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Feedback to the Bach Cantatas Website
Part 7: Year 2007 |
Year 2007: January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August |
September | October | November | December
Year 2009 | Year 2008 | Year 2007 | Year 2006 | Year 2005 | Year 2004 | Year 2003 | Year 2002 | Year 2001 | Year 2000
BCML: Year 2009 | Year 2008 | Year 2007 | Year 2006 | Year 2005 | Year 2004 | Year 2003 |
January 2007 |
Raymond Joly wrote (January 3, 2007):
<> Bach Cantatas Website (no matter how admirable this site is in many respects). <> |
Paul T. McCain wrote (January 4, 2007):
[Following the annoncement of 6th anniversary]
Congratulations on truly a superb achievement Aryeh. Your's is an invaluable resource.
A happy new year to you too. |
Julian Mincham wrote (January 4, 2007):
One can only say well done and congratulations. The success of the site is truly global and phenominal. I use it most days and am now well into my second year of use and contribution. Despite the occasional clashings of egocentrics, the multiple positive aspects will endure. <> |
Francis Browne wrote (January 4, 2007):
Happy New Year and congratulations and thanks for another year where you have worked so hard on the BCW - but this is not a New Year's resolution. <> |
Harry W. Crosby wrote (January 4, 2007):
I cannot thank you enough for what you have done, raising this child of your mind to the age of six and having, I pray, every reason to see it flourish into some impossible to predict future --- I mean, Bach is a phenomenon for the ages precisely because of his impact on people who take deep and abiding interests. You are a prince among their enablers. <> |
Gregory Hamilton [Organist, USA - Home Page Gregory Hamilton] wrote (January 4, 2007):
Your site is very helpful. <> |
Barry & Norton [BCML] wrote (January 4, 2007):
I'm a little late, but would like to wish the BCW a very happy 6th anniversary - may there be many more years to come!! This is a truly wonderful resource - very deserving of our continued support. My thanks especially to Aryeh for his tireless efforts! |
Elizabeth Suh Lane [Exec-Artistic Director - Bach Aria Soloists] wrote (January 8, 2007):
Hello! I would like to applaud you for your fabulous website on Bach's Cantatas. I reference it often. I am the Executive-Artistic Director, and solo violinist of the Bach Aria Soloists, www.bachariasoloists.com Please do link our site to yours under Bach organizations, if you would please. We are doing as much as we possibly can in the way of inspiring people to come to our live performances centered around Bach's glorious Cantata aria repertoire through our informative concert series of public concerts, and private concerts, the latter entitled "Bach Aria Soloists Hauskonzert," and educational outreach. We are in our 7th season of bringing Bach and friends to the Kansas City community. <> |
Glen Wilson [Hapsichordist, Pianist, Conductor - USA] wrote (January 8, 2007):
I very much appreciate the biography you've put in your website. <> |
James Bride wrote (January 10, 2007):
Given your absolutely superb web site(s), I find it embarrassing to ask you to mention more- but there are some marvelous DVD recordings available that will simply blow your eyes and ears off. For a start the John Eliot Gardner’s 2000 Cantata recordings (many) and release (too few) are superb. These DVDs and many other recent releases mostly European recordings can be a stepping stone for yet more considerable enjoyment for Bach fans. My time goes back to witnessing E. Power Biggs in radio broadcasts (1955) from Searles Memorial Organ, Methuen, Massachusetts while a student at Brooks School in North Andover, Massachusetts. Bach’s music has been the center post for enjoyment ever since.
Good luck and thanks for brining Bach into the digital age. |
Emanuele Antonacci [Italy] wrote (January 17, 2007):
<> Thank you for your wonderful work. |
Teddy Kaufman wrote (January 21, 2007):
Sorry, forgot to congratulate you for the enormous & incredible work and skills you have input.
Also, thanks for the nice compilations of the Artists I have submitted to you. <> |
Michael Meng [Bach-Project Weimar] wrote (January 22, 2007):
<> Thank you so much for managing BCW, a really great web site!! |
Colin Alfandary wrote (January 26, 2007):
Firstly thank you for providing such a wonderful website; and for all the hard work in doing so. <> |
Xavier R. [France] wrote (January 28, 2007):
Thank you for your welcome and congratulations for the website, it is truly fantastic. I discovered it (and the yahoo group) only recently.
