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Piano Transcriptions: Composer/Arranger: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
BWV Number: Cantatas | Other Vocal | Organ | Chorale Preludes | Keyboard | Solo Instrumental | Chamber | Ensemble & Orchestral | MO & AOF | Name BACH & Bach-Inspired
Discussions: Part 1 | Links | Other Arrangements/Transcriptions

Piano Transcriptions of Bach's Works & Bach-inspired Piano Works
Index by BWV Number - Part 1: Cantatas BWV 1-224

Sacred Cantatas BWV 1-200

Aria from Cantata BWV 1:
Bach-Alkan: Transcription for piano

Adagio (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 3:
Bach-Saint-Saëns: Transcription for piano

Aria for Tenor Jesus Christus, Gottes Sohn (Mvt. 4) from Cantata BWV 4:
Bach-G.M. Cooper: Transcription for piano
Bach-F. Guenther: Transcription for piano
Bach-R. Latham: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Rummel: Transcription for piano

Chorale So feiern wir das hohe Fest (Mvt. 7) from Cantata BWV 4:
Bach-D.C. Powell: Transcription for piano

Andantino (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 8:
Bach-Saint-Saëns: Transcription for piano

Aria for Bass Doch weichet, ihr tollen, vergeblichen Sorgen (Mvt. 4) from Cantata BWV 8:
Bach-M. Kaufmann: Transcription for piano 4 hands

Duet for Alto & Tenor Er denket der Barmherzigkeit (Mvt. 5) from Cantata BWV 10:
Bach-Kelberine: Transcribed for piano

Sinfonia (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 12:
Bach-Rummel: Transcription for piano
Bach-A.C. Tanner: Transcription for piano
Bach-A.C. Tanner: Transcription for 2 pianos

Chorus Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen (Mvt. 2) from Cantata BWV 12:
F. Liszt: Prelude for piano on motif
F. Liszt: Variations for piano on motif
Bach-S. Stančić: Arrangement for piano
Bach-A.C. Tanner: Transcription for 2 pianos

Sinfonia (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 18:
Bach-S. Stančić: Arrangement for piano

Introduction & Aria (Mvt. 1 & Mvt. 5) from Cantata BWV 15:
Bach-Saint-Saëns: Transcription for piano

Aria for Soprano Seufzer, Tränen, Kummer (Mvt. 3) from Cantata BWV 21:
Bach-R. Berkowitz: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Mangotti: Transcription for piano

Excerpt from Cantata BWV 21:
Bach-H. Ulrich: Transcription for piano

Chorale Ertödt uns durch dein Güte (Mvt. 5) from Cantata BWV 22:
Bach-Becket-Williams: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Cohen: Transcription for piano
Bach-Cohen: Transcription for piano 4 hands
Bach-Cohen: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-F. Guenther: Transcription for piano
Bach-E. Haywood: Transcription for piano
Bach-Kelberine: Transcribed for piano
Bach-Le Fleming: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Lévêque: Transcription for piano
Bach-Murdoch: Transcription for piano
Bach-Philipp: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Pickles: Transcription for piano
Bach-W.E. Rebner: Transcription for piano
Bach-Rummel: Transcription for piano
Bach-Soltesz: Transcription for piano
Bach-G.A. Theill: Transcription for piano
Bach-Ch. Williams: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Zoubek: Transcription for piano

Chorale O Gott, du frommer Gott (Mvt. 6) from Cantata BWV 24:
Bach-D.C. Powell: Transcription for piano
Bach-Rummel: Transcription for piano

Chorale Ach wie nichtig, ach wie flüchtig (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 26:
Bach-Goehr: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Goldovsky: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Philipp: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Rummel: Transcription for piano

Ouverture from Cantata BWV 28:
Bach-Philipp: Transcription for 2 pianos

Sinfonia (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 29:
Bach-Auler: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Blummer: Transcription for piano
Bach-Costello: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Joseffy: Transcription for piano
Bach-Kartun: Transcription for piano
Bach-Kempff: Transcription for piano
Bach-Kühnis: Transcription for piano
Bach-Marx-Goldschmitt: Transcription for piano
Bach-Oldham-Nichols: Transcription for piano
Bach-E. Pauer: Transcription for piano
Bach-Philipp: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Saint-Saëns: Transcription for piano
Bach-Siloti: Transcription for piano

