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Year 2008 |
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January 2008 |
Yoël L. Arbeitman wrote (January 3, 2008):
<> Much thanks to Aryeh without whose indefatigable work, we would have no reference to cite at all. |
Thomas Braatz wrote (January 3, 2008):
[After adding Bach Portraits to the Memorabilia section]
<> As far as I can tell everything is now correct. I have not yet read through all the detailed descriptions, but from the few that I did see, they appear to be excellent in the details that are offered about each 'portrait'. Now the BCW will have become the best available on-line resource on Bach's portraits. Congratulations! |
Balwantray Chauhan [Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Dalhousie University, QEII Health Sciences Centre, Halifax, NS, Canada] wrote (January 4, 2008):
My humble and heartfelt thanks to you for your monumental efforts to keep the BCW alive, well and thriving.
All the best for 2008 and a year of wonderful music. |
Kirk McElhearn wrote (January 4, 2008):
Aryeh Oron wrote:
< The Bach Cantatas Website (BCW) was launched in its current form and address on December 30, 2000. >
Congratulations. Who would have thought... You've become an internationally recognized reference, with the website appearing in liner notes of many cantatas. What an amazing job you've done! |
John Pike wrote (January 4, 2008):
[To Kirk McElhearn] Yes. A remarkable achievement. Just like the great master himself, the BCW was a miracle before but it just gets better every year! |
Julian Mincham wrote (January 4, 2008):
[To Aryeh Oron] Just to add my own words of congratualation and appreciation for this considerable achievement and its success.
I have been a member for about 2 1/2 years now, by no means the longest but certainly one of the keenest. I think i have done intros for about a dozen and a half cantatas of this present round.
In the first two years, one of the most valuable of the many resources (for me) was the collection of the reduction scores although I have to confess that since I bought the Bârenreiter complete set last easter (particularly at the pre-publication price, excellent value for money, by the way) I use them less, but there's still plenty more on the site of interest and usefulness.
I just wondered--do we have a claim for the 'oldest continuous member?' A bottle of claret for anyone who can prove his/her credentials. (Mind you , you would have to collect it!) |
Paul Forsell [Helsinki, Finland] wrote (January 5, 2008):
First, a HUGE, HEARTFELT and SINCERE thank you for maintaining this TRULY WONDERFUL website !!!!!!!!
Best wishes from Helsinki, |
Tobin Schmuck [Bach Office - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, NYC, USA] wrote (January 10, 2008):
<> thanks, as always for your great website, and the opportunity to link to it. |
Alison Atkinson [Digital Projects Manager - London Philharmonic Orchestra] wrote (January 11, 2008):
I discovered your excellent site today while searching for LPO material on the web. <> |
Mahiruha Klein (January 14, 2008):
Thank You!
Just a letter of thanks to you for maintaining such a fantastic site dedicated to the vocal work of one of my heroes, Johann Sebastian Bach.
Thank you with all my heart for your dedication and hard work. Your site is a treasure trove for music-lovers and Bach-admirers everywhere.
With deepest gratitude to you, |
James Edward Mulcahy (January 14, 2008):
I enjoyed your brief biography of Charles Munch. <> |
James Edward Mulcahy (January 16, 2008):
[Upon joining the BCML]
I adore the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, and I am extremely grateful to Mr. Aryeh Oron for organizing a first-class site dedicated to him. |
Masao Kato [Guitar and mandolin teacher, Bihoro, Japan - Masao Kato’s Web site] wrote (January 17, 2008):
I enjoyed your website.
Great content of the website.
You are a wonderful musician. <> |
Katsuyuki YANO [Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo, Japan] wrote (January 19, 2008):
I am quite impressed with your web pages and wish to contribute shortly profiles about Telemann Institute Japan ("TIJ"), and some of their leading members for inclusion in one of your web pages. <> |
Lynne Harper wrote (January 20, 2008):
Here is a an announcement of an upcoming Cantata Performance not listed on your superb website:
May I add my thanks to you - and to all the weekly discussion leaders and contributors - for this wonderful site, which has added so much enjoyment to my life! |
Etzim wrote (January 20, 2008):
[Upon joining the BCML]
This sounds like a fascinating site. I've read several of the webpages and reviews. |
André Papillon wrote (January 21, 2008):
The Bach Cantatas Website is great ! <> |
Michael Lawrence wrote (January 21, 2008):
[After updating the page: Michael Lawrence Films Bach Film]
Thanks! The page looks great. <> |
Katsuyuki YANO [Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo, Japan] wrote (January 21, 2008):
I have one suggestion for betterment of your invaluable web pages. <> |
Göran Tegnér [Stockholm, Sweden] wrote (January 26, 2008):
First my compliments for an excellent site. <> |
February 2008 |
Frits van Laeken Herbold [São Paulo, Brazil] wrote (February 2, 2008):
<> Finally, again, I want to congratulate you and all the BCW enthusiasts that are helping to keep this the #1 Cantata Website! Best regards (I am on the BCML as Frits V. Herbold; thank you!) |
Angela Boyd wrote (February 5, 2008):
Just read your excellent bio with good pics - too - for Roger. <> |
Jean Laaninen [BCML] wrote (February 12, 2008):
[Following the announcement of Feb 12, 2008 - BCW - Changes & Additions]
Very nice improvements. Thanks for all your hard work, Aryeh. |
Jean-Pierre Grivois [BCML] wrote (February 12, 2008):
Bravo for these changes.
I am happy to note that you are still faithfull to Jazz.I lately heard a wondeful record by Yo Yo Ma playing fugues in the tango style: it's not Jazz but it is very interesting. |
Olle Hedström wrote (February 13, 2008):
Yes, I certainly do. The home page has always been a great pleasure to visit, and even more so now. Keep up the good work ! |
Kim Patrick Clow [BCML] wrote (February 13, 2008):
Thank you very much Aryeh for that information and please send my hearty thanks to Herr Braatz. Also, great job on the site revamping; and I appreciate the love and care you dedicate to such a vitally important website.
