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Year 2001
New Version (launched December 30, 2000) |
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December 2000 |
Uri Adelman wrote (December 28, 2000):
You were right - this site DOES look far more impressive.
Kirk McElhearn wrote (December 30, 2000):
Great idea, great site! Just one comment - maybe not have all the graphics on the main page, it's a bit slow to load... Otherwise, hat's off to you!
Jill Gunsell wrote (December 30, 2000):
A marvellous site - thank you for doing all the work
Jane Newble wrote (December 30, 2000):
This is brilliant! And it seems to work, too! At least, the pages I have looked at so far. I have not got to the 'recommendations & improvements' stage yet...if I ever will. It looks inviting, full of information, and just wonderful! Thank you!!
Roy Reed wrote (December 30, 2000):
Wow! What a happy new year present!!!! An excellent piece of work. Really impressive. Thank you Aryeh, we are all very much in your debt. Yet again. And as this year begins I want to express my appreciation to you for all of the work you put into your reviews, for your insights and your dedication.
John Thomas wrote (December 30, 2000)
(Regarding the message from Kirk McElhearn) I agree with both comments.
Philip Peters wrote (December 30, 2000):
I think it's fantastic. This is going to become a classic site. My compliments and a lot of thanks for all your trouble. It is paying off!
Michael Kennedy wrote (December 30, 2000):
The site is impressive. What a great way to begin the New Year. Happy New Year!
Dyfan Lewis wrote (December 31, 2000):
What a beautiful labour of love you have done. Happy New Year
Cory Hall wrote (December 31, 2000):
Thanks for the great new site on the cantatas. Especially helpful to me are the recording times given for each cantata and some of the individual movements as well. This information will help me in my research on Bach's tempi.
Eltjo Maijer wrote (December 31, 2000):
Promising site but it took me ages to load the rather large home page. Perhaps you could split into smaller portions. Why pictures of the covers of the various Bach releases if they don't link to anything?
Stephanie Triska (Webmistress Andreas Scholl Website) wrote (December 31, 2000):
I have seen your Website announcement on the Bach-lists. What marvellous site! I appreciate your work very much, it must have been a lot of work.
I surfed through it a bit and was impressed by the many links you already have put in and was also delighted to see a link to my Andreas Scholl Website. May I ask you one little favour? I wondered if it were possible to change the URL in your links section to the title "Andreas Scholl Website". I hope you don’t mind me asking, I know you have lots of more important things to do right now.
Keep up your good work! Best wishes and a happy New Year |
January 2001 |
Dari Apotecker wrote (January 1, 2001):
The site is MAXIM! :-) Congratulations,
Stephanie Triska wrote (January 1, 2001):
Wow, that was quick! Thanks very much. I am sure I will come back to your site very often! Happy New Year,
F. Oreja wrote (January 2, 2001):
The new archive site is excellent, well done and well structured. I have always admired your engagement.
Paul McCain wrote (January 2, 2001):
First of all, please permit me to thank the person responsible for the wonderful Bach cantata www site. What a joy and delight to have all these resources.
Teri Noel Towe wrote (January 4, 2001):
Congratulations on your lovely new site. [Snip] Please keep up the good work!
Stephanie Triska wrote (January 5, 2001):
< I added a new section in the New Archive Site, called 'Short Biographies of Performers of Bach Cantatas. I would appreciate if you were willing to contribute some short Biographies. Maybe Scholl and some other counter-tenors? The address of the Index to Biographies is: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Bio/index.htm >
What a wonderful idea! I think your site already is and will be a great research database. Writing a Scholl bio is no problem, others may take a bit longer. I would definitely like to write one about Bowman. I hope I will get these two ready by the weekend.
Leo Ditvoorst wrote (January 6, 2001):
Geluk gewenst!
Congratulations with your site/domain on the Bach cantata. I noticed you work on it every day to get it ready. Of course I put a link to your page on my page on the Brilliant Bach Edition.
I am a dormant member of the cantata mailing list. I only own the Leusink set (and I am very pleased by it) and some 'Das Alte Werk' records of the Leonhardt set, so I can not compare different recordings of the cantata. But be sure, I read the postings on the list with great interest.