My name is Xavier. I am a musician. Lived with Bach's music all my life, more or less like the air I breathe. Santa brought me the Brilliant Classics box, and it has renewed my Cantata's fever big time. <>
Having read some of the discussions, I enjoy immensely your contributions, always full of sensibility. <> |
Christopher Shepard [Conductor, Sydneian Bach Choir] wrote (January 30, 2007):
Continued congratulations on the excellent website!! I thought that I'd pass along the information about our series of Bach cantatas for 2007. I can't believe we've already done 14 concerts-- 42 cantatas!! It's such a thrill... and now to add the St Matthew!!! |
Ben Rayfield [Director, Rayfield Artists] wrote (January 30, 2007):
I have been looking at your excellent website, and I notice that you have artist biography pages for some of my clients. I wonder if you might be able to add links to my website from yours for the following singers: <> |
February 2007 |
Thomas Braatz wrote (February 1, 2007):
<> Congratulations on the tremendous amount of time and energy spent in assembling information about the keyboard works! |
Teddy Kaufman wrote (February 1, 2007):
The Partitas BWV 825-830 section
Auguri. |
Yoël L. Arbeitman wrote (February 2, 2007):
The Cell of the album Title (was The Partitas BWV 825-830 - Discography)
Aryeh Oron wrote:
< Please also notice that for most albums there is a link at the cell of the album title. This link takes you to the page of the soloist, in which you can find other Bach recordings by this artist. >
I know that irrespective of disagreements on all kinds of matters, both musical preferences and all the things that come up on any list, everyone (not only list members) appreciates the resources that Aryeh provides. Appreciates in both senses of that word, being aware of what the work is and being grateful.
To use that awful English word: these discographies are invaluable (that is a badly constructed Latinate word).
I have long had only one mini-problem with the discographies, esp. where there are recordings for many decades indeed. When I find that performer so and so recorded such and such a work by looking at the performer's biography or by learning of a recording elsewhere, one will find in the bio usually a link to the work in question. However the absence within the performer listing of a date for the given work thcompels the user to search by decades, often going from one decade to another.
For those of us who have used the discographies for a long time, one becomes quite used to this and it is no big problem. However for those less familiar with the long decades of Bach recordings, it can perhaps sometimes
become frustrating.
I am thinking about the many persons not on these lists to whom I always send a link and tell them that all Bach information can be found here.
If I have not clearly expressed myself, my suggestion is that e.g. next to a bio. of Scherchen, with each work noted, a recording date like 1953 would help rather than just the link to the given work where one unacquainted with Scherchen (there are such persons, believe me:-)), would have to go through all the decades of the work to which a link has been provided.
I am always amazed to meet persons who are interested in such information and don't know all the information presented on Aryeh's website. |
Cara Emily Thornton wrote (February 2, 2007):
Yoël L. Arbeitman wrote:
< To use that awful English word: these discographies are invaluable (that is badly constructed Latinate word). >
I don't think it is any worse-constructed than the word 'priceless', which could be considered the Germanic equivalent of 'invaluable' ;;) |
Aryeh Oron wrote (February 7, 2007):
[To Yoël L. Arbeitman] Thanks for your kind words.
Yoël L. Arbeitman wrote:
"I have long had only one mini-problem with the discographies, esp. where there are recordings for many decades indeed. When I find that performer so and so recorded such and such a work by looking at the performer's biography or by learning of a recording elsewhere, one will find in the bio usually a link to the work in question. However the absence within the performer listing of a date for the given work then compels the user to search by decades, often going from one decade to another.
If I have not clearly expressed myself, my suggestion is that e.g. next to a bio. of Scherchen, with each work noted, a recording date like 1953 would help rather than just the link to the given work where one unacquainted with Scherchen (there are such persons, believe me:-)), would have to go through all the decades of the work to which a link has been provided."
The solution to this "mini-problem" is rather simple: go to the Recordings page of the conductor and find the info you are looking for.The Recordings page is linked from the bio page of the conductor and from the bio page of every singer who participated in the recording.
For example:
Hermann Scherchen bio page: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Bio/Scherchen-Hermann.htm
Scherchen Recordings: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Performers/Scherchen.htm
[link at the bio page below the photos]
HRM bio page: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Bio/Rossl-Majdan-Hilde.htm
[link to Sherchen Recordings page at the column "Conductor' in the section 'Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal works"]
Adding a year near the BWV is almost mission impossible, because it would require a lot of work and maintenance, where there is already a simple and easy to use solution as described above.
The reason for the decade splitting is the enormous number of recordings of certain works. On the other hand, unlike other web-discographies (for example, AMG), I prefer to present all the info of a recording (conductor, ensembles, singers, location, recording date, TT) in one place in order to help the user avoiding moving back and forth between pages. If only a list of the recordings was presented, there would have been no problem putting them into a single page.
For most cantatas (except BWV 51 & BWV 82) you can find all recordings in a single page.
On the other hand, the GV has about 100 recordings for the decade 1991-2000.
As a rule of thumb, I split the recordings into decade pages when the work has over 50 recordings.
To make it easier to use, the splitting is always the same: Until 1950; 1951-1960;... ; 1991-2000; From 2001.
I hope it answers your query. |
Teddy Kaufman wrote (February 3, 2007):
Congratulations for the splendid section - BWV 831. Gigantic efforts & patience ! <> |
Harry W. Crosby wrote (February 4, 2007):
Neglected Keyboard Works BWV 832-845 - Discography
Aryeh, please excuse me for loading up your inbox, and please don't feel any need to answer this . . . . but I just have to send you my sincerest and most wondering thanks for your ongoing work (masterwork, I swear). These discographies are unique, in any event, but the fact that they are only part of an amazing opus, and that you have made all this reality and then turned it over to the world --- OK, us --- is something else.
And maybe the fact that I'm not even a musician and yet feel so gifted by what you do, maybe that is actually a plus; you might say gratitude from another quarter, another audience.