Thanks |
Hiroyuki Tanaka [Japan, Bach's Music with Piano] wrote (February 15, 2008):
Greetings and some correction to BCW PT's
Hello, my name is Hiroyuki writing frJapan. I also love Bach's music, am especially interested in piano transcriptions of his. I'm collecting all of PT's and I'm a webmaster of the site named "Bach's Music with Piano", though it is written in Japanese only... http://www.prox.jpn.org/~piano/bach/
I found articles of PTs on your website BCW, they're really great, valuable for all Bach lovers! Could you please exchange some informations about Bach's PTs with me? I think I can provide some Japanese domestic informations for you. <> |
Alessandro Lattanzi [Cremona, Italy] wrote (February 16, 2008):
Bach Cantatas Website
First of all, I want you to know how much I appreciate your website. Maybe you would like to be informed about a recording of the St John Passion that I have not found in your list:
Many thanks again for your excellent work and best regards. |
Alberto Bellio [Treviso, Italy] wrote (February 20, 2008):
Hello, your site is great, congratulations! <> |
Kim Patrick Clow [Christoph Graupner Information Site] wrote (February 23, 2008):
Bach Cantatas and Graupner and Telemann
First let me thank you for your incredible dedication to the Bach cantata website and Yahoo group, it has to be a enormous amount of work!
I'm fascinated by the amount of dedication of the participants. I've mentioned in a few instances when I've posted, my work on Christoph Graupner and Telemann. <> |
Pamela Ross [Pianist - Pamela Ross, Actress/Pianist/Writer] wrote (February 23, 2008):
Bach cantata web site
You are greatly admired and appreciated for creating and maintaining this site. I am very happy to be included on it. |
James Leslie Siebach wrote (February 24, 2008):
I think, perhaps a first . . . .
I'm enjoying the commentary/discussions on the cantatas, of course.
Thank you. |
Eva Hedlund [Sweden] wrote (February 28, 2008):
<> But this time I have just sent you a mail to complete your large, impressing list of biographies that I found when looking for Bruno Seidlhofer.
I hope it will be of interest - no: I am sure it is of great interest! |
Jean Laaninen wrote (February 29, 2008):
Thank you Aryeh. All the available resources help those who have particular interests to follow them well. Your generosity in continuing to build the site is exemplary. |
Eva Hedlund [Sweden] wrote (February 29, 2008):
[After adding the bio of As for the biography of Lars Sellergren]
many thanks for your answer, your answers! I was very astonished and impressed by your fastness... <> |
March 2008 |
Frits van Laeken Herbold [São Paulo, Brazil[ wrote (March 1, 2008):
<> Best regards and thank you for your continuing work on the BCW! |
Peter B. Metcalf wrote (March 3, 2008):
I appreciate very much your website, which must be useful and enjoyable to people of many vocations and avocations.
Professor Moroney, teaching my Bach class at the University of California at Berkeley, requests that for our papers we practice "safe text", a new concept to me. This means I or someone reading my paper be able to trace to its author, any reference I make and in turn, confirm their source of information and on down the line to either the original secondary source, or a dead end, should they so choose. I may refer the professor to your website or call him to confirm that my use of your site is OK. It would be helpful if you could describe to me any standards you employ when evaluating the credibility of your contributors or the information they contribute. It must be a full time job, regardless.
Right now, I am writing program notes for BWV 4 as an adjunct to my analysis of Versus I and answering the question of the movement's impact being due to the structure or the foreground; hence I am giving some background of the chorale tune. Where the tune was used previously and in Bach's time can be researched laboriously, but what a relief if I can just quote your site!
Thanks very much, and I know I will be referring to it as the years go by. I am a professional musician, and already, seeing your discography, I see a way to find better recordings than the one I purchased for this assignment. |
Martin Deller wrote (March 4, 2008):
I am the grandson of Alfred Deller. Whilst I enjoyed reading your biography of my Grandfather there are a couple of small factual inaccuracies.
Thank you very much for taking the time to write the biog about my Granddad. |
Pier Cantates wrote (March 5, 2008):
[Upon joining the BCML]
Hi, I'm a 32 year old Theology student from The Netherlands. Lately I've been "touched" by some of the Cantates and found your site to be valuable information. |
Bruce Simonson wrote (March 6, 2008):
[After adding the page with his commentary: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Guide/BWV34-Simonson.htm]
Looks terrific! Thanks for the posting. <> |
Ed Myskowski wrote (March 8, 2008):
<> I wanted to take enough time to actually look at the new look. I do like it, especially the home page.
Usually when I pass through there, it is to connect to a specific link, and I hardly notice anything else anymore. But remembering back a couple years, I think the new layout will be a bit simpler for new people to find their way around, and it is very attractive.
The Gothic lettering gave me pause for thought, not the easiest to read for the English language eye. On balance, perhaps it helps relate the English alphabet to other scripts, for a world-wide site? In any case, everything functional is very clear and accessible.
I think you do a remarkable job keeping BCW clean of internal errors. I write when I have a question, because I know if there is an error, you will want to correct it. Thanks, as always, for taking the time to respond to details.
I also think you do an excellent job moderating the discussions. Thanks for that, as well. |
Frederick M Denny , Ph.D. [Vice President, Boulder Bach Festival, Professor Emeritus Department of Religious Studies, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA] wrote (March 7, 2008):
Bach Translation Acknowledgement
[To Francis Browne - Bach Cantatas Website] We are delighted to have an opportunity to use your fine interlinear English translation of the German text of the St. John Passion (BWV 245) by J.S. Bach. The Boulder Bach Festival Chorus and Orchestra will perform the work on Saturday evening, March 15, 2008, at First United Methodist Church, Boulder, Colorado, under the baton of our Music Director Lawrence Golan. Timothy Krueger, our Chorus Director, prepared the Chorus for the demanding piece. We are acknowledging your permission to use your translation with gratitude in the program notes for that performance and including your website address http://www.bach-cantatas.com, as requested in your end-note to the translation.
I am copying our Music and Chorus Directors, our Executive Director Carole Whitney, and our Board of Directors. We are all most grateful for your generosity in permitting us to use your clear and straightforward translation! |
Francis Browne wrote (March 8, 2008):
[To Frederick M Denny] Thank you fot your courtesy in acknowledging my translation. I am delighted if it is of any use to you andI wish your concert of Bach's magnificent music every success. Please note however that it is not my website address - the credit for the great resources available for all who love Bach on the Bach Cantatas Website is due entirely to the splendid and indefatigable Aryeh Oron. |
Eddy [Communications for Ensemble Da Capo, Canada] wrote (March 10, 2008):
<> Thank you and congratulations to the great info on the bach-cantatas site! |
Nils Giebelhausen [Tenor, Germany] wrote (March 12, 2008):
I would like to congratulate you for your interesting Bach cantata homepage, which I recently discovered. <> |
Wolfgang Fleischmann wrote (March 12, 2008):
Thanks for the wonderful web site!