Chorus Freue dich, erlöste Schar (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 30:
Bach-D.C. Powell: Transcription for piano
Bach-Saint-Saëns: Transcription for piano

Recitative & Aria Kommt ihr angefochtnen Sünder (Mvt. 4 & Mvt. 5) from Cantata BWV 30:
Bach-Saint-Saëns: Transcription for piano

Sonata (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 31:
Bach-S. Stančić: Arrangement for piano

Aria for Soprano Letzte Stunde, brich herein (Mvt. 8) from Cantata BWV 31:
Bach-A. Gray: Transcription for piano

Duet for Soprano & Bass Nun verschwinden alle Klagen (Mvt. 5) from Cantata BWV 32:
Bach-Scionti: Transcription for piano
Bach-Scionti: Transcription for 2 pianos

Chorale, Freu’ dich sehr, O meine Seele, (Mvt. 6) from Cantata BWV 32:
R. Schumann: Arrangement for piano, Op. 68, Nos. 4 & 42

Aria for Alto Wohl euch, ihr auserwählten Seelen (Mvt. 3) from Cantata BWV 34:
A. Foster: Transcription for 2 pianos

Sinfonia (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 35:
Bach-Auler: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Emery: Transcription for 2 pianos

Sinfonia (Mvt. 5) from Cantata BWV 35:
Bach-Henderson: Transcription for piano
Bach-Saint-Saëns: Transcription for piano
Bach-Siloti: Transcription for piano

Chorus Schwingt freudig euch empor (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 36:
Bach-Bauer: Transcription for piano

Aria for Soprano Auch mit gedämpften, schwachen Stimmen (Mvt. 7) from Cantata BWV 36:
Bach-Bauer: Transcription for piano

Aria Freue dich, erlöste Schar (Mvt. 7) from Cantata BWV 36 ?:
Bach-Saint-Saëns: Transcription for piano

Choral Ob bei uns ist der Sünden viel (Mvt. 6) from Cantata BWV 38:
Bach-Connor: Transcription for 2 pianos 8 hands

Choral Selig sind, die aus Erbarmen (Mvt. 7) from Cantata BWV 39:
Bach-Connor: Transcription for 2 pianos 8 hands

Chorale Jesu, nimm dich deiner Glieder (Mvt. 8) from Cantata BWV 40:
Bach-Connor: Transcription for 2 pianos 8 hands
Bach-Melartin: Transcription for piano
Bach-A. Nebel: Transcription for piano
Bach-Philipp: Transcription for piano

Sinfonia (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 42:
Bach-Lévêque: Transcription for piano
Bach-Melartin: Transcription for piano (?)
Bach-Stoessel: Transcription for piano

Aria for Alto Christen müssen auf der Erden (Mvt. 3) from Cantata BWV 44:
Bach-Philipp: Transcription for piano

Aria for Bass Dich hab’ ich je und je geliebt (Mvt. 6) from Cantata BWV 49:
Bach-Rummel: Transcription for piano

Chorale Komm, heiliger Geist Herre Gott (Mvt. 3) from Cantata BWV 59:
Bach-Granados: Transcription for piano

Chorus Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (Mvt. 1) (CM: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland) from Cantata BWV 62:
Bach-W.S. Prado/Bach-A. Nebel: Transcription for 2 pianos

Aria for Soprano Mein glaubiges Herze (Mvt. 2) from Cantata BWV 68:
Bach-Alard: Trancription for piano
Bach-Argenston: Trancription for piano
Bach-Bellairs: Trancription for piano
Bach-Boom: Trancription for piano
Bach-Buehrer: Trancription for piano
Bach-Dexter: Trancription for piano
Bach-Eckstein: Transcription for piano
Bach-Erich: Transcription for piano
Bach-Friedman: Trancription for piano
Bach-Gleichauf: Trancription for piano
Bach-F. Guenther: Transcription for piano
Bach-I. Hamilton: Transcription for piano
Bach-H.C. Harper: Transcription for piano
Bach-E. Haywood: Transcription for piano
Bach-S. Heinze: Transcription for piano
Bach-F. Jelly: Trancription for piano 4 hands
Bach-Kleinmichel: Transcription for piano
Bach-Kuhlstrom: Transcription for piano
Bach-Lahmeyer: Transcription for piano
Bach-Le Couppey: Transcription for piano
Bach-Lavignac: Transcription for piano
Bach-E.M. Lee: Transcription for piano
Bach-Lemoine: Transcription for piano
Bach-W. Lenz: Transcription for piano
Bach-S.M. Marcus: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Maylath: Trancription for piano
Bach-Mednikoff: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-A.L. Mendelssohn: Trancription for piano
Bach-Oberfeldt: Trancription for piano
Bach-L. Palmer: Transcription for piano
Bach-E. Pauer: Transcription for piano
Bach-H. Ralph: Transcription for piano
Bach-Rapley: Transcription for piano
Bach-EW Ritter: Transcription for piano
Bach-Rummel: Transcription for piano
Bach-L.V. Saar: Transcription for piano
Bach-C. Scott: Transcription for piano
Bach-B. Tours: Transcription for piano
Bach-J. Wallace: Transcription for piano