Outside of family, you sir have done more for me than all else during the past two years of severe physical problems, facing the limitations of age, the loss of productivity. You have opened the door to so much, led me to so many recorded Bach wonders, introduced me to so many fun and lively fellow addicts . . . . I tell you it is hard to put into words.
I'll make it simple. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Harry |
Marc Parisot wrote (February 4, 2007):
Thank you for the invaluable work you’re doing on the Bach Cantatas website. The incredible diversity and precision of the informations provided have completely changed my understanding of the cantatas, which I’ve now undertaken to listen each Sunday in accordance with the church calendar. It’s a bit early for me to participate in the forums, but I also look at the exchanges there with a lot of interest.
This was my humble contribution which I hope will testify of the deep interest you’ve triggered with your remarkable work. Again thank you. |
Gottlobe Gebauer [Soprano, Germany] wrote (February 5, 2007):
mit Freude habe ich Ihre Arbeit gesehen und beglückwünsche Sie zum informativen Gehalt und bedanke mich gleichzeitig dafür, da ich durch Ihre Recherche mit in diesem Katalog sein darf! Sie haben die Möglichkeit genannt, mit zusätzlichen Informationen sich an Sie wenden zu können, und das möchte ich mit einer Kurzbiographie von mir tun. Innerhalb meiner Website finden Sie weitere Informationen, auch ein Bild kann dann heruntergeladen werden. Ich hoffe, dass ich mit dieser Mail-Adresse auch auf die richtige Adressatin treffe, die ich hiermit herzlich grüße. Alles Gute für Sie! <> |
Michael Wajda wrote (February 7, 2007):
Aryeh, thank you for the BCW. I'd have learned to appreciate Bach and western classical music a long time ago if I'd known of such an amazing resource. The wonderfully written and apprehendable discussions of the BWVs have unlocked many doors for me (they've also indirectly cost me a lot of money and caused a row with my neighbors, but I won't hold either of these against you or your contributors). I encountered it a few months ago and since then it has led me to musical discovery after musical discovery. One of these days I hope I'll have gained enough musical literacy to join in your discussions, but in the meantime I figured I could at least add some events to your "Upcoming Concerts" page. All of these events are in New York and are in March and April 2007, and my source of information is in all cases the website provided in my event listing.
<>Thank you again for your hard work on the BCW. I hope this information is useful to you. If I've missed anything, please let me know. |
Robert Tifft wrote (February 17, 2007):
<> Keep up the good work! |
Thérèse Hanquet [Belgium] (February 18, 2007):
<> Thanks again for your work. |
Teri Noel Towe wrote (February 19, 2007):
As you know, I have had a lot on my plate lately, and I therefore am not able to check the expansions that you have been making to your invaluable on line discography anywhere near as often as I would lik. <> |
Teddy Kaufman wrote (February 21, 2007):
Thanks. Again and again I am amazed by your capabilities and commitment for perfection. |
Paul Esswood [Counter-tenor, England] wrote (February 22, 20067:
It was something of a surprise, a pleasant one I hasten to add, to read of the experiences of Panajotis Iconomou during his years with the Tolzer Boys Choir.I came across your interview with him only today! In particular, I refer to his comments about me when I was so very busy recording the Bach Cantatas under Harnoncourt and Leonhardt. Of course, I was rather young myself in those days, and didn't fully appreciate what impact I was making on the musical world, especially with regard to 'Bach' singing.
I am very grateful that 'Panito' remembers me as being a little sympathetic to his requests to sing 'my' arias. Singers don't like to give up the tiniest of arias if they can help it. <> |
Skip Jennings wrote (February 21, 2007):
This is a wonderful suggestion (translations into Farsi).
As you probably know, I have just rejoined BCML after a couple of years away. It is good to be back.
I recently finished teaching an adult education class at my church (St. John's, http://stjohnssav.org/splash.asp) on Bach's Cantatas for the Epiphany and Pre-Lenten seasons. The Bach Cantatas website was an invaluable resource in preparing my lessons for each week, particularly the immediate access to the Gospel lessons and librettos. We plan on doing another series later this year, probably with the late Trinity Cantatas.
I am in Savannah, Georgia, USA. Do you or do you ever plan on traveling to this area? If so, I would love to have you speak at St. John's on the subject of Bach's sacred music, particularly the Cantatas.
Take care and keep up the good work, |
Paul Farseth wrote (February 24, 2007):
The page looks beautiful, Aryeh. Thank you for formatting it. <> |
Kim Patrick Clow wrote (February 25, 2007):
A Brief Introduction
I wanted to introduce myself with a few words, but first a generous thank you for a wonderful website and resource.