Anyway, i's only a minute point. Thanks for the great website, |
Frederic H. Ford , Ph.D.[East Brunswick, NJ, USA] wrote (March 13, 2008):
[After updating the bio of G(eorge) Wallace Woodworth]
Thanks. And I am a big fan and occasional user of the Bach websites--what a great resource! |
Nils Giebelhausen [Tenor, Germany] wrote (March 13, 2008):
[After adding his bio]
<> Thank you for your valuable work, |
Carolyn Pennello Carson wrote (March 15, 2008):
I read, with great interest, your coverage of the arrangements of the Bach contatas by Anton Bilotti, a composer whom I have researched his life and piano music for the past 20 years and is featured on my web site:
I was flattered to see that several sentences of your bio of Mr. Bilotti refer to my summary of his background and piano music. <> |
Francis Browne wrote (March 15, 2008):
<> A sour note :I hate Gothic script - German books printed in Fraktur (gothic type) are always a pain to read, and I do not think its use adds anything to your start page - I am also not able to hear the scrolling music- but that is probably my fault.
Please do not imagine these niggles in any way lessen my admiration and gratitude for all your work on the website. <> |
John Tibbetts [Software Architect - San Francisco, California, USA - www.kinexis.com] wrote (March 16, 2008):
I’m a music-lover unaffiliated with any academic institution. In particular I’m a Bach fan, a cantata collector, an early music fan. I visit your site every Sunday morning as I listen to the cantata of the day on XM Radio. <> |
Alberto Bellio [Cremona, Italy] wrote (February 27, 2008):
<> Congratulations for your site again. |
Derek Chester [Tenor, USA] wrote (March 18, 2008):
It has been a while since I contributed to your website, but I assure you that I use it weekly as a resource.
Thanks for what you do. |
Derek Chester [Tenor, USA] wrote (March 19, 2008):
[After adding his bio to the BCW]
Wonderful to be added. I wanted to let you know that I am entering in to my doctoral studies at the University of North Texas (with Jennifer Lane) where they have a wonderful early music and opera department. I am considering doing my paper on Bach continuo arias for tenor. I propose to make a collection and get it published. I did my Bach pilgrimage this time last year. I was completely changed. Missed Köthen , but got to spend some great time in Leipzig, where I met Christoph Wolff, whose book I used along with the bach-cantatas site as my tour guide. Thanks for your support of all of this and for what you do for Bach. My colleagues and I are all big fans of the site and find it a priceless resource. |
Sven Bring wrote (March 23, 2008):
[Upon joining the BRML]
This site helped me find the long searched Gillesberger recording of St John! Many thanks! |
Regine Dierse [KulturKontor, Hamburg, Germany] wrote (March 20, 2008):
<> Thank you very much for representing Jörg Dürmüller on Bach Cantatas. |
Jean Laaninen [BCML] wrote (March 23, 2008):
Wishing people well on a Bach list
[To Terejia] We are all indebted to Aryeh for the site, the lists, and giving us such an opportunity. Thank you for your kind words. |
Thérèse Hanquet [BCML] wrote (March 24, 2008):
Church Year and Easter Dates
[To Jean Laaninen & Paul T. McCain] As far as I can see here: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Order-2008.htm
I am the last one to have an assignment this year (from October 19th to November 23rd).
I would not mind at all if this was modified. I took the charge to answer Aryeh's request, as I appreciate his work and I am very grateful for all the resources he provides. <> |
Terejia [BCML] wrote (March 26, 2008):
[To Jean Laaninen] Indeed...we cannot thank enough for this wonderful site. Practically, this is the only place I can enjoy participating and listening in in conversation on Bach. <> |
Sergey Nikitin wrote (March 27, 2008):
My name is Sergey Nikitin. I live in Moscow. I have a big collection of classic CD (about 22-25 thousands)and LP (about 6,5 thousands). The records of J.S. Bach and especially cantatas have in my collection a most important place. I read and use the Bach-cantatas site regularly and I thank you for this great matter. |
Simon Foster [Managing Director, AVIE Records, London, England] wrote (March 27, 2008):
I am shortly to release a CD of Lorraine Hunt Lieberson singing at Emmanuel Church, Boston. The music includes two arias from Bach Cantatas and extracts of recits and arias from Handel's Hercules.
You may know my label AVIE Records. We recorded and released a CD of arias from Theodora, plus the cantata La Lucrezia.
The disc is intended to celebrate the lives of both Craig Smith and Lorraine. The 'live' archive recordings are superb and receive their first release on CD.
I was very impressed by your 'short' biography of Lorraine, <> I would like to suggest to Emmanuel Music and its pro-tem director John Harbison that we use this text in the booklet. <>. You would be credited in the booklet with an additional web address if you liked. <> |
Peter Moncure wrote (March 29, 2008):
I read it carefully, enjoyed it a great deal, as I am also a counter of thematic instances in Bach's music, and even more liberal than you I suspect. The device of starting all of them on F is ingenious and revealing.
Thank you very much for all you do. |
April 2008 |
Caroline Agarwala wrote (April 1, 2008):
the bach-cantatas website
Just to say this is the most wonderful, useful and fascinating website I have ever come across, and I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am to you for it.
I was seeking the Bach Cantatas according to the Lutheran year, an an explanation of dates such as "Exaudi" to put the cantatas into context, know when to play them, etc. and suddenly I came across this site. Thank you so much. |
Sergey Schepkin [Associate Professor of Piano, Carnegie Mellon University - Sergey Schepkin] wrote (April 6, 2008):
Bach Cantatas Website
This is Sergey Schepkin, an American pianist, one of many musicians whom you feature on your excellent Bach Cantatas Website.
I would like to thank you for your dedication and professionalism, as well as for drawing the wider audiences' attention to Bach's music and Bach performers, myself included. <> |
Serhan Bali [Andante “Turkey’s Classical Music Magazine”] wrote (April 10, 2008):
Hello again from Istanbul
<> I follow your Bach Cantatas site regularly… |
Emanuele Antonacci wrote (April 10, 2008):
[After adding more Italian translations]
<> Your site is always better
thanks |
Sw Anandgyan wrote (April 12, 2008):
[After adding the details of another BWV 232 recording]
You're the most welcomed Aryeh!
Bach-Cantatas Website, your baby, is alreading more than a fixture but a monument in the cyber-world.
I'm glad I can contribute to its exhaustive nature.
Shalom, Namasté, As-Salamu Alaykum, etc. etc.
