographies of the Bach Cantatas website!
Ann Hess Schultz wrote (February 16, 2005):
<> I think what you are doing is important!
Francis Browne wrote (February 18, 2005):
<> Thank you for all your continued work on the cantata website. I'm sure that I speak for many who do not have occasion to correspond with you when I say that your constant labour is not taken for granted but much appreciated, especially by those who use the website regularly. It is encouraging that despite the occasional red herring, diversion and irrelevance the new round of discussion is proving worthwhile.
Kristian Stemmler [Hamburg, Deutschland] wrote (February 18, 2005):
Ich erlaube mir, Ihnen in der Sprache Bachs zu schreiben, zumindest in der Sprache, die er mit seinen Tönen verknüpfte und vice versa.
Ich liebe Bach, seit ich ihn kennen gelernt habe, und halte seine Musik für das Zentrum der Musikgeschichte. Seinen Kantaten und ihren Bezügen in sich und untereinander wohnt eine höhere Ordnung inne, die sich uns niemals bewusst erschließen kann, sehr wohl aber mitteilt.
So fällt mir ad hoc zur Antwort von Warner Music auf Ihr Schreiben folgender Text aus einer Bach-Kantate ein: "Sie haben ein härter Angesicht denn ein Fels und wollen sich nicht bekehren." Fragen Sie mich nicht, welche Kantate es ist. Ich könnte ihnen die Melodie vorsummen.
Kurz: Ich möchte mich Ihrem Kreis anschließen und wenn es möglich ist, auf Ihre Mailing-Liste gelangen. Sagen Sie mir doch bitte, wie das vor sich gehen kann.
Mit herzlichen Grüßen aus der Nordheide
Yoshiko Fujimoto [BACH-ken] wrote (February 24, 2005):
Thank you as usual for your great contribution for your website. <>
Timothy Kenworthy-Brown [Counter-tenor, England] wrote (February 24, 2005):
I am the very same, Timothy Kenworthy-Brown sending you a delighted message, that my biography is on your website! I hope it gets lots of visits! <>
Francis Browne wrote (February 26, 2005):
<> Thank you for putting what I sent you recently on the website. <>
Regina Jalobi [Mezzo-soprano, Germany] wrote (February 26, 2005):
<> With pleasure I send you my photo and another bio, which is shorter. choose it as you like - and thank you for translation into English. <> |
March 2005 |
Matt Pestle [Webmaster, Bach Musica New Zealand] wrote (March 4, 2005):
<> Yours is a great site, by the way. My compliments.
Ines Volpert wrote (March 5, 2005):
I was very happy to find out that you´ve included my husband, Markus Volpert, in your list of Bach Cantata interpreters.
Many thanks and warmest greetings from Freiburg,
François Zwang wrote (March 5, 2005):
Thank U for your incredible good Bach Site ! <>
Ines Volpert wrote (March 5, 2005):
[After updating Markus Volpert biography]
wow – what a fast reaction…! I think this picture is much more appropriate, the other one was quite out of date already.
Brian Carson [Choirmaster-Organist, The Church of Saint Louis, King of France
Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA] wrote (March 5, 2005):
I have recently discovered your wonderful Bach Cantata website.
Thank you for any help you can give, and thank you for the Cantata website!
Alexandra Lowe [Hudson Valley Singers] wrote (March 7, 2005):
How did you hear about us? Many thanks for your help in publicizing our concert. Who typically visits your website?
Many thanks,
Douglas Neslund [Tölzer Knabenchor & Wiener Sängerknaben Mailing Lists] wrote (March 10, 2005):
Your membership in this group is welcomed, and I urge other members to peruse Aryeh's website, which is vast and chock full of information.
Claude Charton [Tölzer Knabenchor Mailing Lists] wrote (March 10, 2005):
[To Douglas Neslund] Wow !
No, in fact, I knew that site and used it many times to get some words from the cantatas.
But what a marvellous site !
Boyd Pehrson wrote (March 11, 2005):
<> Thanks again for all your hard work moderating BachCantatas and your superb website!
Stephen Benson [BCML] wrote (March 15, 2005):
<> The level of discussion and its accompanying stimulation and the power it has of constructing a shared foundation for an incomparable art form can be found nowhere else on the internet, and I regularly describe this site to friends as the finest the internet has to offer. I am a relative newcomer to the cantatas (I can recall an incident not that many years ago where, in my woeful ignorance, I announced at a dinner party that I loved Bach's secular music, but the religious "stuff" was too much to take!), and I can declare unequivocally that my present obsession with the cantatas is due in large part to Aryeh and this website. It isn't perfect, but it's ultimate value is unmatched.
Thomas Shepherd wrote (March 16, 2005):
<> There were twenty other "retreatants" mainly friends of the Abbey and elderly. They enjoyed Bach but had really little knowledge of his works. I was able to promote the BCW and have subsequently posted information to a few internet users about how to contribute their personal reflections about JSB. They certainly had their ears opened in all sorts of surprising ways over the weekend. Abbot Rees has discovered the BCW by himself and used the texts downloaded in translation for his presentations. <>
Boyd Pehrson [Bach_Cantatas ML] wrote (March 16, 2005):
I wish a good welcome to all new members of the Bach_Cantatas group. This group has experienced membership recently of about one new person each week. We now have 169 members listed from around the world. This group is the offspring of the larger BachCantatas group by Aryeh Oron. Aryeh's superb website may be accessed at: http://www.bach-cantatas.com
John Pike [BCML] wrote (March 16, 2005):
<> I would particularly like to pay tribute to Aryeh again, and his incomparable web site. I shall continue to visit this treasure trove many times in the future. <>
Burt Shapiro [WBJC] wrote (March 17, 2005):
I would like to reprint your biography of Wilhelm Furtwängler. It is a very good summation of his career and I think it would be a good background for our radio listeners and members. I am the editor of the WBJC Program Guide in Baltimore, MD. It is the only public radio classical music station in Baltimore and Washington and covers six states and DC. I would also like to turn folks to the Great Conductors web site. The station is also on the web-- www.wbjc.com , and the article can be put there and I think it could link up.