With my regards from the Netherlands (the land of the great cantata performers?)
Mike Artone (Webmaster Baroque Home Page) wrote (January 9, 2001):
You have a very good site.
Stephanie Triska wrote (January 10, 2001):
[Regarding Scholl short biography] It looks wonderful. I am glad I could be of help with the bio and the links. I’m wondering whenever you find the time and energy to work so much on the Website?
Cor Knops (Webmaster Ton Koopman Official Website) wrote (January 10, 2001):
Kind regards and good luck with your site.
Galia Gagaty wrote (January 10, 2001):
I was very pleased to be the 560th visitor.
The site is very impressing.
Kol Hakavod!
Yoël L. Arbeitman wrote (January 16, 2001):
[Regarding the addition of Bach's Great Vocal Works] At all events, an indispensable reference. Thank you,
Dr Peter Bright (Research Fellow, King's College London) wrote (January 16, 2001):
Just a note to say thanks for constructing such a superb site - it must have taken quite some time. It will certainly be my first site of call for views on recordings and performers of the vocal works - I will pass on the good news to the other Bach enthusiasts that I know (that are not on the lists).
I am sure that the site (along with the cantata pages) will become known as an important source for disseminating Bach's works throughout the world. Thanks again,
Jane Newble wrote (January 17, 2001):
Just found your wonderful page to Bach Vocal works.
Johannes Rinke wrote (January 20, 2001):
Last week I first visited the Bach-Cantata-Website - thanks very much for this possibility to get information concerning the different interpretations of the cantatas.
Chuloong Jung wrote (January 21, 2001):
[To Aryeh Oron] Thank you for your kind reply and the consistent job sharing feeling and knowledge about the music of J.S. Bach.
I nominally knew that there exists a Website built by Aryeh but I think I forgot. After I received your posting I checked the site you recommended.
Wow, it's so wonderful and powerful. I really think there is no other Website about J.S. Bach that is so well composed and filled with passion.
Thank you again for the job and I'm cordially asking you to keep going on. Bye...
Roy Reed wrote(January 22, 2001):
[To Aryeh Oron] Thank you once again for enrichments to this wonderful site. Along with many others I did send you birthday greetings. Shalom
Ehud Shiloni wrote (January 22, 2001):
[Regarding the new search facility] FABULOUS!!!! Aryeh - instead of us giving you a birthday present, it now appears that YOU are giving us one!! The SEARCH facility is SUPERB!! A thousand thanks!
Pat Maimone (Organist and Director of Musical Activities, Post Chapel, West Point, NY, Oct. 1975-present) wrote (January 29, 2001):
[Regarding the announcement about the availability of the Performers' pages] Thank you very much for your labours of love on the new Archive Site! It is wonderful to have such a reference available without having to save all those posts on my computer.
From a proof-reader and organist who played harpsichord and sang in the chorus under Helmuth Rilling in the music of Heinrich Schütz at Westminster Choir College's Summer Seminar in 1972.
Jane Newble wrote (January 29, 2001):
Do you ever sleep, Aryeh?
It's awesome!!! Absolutely wonderful. I am certainly enjoying it! |
February 2001 |
Karen Lane (Webmaster Bach Festival Florida) wrote (February 1, 2001):
Your site is indeed impressive and we will consider adding a link to it on our site. Thank you very much. You have a beautiful site.
George Evano (Oregon Bach Festival) wrote (February 1, 2001):
Thank you Aryeh, It's a marvellous site. We will add you to our links.
Santu De Silva (Archimedes) wrote (February 12, 2001):
[Regarding the announcement about adding Table of Cantata Recordings by Major Conductors] Thanks a million! Your whole page is a valuable resource for me.
John Welch wrote (February 16, 2001):
I have been looking at your Bach Cantata site, it is very useful and informative and so well laid out.
Chris Walley wrote (February 19, 2001):
Thanks Aryeh, Keep up the good work. What an awesome resource you have created!