Tx |
Eeva Savolainen [Lahti Finland - Marketing Coordinator www.classiclive.com] wrote (April 14, 2008)
[After publicizing their live Bach concert]
Thank you so much. As a small thank you, we’ll add a link to your website on our Backstage-section, where we will portray an interview of the artist and composer. This interview will be posted there later this week (1-2 days before the concert) if you’d like to go and check it out. |
Tobin Schmuck [Bach Office - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, NYC, USA] wrote (April 14, 2008):
<> We are always grateful for the work and care you present on-line regarding Bach's Cantatas and other works, and it would be lovely to meet you sometime.
Thanks again. |
Dr. Stephen Ng [Tenor; Assistant Prof Music - Stetson University School of Music, DeLand FL, USA) wrote (April 21, 2008):
Thanks for everything that you have done on the Bach cantata website -- very helpful indeed! <> |
Serhan Bali [Turkey] wrote (April 22, 2008)
I mentioned you and your efforts (briefly) in the last paragraph of my current article for the Turkish daily "Radikal". http://www.radikal.com.tr/haber.php?haberno=253729 |
Francis Browne [BCML] wrote (April 25, 2008):
BWV 149 Introduction
This week's cantata is BWV 149, Man singet mit Freuden vom Sieg. As always Aryeh has provided a wealth of material for the understanding and enjoyment of the cantata at: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/BWV149.htm
(Everyone who takes a turn at doing these introductions must come to appreciate how much has already been done by Aryeh: texts, translations, recordings, commentary, readings, scores, examples...... If there is ever any inclination to take it all for granted, all you have to do is to try to find the equivalent for another composer to appreciate what Aryeh has achieved) <> |
Richard Jessen wrote (April 25, 2008):
Eileen Joyce
I have come across your website from time and keep running into artists who, to my knowledge, had a very slight acquantance with the music of Bach. Still, the biographies and photos are highly interesting.
I was very attracted to a biography on Eileen Joyce and heard mention of several recorded broadcast performances of hers. <> |
Stephen Benson [BCML] wrote (April 26, 2008):
Francis Browne wrote:
< This week's cantata is BWV 149, Man singet mit Freuden vom Sieg. As always Aryeh has provided a wealth of material for the understanding and enjoyment of the cantata >
Perhaps this has already been noted somewhere else, but, if not, I think it should be pointed out that at the end of the texts and translations in the liner notes for Gardiner's recording, readers are directed to the Bach Cantatas Website for "translations in other languages". |
Kim Patrick Clow wrote (April 27, 2008):
<> You do a tremendous job and I can't thank you enough for your dedication to Baroque music and Bach in particular.
Thank you |
May 2008 |
Timothy A. Smith [Professor of Music Theory; Editor, Journal of Music Theory Pedagogy, School of Music, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, USA] wrote (May 3, 2008):
Over the decade I have developed a great appreciation for your work at the bach-cantatas website. The information that you present has been useful in my research and I have linked to it in several places. I have also found the discussions and audio links to be very helpful.
<> |
Stephen Benson [BCML] wrote (May 10, 2008):
[In discussion of Cantata BWV 188] <> I've said from the beginning that Aryeh's website represents the very best that the Web can produce. Its discovery for me was like opening a door into an entirely new universe. As a relative latecomer to Bach, I pounced. What a feast! Where else could I indulge my new-found passion so effectively? Where else could I tap into such a wealth of information from those who know what they're talking about? <> |
Ed Myskowski [BCML] wrote (May 10, 2008):
[To Stephen Benson] I share those sentiments, and will use the opportunity to again thank the experts who have shared their knowledge and opinions. The material available in the BCW archives is truly astounding, and the weekly discussions never fail to add something new, even when participation is thin. <> |
Julian Mincham [BCML] wrote (May 10, 2008):
[To Stephen Benson] <> Like yourself I found Aryeh's website to be a revelation, a source of material, processes and ideas quite unique in the field. For some years I used it on a daily basis <> |
Thérèse Hanquet [BCML] wrote (May 20, 2008):
BCW - Some Updates and Additions
Following the announcement of Some Updates & Additions on May 20, 2008]
Thanks a lot for all your work and the new features. <> |
Bradley Lehman [BCML] wrote (May 20, 2008):
<> The site has excellent information, and is well-organized for the most part. <> |
Anne (Nessie) Russell [BRML] wrote (May 20, 2008):
You are a wonder Aryeh. Thanks for all the work. |
John Pike [BRML] wrote (May 20, 2008):
[To Nessie Russell] I agree. I have run out of superlatives for this masterpiece of genius, one of the severn great wonders of the web (don't ask me what the others are!) |
Peter Bright wrote (May 20, 2008):
<> I should add that I think your recent changes to the layout are a great help and much appreciated... |
Peter Bright wrote (May 21, 2008):
[After adding his review of Hewitt's WTC]
<> And thanks for putting it up on your wonderful site... |
Francis Browne wrote (May 21, 2008):
<> I have no suggestions on improving the BCW. Your changes seem fine.As always I am amazed at what you have done and continue to do. <> |
Ed Myskowski [BCML] wrote (May 22, 2008):
Aryeh wrote:
>I am not only the designer of the BCW, but also a user of it. However, I am always seeking input for improvements in the BCW in order make it more usable.<
From the very first for me, a couple years (plus) back, I have found BCW very user friendly, easy to search and navigate. I certainly support efforts to make it even better, and especially to integrate feedback from users.
I do not have any specific suggestions. As a general principle, make changes gently. As we like to say here on the New Continent, <if it aint broke, dont fix it> (ACE).
Many members who enjoy BCML primarily as a chat list perhaps do not notice the single most outstanding characteristic of BCW: it is the state of the art, the cutting edge, for discographic data. Not just for Bach, but as a general format. How to accept input from a variety of sources, organize and present it. It is not inaccurate to think of us as an Annotated Discography.
17,000 pages of annotations, easily searchable. Wonderful stuff, keep writing (or even just reading). |
Russell Telfer [BCML] wrote (May 27, 2008):
BCW - Some Updates and Additions ~and~ What About A Book?
belatedly ...
Aryeh wrote:
>>I am not only the designer of the BCW, but also a user of it. However, I am always seeking input for improvements in the BCW in order make it more usable.<<
Ed commented: (or that's how I read it)
< From the very first for me, a couple years (plus) back, I have found BCW very user friendly, easy to search and navigate. I certainly support efforts to make it even better, and especially to integrate feedback from users.