Please let me know. Deadlines are here and we have not given space to Furtwangler since the 100th anniversary of his birth.
Thank you very much,
Martin Bendler wrote (March 21, 2005):
<> Again thank you very much for this great Website!!!
The idea to create a list of performance dates is a fantastic one!
Best wishes to Israel!
Doug Cowling [BCML] wrote (March 22, 2005):
[After adding Scoring Table of Bach Cantatas]
I know this is an outrageous request, but I would find an outline of the scoring of each movement of a cantata most valuable. When programming choral works for a concert, I find I have to go to a printed catalogue to see exactly what the disposition of the scoring is.
However, your table as it stands would be a valuable resource.
Thanks for you work
John Pike [BCML] wrote (March 22, 2005):
Aryeh, you are perfection itself, and so is your web site. There are many people out there, I am sure, who would find such a table useful in planning concerts etc.
Jason Marmaras [BCML] wrote (March 24, 2005):
[To Doug Cowling] It seems quite perfect as it is, to me! <>
Alan Sorensen [Philadelphia, PA, USA] wrote (March 24, 2005):
From a fan of your Bach cantatas website
Greetings from Philadelphia,
And thanks again for the wonderful website.
Jon B. Bougo [Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA] wrote (March 24, 2005):
Bach Contatas Site
I just wanted to thank you for your efforts on the Bach Cantatas and other Bach related site. I have found it to be a valuable resource for finding good recordings of his work.
I also appreciate your efforts to educate non-musicians such as myself.
Dr. Teddy Kaufman wrote (March 25, 2005): |

Richard Mix wrote (March 26, 2005):
Cantata indices
Please by all means continue to table of scoring! An index by Gospel and lessons would be very useful to those of us using the revised standard lectionary; could these be added as data fields in the base?
Again, thanks for the wonderful site.
Ehud Shiloni wrote (March 27, 2005):
<> I am taking the liberty of copying this message to Aryeh Oron - he is the owner of the fabulous Bach-Cantatas website, and he may want to include there a reference to your book [BTW, he lives in the same town as you!]. <>
Francis Browne wrote (March 27, 2005):
I am stunned to realise that since becoming acquainted with your website I have acquired eight recordings of this cantata. I hold you responsable! <>
Jason Marmaras [BCML] wrote (March 27, 2005):
<> [All our] Thanks for your non-ending work,
Martin Dicke [Cantor, Trinity Evanglical Lutheran Church, Peoria] wrote (March 30, 2005):
[After adding the concerts of Peoria Bach Festival]
Thank you for your prompt reply. We have already included a link to your website and will attempt to also include the description that you sent us. Thank you!
Thank you for your wonderful website. |
April 2005 |
Conny Thimander [Sweden] wrote (April 1, 2005):
Thank you for a beautiful and extremely helpful homepage!
Thank you again!
Sandy Burnett [Music Director, West London Bach Consort & Players] wrote (April 6, 2005):
Thank you for publicising our Bach cantata performances throughout 2004.
Thanks again, Aryeh, for your support...
Thomas Braatz [BCML] wrote (April 7, 2005):
It looks just fine where you placed it at the end of the discussion page.
Gerrit Jan Hamerslag [Consensus Vocalis, The Netherlands] wrote (April 8, 2005):
<> Thanks for your good work on promoting Bach and his cantatas...
Emiko Hall wrote (April 9, 2005):
Thank you very much to take all the trouble to include Bernd Lambauer to your list - which I consider most comprehensive and exhaustive list on the net. As we are getting quite a lot of traffics from your site to the other BL (Bernhard Landauer) site, I am very happy to see Bernd's page being newly created at your site. I will install a reciprocal link to your site from Bernd's site as well. <>
Hendrik Oesterlin [New Caledonia] wrote (April 10, 2005):
<> Thank you for your site about Bach!
Hieke Meppelink [Soprano, The Netherlands] wrote (April 11, 2005):
Thanks for linking my website! <>
Francisco Leon wrote (April 15, 2005):
Hello. I have just found your web site because I love music, and of course Bach´s music as well. I send you this message only to congratulate you, the best I have found about Bach´s Cantatas, and to encourage you to continue in this way. I wish you could include more music (complete works), although I know it is very difficult. Thank you very much.
Tage Stabell-Kulø [Norway/Italy] wrote (April 17, 2005):
I immensely enjoy the Bach Cantatas site. In particular, the combination of listening to the recordings You have compiled as I read the comments and dicussion.
In any case: Keep up the good work!