Again I thank you for a wonderful website and resource |
March 2007 |
Regina McCann wrote (March 1, 2007):
<> on your site (which, by the way, is great; thank you so much!) |
Prof Peter Main [Department of Physics, University of York] wrote (March 1, 2007):
I was thrilled when I first discovered your Bach Cantatas website. Now that I'm retired, I have time to look into music in more depth and I am indulging my love of Bach's music. <> |
N. Adams R. wrote (March 2, 2007):
Greetings Bach Fan
I have discovered that your website is a googlewhack, a very interesting past time which my friends and I usually do on a Saturday night. Indeed, you will find that if you type in the words “Slavic” and “Antinomianist” into the Google Search engine, your website will be the only result.Please spread the word of the Googlewhack,
Much English Greetings
Queen Elizabeth II |
Regina McCann wrote (March 2, 2007):
Thanks for your email. Your website must be a full-time job! <> |
Wieland Witt [Quickborner Team] wrote (March 3, 2007):
Dear Aryeh Oron. It is now already a lot of month ago, that we had correspondence about Titus. So far as You are still interested to complete Titus bio in your excellent page about Bach interprets, I send you some additional dates for Titus bio, <>
I still admire your wonderful pages about BACH and wish you a lot of enthusiastic readers all over the world. |
Francis Browne wrote (March 3, 2007):
<> I come and I go, but you meanwhile carry indefatigably on. Your recent discographies put all lovers of Bach further in your debt. How do you manage to do it ? What is the secret.? |
Teddy Kaufman wrote (March 3, 2007):
Both Suzanne and me wish you a very Happy Purim.
As always, I am astonished by your commitment to the Bach Cantatas Web which turned to be an unique monumental Musical Web.
I feel very happy to collaborate with you. |
Francis Browne wrote (March 4, 2007):
<> Your "problem" is a consequence of your success. The BCML has doubled in size since I joined , and it is not unrealistic to foresee the day when there will be a thousand members........Much of this growth is, I am sure, due not only to your heroic labours week after week inthe early days but also to the prodigious amount of information that you yourself have made available.My impression is that more and more people are becoming aware of the musical riches of the cantatas - and the continuing Suzuki and Gardiner cycles - both excellent in different ways - will only increase this number. - I hope you take time off from your work on the website to listen to vol 34 of Suzuki and vol 22 of Gardiner -I am delighted by all the cantatas on these discs. Even with works I though I knew well there is fresh illumination and insight in the performances. |
Bill Jones [Delmar, NY, USA] wrote (March 5, 2007):
How wonderful Aryeh to suddenly find this link!!!!!!!
Thank you.
I am writing Borovsky's biography. |
Teddy Kaufman wrote (March 5, 2007):
The Little Preludes Section
Auguri !
Mille grazie, |
Udo Potratz [Dipl.-Tonmeister - ES-DUR Tonstudio, Hamburg, Germany] wrote (March 7, 2007):
My name is Udo Potratz and I am a recording engineer (Tonmeister) at ES-DUR Recording Studio in Hamburg/Germany.
I found on the impressive Bach cantatas website one of our recordings (Label CHARADE) mentioned.
(see at http://www.bach-cantatas.com/NVD/BWV988-Rec1990.htm --- #146) <> |
Teddy Kaufman wrote (March 8, 2007):
<> As usually, I appreciate your efforts to accomplish excellence. <> |
Steven Bornfeld [BRML] wrote (March 8, 2007):
Sonatas & Movements BWV 963-970 - Discographies
[To Aryeh Oron] I rarely have posted here; just a word of appreciation for the exhaustive work you do in compiling this information and making it available to us. <> |
Bruno Bianco [Italy] wrote (March 14, 2007):
in Ihrer so wertvollen "Bach-Cantatas Website" habe ich unter dem Namen von Paul Eber sein Lied Herr Jesu Christ, wahr' Mensch und Gott bei der Rubrik "Chorale Texts used in Bach's Vocal Works" sowie auch bei der Rubrik "Chorale Texts" vermisst. <> |
Antonio Armendáriz Navarro [Recopilación de J.S. Bach] wrote (March 20, 2007):
<> Equally, today a new link has been established from my website to yours, so that the visitors will have the opportunity to enter in your awsome web. Again, thank you . <> |
Anthony Olszowy [BCML] wrote (March 21, 2007):
Bach's Birthday
I would like to take this opportunity this March 21 to thank all my fellow listers and lurkers for this list. I began trolling the Internet in the mid nineties looking for more information regarding the cantatas (Simon's short commentaries come to mind), when I stumbled upon one of the earliest versions of this list. So much informed commentary, so much passion, I find it easy to overlook the interim flame wars between partisans of one point of view or another.
My special thanks to Aryeh. I have been involved in volunteer arts administration for over a decade and a half, and I know how these things can consume one's work day--and spare time. He does a truly magnificent job under sometimes trying circumstances. This site is truly a gold mine of both information and opinion. |
Peter van Brunschot [Webmaster - Collegium Vocale Zaandam, Zaandam, Holland] wrote (March 23, 2007):
<> The lists of concerts can currently only be found via the "Concerts" item in the header of most pages of your excellent site. <> |
Peter van Brunschot [Webmaster - Collegium Vocale Zaandam, Zaandam, Holland] (March 25, 2007):
Thank you for acting so quickly; <> |
Bill Jones [Delmar, NY, USA] wrote (March 27, 2007):
Alexander Borovsky entry
I am writing my dear friend and teacher's biography, famed Russianj pianist, Borovsky, and am very pleased at what you've
Thanks. |
Teddy Kaufman wrote (March 27, 2007):
The IC section
I was amazed by the exceptional and monumental work you have input into the IC section.