Aria for Tenor Ach senke doch den Geist der Freuden (Mvt. 2) from Cantata BWV 73:
Bach-Lévêque: Transcription for piano

Chorale Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (Mvt. 7) from Cantata BWV 75:
Bach-Murrill: Transcription for piano
Bach-G.A. Theill: Transcription for piano

Sinfonia (Mvt. 8) from Cantata BWV 75:
Bach-Emery: Transcription for 2 pianos

Aria for Bass Mein Herze glaubt (Mvt. 12) from Cantata BWV 75:
Bach-Murrill: Transcription for piano

Chorus Jesu, der du meine Seele (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 78:
Bach-Howe: Transcription for 2 pianos

Duet Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Schritten (Mvt. 2) from Cantata BWV 78:
Bach-Howe: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Rummel: Transcription for piano

Aria (Mvt. 4), Chorale (Mvt. 5) & Chorale (Mvt. 8) from Cantata BWV 80:
Bach-Burmeister: Transcription for piano

Aria for Soprano Komm in mein Herzenshaus (Mvt. 4) from Cantata BWV 80:
Bach-A. Richardson: Transcription for piano

Aria for Bass Ich habe genug (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 82:
Bach-Lavignac: Transcription for piano
Bach-L. Lebell: Transcription for 2 pianos

Aria for Bass Schlummert ein, ihr matten Augen (Mvt. 3) from Cantata BWV 82:
Bach-L. Lebell: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-E.M. Lee: Transcription for piano
Bach-Lévêque: Transcription for piano
Bach-E. Thiman: Transcription for piano

Aria for Tenor Seht, was die Liebe tut (Mvt. 5) from Cantata BWV 85:
Bach-H. Foss: Transcription for piano
Bach-H. Foss: Transcription for 2 pianos

Aria for Bass Das Brausen von den rauhen Winden (Mvt. 6) from Cantata BWV 92, transcribed for piano:
Bach-Rummel: Transcription for piano

Chorus (Chorale) Was frag ich nach der Welt (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 94:
Bach-Rummel: Transcription for piano

Aria for Bass Die Welt ist wie ein Rauch und Schatten (Mvt. 2) from Cantata BWV 94:
Bach-Rummel: Transcription for piano

Aria for Soprano Es halt es mit der blinden Welt (Mvt. 7) from Cantata BWV 94:
Bach-Somervell: Transcription for 2 pianos

Chorale So sei nun Seele deine (Mvt. 6) (CM: O Welt, ich muß dich lassen) from Cantata BWV 97:
Bach-J. Wiéner: Transcription for piano

Chorus Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 99:
Bach-Rummel: Transcription for piano

Chorale Was Gott tut, das ist wohl getan (Mvt. 6) from Cantata BWV 100:
Bach-W. Mohr: Transcription for piano

Chorale Nimm von uns Herr Du Treuer Gott (Mvt. 7) from Cantata BWV 101:
Bach-P. Lasser: 12 Variations for piano on the Chorale

Sonatina (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 106:
Bach-Beard: Transcription for piano
Bach-E. Bindman: Arrangement for piano
Bach-E.H. Davies: Transcription for piano
Bach-Ehrmann: Transcription for piano
Bach-Friskin: Transcription for piano
Bach-Howe: Transcription for piano
Bach-Keeney: Transcription for piano
Bach-Keeney: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Kurtág: Transcription for piano 4 hands
Bach-Landes: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Lefevre-Pope: Transcription for piano
Bach-J. Odom: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-B. Owen: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Petri: Transcription for piano
Bach-H.L. Pope: Transcription for piano
Bach-S. Stančić: Arrangement for piano
Bach-H. Tanaka: Transcription for piano
Bach-A.C. Tanner: Transcription for piano
Bach-M. Williams: Transcription for piano