Francis Browne wrote (April 17, 2005):
Your additions are an excellent idea. <> I am as always amazed by the amount of work and thought you put into the cantata website. There is no hurry , as you say – in another 250 years time people will still be listening to the cantatas, provided that the planet still exists . But from past experience I suspect your ‘no hurry’ will be faster than my top speed.! <>
Tage Stabell-Kulø [Norway/Italy] wrote (April 17, 2005):
Thank you, again, for this excellent springboard into many, many hours of enjoyment and thrill. I hope you can imagine how well Bach sounds in the 'soggiorno' of a Tuscan villa (http://tinyurl.com/b9vdx). The text says: "If you have a Villa in Tuscany, a BMW R1150GS and a wife, what more can you desire?". Oh well, back to work.
Thomas Shepherd wrote (April 19, 2005):
[After adding music examples for the discussion of Cantata BWV 31]
Goodness. That was quick!
Bart Nagel wrote (April 21, 2005):
[After adding a link to Edith Wiens Website and updaing her biography]
Thanks for adding the link so quickly. I've passed the details of those CDs on to ms. Wiens. I've also asked her for a short list of websites to link to. When I get those your link will be with them.
thanks again
Francis Browne wrote (April 24, 2005):
You are indefatigable ! Your additions greatly enhance the usefulness of the translations. I shall know what you mean by ‘ no hurry’ in the future : it is Aryehspeak for asap. Slow down sometimes just a little : Bach is of and for eternity!
Dr.Thomas C.H. Going [C.Biol, M.I.Biol, Research and Laboratories Manager, Centre for Academic Surgery (QM-ICMS), The Royal London Hospital, London, UK] wrote (April 25, 2005):
Some Lehmann cantata record details....
What a thoroughly interesting and invaluable website you have. Here are a couple of additional bits of data for some of the Fritz Lehmann cantata recordings: The data come from the blue slips which went with the original DG issues in the UK. Release on Decca must have happened elsewhere...America? <>
Steve Robinson wrote (April 25, 2005):
Invitation to join the BCML
Thanks for your note; you might remember that a while back I sent you a note about how wonderful your cantatas site is. As you can see from my post, I really don't want to join another list--I would much rather chat about Bach than do my work! But I do look in now and again on your web site, particularly when I am looking for more info about a particular cantata.
Your site is great; when I have more time, I will definately join the list and the discussion.
Stephan MacLeod [Bass & Music Director, Geneva, Switzerland] wrote (April 25, 2005):
Bach Cantatas concerts in Geneva
I just discovered the "schedule of concerts page" on your amazing Bach-cantatas website and here is some information about a new series of concerts that has just started in Geneva. We plan to play and sing the entire Bach cantatas.
I would be pleased and honoured to have these concerts announced on your website.
Oliver Hartmann [Germany] wrote(April 28, 2005):
I was suprised after search my name at google to see one of my picture from Potsdam on your Site ;)
Nice Site. If you would more Picture tell me.
Stephan MacLeod wrote (April 29, 2005):
Thank you for all these updatings.. What a work it must be to organise these thousands of pages... I'm terribly impressed.
I thank you once again for having my concerts announced on you site, and for being so interested and respectful regarding the information you provide about everyone of us in this weird business.
<> |
May 2005 |
Rianto Pardede wrote (May 2, 2005):
Thanks for the Indonesia translation pages you've provided in BCW. <>
Rianto Pardede wrote (May 3, 2005):
Thanks for making the latest Indonesia texts available in BCW. <>
Richard Seguin [Windsor, UK] wrote (May 7, 2005):
PS Congratulation for bach-cantatas.com. I have discovered it a few months ago and am going through it with fascinated interest.
Nick Ford wrote (May 8, 2005):
I discovered your wonderful website some 3 years ago and tried to join in and “contribute”. Contributing is difficult because we always need to prove how good/clever/musical we are. And I failed, no matter, because I got more out of your website than your website got out of me. You pointed me towards the wonderful recording of Cantata BWV 159 (and BWV 170, and BWV 82) by Neville Marriner, John Shirley-Quirk, and Janet Baker – they were young when I was young and they are a statement of what I as an Englishman (and a European) am – a friend of mine managed to get a copy and sent it to me and I have listened to it countless times. John Shirley’s rendition of “Es ist Vollbracht” will be my epitaph.
Thanks Aryeh, and don’t stop, Bach is the ultimate.
Don Hulbert [Flutist, USA] wrote (May 7, 2005):
[After updsating the Schedule with his concert of Cantata BWV 209]
You're welcome. Thank you for maintaining such an encyclopedic site on the Cantatas. It is an invaluable resource.
Lothar Seghers [Webmaster - Chapelle des Minimes, Belgium] wrote (May 9, 2005):
You’ve made a great job with your site about the Cantatas.
I have already a link to the page with translations of libretti on the website, but I can add also a link to the “general” page. <>
Richard Loeb wrote (May 13, 2005):
Wonderful site
Whata wonderful site - I am just starting to get into the Bach Cantatas and I think the best way would be to go through your weekly choice and discussion - thanks for the great and informative site.