I do not have any specific suggestions. As a general principle, make changes gently. As we like to say here on the New Continent, <if it aint broke, dont fix it> (ACE). >
: : I wholeheartedly back what Ed says. BCW is the best site I've found anywhere on the net. I do find it difficult to navigate sometimes but that's hardly surprising with such a complex site. Brad's tip for bookmarking a page that can be easily altered was a useful reminder of a different way in. I look forward to exploring the new map, and profuse thanks to Aryeh.
I just had an off the top idea: production of a book of the site. There is so much original material (state of the art, cutting edge as Ed described it) that it seems a pity that it has to reside only in cyberspace. Of course that is Aryeh's call, and a No from him would finish it. There would also no doubt be problems of secondary and tertiary copyright, but if it existed, it would make a marvellous reference book. What does anyone else think? |
Bradley Lehman [BCML] wrote (May 27, 2008):
Russell Telfer wrote:
< I just had an off the top idea: production of a book of the site. There is so much original material (state of the art, cutting edge as Ed described it) that it seems a pity that it has to reside only in cyberspace. Of course that is Aryeh's call, and a No from him would finish it. There would also no doubt be problems of secondary and tertiary copyright, but if it existed, it would make a marvellous reference book. What does anyone else think? >
The discographies might make a fine book. So would the multi-language translations of cantata texts, if copyright allows.
The archived diwouldn't. The dialogue in them has already been pulled out of important context: dynamic e-mail exchanges (some with less than 10 minutes of thinking behind them), sometimes heated, and with often poorly researched/supported points. It's a discussion forum among enthusiasts, not a research venture.
Some of my own off-the-cuff but archived words from April 2003 at this BCW page: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Topics/Articulation.htm
did already show up in a book: on page 11 in Bruce Haynes's The end of early music... (2007). That's somewhat frightening. |
Ed Myskowski [BCML] wrote (May 27, 2008):
Brad Lehman wrote:
>Some of my own off-the-cuff but archived words from April 2003 at this BCW page: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Topics/Articulation.htm
did already show up in a book: on page 11 in Bruce Haynes's The end of early music... (2007). That's somewhat frightening.<
I am curious - was the citation credited to you (Brad) via BCW, simply to BCW, or was it plagiarized?
I agree with Brads other comments, in particular that the BCW archived discussion is largely inappropriate for book format, and in any case the editorial task would be formidable. In this day and age, BCW probably functions most widely and usefully as an ongoing, easily searched database. |
Bradley Lehman [BCML] wrote (May 27, 2008):
Ed Myskowski wrote:
< I am curious - was the citation credited to you (Brad) via BCW, simply to BCW, or was it plagiarized? >
Properly credited in the endnote to both me and the BCW, and introduced with a decent-enough context around the quote.
To see the quote, do a "search inside this book" for the word "clueless": Amazon.com |
Kim Patrick Clow [BCML] wrote (May 27, 2008):
Brad Lehman wrote:
< Amazon.com >
You'll be thrilled (or maybe not thrilled) that I purchased the book ;) Looks very interesting and a great buy on Amazon
I must though, a book form of the website is a good idea, if there is some mention of the caveats you outlined. I am really not one for sitting at a webpage for a long period of time reading long entries; that's why in many instances, I print out the pages and read them at a desk or a chair. The beauty of a book is you can edit out the more silly things, and give it an outline.
http://www.lulu.com makes it very easy to design and publish books, and anyone can click on a link to buy it instantly, with no hassles of having to deal with keeping inventory on hand or mailing the products out or anything.
Thanks for link on the book you're mentioned in ;) |
Stephen Benson [BCML] wrote (May 27, 2008):
Ed Myskowski wrote:
< In this day and age, BCW probably functions most widely and usefully as an ongoing, easily searched database. >
I agree. To my mind, one of the essential characteristics of the BCW is its fluidity. Yesterday is different from today and what it will be tomorrow. The website's very Protean nature defies immobilization in book form. |
Alberto Lazzari wrote (May 29, 2008):
<> Thanks also for the updates to the BCW, much appreciated! I hope to have more time to read them in the future. |
Louis Contant and Rod Manson [Montreal, Canada] wrote (May 30, 2008):
Ralph Kirkpatrick & Bach's Well Tempered Clavier
We are not knowledgeable about (and barely comfortable with) the use of the internet itself, and so maybe this message will not even reach you, or if it does it may end up buried among the many Bach Cantata enterprises you seem to host . But we thought it would be worth a try. So here goes.
We thoroughly enjoyed your clear and informative short biography of Ralph Kirkpatrick which appears on the internet, an entry (dated October 2006) which gives your name as the major contributor. We were wondering, however, why no biographies about him on the net record the fact that Mr Ralph Kirkpatrick went blind toward the end of his life. On page XV of the preface to his Interpreting Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier he writes:
"Concerning the last major revision undertaken a few months before my total loss of sight in 1976, I came to agree"...etc.
We thought that this information, injected somehow into your excellent biography, might be of interest to your readers on the web who appreciate the many musical achievements of Mr Ralph Kirkpatrick. |
June 2008 |
Thomas Savary [Librairie Voyelles, Les Sables d'Olonne, France] wrote (June 4, 2008):
First, I would like to thank you and congratulate you for your fabulous website Bach Cantatas. I wish I had more time to contribute. Maybe I could help for the French translations. But as a bookseller, I am a very busy man. <> |
Kelsie Jackson wrote (June 7, 2008):
[Upon joining the BRML]
I recently graduated with an M.A. in music performance-organ. I've been fascinated by the discussions on the BC website, and have used it extensively in expanding my recordings collection. |
Burkard Schliessmann [Piano, Germany/USA] wrote (June 14, 2008):
thank you so much for your kind reply - attached you find some more photographs you all can use and build in my site under 'bach-cantatas', which really is an outstanding project. <> |
Horst Kolo [webmaster: Piers Lane] wrote (June 17, 2008):
[After updating the bio page of Piers Lane on the BCW]
Thank you Aryeh,very kind of you ... end ever so efficient!!!! |
Burkard Schliessmann [Piano, Germany/USA] wrote (June 17, 2008):
[After updating his bio page on the BCW]
thank you so much for your mail and your outstanding endeavours. The site of bach-cantatas now looks great, isn't it? <> |
Jennifer Lane [Mezzo-soprano, USA] wrote (June 18, 2008):
I am thrilled that you have this wonderful page easily accessible on Google: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Bio/Lane-Jennifer.htm <> |
Hester Zevenhuizen [Patrick Van Goethem | Bachcantates Aalst] wrote (June 22, 2008):
<> Thank you very much Aryeh, on behalf of Patrick, for your ongoing efforts. Your site still is not only a pleasure to read but is also an inspiration for our Cantata Series and even supplies us with interesting additional information ! |
Teddy Kaufman wrote (June 30, 2008):
The LW
It is a really great great and comprehensive piece of work.