Chorus Gloria, Lob, Ehr und Herrlichkeit (Mvt. 4) from Cantata BWV 106:
Bach-M. Williams: Transcription for piano

Aria for Bass O Menschen, die ihr täglich sündigt (Mvt. 2) from Cantata BWV 122:
Bach-Rummel: Transcription for piano

Aria for Bass Stürze zu Boden (Mvt. 4) from Cantata BWV 126:
Bach-Rummel: Transcription for piano

Aria for Soprano Die Seele ruht in Jesu Händen (Mvt. 3) from Cantata BWV 127:
Bach-Bauer: Transcription for piano
Bach-Naoumoff: Transcription for piano
Bach-Rummel: Transcription for piano

Chorale Dem wir das Heilig itzt (Mvt. 5) from Cantata BWV 129:
Bach-W. Mohr: Transcription for piano
Bach-Rummel: Transcription for piano
Bach-L. Russell: Transcription for piano

Chorus (Chorale) Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 130:
Bach-Rummel: Transcription for piano

Aria for Bass Wer bist du? Frage dein Gewissen (Mvt. 3) from Cantata BWV 132:
Bach-J. Weir: Arrangement for piano

Chorus Lobe den Herren den mächtigen König der Ehren (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 137:
Bach-J. Wiéner: Transcription for piano

Chorus Lobe den Herren den mächtigen König der Ehren (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 137:
Bach-J. Wiéner: Transcription for piano

Chorale Zion hört die Wächter singen (Mvt. 4) from Cantata BWV 140:
Bach-Alsdorf: Transcription for piano
Bach-Bantock: Transcription for piano
Bach-Dalmaine: Transcription for piano
Bach-Duck: Transcription for piano 4 hands
Bach-Friedman: Trancription for piano
Bach-Garban: Transcription for piano
Bach-Geehl: Transcription for piano 4 hands
Bach-Goldberg: Transcription for piano
Bach-F. Guenther: Transcription for piano
Bach-Kapustka: Transcription for piano
Bach-Katsaris: Transcription for piano
Bach-Kempff: Transcription for piano [See: BWV 645]
Bach-Le Fleming: Transcription for piano
Bach-Rapley: Transcription for piano
Bach-Whittaker: Transcription for 2 pianos

Chorus Es ist gewisslich an der Zeit (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 141:
Bach-Howe: Transcription for 2 pianos

Aria for Alto Dein Geburtstag ist erschienen (Mvt. 3) from Cantata BWV 142:
Bach-Howe: Transcription for 2 pianos

Sinfonia (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 146:
Bach-Auler: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Rummel: Transcription for piano

Chorale Jesu Bleibet meine Freude (Mvt. 10) from Cantata BWV 147:
Bach-Alcott: Transcription for piano
Bach-Alsdorf: Transcription for piano
Bach-Arnoldi: Transcription for piano 4 hands
Bach-Babin: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Bastien: Transcription for piano
Bach-Bauer: Transcription for piano
Bach-Bayless: Improvisation for piano on Happy Birthday in the Style of Bach
Bach-Bayless: Arrangement for piano
Bach-Baynes: Transcription for piano
Bach-Beechey: Transcription for piano
Bach-Benichou: Transcription for piano
Bach-Berlin: Transcription for piano
Bach-Bevilaqua: Transcription for piano
Bach-Bilotti: Transcription for piano
M. Blake: Oh Clare, for solo piano
Bach-F. Block: Transcription for piano
Bach-Borowsky: Transcription for piano
Bach-Borwick: Transcription for piano
Bach-F. Bruckmann: Arrangement for piano
Bach-Castagnetta: Transcription for piano
Bach-Cohen: Transcription for piano
Bach-Cohen: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-C. Colombo: Arrangement for piano 4 hands
Bach-Cundell: Transcription for piano
Bach-Dalmaine: Transcription for piano
Bach-Dawson: Transcription for piano
Bach-Dexter: Trancription for piano
Bach-Duchâble: Transcription for piano
Bach-Duck: Transcription for piano 4 hands
Bach-Duruflé: Trancription for piano
Bach-Duruflé: Trancription for 2 pianos
Bach-W.M. Felton: Trancription for keyboard
Bach-F. Fifield: Transcription for piano
Bach-Fiorentino: Transcription for piano
Bach-Fogwell: Transcription for piano
Bach-Fontaine: Transcription for piano
Bach-I. Freed: Transcription for piano
Bach-Garban: Transcription for piano
Bach-D. Garrett: Trancription for 2 pianos
Bach-Gedan: Transcription for piano 4 hands
Bach-Geehl: Transcription for piano
Bach-Geehl: Transcription for piano 4 hands
Bach-Gentemann: Transcription for piano
Bach-Gest: Transcription for 2 pianos