Peter Bloemendaal wrote (February 19, 2001):
By the way Aryeh, are you a performer yourself? Who are you? I'm really puzzled. In my Bible there appears an Arieh in 2 Kings 15:25, whose name meant "lion", who got killed at the assassination of king Pekahiah of Israel. It seems an appropriate name for you as you must possess great strength to govern your Bach cantatas site so well, gaining and deserving my and everyone's awe and respect. |
March 2001 |
Irit Schoenhorn (Director, The F. Blumental Music Center and Library, Tel-Aviv) wrote (March 8, 2001):
Your site is most interesting and beautiful. For all of us music lovers and JSB admirers, it is a wonderful site to visit and to enjoy. You have done a perfect job, my congratulations.
Uri Golomb (PhD Student, The Music Faculty, Cambridge University) wrote (March 22, 2001):
Anyhow, I've been visiting your Website several times, and really enjoy it -- though I never seem to have the time to explore it properly... I'm now listening to all the cantatas which Harnoncourt recorded -- I want to see how his style evolved between 1968 (his first B minor Mass) and 1986 (his 2nd Mass), which are radically different. Perhaps at some point I'll send you a report on my findings.
Basilio Dubko wrote (March 24, 2001):
I would like to let you know how much I enjoyed your page about Bach's Cantata BWV 4.
Nick Limansky wrote (March 24, 2001):
First of all let me say you have a wonderful site. I cannot tell you how much I have been enjoying it and also how much I have learned. I am in the process of writing a rather large article on the Bach cantatas for the Classical Singer magazine - mainly about the differing performing styles and the recordings. I found that at the beginning of your site you perfectly, and succinctly, lay out the "history" of the many recordings that have appeared. If it is all right with you I would like to quote some of that in my article. I will of course give your web address and urge people to visit.
This will be an interesting project for me for although writing about operatic literature is my speciality, from 1979 to about 1992 I was a tenor in Musica Sacra under Richard Westenberg here in New York City and so performed many of the cantatas as well as the St. Matthew and St. John many times. But this is the first time that I have actually had the time to sit down and analyze what is out there and put it in perspective to my own training and education in Bach singing. The article will not appear until sometime in 2001.
Hou Fang-Lin wrote (March 30, 2001):
Thanks for acknowledging my submission to Bach-cantatas.com, a site of great interest to fellow Bach recording collectors. |
April 2001 |
Nimrod Ben-Ze’ev (The geneva conservatory) wrote (April 3, 2001):
It is always a pleasure to visit your magnificent site. It is really astonishing to find that there is someone who adores Bach's cantatas and has also a lots of time to write about them. Keep on with the good work!
Johan van Veen wrote (April 4, 2001):
[Regarding the announcement about the section of Terms & Abbreviations] Excellent idea!
Frank Fogliati wrote (April 4, 2001):
[Regarding the announcement about the section of Terms & Abbreviations] Some additions & suggestions for your excellent idea. This website is a real credit to you!
Robert Crawford wrote (April 4, 2001):
I'm delighted to have discovered your Web site, nearly by accident.
Stephanie Triska wrote (April 4, 2001):
[Regarding the section of Short Biographies] I have seen that in the meantime a lot of contributions have been sent to you - it´s amazing how much work you put into this wonderful website!
Anthony Sistrom wrote (April 11, 2001):
Thank you for your fabulous site. I have just started listening to the cantatas (Teldec). But I am frustrated because the German and English texts are not side by side so I can properly follow. I plan to listen to all the cantatas Herreweghe has recorded. I am astonished at the interest your site generates. I am a Roman Catholic and it is a mystery to me how anyone can listen to the cantatas without a passionate interest in Christianity. From the posters to your site I would gather that a substantial number are interested solely in the music. I am powerfully tempted to send off to the German CD store for the Leusink set of cantatas.
Bentsy Goren wrote (April 12, 2001):
I took a closer look at your web site. As you can imagine I am not a Bach expert, but I like it.
Yakir Ariel wrote (April 12, 2001):
I have visited your lovely website by a link published in classical music forum (forums.nana.co.il - you should be a member...:) ) Anyway, it's a long time I haven't seen a classical music that has so much information. I would like to honour your great work for the classical music and bach cantatas. Your site is stand one level with sites as allclassical.com... Hazak ve'ematz!
Yoël L. Arbeitman wrote (April 30, 2001):
How wonderful Aryeh’s Ref. Sites are.