Margareta Grießler wrote (May 25, 2005):
While searching the web for recordings of my father-in-law, the singer Harald Hermann, I have found two recordings on your Bach Cantatas Website: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Bio/Hermann-Harald.htm
<> Many thanks in advance and best regards from Vienna,
Leonardo Santos wrote (May 25, 2005):
Congratulation for your site! I'm sending another cantata <>
Ms Virpi Laaksonen [Festium Oy - Artist's Management, Finland] wrote (May 27, 2005):
We are very happy to have our singer, Mr Petteri Salomaa on your Bach Cantatas -pages. <>
Jim Karageanes [Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan USA] wrote (May 29, 2005):
I have enjoyed reading your online material and thank you for the valuable information thus provided. <>
Martin Lutz [Conductor, Germany] wrote (May 29, 2005):
Thanks for all you do for the Bach Cantata! <>
Sabien Stols [Publicity & marketing - Combattimento Consort Amsterdam] wrote (May 30, 2005):
I found that on your – precious! – website www.bach-cantatas.com there was a link to our OLD site <> |
June 2005 |
Stephen Schmideg [Melbourne, Australia] wrote (June 1, 2005):
[After updating the biography of Gerorge Barati with material he had provided]
You did an excellent job and I thank for including the photos and information. If I come across anything else that could be of interest I will ocntact you.
Gary Jankowski [Berlin, Germany - Gary Jankowski - Seriöser Baß/Schwerer Spielbaß] wrote (June 3, 2005):
<> Great website! Thanks alot.
Wilfried Schnetzler [Music Director - Bach Kantorei, Niederteufen, Switzerland] wrote (June 7, 2005):
Many thanks for your very successful Bach Cantatas Website (I'm a frequent visitor!), you are doing a wonderful job!, <>
Francis Browne wrote (June 12, 2005):
<> Perhaps you should include links to German courses on your ever more compendious website!
Anthony Olszowy wrote (June 16, 2005):
[To Aryeh Oron, following the annoncement of 600 members in the BCML] Congratulations to Aryeh especially. I am always awe-struck by his dedication to the maintenance and supervision of this web site. Such publicly spirited individuals are rare indeed, and should always be commended. We all owe a debt of gratitude to him and to the other members who make this a truly valuable international resource.
Kirk McElhearn wrote (June 16, 2005):
[To Anthony Olszowy] Agreed...
Aryeh, I won't say what you expect me to say, but you know what I'd like to say... :-)
John Pike wrote (June 17, 2005):
[To Anthony Olszowy] Here, here!
David Garber [Administrative Director, Pro Coro Canada] wrote (June 17, 2005):
Wonderful websites - THANK YOU
Dear Aryeh Oron:
The websites that you maintain are extremely useful resources. Thank you for your excellent work!
David Garber
Administrative Director
Pro Coro Canada
332 Birks Building
10113-104 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 1A1
Pieter Dirksen [Harpsichordist - Musicologist - Organist, www.pieterdirksen.nl] wrote (June 22, 2005):
Bach Cantatas website
<> Bravo for this wonderful website
D. Kerr wrote (June 22, 2005):
I listen to Bach cantatas daily and often use your wonderful site to follow along.. <>
John wrote (June 23, 2005):
I am a new visitor to your website, and I am very impressed. <> and thank you for maintaining such a wonderful website.
Alfred Calabrese [Conductor, Meadows Chorale, Meadows Symphony Orchestra] wrote (June 23, 2005):
Thank you for posting our concerts to your wonderful website! <>
Rianto Pardede [Indonesia] wrote (June 24, 2005):
[After adding another batch of his Indonesia translations to the BCW]
Many thanks for the times you have provided for me, and for BCW, of course :)
Florie Stickney [Staff editor, NY Time] wrote (June 28, 2005):
I am answering a reader's question for a q&a column for the Sunday travel section and have come across your excellent site that includes a listing of Bach festivals (the reader asks if there is a complete list of such festivals). Did you put the www.bach-cantatas.com website together? And if so, I would like to be able to identify you. Are you a Bach scholar? And would you say this is the most comprehensive listing of such festivals? I have not found others. <>
Máté Balázs wrote (June 28, 2005):
I just discovered your extremely interesting web site about the works by Bach. A huge undertake! <>
Florie Stickney [Staff editor, NY Time] wrote (June 29, 2005):
That's so interesting; you are certainly doing a great service maintaining that website. What a great idea! The mention will appear in the Times Sunday Travel section on July 10 (go to www.nytimes.com and click on travel). <>
Alexander Ruggieri [Artistic Director, Los Angeles Bach Festival] wrote (June 30, 2005):
[Following the announcement of the revised Bach Festivals page]
<> Thank you for your listing. |
July 2005 |
George L. Zepos wrote (July 1, 2005):
I would like to congratulate you for your work <>
Denis Siegert [Biocode Hycel - MASSY Cedex] wrote (July 7, 2005):
Bach Cantatas
Just to thank you for all the inside, and to share all these wonderfull things
Again many thanks
The New York Times - Travel section (July 10, 2005): |

Charles Francis wrote (July 10, 2005):
[After adding his article: Das Wohltemperirte Clavier - Pitch, Tuning and Temperament Design]
Great! <>
Rachel P. Cohen [Jerusalem, Editor, www.ejewish.info] wrote (July 10, 2005):
Bach Cantatas site
I came across your interesting website when I entered the section on Daniel Barenboim in www.ejewish.info <>
Michael Leibundgut [Bass, Switzerland] wrote (July 10, 2005):
I am listen on your site great site among the performers <>
[After updating his page at the BCW]
wow, that was fast! thank you very much <>
John Carroll [Seattle, USA] wrote (July 11, 2005):
[After updating the BCW with info about unfamiliar recordings he had provided]
Great Aryeh. You are fast! <>
Steve FitzGerald [BCML - Sydney, Australia] wrote (July 11, 2005):
I should have done this before, but thank you, thank you, for your extraordinarily wonderful Guide to Bach Tour. Its a tour in its own right, but whets my appetite still more for the tour I will make next year. I also intend to take enough time to do some walking/hiking where that is possible, to get a feel for the landscape in which Bach lived, although I fear much of it will have been built up and urbanised.