Bach-Gillock: Transcription for piano duet
Bach-Goebels: Transcription for piano
Bach-Goodwill: Transcription for piano
Bach-F. Guenther: Transcription for piano
Bach-Guylar: Transcription for piano
Bach-E. Haywood: Transcription for piano
Bach-Hess: Transcription for piano
Bach-Hess: Transcription for piano 4 hands
Bach-Hess: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Hambourg: Transcription for piano 3 hands
Bach-E. Horne: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-W. Hughes: Transcription for piano 6 hands
Bach-Kapustka: Transcription for piano
Bach-Kartun: Transcription for piano
Bach-Kempff: Transcription for piano
Bach-M. Lacerda: Transcription for piano
Bach-Lasson: Transcription for piano
Bach-Le Fleming: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-E.M. Lee: Transcription for piano
Bach-Lévêque: Transcription for piano
Bach-Lipscomb: Transcription for piano
Bach-Meinders: Transcription for piano left hand
Bach-Manhire: Transcription for piano
Bach-Mansfield: Transcription for piano
Bach-W. Mohr: Transcription for piano
Bach-Montero: Improvisation for piano
Bach-Naoumoff: Transcription for piano
Bach-J. Nunes: Transcription for piano
Bach-M. Ohley: Transcription for 2 pianos 8 hands
Bach-L. Palmer: Transcription for piano
Bach-T. Parker: Transcription for piano
Bach-Parsons-Poole: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Peres: Transcription for piano
Bach-Portarc: Transcription for piano
Bach-Rapley: Transcription for piano
Bach-W.E. Rebner: Transcription for piano 4 hands
Bach-L.V. Saar: Transcription for piano
Bach-Schaum: Transcription for piano
Bach-R. Schultz: Transcription for piano

Bach-Soltesz: Transcription for piano
Bach-Somero: Transcription for piano
Bach-S. Spivak: Transcription for piano
Bach-C.M. Taylor: Ding dong! merrily on high : 16th-century French tune; merged with Chorale Jesu, joy of man's desiring (Jesu Bleibet meine Freude) (Mvt. 10) from Cantata BWV 147, for piano
Bach-Tesson: Transcription for piano
Bach-Wallis: Transcription for piano
Bach-Whitford: Transcription for piano
Bach-J. Wiéner: Transcription for piano
Bach-P.F. Williams: Transcription for piano
Bach-Wissmer: Transcription for piano
Bach-Zoubek: Transcription for 2 pianos

Chorus Meine Tage in den Leiden (Mvt. 7) from Cantata BWV 150:
Bach-Croner: Transcription for piano

Aria for Soprano Süßer Trost, mein Jesus kömmt (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 151:
Bach-Lévêque: Transcription for piano

Aria for Alto Jesu, lass dich finden (Mvt. 4) from Cantata BWV 154:
Bach-Lévêque: Transcription for piano

Recitative So sei, o Seele, sei zufrieden! (Be contented, O my Soul), (Mvt. 3) from Cantata BWV 155:
Bach-Cohen: Transcription for piano
Bach-Cohen: Transcription for 2 pianos

Arioso (Sinfonia) (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 156:
Bach-Beard: Transcription for piano
Bach-E.H. Davies: Transcription for piano
Bach-De Simone: Transcription for piano
Bach-Eckstein: Transcription for piano
Bach-S. Lima: Transcription for piano
Bach-Pirani: Transcription for piano
Bach-W. Rolfe: Transcription for piano
Bach-Wallis: Transcription for piano
Bach-Zehm: Transcription for piano
Bach-A. Zepp: Transcription for piano

Aria for Bass Es ist vollbracht (Mvt. 4) from Cantata BWV 159:
Bach-Douglas: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Philipp: Transcription for piano