How wonderful it is that when each one of us gets around to listening to the various works, in this case I am finally listening to the Brilliant Classic Markus Passion reconstruction, one can just read up on the item on the website. <snip> |
June 2001 |
Eric Spicer wrote (June 4, 2001):
I think the site you've put together is very good.
Ben Zedak Smith wrote (June 8, 2001):
I used your site <http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Performers/Corboz.htm> to look up some information on Corboz. Thank you for the help.
Stephanie Triska wrote (June 12, 2001):
I´ve noticed your constant work on the Bach Cantatas Website. It is also popping up quite regularly in the search engines when I am looking for specific subjects!
Satoshi Saitou wrote (June 16, 2001):
I visited your web site and enjoyed very much.
Eva Redvall wrote (June 27 & 28, 2001):
I have visited your Bach Cantatas Website and am very impressed by what I see. Congratulations on a great website!
That's what I call a swift reaction! I think your changes are quite an improvement. <snip> Also - in a few weeks, I shall be giving a lecture on how to search for information on classical muson the Internet. I am making a compendium, and you can be sure I am going to include your site among the links tips. |
July 2001 |
Kirk McElhearn wrote (July 2, 2001):
I am constantly amazed by the amount of work you have put into the cantatas website, and, of course the mailing list. I have been browsing it a bit lately.
Teri Noel Towe wrote (July 1, 2001):
My best always, and thanks again for your devotion to this wonderful music!
Alexis (Webmaster of Music Imports) wrote (July 1, 2001):
I visited your www.bach-cantatas.com website. It's a very nice site. <snip>
Per Backstrom wrote (July 2, 2001):
I was very happy to read about Bach Cantatas Website, which seems to be a fantastic resource, even if you don't listen very much to cantatas, of which I have only a few. What I first did was to check if Miah Persson, probably my favorite soprano, and for whose sake I bought one of Suzuki's Cantata CDs and also his CD with Magnificats. She is! And there is even a link to the page I have built about her! Wonderful! I also looked at other names at the page with P, and found for example Mark Padmore, whom I'm going to hear in Rameau in Luzern in August. <snip>.
Thomas Braatz wrote (July 3, 2001):
Your section on short biographies of the cantata performers is wonderful and a great improvement for your site! You put in a lot of work and the quality really shows (links to the cantata discussions). I am certain I will be using it frequently.
Donald Satz wrote (July 3, 2001):
[Regarding the hosting his reviews in the Bach Cantatas Website] I think it looks great, and I thank you very much for including me on your site.
Johan van Veen wrote (July 5, 2001):
Many thanks for your excellent work!
Peter L. Hoogenboom wrote (July 13, 2001):
Great site; I just joined the cantatas mailing list and I'm looking forward to it.
Eitan Loew wrote (July 14, 2001):
It was only today that I've discovered your wonderful site. As a fan of Bach's Cantatas I'm sure that I'm going to spend a lot of time learning the information provided by the site.
Jim Morrison wrote (July 15, 2001):
There really seems to be a wealth of information at the Cantatas site. Looks like one of those labors of love.
Neil Halliday wrote (July 16, 2001):
New to the Internet, I am pleased to discover views similar to mine. In Australia, the national classical music broadcaster has almost abandoned traditional, in favour of Modern HIP, recordings. In most cases, I find period instrument renditions of the great baroque works barely tolerable; I am therefore compelled to seek out the earlier recordings. In my view, Koopman, Gardiner, Rifkin, et al. and the instruments they employ, should be confined to a museum, open to those who want to experience ancient technology and sound. The rest of us should be able to enjoy magnificent music like the opening chorus of BWV 80 performed with the superior technology of modern instruments. I wonder if we will ever get a complete recording of the cantatas of the quality of, e.g., Richter, at his best. Anyway, I will continue my exploration of the Bach Cantatas Website with enthusiasm.
Thomas Braatz wrote (July 22, 2001):
I noticed in your last cantata listing the links you created for the vocalists embedded in your report so that a listener can immediately refer to the biographical information you have listed elsewhere. This is a fine addition to your site! |
August 2001 |
Bogdan Dumitru [Ioan Cristu Danielescu Choir, Ploiesti, Romania] wrote (August 6, 2001):
I found your web site and I was impressed by your recordings and musical activity…
Donald Satz wrote (August 11, 2001):
Thanks much for adding those more recent reviews. They look good, and everything's in tip-top shape. [snip] I am well satisfied.