Thanks again.
Yolanda Gardnen [Publicist - FSB Associates] wrote (July 12, 2005):
[After publishing the article Bach Without Fear by Nicholas McGegan at the BCW]
Thanks so much for posting the article Bach Without Fear. I greatly appreciate it and I'm sure Nic will as well.
My sincere thanks again.
Gustavo Adolfo González [Colombia] wrote (July 13, 2005):
First that everything I want to tell you that the www.bach-cantatas.com site has been one of the best ones than I have found by its content and it never imagines to me to be able to enjoy the 200 cantatas of Bach, I only could buy 25 aqui in my country Colombia, really many thank you <>
Francis Browne wrote (July 17, 2005):
[After announcing the new facility of Seach Works/Movements]
Your new search facility has passed my Dummkopf test : I was able to find movements with soprano and oboe very easily, and if I can anyone can. It will certainy be a useful addition to the website, and the amount of work involved will put lovers of Bach further in your debt. Will there ever come a day when you run out of ideas for improving the BCW and decide enough is enough ?
Jim Chadwick [New York, NY, USA] wrote (July 17, 2005):
I have just discovered your bach-cantatas website and am enjoying it very much. Thank you for your fine work there!
Thanks again for your GREAT Bach site!
Tova Reshef [Choral Director, Israel] wrote (July 19, 2005):
Your sites seem to be so interesting and when I have more time I will look deeper into them, thank you for that!
And - it was good to see someone from Israel creating such things!
Norman Delisle [Québec City, Canada] wrote (July 20, 2005):
Congratulations for the website «Short Biographies». <>
Francis Browne wrote (July 22, 2005):
<> There is no doubt that what you propose will be a useful addition and I am surprised that there is not the facility somewhere already on the web and you will put us all still further in your debt if you are the first to make such searches easy.. <>
Lew George wrote (July 24, 2005):
I finally found some time to explore your new search facility. I think it shows potential, and will be very useful. Thanks for making it available. <>
Sorry that this is a bit negative, as I really admire what you have done. I just need to be more familiar with its mechanics.
Dr. James L. Siebach [Dept. of Philosophy/BYU] wrote (July 25, 2005):
I have found the Bach Cantatas Website extremely useful. I would very much like to see discussions and evaluations of performances by Herreweghe and Koopman: the former in particular. I find his performative-understanding of Bach unsurpassed. Any plans?
Thank you.
Jean Van Noppen [Belgium] wrote (July 26, 2005):
My name is jean Van Noppen.
I've been a "so called" lurker for many years now and have learned a lot.
Many thanks for that.
By the way thank you for this tremendious effort you put in this.
Francis Browne wrote (July 29, 2005):
<> Your new work on the website is as impressive as always. I had not realised the biographical section was so extensive, and I'm impressed by your thoroughness in tracking down the most obscure recordings . <> |
August 2005 |
N. Saz wrote (August 1, 2005):
<> Thank you for your site!
Elizabeth [Soprano, Hong Kong] wrote (August 2, 2005):
I am a great fan of your website on Bach. I am a soprano soloist and would love to perform BWV 82a Ich habe genug. <>
Matthias Girel [BCML] wrote (August 3, 2005):
I am trying to purchase Rilling's SJP on Sony with A. Auger (I have the Hänssler one with 1725 excerpts and I much enjoy it, this is in fact my favourite!) and can't find it anywhere ... I'd appreciate any help on or off-list!
As a matter of fact, the recording was originally released on CBS; I am not aware of any other reissue; still it is mentioned as published on Aryeh's most useful list.
Jean-Christophe Le Toquin [Société Wilhelm Furtwängler] wrote (August 3, 2005):
[After updasting Wilhelm Furtwängler buiography]
Thank you very much for the amazingly quick response and update, and for having added a link to our website. <>
Mathias Girel [France, BCML] wrote (August 4, 2005):
<> Thanks for your quick reply, I am very grateful for all the resources you share on the the Bach Cantatas website!
Elizabeth [Soprano, Hong Kong] wrote (August 5, 2005):
Thank you so much for the feedback. There is a wealth of scholarship and practical advice out there and your readers' views are all very helpful.
Al Thumber [BCML] wrote (August 6, 2005):
Thanks so much for your help in locating performances for January. I'll be back to your site often.
Steven Russell [BCML] wrote (August 7, 2005):
Although I am recent member of this group, I have read this wonderful site for some time. <>
Nyla Khalil [Patron Services & Special Programs Manager - Washington Bach Consort] wrote (August 11, 2005):
Thank you for posting Washington Bach Consort on your website www.bach-cantatas.com
Thanks for all you do and feel free to contact me with any questions.
Lew George [BCML] wrote (August 18, 2005):
And thanks to you too, Aryeh, for the links to cantata scores. This bach-cantatas site has so much on it; as a relatively new member it will take me forever I think to navigate it expertly. By the way, I visited the chorale project the other day and was knocked out by the wealth of detail. What a fabulous project!