It is a great contribution to Bach's lovers.
Again, when do you find time for resting or sleeping ?
ééùø ëç
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Alexander Volkov wrote (March 30, 2007):
[After adding the first Russian translations of the Bach Cantatas]
<> Anyway, thank you for your great job! <> |
April 2007 |
Peter de Groot [Counter-tenor, Holland] wrote (April 4, 2007):
[After adding his bio to the BCW]
Thank you for your prompt reaction and initiative to add some pictures of me to my biography. <> I have made a lot of recordings, but mainly in the field of the Renaissance. Although last year another baroque cd with solowork of me was brought to light: Buxtehude Membra Jesu with the Nederlandse Bach Vereniging (Jos van Vledhoven), but that is not relevant for your esteemed site. |
Alberto Lazzari [Italy] wrote (April 4, 2007):
First of all, let me express my gratitude for your work as a creator, curator and moderator of these pages. I am quite a beginner regard to JS Bach vocal music and the Cantatas in particular. I have found the Bach Cantatas website an invaluable source of informations and suggestions. I would like to contribute posting some translations. The first one, BWV 140, is one of my favourite Cantatas. The translation that follows has been a very challenging task for me but has greatly improved the pleasure of listening to it. Please tell me if the way I sent you the text is correct or if you need a different form. <> |
Carla Penner wrote (April 5, 2007):
I love the bach cantata website. <> |
Gerhard wrote (April 9, 2007):
First of all, thanks a lot for the wonderful bach-cantatas website.
It's a resource I come back to time and time again. <> |
Judith Wardman [Secretary, British Clavichord Society] wrote (April 17, 2007):
<> Great website, though! |
Teddy Kaufman wrote (April 19, 2007):
PT - Busoni
I am now in the O.R. and am astonished to see the the piece of art you have created by compiling the recordings of Busoni PT. I am speechless . Congratulations and thanks for the excellent collaboration we have been experiencing during the past several weeks.
Again, AUGURI |
Sw Anandgyan wrote (April 25, 2007):
<> Many thanks Aryeh for everything Bach-related. |
Elizabeth Shuman wrote (April 26, 2007):
I would like to thank you for your wonderful work on the Bach Cantatas website. <> |
Ikuko Marie Hishikawa wrote (April 26, 2007):
<> Thank you in advance of your work! |
May 2007 |
Vera Rönkos wrote (May 10, 2007):
Great site! Thank you. <> |
Emanuele Antonacci wrote (May 13, 2007):
thank you for your clarification and for all your work. |
Robert K. Kosmala wrote (May 15, 2007):
<> Anyway thanks for your website - it's great and very helpful! |
Alberto Lazzari wrote (May 16, 2007):
<> Many thanks for all your work on the website. |
Peter Molenaar wrote (May 18, 2007):
With much pleasure I have visited your beautiful website of the Bach Cantatas. <> |
François Dru [Producer - France Musique, RADIO FRANCE] wrote (May 22, 2007):
In our 78rpm's collection in Radio France, we found this record: <>
Perhaps this one will be a clue for your beautiful quest... <>
Your website is wonderful ! |
Bernard Sherman wrote (May 25, 2007):
<> Keep up the good work. |
Miguel Prohaska wrote (May 26, 2007)::
One of the perfomers in listed in the website, Felix Prohaska, was my father's older brother.
I have greatly appreciated various parts of the website for a few years. For many years I have been listening to Bach Cantatas on the days they were written for. They used to be broadcast on the FM radio station of what was then Ryerson Polytechnic Institute (now Ryerson University) in Toronto. However the station, CJRT, later became independent and changed its format to Jazz. <> |
Steven Maxson [Musical Director and Webmaster - Grimsby Bach Choir] wrote (May 28, 2007):
Thank you very much for including information about the Grimsby Bach Choir on your page:
<> |
Steven Maxson [Musical Director and Webmaster - Grimsby Bach Choir] wrote (May 29, 2007):
Thank you very much for your most prompt response. <> |
June 2007 |
Emily Samson Tepe [Soprano] wrote (June 1, 2007):
I saw the link you made on your page. Thank you so much! It looks wonderful. |
Jana Slámová wrote (June 6, 2007):
I read your websites with much interest and I would like to help you.
I wish you luck and thank you for interesting advices on your websites! |
Wayne Davies wrote (June 8, 2007):
A word of thanks
I just wanted to thank you, for putting so much work into the Smithsonian Collection that you newly added into the Bach Website, you did a wonderful job on all the information.
I also wanted to thank you for adding my name as Contributor, you did not have to do that I provide you with this information only to enhance the info on your website for everyone, but thanks again.