Denys Firth wrote (August 16, 2001):
Bach-Cantatas What a fantastic site Thank you! |
September 2001 |
Michel Laprise wrote (September 1, 2001):
Thank you for your web site.
Paul Baker (Webmaster, Classical USA) wrote (September 6, 2001):
You have compiled a WONDERFUL web resource! I just added it to my "newest sites" on my opening page, and my "Composers, Conductors, Performers" Category. Check the links at http://classicalusa.com and see if all is OK.
Again thanks, for your fine research, and for you link to my site.
Douglas Neslund wrote (September 8, 2001):
Thank you for providing such an insightful and interesting website dedicated to the Great One! Many thanks to you again for providing such a wonderful website!
Kirk McElhearn wrote (September 8, 2001):
Great work, you've been doing.
John Welch wrote (September 9, 2001):
Your Bach Cantata site gets better and better. We have a very good CD library of classical music in a town near here. I mentioned your site to the chief librarian, "Oh yes" he said "I use it all the time, it is excellent". |
October 2001 |
Anne Smith wrote (October 2, 2001):
Thanks for the very interesting site.
Marten Breuer wrote (October 4, 2001):
[Regarding the new section ’New & Upcoming Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Bach's Other Vocal Works’] Let me say that I find your service very good!
D.W. March wrote (October 5, 2001):
Thank you for your extraordinary service to the Bach user groups.
Stephanie Triska wrote (October 5, 2001):
Your list of new or upcoming recordings is a great idea.
Thomas Braatz wrote (October 13, 2001):
You have made many new and helpful changes to your site. Everything helps and makes it easier to get at important information quickly.
Elizabeth Arndt wrote (October 22, 2001):
I found the website interesting and informative.
Ehud Shiloni wrote (October 23, 2001):
I browsed the site a little, and I am generally very happy with the various features.
Doni Tal wrote (October 29, 2001):
Magnificent site, which I only had time to glance at, but I will definitively sink my teeth into very soon. |
November 2001 |
Dr. Peter Bright [Centre for Speech & Language, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK] wrote (November 20, 2001):
Thanks so much for your advice Aryeh - I should have realised that this information would be available on your superb site.
Michael Grover wrote (November 21, 2001):
Thanks for the great work that you do! I refer to your pages daily!
Richard Goodman wrote (November 21, 2001):
Thanks for your oversight of this wonderful web site!
Teri Noel Towe wrote (November 23, 2001):
Thanks, as always, for the magnificent pages!
As I have written to you before, please keep up the wonderful work that you are doing. Yours is an excellent contribution not only to Bach scholarship but also to the general dissemination of knowledge about his music.
Jane Newble wrote (November 25, 2001):
What a good idea to put all the personal websites on one page… You are doing a wonderful job.
C. Johnson wrote (November 30, 2001):
Your site is very impressive. |
December 2001 |
John Stewart wrote (December 5, 2001):
I have been enjoying your Bach web site, not only because I enjoy playing Bach on the piano, but also because I have have been doing research in Lutheran feast days.
Craig M. Zeichner wrote in Goldberg Magazine (December 2001):
The Bach Cantata Website (which I love) was covered in my review of sites focusing on the work of Philippe Herreweghe.