Chorale Sei Lob und Preis (Mvt. 5) from Cantata BWV 167:
Bach-G.M. Brewer: Transcription for piano
Bach-W. Mohr: Transcription for piano
Bach-D.C. Powell: Transcription for piano

Sinfonia (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 169:
Bach-Auler: Transcription for 2 pianos

Aria for Bass Dein Name gleich der Sonnen geh (Mvt. 7) from Cantata BWV 173a:
Bach-Rummel: Transcription for piano

Sonata (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 182:
Bach-H. Tanaka: Transcription for piano

Chorale Doch Konigin! (Mvt. 10) from Cantata BWV 198:
Bach-Naoumoff: Transcription for piano

Secular Cantatas BWV 201-224

Aria for Bass Zu Tanze, zu Sprunge (Mvt. 7) from Cantata BWV 201:
Bach-Rummel: Transcription for piano

Aria for Soprano Weichtet nur (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 202:
Bach-Naoumoff: Transcription for piano

Aria for Bass Lass dich nimmer von der Liebe berücken cembalo obbligato (Mvt. 3) from Cantata BWV 203:
Bach-Rummel: Transcription for piano

Aria for Soprano Schafe können sicher weiden (Mvt. 9) from Cantata BWV 208:
Bach-Alcott: Transcription for piano
Bach-Babin: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Bantock: Transcription for piano
Bach-Barratt: Transcription for piano
Bach-Bayless: Improvisation for piano on Happy Birthday in the Style of Bach
Bach-Dalmaine: Transcription for piano
Bach-Duck: Transcription for piano 4 hands
Bach-Friedman: Trancription for piano
Bach-Goedicke: Transcription for piano
Bach-Goldberg: Transcription for piano
Bach-Grainger: Blithe Bells, Ramble for piano
Bach-Grainger: Blithe Bells, Ramble for 2 pianos
Bach-Geehl: Transcription for piano
Bach-Geehl: Transcription for piano 4 hands
Bach-F. Guenther: Transcription for piano
Bach-E. Haywood: Transcription for piano
Bach-Howe: Transcription for piano
Bach-Howe: Transcription for piano 4 hands
Bach-Howe: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-P. Jones: Transcription for piano
Bach-Kasschau: Transcription for piano
Bach-Katsaris: Transcription for piano
Bach-Kempff: Transcription for piano
Bach-Le Fleming: Transcription for piano
Bach-Le Fleming: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Lévêque: Transcription for piano
Bach-Levin: Transcription for piano
Bach-Lipatti: Transcription for piano
Bach-Manhire: Transcription for piano
Bach-Montero: Improvisation for piano
Bach-K. Palmer: Transcription for piano
Bach-Petri: Transcription for piano
Bach-Rapley: Transcription for piano
Bach-W. Rolfe: Transcription for piano
Bach-Schaum: Transcription for piano
Bach-Stromenger: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Templeton: Transcription for piano
Bach-E. Thorne: Transcription for piano

Aria for soprano Weil die wollenreichen Herden (Mvt. 13) from Cantata BWV 208:
Bach-Lipatti: Transcription for piano

Sinfonia (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 209:
Bach-Waldersee: Transcription for piano 4 hands

Overture (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 212:
Bach-E.M. Lee: Transcription for piano

Aria for Bass Dein Wachstum sei feste (Mvt. 20) from Cantata BWV 212:
Bach-E.M. Lee: Transcription for piano
Bach-E.M. Lee: Transcription for 2 pianos
Bach-Rapley: Transcription for piano

Chorus (Duet) Wir gehen nun (Mvt. 24) from Cantata BWV 212:
Bach-E.M. Lee: Transcription for piano

Aria for Soprano Ach es schmeckt doch gar zu gut (Mvt. 4) from Cantata BWV 212:
Bach-E.M. Lee: Transcription for piano

Vorspiel from Cantata BWV 212:
Bach-Ehrmann: Transcription for piano

Excerpts from Cantatas:
Bach-Rösler: Transcription for piano


Prepared by Aryeh Oron (April 2007 - February 2025)

Piano Transcriptions: Composer/Arranger: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
BWV Number: Cantatas | Other Vocal | Organ | Chorale Preludes | Keyboard | Solo Instrumental | Chamber | Ensemble & Orchestral | MO & AOF | Name BACH & Bach-Inspired
Discussions: Part 1 | Links | Other Arrangements/Transcriptions


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Last update: Friday, February 28, 2025 13:34