<> |
Andre Wium [Brisbane, South Africa - South African Classical Singers] wrote (June 16, 2007):
Thank you very much Aryeh,
You have a fantastic site, and I congratulate you on this fine achievement. I will visit often. |
Gustavo Quandt [Brazil] wrote (June 16, 2007):
<> Congratulations for your excellent web page. |
Miguel Prohaska wrote (June 22, 2007):
Thank you very much for the information. It is very much appreciated. I forgot to mention that I found the bach cantatas website as a reference on BBC Radio 3 website, where I was looking for the Festival of Lessons and Carols, a few years ago in December.
The information about my uncle [Felix Prohaska] on the bach cantatas website is the only comprehensive information I found on the Internet in English. The last time I saw him was in 1982 in Austria. I have had very little contact with his sons. |
Walter Riemer wrote (June 24, 2007):
[After updating his bio page: Walter Riemer]
Your response time is simply amazing! Thank you very much, this is really a comprehensive picture of what I've been doing. <> |
Bradley Martin wrote (June 30, 2007):
Firstly congratulations on a terrific web site. What a lot of information.
I noticed on your web site that you list a page of Isidor Philipp transcriptions.
<> |
Steven Isserlis wrote (June 30, 2007):
Hello! I wanted just to send you a simple thank you for your wonderful website! I visited it a lot while preparing to record the Bach cello suites, and found it to be both educational and inspiring. I acknowledge my debt to the site in my sleeve-notes to the discs. <>
Thanks again and all best wishes |
July 2007 |
Bradley Martin wrote (July 1, 2007):
I have been going through your list of Philipp Transcriptions.
Very impressive! Where did you get your information from?
<> |
Joachim Duske [Tenor - Germany] wrote (July 2, 2007):
bach-cantatas.com is one of my favourite sites I am looking at. Thank you once again for your famous work! <> |
Thérèse Hanquet wrote (July 3, 2007):
Thanks to you Aryeh.
You make a fantastic work. |
Peter C. Tukker wrote (July 4, 2007):
I have, for years now, followed your cantata website with lots of interest, and have because of it been keeping up with all of the recordings that have been issued.
Thank you again for your excellent website, |
Artur Cimirro [Pianist, Composer - Brazil - Artur Cimirro] wrote (July 10, 2007):
<> Your page is really very good, congratulations for your wonderfull work |
Ralph Nelson [Composer/Conductor/Artist in Residence, Director, Bach Cantata Choir, Portland, OR, USA] wrote (July 14, 2007):
Thank you so much for your great website on the Bach Cantatas. <> |
Francis Browne wrote (July 15, 2007):
<> Your discographies are a splendid resource - and a dangerous temptation : I cannot justify on any prudent grounds acquiring yet another version of the Goldberg variations, WTC I and II, partitas.... etc, etc.but there are so many that seem interesting…
The piano transcriptions project sounds very interesting - I must confess that I do enjoy transcriptions - for piano and anything else -even when they clearly distort what Bach originally intended. I came across Respighi's version of the passacaglia recently -portentous, overblown late romantic, often cliched in orchestration etc- but very enjoyable. you continue to put all who love Bach's music in your debt. Many thanks <> |
Dale Higbee [Carolina Baroque] wrote (July 20, 2007):
<> your wonderful website. |
May Sell wrote (July 20, 2007):
I am interested in doing a systematic study of the Bach Cantatas. The web site is fantastic and I am most interested in the discussions. |
Harry W. Crosby wrote (July 21, 2007):
A note of appreciation
Sir, please accept my sincere thanks for exercising somewhat tighter controls on the contents of the submissions to your Bach weblists.
Your overall contributions to all of us who admire ---OK, being honest, revere J. S. Bach --- is simply astonishing in scope, depth, quality, ingenuity --- you name it. I know of nothing equal to it in any field, certainly not in those of my other interests. What can I say other than to send my sincerest thanks?
And I feel certain that the readership of the Bach Cantatas list will feel as I do --- and I correspond with a few significant contributors, so I do have some sense of the climate for change.
<> You have already done far more than I could ever have expected, or, frankly, hoped for. |
Eloy Carmona Sánchez wrote (July 21, 2007):
Hi. My name's Eloy Carmona Sánchez and I visit your web very often. <> |
Kirk McElhearn wrote (July 27, 2007):
Great work as always. You'll soon have info on every Bach work, every recording, every performer... :-)
You never cease to amaze me! |
Adrian Hart [Zeoroland] wrote (July 28, 2007):
Thank you for your excellent Bach Cantatas website. I have linked to it from: http://www.zeroland.co.nz/classical_composers_b.html |
Frédéric Gaussin wrote (July 31, 2007):
I'm a French pianist and musicologist. I dedicate my work to Lazare-Lévy and produce CDs for the Hermann Scherchen foundation.
I've discovered your website with much pleasure. Congratulations ! This is wonderful.