WWW + News: Philippe Herreweghe on the Net
A good source for information about one of Herreweghe's specialty areas is:
Bach Cantatas Website (http://www.bach-cantatas.com/) four stars
As I was searching for Herreweghe sites I came upon a fascinating site dedicated to Bach's cantatas. Bach-cantatas.com is one of the most comprehensive sites I've ever seen. There are extensive discussions of each cantata with links that take you to "Performers," "Bach's Non-Vocal Works," "Texts and Translations" and "Scores of Bach Cantatas." If that wasn't enough, there is also a link that takes you to a discussion of "The Lutheran Church Year"-a valuable tool for understanding the milieu of Bach's cantatas. The "Biographies" link is most helpful. There's a huamount of information in the Herreweghe biography and it's filled with excellent links that take you to biographies of such Herreweghe colleagues as Nikolaus Harnoncourt and Gustav Leonhardt. The biography also links to the various ensembles that Herreweghe as led as well as containing a comprehensive discography. |

Julian Faigan [Sydney, Australia] wrote (December 12, 2001):
Hi! I have just discovered this great site... well done! I am very impressed by how complete it seems to be... I will refer to it often... not certain how I can contribute though... but thanks anyway,
Serhan Bali wrote (December 12, 2001):
I have just seen your web site on Bach cantatas. Congratulations, it's great, then I saw that you had identified yourself as a Bach and jazz fan. How nice, I'm too. I'm a radio producer in Acik Radyo, Istanbul www.acikradyo.com My program is about Gustav Mahler, his life and works. It's a one year program. We also have a Bach program for nearly two years. Every bit of Master's compositions are played.
Thomas Boyce wrote (December 13, 2001):
I look forward to your posts regarding Bach's cantatas. I'm new to the cantatas. In the past 3 months I bought all 15 volumes of the Suzuki set, and I'm very happy with them. I never thought the cantatas would be so glorious. I don't know why I had the idea they would be a little boring. Now I can't get enough of them. So, thanks for your work regarding Bach. Though I may not post to Bach Cantatas, I read everything with interest.
Marcus Müller (Webmaster, Chorgemeinschaft St. Sebastian, Munich) wrote (December 14, 2001):
By chance we found your homepage and the link to Michaela Prentl. Thanks for taking us up into your homepage, we will re-link from ours. With kindest regards from freezing Munich,
Nathaniel Watson (Baritone singer, USA) wrote (December 14, 2001):
Greetings! About my bio on your Bach cantatas website... Thanks very much!
Patty Baumer (Organo Del Sol Mayor, Marbella - Spain) wrote (December 15, 2001):
We have added a link at our website www.Johann-Sebastian-Bach.org
to your great cantatas website www.bach-cantatas.com
Lea Lior (Kol Israel) wrote (December 15, 2001):
It's a beautiful website. I've just spread the news to a friend in France, who would love it.
Rodrigo Maffei Libonati wrote (December 21, 2001):
First of all, I would like to congratulate you for your wonderful Bach page. I always dreamt to find a page where I could find intelligent discussion about recordings and hints about the cantatas themselves and now that I found it - it is a dream come true. [snip] I thank you once again congratulate you for the great site.
Bernard Sherman wrote (December 22, 2001):
Bach-cantatas happens to be one of my favorites.
H.J. Lam wrote (December 27, 2001):
A few weeks ago I bought some CD's, which I 've not seen until yet on your (praiseworthy) website. I scanned the covers, and I send you now the result.
Nagamiya Tutomu wrote (December 28, 2001):
I made a website which contains essays on the cantatas I listened to. ( I'm sorry that it is fully written in Japanese.) http://music-book.hoops.ne.jp/cantata/
About 5000 of visitors came since this August.
Now, I want to introduce most useful websites to listen to Bach's cantatas to Japanese Bach lovers. So, would you please give me permission to introduce the URL of your website in mine.
Doni Tal wrote (December 28, 2001):
Your Bach site is just great!
Although I disagree with some of your findings, I still enjoy reading it.
Kirk McElhearn wrote (December 30, 2001):
Congratulations on what the site has become, and thanks for all the work you have put into it. You have really done something extraordinary.
Antony Olszowy (Brantford, Canada) wrote (December 30, 2001):
My congratulations for a job so well done, that even a casual lurker such as I am, can learn an enormous amount from the intermittant visits I am able to make. Aryeh, you are truly an overachiever, and we're are all, I'm sure, truly grateful. |
General Topics:
Main Page
| About the Bach Cantatas Website
| Cantatas & Other Vocal Works
| Scores & Composition, Parodies, Reconstructions, Transcriptions
| Texts, Translations, Languages
| Instruments, Voices, Choirs
| Performance Practice
| Radio, Concerts, Festivals, Recordings
| Life of Bach, Bach & Other Composers
| Mailing Lists, Members, Contributors
| Various Topics