John Pike [BCML] wrote (August 23, 2005):
<> I certainly agree about the website. I noticed that Aryeh has already included the recently rediscovered work by Bach with its new BWV number and details of first performance. First rate.
Bernard Têtu from [Ste.-Foy, Québec, Canada] wrote (August 26, 2005):
Discussion on Bach Tour
In 2004 and 2005, my wife and I visit most Bach cities. We brought a lot of information obtained from your fantastic web site. I would like to share our impressions with you. Feel free to post it on the web site if you wish <>. |
September 2005 |
Laura K. McFarland [Laura McFarland - Managing Director, Seattle Pro Musica] wrote (September 1, 2005):
Great. I'll update the link. <> It's awesome to find a concert schedule just for Bach, though. We're doing ours with period instruments, |
Gerald Burton wrote (September 3, 2005):
Biography of Bruce Abel
Enjoyed yosite. <> |
Anne M. Ward [Oxnard, CA, USA - new member of the BCML] wrote (September 4, 2005):
My name is Anne Ward. I was searching for sheet music for a Bach aria: "I Follow Thee", which I found in your Web Site. Thank you so much!!!
Clare Wilkinson (Mezzo-soprano, England] wrote (September 6, 2005):
I'm pleased to see that I feature on your Cantatas website! <>
Bogislav Wilmers [Denmark] wrote (September 6, 2005):
I am visiting your Bach-cantata-website regularly and I am following the discussions, which are very interesting and helpful. <>
Bruce Haynes [Oboist] wrote (September 10, 2005):
Cantata 82, Brüggen
The Bach Cantata website is a precious resource, and I use it frequently. I and many others I’m sure are grateful to you for its existence. <>
Yoël L. Arbeitman [BCML] wrote (September 10, 2005):
Ferrier English Passion
I have had a very joyous Bachian experience and want to share the information. Aryeh's supersite lists: <>
Michaele Silvia Fehn wrote (September 14, 2005):
Helmut Fehn
with great joy I did read your article about Helmut Fehn. He happened to be my beloved father in law. I am holding the private archive with 300 fotos on stage and the collection of critics from newspapers and magazines. I would be glad to assist you with any information about his repertoire and his career.
Karyl Carlson wrote (September 21, 2005):
Greetings! Thank you for your wonderful web-site regarding Bach. I enjoy reading about many things. <>
Alexander Behrens [Cantatafinder] wrote (September 25, 2005):
[After adding a link to Cantatafinder]
thank you so much for your speedy reply <>
Jukka-Pekka Mäki-Luopa [Executive Director - Cantores Minores, Helsinki, Finland] wrote (September 25, 2005):
[After adding Cantores Minores concert to the Schedule]
thank you for your quick reply. <>
Teri Noel Towe wrote (September 28, 2005):
I was browsing through your wonderful site, Aryeh, <>
Amy wrote (September 30, 2005):
I enjoyed very much your discussions about Bach. <>
Lew George wrote (September 30, 2005):
<> Finally, the Bach Cantata site gives me enormous pleasure and food for thought, and the members come up with information that is both amazing and insightful. The links both within your site and to other sites are almost overwhelming in their variety and richness.
Many thanks and sincere best wishes
Teddy Kaufman wrote (September 30, 2005): |

October 2005 |
Kevin Parent [Gongju National University of Education, Korea] wrote (October 2, 2005):
I'm only too happy to help contribute to one of the best sites on the web. <>
Tobin Schmuck [Bach Office - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, New York City] wrote (October 6, 2005):
[After adding the concerts of Bach Vespers at Holy Trinity to the Schedule]
thanks so much for including/updating us. It is a pleasure to be listed on your excellent site.
Rev. Ed Webser (October 7, 2005):
I've enjoyed listening to the music examples <>
Freddy Kahana (October 11, 2005): |

Michael C. Reeves (October 12, 2005):
You have a wonderful site on the music of Bach. <>
Thomas Braatz (October 21, 2005):
[Following addition to the Mvts. database]
This is absolutely wonderful. It makes me proud that I was able to contribute to this resource. The ability of the reader to click the links and be led to the CM and CT pages without having to look them up elsewhere first will allow such a reader to click to whatever depth of interest moves the listener. Now there is more information directly 'up front' on each scoring page. Let the reader decide which way to go from there.
Your enthusiasm in pursuing this type of excellent presentation of information will, I am certain, rub off on me and others who work silently 'behind the scenes' to help make this the best source for Bach available on the internet.
Francis Browne (October 23, 2005):
<> I notice that the BCW is very prominent in the links given by the BBC for their publicity about playing the complete works before Christmas - such recognition must be gratifying for you and well deserved by the amazing amount of work you continue to put into the site.
Dirk Bahlo [Webmaster - Collegium Vocal Bochum] wrote (October 23, 2005):
<> Thanks in advance and keep up the good work,
Alexandre Pasche wrote (October 24, 2005):
I appreciate your site very much <>
Donald Bentvelson [Bass-Baritone - Holland] wrote (October 24, 2005):
Forthwith I send you my own biography and photograph, which I found missing on your excellent page. Thank you for such a good initiative!
Kevin Parent [BCML] wrote (October 25, 2005):
[After infoming the BCML od the Search Works/Movemnts facility]
Thanks, Aryeh. I forgot about motet BWV 227. Didn't know about BWV 31.
This will be a fine addition to the website. Already I learned that two (at least) cantatas call for four trumpets.