All the very best for your upcoming projects |
August 2007 |
Jean Laaninen wrote (August 7, 2007):
<> And thanks for the additional work you have been doing to build up the site. You have made and continue to make such a wonderful resource for all of us. <> |
(Dr) Gerry Emmanuel Goldberg (Gershon ben Avrohom) wrote (August 9, 2007):
Thank you (chochom!) for your wonderful website. <> |
Mikhail Saponov wrote (August 9, 2007):
<> I have read the Russian translations on your web site with enthusiasm and find them splendid and exact, their prose style is so beautifully united with the atmosphere of old Russian prayers! The translator, hegumen Peter is my former student in music history at the Tschaikovsky Conservatoire, Moscow, and by now surely feels the liturgical spirit of the texts much better then me. My translations are made in quite another tone, so the intrusion of such style as mine will damage the stylistic unity of the texts already inserted at your site. Please, don't interrupt the beautiful series of these translations and let this serious and theologically educated translator rev. Peter Meshcherinov finish his work of high level. |
Nagamiya Tutomu wrote (August 12, 2007):
Thank you for your appreciation to my new page and that you have so quickly added the links. <> |
Francine Renee Hall wrote (August 14, 2007):
Thank you for your e-mail. I looked at your sites you sent me and I really like the layout and format. It's easy to use, and the links are easy to get to. Simplicity is everything, right?
And thank you for adding my website too. That's very generous of you. <> |
Francine Renee Hall Monty Carter [Saint Joseph Symphony, St. Joseph, Missouri, USA] wrote (August 24, 2007):
Thank you for the educational wealth and irresistible enthusiasm you share through Bach-Cantatas.com!
I am a member of the Saint Joseph Symphony, of St. Joseph, Missouri, and it is my privilege to compose program notes for our 2007-08 season, which will include a performance of the Easter Oratorio.
Next week we'll be formatting and printing our programs. I was wishing that I could include translations of the movement titles in my remarks about the work, for our audience would naturally appreciate them, when I discovered your wonderful website.
I appreciate that text translations may not be used without permission. If you would kindly reply as soon as possible, I would appreciate it very much.
Thanks again for all that you do. |
Tobin Schmuck [Bach Vespers at Holy Trinity] wrote (August 28, 2007):
<> As always, we are pleased to be connected to your excellent site, and thanks for including us. Excited about our 40th Season.
thanks, |
September 2007 |
Maria Podkopaev wrote (September 3, 2007):
<> Thank you for such a great website. |
Gerhard Helzel wrote (September 4, 2007):
I am glad to have found a site for Hugo Ulrich on your web pages <> |
Lynne Harper [Providence, RI, USA] wrote (September 9, 2007):
<> ('Lurker' on this wonderful site for the past two years - but - I'm not a musician, just a Cantata lover!) |
Franziska Hirzel [Soprano, Switzerland] wrote (September 10, 2007):
I'm very impressed, that you already revised my bio.Thank you very much! <> |
Tobin Schmuck [Bach Vespers at Holy Trinity] wrote (September 19, 2007):
[After updating the BCW with their concet and translations]
Thanks Aryeh, you do a great site! <> |
Dale Higbee [Carolina Baroque] wrote (September 24, 2007):
[After updating his pages]
You are really persistent - which is one of the qualities I include in my ESSENTIALS FOR A FULFILLING LIFE. <> |
Harry W. Crosby [Harry W. Crosby: Gateway To Alta California and other books] wrote (September 24, 2007):
<> you are after all the creator, manager, and maintenance man of this wonderful project <> |
Christian Immler [Bass-Baritone, Germany] wrote (September 28, 2007):
You don’t know me personally albeit I have the pleasure of featuring on your website as Boy-Alto and Bass-Baritone. I admire your zeal in collecting all the information relating to Bach! <> |
October 2007 |
Vicki Cripps [University of Leicester Choral Society] wrote (October 5, 2007):
Please could the following details be added to your excellent website. <> |
Alastair Asher wrote (October 5, 2007):
<> Great website. |
Kathleen McIntosh [Harpsichord, USA] wrote (October 8, 2007):
I am so flattered to see my bio on your website! Thank you so much. <> |
Barbara Bleck [organist / choir director - Luther Memorial Church, Chicago, IL, USA] wrote (October 10, 2007):
<> I love your website. Wonderful !!!! It is interesting & I've used it several times to gather info. |
Marc Reboux [Fughetta] wrote (October 16, 2007):
<> I have admired your bach-cantatas.com web site for several years and am appreciative of the work and passion you have put into it. I hope we will now keep in touch. |
Dick Wursten [Holland] wrote (October 20, 2007):
[After editing and adding his Dutch Translation of Cantata BWV 106]
Prachtig (= Dutch for: beautifully done !) |
Matt Houben [Holland] wrote (October 22, 2007):
On your greatBach Cantatas website I noted that one can contribute to the biography section. <> |
Meidad Zaharia wrote (October 25, 2007): |

Francis Browne wrote (October 28, 2007):
<> After your splendid labours on keyboard works, transcriptions, and now complete recordings of organ worksetc. etc, I must confess to a curiosity as to what you will find to do next. When will you feel your website is finished ? |
November 2007 |
Tony Boutté [Tenor, USA] wrote (November 4, 2007):
I appreciate so much the work you do on this website. <> And thanks again for your efforts to further understanding and knowledge of one of the greatest composers ever... |
Sandy Vaughan [Christmas Oratorio] wrote (November 7, 2007):
I have recently put together, as part of a larger site about Christmas, a couple of very modest pages about JS Bach's Christmas music. Most of the material concerns the Christmas Oratorio, including a very brief introduction and (very non-specialist) reviews of a dozen recordings. As part of this little project I also put together a page of advice on where to obtain the various recordings - it's biased towards the UK where I am based, but I would hope the information on downloads in particular might be of interest. Our website is very much at an early stage and I will be adding to it in the run up to Christmas, including more Bach content. I very much enjoy browsing your web site and have included several links - it would be great if our site was something you felt you could include in your own links section.