Auguri. |
July 2008 |
Francis Browne wrote (July 11, 2008):
<> When I was looking at the appendix in Dürr on spurious cantatas I noticed for the first time what I presume you were aware of long ago - that your website is prominently listed on the first page of the bibliography (p927). Short of a personal endorsement by JSB himself that seems to me as close to official recognition as you can get......NBA, BWV, BC, BJ......and a few lines down www.bach-cantatas.com. You have every right to be proud of what is largely your achievement. |
Nikolay Epplee wrote (July 12, 2008):
[After adding his Russian translation of Johannes-Passion BWV 245]
It is a pleasure for me to see my translation at your wonderful site. Fr. Peter wants me to translate more, so if I make something else, I'll definitely let you know. |
Miklos Spanyi [Organist, Harpsichordist, Pianist - Hungary] wrote (July 18, 2008):
I have seen your website contains my biography as well as some photos of mine. Thank you for this! <> |
Theodore Loustas [Musicologist, violin professor, record collector - Gerorgia] wrote (July 23, 2008):
first of all allow me to congratulate you on your excellent site. <> |
Bracha Kol [Alto, Israel] wrote (July 28, 2008): |
<Kol-Bracha-200807> |
August 2008 |
Julian Mincham wrote (August 11, 2008):
<> I have been able to look at your revisions of the home page etc for the first time--admirably clear and easy to navigate. <> |
Giora Goldenberg [Israel] wrote (August 11, 2008): |

Jan Verschoor [The Netherlands] wrote (August 23, 2008):
When I listen to the Bach cantatas, I often visit the wonderful Bach Cantatas Website. <> |
Joseph Robichaud wrote (August 25, 2008):
Wonderful site, congratulations. <> |
Kathleen McIntosh [Harpsichord, USA] wrote (August 25, 2008):
Thank you so much for including me on your website!
A zillion thanks for your website! What a resource! |
Anne Bedish wrote (August 26, 2008):
Bach Cantatas Website
I'm writing to tell you how very much I and my husband are enjoying the Bach Cantatas Website. We are big fans of Bach though neither of us are musicians. I listen to Bach for hours everyday and have done so for many years. I was in bliss for the ten days the BBC played Bach ! We are currently working our way through the box set of the Harnoncourt/Leonhardt edition of the cantatas, we'd originally heard them on LP many years ago. It was from this set that we found your website. We also are collecting Masaaki Suzuki's edition of the cantatas and have all that are currently available. It seems extravagant to have two editions of the cantatas but we like both very much for different reasons. We've also some from other conductors but have not felt compelled to collect all of theirs like we did with Harnoncourt and Suzuki :-)
Anyway, we want to thank you for all the hard work you have obviously put into the website ! We are learning so much from it . We enjoy especially reading the discussions as we listen to the cantatas. One day we plan to have a Bach holiday and will use the Bach tours as guidance.
I don't know what I'd do without Bach's music ! |
Kathleen McIntosh [Harpsichord, USA] wrote (August 27, 2008):
[After updating her bio page]
Thank you so much for the update! I was really pleased to see my page - pictures and everything. It looks great.
In the meantime, I really appreciate what you have done. |
Claude-Pascal Perna [Author, Musicologist - Brusssels, Belgium] wrote (August 29, 2008):
<> And by the way: congratulations on your great site! A lot of work! I may have a few suggestions. <> |
Alastair Asher wrote (August 30, 2008):
<> Many thanks for continuing to maintain and add to this most excellent and rich of all Bach websites. <> |
September 2008 |
Oren Arnon wrote (September 4, 2008):
<> Thank you for your website -
Always a pleasure to learn from. |
Corentin Vresson wrote (September 4, 2008):
[Upon joining the BCML]
Madam, thanks to your website, I'd like to get into Bach's cantatas. <> |
David Gill wrote (September 10, 2008):
Thank you for your thorough and appealing web site. <> |
Carol Lundergan [Secretary/Publicity Director - Kairos: A Consort of Singers] (September 10, 2008):
[After adding their concerts to the Schedule]
Thank you so much, Aryeh! Kairos LOVES your website - it's a fabulous resource! Thanks for all that you do to keep Bach alive! |
Jean Laaninen [BCML] wrote (September 11, 2008):
<> Thanks for all the work you do and I am looking forward to what lies ahead. |
Tobin Schmuck [Bach Vespers at Holy Trinity - NYC] wrote (September 10, 2008):
<> I do have your link on our texts page, and have gotten good feedback from our patrons on the connection to your info.
Thanks as always for including us in your excellent website. |
Harry Kaufmann [Israel] wrote (September 13, 2008):
How are you ?
My name is Kaufmann Harry, I'm also from Israel :)
I would like to start by telling you that I feel that I'm in forever debt to you!, I feel endless appreciation for your work with http://www.bach-cantatas.com/
It's a fantastic reference that changed my life forever.
In the last three years I discovered the world of Early Music with special attention given to Bach's Music especially the vocal works, Since my "revelation" I built a huge collection of cds, I already own about 3000 different items, and to my limited understanding pretty much every cycle that I was able to locate and buy (Hanssler, Koopman, Harnoncourt, The Brilliant Bach Boxset, Suzuki, Gardiner, Richter, Werner) and many more. I really dedicate all my energy, time, money and heart into that music.
<> |
Arno Rog [The Netherlands] wrote (September 16, 2008):
First I have to compliment you with your outstanding site!
Keep up the good work! |
Stephan MacLeod [Geneva, Switzerland] (September 16, 2008):
Here are some details about our concerts in 2009, for the agenda of your great web-site.
<> |
Nikos Efthimiou [Dr of theology and soon musicologist, specified in Bach's music] wrote (September 18, 2008):
[Upon contributing bio of the Swiss musical director and recorder player, Maurice Steger]
<> From my side I would like to give you my congratulations for the huge project you work for all these years and my best wishes and support to strongly go on. <> |
Darryl Onak wrote (September 20, 2008):
you have a great website
What a wonderful website you have constructed. Since I am new to this genre, with the Barouqe and Classical periods being my favorite so far, this is been an enormous benefit with regard tot reference material.