Elizabeth Anker [Contralto, USA] wrote (October 27, 2005):
<> I'm teaching a Performing Bach class at my school, Longy School of Music in Cambridge, Mass, and I've steered the students to your wonderful website.
John Pike [BCML] wrote (October 27, 2005):
[After infoming the BCML that all cantatas are in the Search Works/Movemnts database]
Many thanks, Aryeh, for a most interesting and useful piece of work. I imagine that there will be many people wanting to put on performances with limited resources who will find exactly what they want here. |
November 2005 |
Magnus wrote (November 2, 2005):
First, I like to say that this is a very valuable site for me. Thanks. <>
Emily L. Ferguson [Bach_Cantatas ML] wrote (November 2, 2005):
[After infoming the Bach_Cantatas ML that all Bach's Vocal Works are in the Search Works/Movemnts database]
Aryeh, you're a wonder!
Amazing how many crazy ways we spend our lives, hey?
thanks for putting in all this work.
Carol Hague [ChoralTalk Moderator] wrote (November 2, 2005):
<> Thanks for your wonderful service!
Helene Goldberg [Bach_Cantatas ML] wrote (November 2, 2005):
Thank you for the tool; it will be extremely useful.
btw I am also a Bach and jazz fan. I love Coltrane and Monk almost as much as Bach.
Kimberly Burns wrote (November 2, 2005):
I enjoy your site very much. You have a great selection Bach works, <>
Thank you,
Kimberly Burns, Bach's #1 Fan
Steven Foss [BeginnersBach ML] wrote (November 3, 2005):
Thank you for a most important resource and Database.
It is amazing how many Cantatas were scored for Zink (Cornetto) and 3 Trombones.
Egbert van de Schootbrugge [Norway] wrote (November 3, 2005):
First of all thanks for you very usefull and informative Bach cantatas website! I have just started an ensemble in Norway which solely will perform Bachs cantatas. The ensemble is made up of baroque specialists. Our debut concert will be the 13th november in Oslo, Vestre Aker Church at Ullevålsveien, Oslo, Norway. Every cantate will be introduced by me, in order to give the listener a better understanding of the music. I will speak a bit about the texts, the theology and the compositions before every cantata is performed. The ensemble is called 'Bach-solistene'. The cantatas are performed with only one person per instrument. The most elaborate 'choirparts' are also performed solistic. The other choir parts are performed with 4 ripienists joining the soloists. All this in accordance of the (rather faint) evidence we have of Bach practice, and eventually ideals (?). <>
Bernard D. Sherman [Inside Early Music: Bernard D. Sherman's Performance Practice Website] wrote (November 6, 2005):
I love the Bach cantata site.
Keep up the good work,
Donald Bentvelsen [Bass-Baritone, Holland] wrote (November 7, 2005):
Thank you for uploading my biography and photographs to your site. <>
Ricardo Hiroshi Minoda wrote (November 7, 2005):
I would like to express my THANKS for your site Bach Cantatas. It's a real jfor the whole barroque music community.
Thank you very much,
Riccardo Pisano [Italy] wrote (November 7, 2005):
I have been reading the Bach Cantatas website and I find it a wonderful source of information, but I have seen there is a lack of italian translations so I thought to contribute by sending you an italian translation of the Cantata 129 "Gelobet sei der Herr, mein Gott".
That's hopefully just a start!
Egbert van de Schootbrugge [Norway] wrote (November 8, 2005):
<> Again thanks for your help and your great website!
Richard Duncan wrote (November 9, 2005):
Brilliant site!!! I probably knew about 30 of the cantatas before accessing this site and it seems like a gold mine of treasures not many people know apart from Niclolas Harnoncourt, John Eliot Gardner and other specialists. <>
Jack Botelho wrote (November 9, 2005):
Although at first I was very surprised and somewhat pleased to find some of my own posts at your distinguished Bach Cantatas website, <>
Jean Claude Quint [Versailles, France] wrote (November 13, 2005):
Each last Sunday of month we play one or two cantatas at Notre Dame de Versailles. We are very happy to use information found on your site, especially scores. We also really apreciate your rapid answer to our needs : your have added years 2005 & 2006 to your lutherian church year.
Jack Botelho [BeginnersBach] wrote (November 17, 2005):
A note of thanks
I think at this time a note of thanks is due to the contributors to the Bach Cantatas Yahoo forum for making a large amount of information available to the on-line browser, and to one particular individual [Thomas Braatz] who has devoted hundreds, if not a few thousand hours of his time to that list in contributing knowledge to the public of his own free-will. <>
Wolfgang Hahn [Webmaster - Kammerchor Carmina Mundi e.V.] wrote (November 18, 2005):
<> Thank you for your webside.
Ewald Demeyere [Belgium - Home Page] wrote (November 19, 2005):
Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Professor of Harpsichord and President of the section Baroque Music at the conservatory of Antwerp (B).
I’ve read with great interest the article of Thomas Braatz on the quodlibet, which I find brilliantly written. <>
Guido Alice wrote (November 19, 2005):
<> Excellent the analisys of the works. Is a continuos discovering of Johann genius. <>
Mathias Girel [BCML] wrote (November 19, 2005):
<> Thanks again to Aryeh for his tremendous work of cataloguing!
Sw Anandgyan wrote (November 20, 2005):
<> I'm so happy to contribute with all the members under your passionate guidance.