All the best and many thanks for reading this email. |
Tim [UK] wrote (November 8, 2007):
I have found your Web site very interesting. <> |
Mariano Jimenez [Spain] wrote (November 8, 2007):
Greetings from Spain
I´m a 37 years old musician from Spain. Sorry, my english is very bad but congratulations and thanks for your site about Bach´s cantatas. It´s very interesting! <> |
David Smythe wrote (November 11, 2007):
<> Best wishes - and thanks for a wonderful and useful site. |
Dana Marbach [Soprano, Israel] wrote (November 19, 2007): |

Homer Edwards Sir [Professor of Humanities (Emeritus)] wrote (November 21, 2007):
I am a retired University Professor and for several years have been working on a critical survey of complete sets of recordings (LP and CD and most recently Kibbie for downloads). Your compilation of such sets is invaluale and I have one or two suggestions. May I hear from you if this is received and you are interested? I can provide a curriculum vitae if necessary. I assure you this is a serious project. |
Rainer Baruth [Germany] wrote (November 23, 2007):
<> But your pages are always the best in Internet. <> |
Homer Edwards wrote (November 24, 2007):
[Regarding the Discography of Complete Sets of Bach's Organ Works]
Thank you more thatn words can express for the information re. Gobeliowski and for page creation (as well as for Eisenberg). <> |
Roberta [Coro Bach di Milano] wrote (November 26, 2007):
<> Thank you very much indeed for your valuable work and kindest regards <> |
Hans Pootjes [Bass, Holland] wrote (November 26, 2007):
[After updaing his bio page at the BCW]
Thanks for taking care of things at that short notice.
I am sorry to bother you like this, especially because you present to us singers this wonderful service as I get a fair amount of work through your site as people want to figure out what kind of singer/performer I am and what I have been up to.
So thanks again.
Please tell me, if you find the time of course, what makes you do all this. |
Maria Yatskova wrote (November 27, 2007):
I came upon your page by accident by Googling the pianist Anatoly Vedernikov. I saw you have quite a number of photos of him. <> |
Sandy Vaughan wrote (November 27, 2007):
A very belated thank you for linking to our site. The Bach Cantatas website is one of my favourite pages and I refer to it often! On the subject of the Christmas Oratorio, I received the new recording by Nikolaus Harnoncourt at the weekend and from initial listenings it sounds like a particularly successful interpretation. |
December 2007 |
Hans Haller wrote (December 1, 2007):
<> By the way: Thank you very much for keeping your website which for me is a good source of information (although - inevitably - some or other contributions in the discussions may seem tedious or 'bla-bla' to some or other visitor). I especially appreciate e.g. the compilation of chorale melodies including info about origin, texts, multi-usage etc.
To me it was interesting to find out you are living in Israel. Not only because it is a country one does not primarily associate with Bach cantatas, but also because I myself have been staying in Israel for a year and a half in 1972/73. I quite frequently attended concerts, namely in Jerusalem. I cannot remember hearing a Bach cantata performed, though (and I was not especially interested in cantatas at that time), but I remember the Goldberg Variations played on harpsichord by I-don't-know-who (Kirkpatrick?) in spring or early summer 1973. And, among others, I well remember newly-arrived Mischa Maisky playing more than once in a lovely intimate spot in Ein Kerem (aside Jerusalem).
Keep going, |
Dominic Alldis [Domink Alldis - London, United Kingdom] wrote (December 2, 2007):
My name is Dominic Alldis, I am the son of John Alldis - it is good to read the webpage you have about him on your website: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Bio/Alldis-John.htm <> |
Dominic Alldis [Domink Alldis - London, United Kingdom] wrote (December 3, 2007):
Many thanks for your reply and for replacing the photo so quickly. I think the biography is fine. |
David B. Gardner [D.M.A., Assistant Professor of Music, Director of Choirs - Southwestern College, Winfield, KS, USA] wrote (December 6, 2007):
Thanks for your wonderfully informative website on the Bach cantatas. <> |
Chris Bom wrote (December 7, 2007):
[After updating the bio of Rolf Beck]
thanks for your answer. Do do a great job. I appreciate this. <> |
Jennifer [Boosle Blog - Living like a millionaire] wrote (December 11, 2007):
I stumbled upon your site today and was quite impressed. I really liked the design. Did you make it yourself? <> |
Jean van Noppen wrote (December 19, 2007):
<>. And thank you very much for such a great contribution for the benefit of all bach lovers. |
Peter Smaill wrote (December 25, 2007):
[After the announcement of the Bach Memorabilia section]
Thanks for this initiative, which has great possibilities. <> |