Keep up the great work, |
Fredrik Nilsson wrote (September 22, 2008):
Let me begin by saying that there sure is alot of great material on your page! Being an avid Bach fan I must say that I'm greatly impressed at the amount of work and detail that you have put into your site. Anyway, the main reason I contacted you was because I know of some pages that you might want to add to your classical links. They are just a few good pages that I've found while browsing:
Hope you find some of these useful and keep the discussions running on the cantatas! |
Dr. Martin A. Lobeck [Morsbach-Hülstert, Germany] wrote (September 28, 2008):
I would like to thank you for your most valuable website 'bach-cantatas.com'. I have joined the BCW a few weeks ago because I thought that some bits of information could be interesting to this community. I was then a little bit overwhelmed by some 150 e-mails within 3 or 4 days from other members. <> |
Burkard Schliessmann [Piano, Germany/USA] wrote (September 30, 2008):
[After updating his bio page]
thank you so much. I appreciate it in highest manner! <> |
October 2008 |
Poul Anders Lyngberg-Larsen wrote (October 14, 2008):
thank you very much for your Bach site, which I often visit. <> |
Bas Ramselaar [Conductor, Bach - Holland] wrote (October 17, 2008):
<> Succes met uw website en weer met de hartelijke dank.
Vriendelijke groeten, mede namens het bestuur van de BCB, Bas Th. Ramselaar. |
Frits van Laeken Herbold [São Paulo, Brazil] wrote (October 19, 2008):
<> Good luck and again: congrats for keeping the BCW site so great! |
Sandy Vaughan [Christmas Matters] wrote (October 20, 2008):
<> Keep up the good work with the Bach Cantatas website - I find it an invaluable resource. |
Jory Vinikour [Harpsichordist - Paris, France] wrote (October 21, 2008):
I really enjoy your terrific site. I came upon "my" page (Jory Vinikour, harpsichordist).
My thanks and best wishes, |
Alessandro Lattanzi [Italy] wrote (October 21, 2008):
<> Thanks again for your excellent job and best regards, |
Lauri D. Goldenhersh [Classical Vocalist] wrote (October 23, 2008):
What a great site! I stumbled over it trying to confirm some details about the life of my teacher, Gaelyne Gabora, <> |
Thérèse Hanquet [BCML] wrote (October 30, 2008):
[In Discussion of Cantata BWV 11]
I just made a Google search on the term "Zion" in the BCW, it provides 253 references. This shows once more how fantastic a tool is this site! <> |
Teri Noel Towe wrote (October 29, 2008):
<> Thanks for all that you do. Yours is an amazing accomplishment, and long may it flourish. <> |
November 2008 |
Dale Higbee [Musical manager - Carolina Baroque, NC, USA] wrote (November 1, 2008):
Check out www.carolinabaroque.org and you will see a link on our HOME PAGE to your fabulous Bach Cantatas website. |
Leo Ditvoorst [Dinalupihan, Philippines] wrote (November 2, 2008):
<> Thank you for the enormous effort you put in your site and lists, |
Ppopieniek [BCML] wrote (November 10, 2008):
[Upon joining the BCML]
a fan of bach, want to learn more of the cantatas, have been visiting this site for about ten years, great to see its still going |
Don Cook [Brigham Young University] wrote (November 10, 2008):
I have added a link to your website on our Organ Study at BYU website under the “Links to Other Organ-Related Websites” at http://organ.byu.edu . You have an impressive Bach resource there. |
December 2008 |
Omer Shomrony [Classical Music Critic, Globes, Israel - Notes Omer Shomrony] wrote (December 6, 2008): |

Richard Schaefer, Ph.D. [Project Director - Historical Perspectives, Inc.] wrote (December 9, 2008):
Hello, and thanks for your wonderful website. <> |
Marie Grégoire [Assistante mécénat - Ensemble Baroque De Toulouse, France] wrote (December 9, 2008):
Congratulations for your perfect website about Bach ! It’s a real information mine !
I’d like to introduce you our baroque ensemble in Toulouse (France) : www.ensemblebaroquedetoulouse.com (unfortunately the website is only available in French, but it’s going to change !).
We are an ensemble composed by 40 instrumentists and some soloists/choirs. We are playing in professional concerts in our county (“Bach is back”). But our more important action is to bring the Bach music as close as possible to the largest audience : we have a festival called “Passe ton Bach d’Abord” (Bach is pronounced “back”, and “bac” is the French word for the school-leaving certificate taken at 17–18), and once a month we play a free cantata which knows a large success.
We think we could appear on your list of performers, don’t you ? It would be a great pleasure.
Furthermore, we are trying to complete a list of festivals and “actions” around Bach all over European Union. We have already some, but we’d be grateful if you could help us in this long work.
Waiting for an answer, |
Andreas Martin [Therbo & Lute player, Stuttgart Germany - Andreas Martin] wrote (December 9, 2008):
I have just discovered your fantastic page on bach - cantatas and the information you added concerning my activities as an interpreter of the suites for lute.
Thank you very much for your effort!
I hope to come some day to Israel to perform this unique music in your country. |
Matthias Eidmann [Artefact Artists Management, Oslo, Norway - Artefact] wrote (December 9, 2008):
My name is Matthias Eidmann and I take care of singers at Artefact Artists Management in Oslo. I often visit your wonderful website and have immensely joy from it.
Several of the singers from our agency have biographies on your website. I don’t know if it is interesting for you, but I would be happy to send you updated biographies on relevant Bach singers. I start with the mezzo Ann Hallenberg. If you would be interested in receiving further biographies please don’t hesitate to contact me. |
Miriam Misch wrote (December 13, 2008):
<> btw: nice web site :-) |
Alexander van den Bosch [Hazerswoude Dorp, The Netherlands] wrote (December 14, 2008):
I'd like to draw your attention to the record depicted in this link: <>
Maybe it can be a nice addition to your excellent web site. |
Glen Arnstrong wrote (December 15, 2008):
Thank-you so much for this wonderful website. Despite my limited musical knowledge, I spend hours reading about the cantatas. Late in life, I have developed a passion for them, and have many versions, now exclusively via downloads.
Thanks again for all your labours of love. |
Jaap H. van der Laan [Kampen, The Netherlands] wrote (December 16, 2008):
With www.bach-cantates.com you made a wonderful website!
I would like to contribute to your website.
In Kampen (The Netherlands) five or six times a year a so called Cantatedienst is held in the Burgwalkerk. This tradition started in 1975.