Sw Anandgyan wrote (November 21, 2005):
<> I'm glad the world is recognizing the great value of the Bach Cantatas Website.
Leonardo Santos wrote (November 23, 2005):
[After adding his Potuguese translations Cantatas & other vocal works]
Thank you. It's everything great. <>
Thomas Braatz wrote (November 24, 2005):
<> Thanks for all your extra effort in making my contributions look great. I hope that others who consult these pages will find them interesting and helpful.
Frank K. DeWald [OHS Someko Singers, Okemos High School, Okemos, MI, USA] wrote (November 29, 2005):
[After Francis Browne provided English translation of Cantata BWV 142]
Thank you so much for arranging for Francis to do this translation. I can't believe how quickly he replied!
I will use it in my program and will credit it to Francis with thanks. I will also share it with my students. <>
Stephen Benson wrote (November 29, 2005):
<> I have only the greatest respect for the Bach Cantata website, which I constantly tout as an example of the finest that the Web has to offer. Your sweat and dedication have produced something quite extraordinary. <>
Wichard Johannsen [Webmaster - Aachener Bachverein] wrote (November 29, 2005):
Yesterday I was searching for some Information about the "Hamburger Barockorchester" and found your website, including information about our choir, the Aachener Bachverein.
Thank you very much for translating our site, making it accessible for foreign people. <>
Eric Kisch [Musical Passions Productions, Shaker Heights, OH, USA] wrote (November 29, 2005):
<> I think your site is a great reference for the Cantatas, a complex but essential subject for understanding Bach.
Yoël L. Arbeitman wrote (November 29, 2005):
<> Yes, the many resources which you have created are cited indeed on many other lists, esp. the bios of the performers and so forth and you have "worked like a dog" as we say in English. <>
Francis Browne wrote (November 30, 2005):
<> I am continually amazed at the amount and quality of the work you put in on the website. <> |
December 2005 |
André Courville [Loyola University New Orleans] wrote (December 1, 2005):
I am a great fan of your website and have found it very useful. <>
Dick Wursten [Holland] wrote (December 1, 2005):
<> BTW: I profited a lot from the profound analysis of BWV 127 on the cantatawebsite, esp.. the special documents created by Thomas Braatz.
Arthur W. Haule, III [Violin Student Central: For Violin Students, Fiddlers, Suzuki Violin Students] wrote (December 1, 2005):
<> BTW, great site. Thanks!
André Courville [Loyola University New Orleans] wrote (December 2, 2005):
[After adding the biography page of Philip Frohnmayer]
You did a great job of compiling the bio from the website. <>
Marlon G. Hurst [Director of Music & Arts - First Presbyterian Church of Lexington, Kentucky, USA] wrote (December 5, 2005):
[After presenting his translation of the Cantata BWV 140]:
Thanks for your web site, your willingness to post my translation, <>
Anna Jobrant Dalnäs [Soprano - Sweden] wrote (December 8, 2005):
[After adding her bio: Anna Jobrant Dalnäs to the BCW]
It looks very nice! <>
Jaroslaw Sielicki [Bass-Baritone - Poland] wrote (December 8, 2005):
I was very happy, to find Your note about me in Bach Cantatas Website. <>
Jaroslaw Sielicki [Bass-Baritone - Poland] wrote (December 10, 2005):
[After updating his bio: Jaroslaw Sielicki]
Thank You very much for the quick response! <>
Peter Henderson [ Peter Henderson] wrote (December 13, 2005):
Back in 2002 I sent in a listing for myself and my music, and somewhat heretical views on religion.
The message has picked up a listing on Google, which is flattering and most welcome.
Kieran O'Mahony wrote (December 14, 2005):
[After adding concerts of Bach Cantata Series in Dublin to the Schedule]
Thank you so much - your help is very much appreciated. The web site is wonderful and I often find myself using it.
Sylvie Haller Xylouris [Post Restand, Ermoupoli, Syros, Grece] wrote (December 18, 2005):
Excuse my poor english. Be blessed for this marvellous web site, which is like fresh air in burned lungs.
John Pike [BCML] wrote (December 19, 2005):
All of Bach on BBC R3
I listened to a lot of "A Bach Christmas" at the weekend. absolutely wonderful. Very well put together and presented, with outstanding commentary from performers, scholars and celebrities alike. The website is also excellent (though not as good as BCW, of course!)
Anita Dagnall wrote (December 22, 2005):
Thank you for www.bach-cantatas.com
I live in Wales, UK and BBC radio are broadcasting Bach - all of his works - over the Christmas period.
Your site is perpetually open so I've had the luxury of listening and reading the words in English alongside the German original. I don't speak German and the texts are an eye opener onto his works.
Many, many thanks for mastering the bach-cantatas site.
I found your sthrough Googling but later found BBC had a link to you.
No need to respond.
John Martin wrote (December 24, 2005):
I have recently begun to enjoy your site (bach-cantatas.com). <>
Craig [BCML] wrote (December 25, 2005):
<> Finding this website was another (and much cheaper) blessing. I have felt like Bach's choral music had been kept a sad secret and knowing that it is enjoyed and discussed by others has relieved a lot of the weight to evangelise. Talking about evangelising, as a lurker I have been a little taken aback by the discussion of religion instead of Bach, have a wondered into a minefield? <>
Eduard van Hengel wrote (December 30, 2005):
<> But for the rest: what a lot of pleasure I have from your immense site. <> |
General Topics:
Main Page
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