Since February 2006, after my retirement as a professor of theology (Theological University Kampen), I produce the translations of the cantatas. By doing this I always consult the English, Dutch and French translations on your website. These translations help me a lot.
Until now I have made 19 translations: the cantatas 6, 7, 22, 24, 36, 49, 56, 61, 62, 73, 82, 92, 94, 106, 107, 112, 115, 139, 177.
I will never reproduce an existing Dutch translation, but will always try to make a better translation (based om my own knowledge of the German language and with the help of the English and French translations).
<> |
Jaap H. van der Laan [Kampen, The Netherlands] wrote (December 17, 2008):
[After adding his translation]
Thank you! You made it wonderful.
<> |
John Simkiss wrote (December 18, 2008):
It would be nice to source an image for your web-site-it is a fantastic piece of work-congratulations.
<> |
Mark Alan Filbert , MM, MSM [Cantor - Saint Paul Lutheran Church, Denver, Colorado, USA] wrote (December 20, 2008):
Thanks for such a great and informative website. |
Ivanov [Painter - Ivanov] wrote (December 20, 2008): 18:38
I was happy to find my painting on Bach Memorabilia website <> |
Epinions Smorg wrote (December 21, 2008): 00:42
<>Thanks very much for all the good work you guys do at BC. It's a wonderful source of information for us music lovers! Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and Happy 2009! |
Henk Messelink wrote (December 21, 2008): 12:35
Thank you fot this site! |
Following the announcement: BCW - New section: Bach & Other Composers |
Douglas Cowling wrote (December 20, 2008):
[To Aryeh Oron] Wonderful resource! I will use this a lot!
Thanks, Aryeh |
Gerd Wund wrote (December 20, 2008):
[To Aryeh Oron] incredible!
so much work,
thank you very much for all your efforts! |
Kim Patrick Clow wrote (December 20, 2008):
Aryeh Oron wrote:
< Now, almost 3 years later, I am glad to inform you that I have just finished the first version of a new section "Bach & Other Composers"
Based on material provided to me by William L. Hoffman and Thomas Braatz a few months ago and on various other sources, I have built a new section: "Bach & Other Composers". The aim of this section is to present all works of other composers associated with J.S. Bach.
To the previous categories I have added the following lists:
- Spurious & doubtful works in BWV & BWV Anh lists
- Works of other composers performed by J.S. Bach
- Works of other composers arranged by J.S. Bach
- Works of other composers in J.S. Bach's library >
That's very impressive. I can't say enough good things about your hard work. I am personally most grateful for your efforts on the behalf of Herrs Telemann, and Christoph Graupner ;) While I know this is a Bach cantata list, I hope you don't mind me sharing thoughts or news about Telemann or Graupner, since they were both so important elements in Bach's life (well Telemann definitely since their lives were so connected, Graupner less so, but still importance because of his role in declining the St. Thomas' cantorate.
I hope to help you more with more mp3 files, because being able to hear this music is so vitally important. Of course, any performers here on the list that are performers are more than welcome to ask me about any performing editions I'm working on.
Again thank you so much for all your hard word Aryeh!
Kim Patrick Clow
Telemannmaniac and Graupneruffian at large ;) |
Julian Mincham wrote (December 20, 2008):
[To Aryeh Oron] Aryeh
Terrific. I echo the comments of the others thanking you for the work you have done ipulling all this information together Julian. |
Anne (Nessie) Russell wrote (December 20, 2008):
On behalf of music teachers everywhere I thank you.
I have to wonder when you sleep. |
John Pike wrote (December 20, 2008):
[To Aryeh Oron] Stupendous work! I echo all the comments of others.
A couple of points:
1. The BBC have actually done complete works festivals for several other composers, including Beethoven. There was almost a national sense of mourning, at least among Blog contributors, when the aptly-timed Bach at Christmas festival came to an end. It was such a wonderful festival, so much more than just playing through the complete works.
2. I have always enjoyed reading what other composers have said about Bach. The new website devotes sections to composers as diverse as Mozart and Messiaen and their relationship to Bach. I wonder whether, at some stage, it would be worth expanding sections like that to include comments made by other composers about Bach, such as Mozart's reaction on hearing some Bach performed for the first time. Accounts such as these are priceless and bring a lot of emotion into their reverence (in most cases) for Bach. One notable exception was Berlioz. You can see his comments on Bach in ed. Wolff "The New Bach Reader" on p. 504. Hard to believe that one great composer could get it so wrong about an even greater one. You can also find here tributes to Bach from numerous other composers. Whatever Wolff says about Wagner's comments, I think Wagner was spot on one thing....Bach WAS the very greatest composer of all time (I certainly think Aryeh is right on that one). I know that there will be people on the list who object to my comparisons and ranking here, but I subscribe to the view that sometimes we should "speak what we feel, not what we ought to say". |
Ed Myskowski wrote (December 21, 2008):
I add my voice to the support for Aryehs efforts, in all areas. I cannot resist commenting, with a bit of amusement, on the similarity in form between the most recent (Bach and other composers), and the flurry over <Bach and Composer X>.
Aloha, and a swinging Solstice season to all, Ed Myskowski |
Terejia wrote (December 21, 2008):
Aryeh Oron wrote:
> The raison d'être for presenting these discographies is simple: - if the works were good enough for Bach to perform them, they are possibly good enough for us to listen to them. After all the man proved time and again that he had a good taste.
For example, did you know that J.S. Bach performed at least three works of his great contemporary G.P. Handel?
- Brockes Passion
- The Italian Cantata Armida abbandonata
- Arias from the Opera Alcina.
I hope you enjoy the new section as much as I did building it. >
Thank you, Aryeh, for your gracious painstaking!
Yes, I concur with what you wrote above.
In preparing for my discussion leader role, I searched for and referred myself to many possible resources including Japanese sites and so far I fail to find out more insightful/ more innformative web pages than BCW. I'm glad this BCW is becoming even more so. Thank you again for this page.
gratefully yours, |
David Glenn Lebut, Jr. wrote (December 22, 2008):
I think that the Bach Cantatas web page looks really nice. <> |
Francis Browne wrote (December 23, 2008):
<> More positively Bach and other composers is a splendid addition to the website which I shall enjoy exploring. What more can you do, I keep asking myself . <> |
Wally Baldwin [Bach Festival of Winter Park] wrote (December 24, 2008):
<> Thanks for a great site. Happy Holidays to you and your family.<> |
Monelle Malkine Richmond wrote (December 30, 2008):
<> Thank you for your wonderful website! |