Guide to Bach Tour
Leipzig [L] [V] [F] |
Contents |
Description | History
J.S. Bach: Connection | Events in Life History | Performance Dates of Vocal Works | Festivals & Cantata Series | Bach Lodging in Leipzig
Features of Interest | Information & Links
Photos: Part 1 | Part 2: Thomaskirche | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6: Nikolaikirche | Part 7 | Part 8: Nikolaikirche | Maps |
Description |
Leipzig (also called Leipsic in English) is the largest city in the federal state of Saxony, Germany. The name is derived from the old-slavic (also Polish) Lipsk (settlement where the linden trees stand). It is situated at the confluence of the rivers Pleisse, White Elster and Parthe. Leipzig's population, which peaked at 750,000 before the second world war, has diminished to just about 500,000 by 2002.
"Leipzig - wir sehen uns!" is how this internationally renowned city of culture and trade fairs greets its visitors. |
Country: Germany | State: Saxony | District: Urban district | Area: 297.36 km² | Population: 515,500 (January 2009) |
History |
First documented in 1015 in the chronicles of Bishop Thietmar of Merseburg and endowed with city and market privileges in 1165 by Otto the Rich, Leipzig has fundamentally shaped the history of Saxony and of Germany. Leipzig has always been known as a place of commerce. The Leipzig Trade Fair, which began in the Middle Ages, is the oldest remaining trade fair in the world. It became an event of international importance.
The foundation of the University of Leipzig in 1409 initiated the city's development into a centre of German law and the publishing industry, and towards being a location of the Reichsgericht (High Court), and the German National Library (founded in 1912). The philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was born in Leipzig in 1646, and attended the university from 1661-1666.
The 19th century
The Leipzig region was the arena of the Battle of the Nations, which ended Napoleon's run of conquest in Europe, and led to his first exile on Elba. In 1913, the Völkerschlachtdenkmal monument celebrating the centenary of this event was completed.
A terminal of the first German long distance railway to Dresden (the capital of Saxony), in 1839, Leipzig became a hub of Central European railway traffic, with the renowned Leipzig Central Station, the largest terminal station by area in Europe.
Leipzig expanded rapidly towards one million inhabitants. Huge Gründerzeit areas were built, which mostly survived the war and post-war demolition.
Leipzig became a centre of the German and Saxon liberal movements. The first German labour party, the General German Workers' Association (Allgemeiner Deutscher Arbeiterverein, ADAV) was founded in Leipzig on 23 May 1863 by Ferdinand Lassalle; about 600 workers from across Germany travelled to the foundation on the new railway line.
The 20th century
The city's mayor from 1930 to 1937, Carl Friedrich Goerdeler was a noted opponent of the Nazi regime in Germany. He resigned in 1937 when, in his absence, his Nazi deputy ordered the destruction of the city's statue of Felix Mendelssohn. On Kristallnacht in 1938, one of the city's most architecturally significant buildings, the 1855 Moorish Revival Leipzig synagogue was deliberately destroyed.
The city was also heavily damaged by Allied bombing during World War II. American troops of the 69th Infantry Division captured the city on 20 April 1945. The U.S. turned over the city to the Red Army as it pulled back from the line of contact with Soviet forces in July 1945 to the pre-designated occupation zone boundaries. Leipzig became one of the major cities of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany).
In the mid-20th century, the city's Trade Fair assumed renewed importance as a point of contact with the Comecon Eastern Europe economic bloc, of which East Germany was a member.
In October 1989, after prayers for peace at St. Nicholas' Church, established in 1983 as part of the peace movement, the Monday demonstrations started as the most prominent mass protest against the East German regime.
Leipzig was the German candidate for the 2012 Summer Olympics, but did not make it to the short list. |
Music in Leipzig |
J.S. Bach worked in Leipzig from 1723 to 1750, at the St. Thomas Lutheran church, and Richard Wagner the composer was born in Leipzig in 1813, in the Brühl. Robert Schumann was also active in Leipzig music, having been invited by Felix Mendelssohn when the latter established Germany's first musical conservatoire in the city in 1843. Gustav Mahler was second conductor (working under Artur Nikisch) at the Leipzig Theater from June 1886 until May 1888, and achieved his first great recognition while there by completing and publishing Carl Maria von Weber's opera Die Drei Pintos, and G. Mahler also completed his own 1st Symphony while living there.
This conservatoire is today the University of Music and Theatre. A broad range of subjects can be studied, both artistic and teacher training, in all orchestral instruments, voice, interpretation, coaching, piano chamber music, orchestral conducting, choir conducting and musical composition. Musical styles include jazz, popular music, musicals, early music and church music. The drama departments teach acting and dramaturgy. Advanced students may, after a test, stand in for members of the Gewandhaus Orchestra. As at 2006, approximately 900 students were enrolled at the school.
The city's musical tradition is also reflected in the worldwide fame of the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig and the Thomanerchor Leipzig.
Bill and Tom Kaulitz - the founding members of modern rock band Tokio Hotel - also originate from Leipzig, although no longer live there.
Till Lindemann, vocalist for the Neue Deutsche Härte band Rammstein, also hails from Leipzig.
As for contemporary music, Leipzig has for more than 10 years been home to the world's largest electronic music festival, the annual Wave-Gotik-Treffen (WGT), where thousands of electro fans from across Europe gather in the early summer. |
Chronicle of Events |
1212 |
First Slavic settlement near the confluence of the rivers Elster and Parthe
First mention of ''urbs Libzi'' in the Chronicle's of Bishop Thietmar von Merseburg
Margrave Otto the Rich grants Leipzig its city charter and market rights
Foundation of Augustinian Canons St Thomas |
1497 |
Foundation of the University of Leipzig
Marcus Brandis, a wandering printer from Delitzsch, prints the first book in Leipzig
Emperor Maximilan I grants the town imperial trade fair rights. In 1507 he confirms the rights and grants the ''Stapelrecht'', handling rights forcing passing traders to offer their goods for sale in the town |
1555-1556 |
Disputation between Martin Luther and Dr. Johann Eck at Pleissenburg Castle
The reformation movement reaches Leipzig; M. Luther preaches at St Thomas's Church
The Old Weigh House and the Town Hall (now the Old Town Hall) are built in the market square by Hieronymus Lotter |
1678 -1687
1693 |
Battle of Ltzen: King Gustavus II Adolphus of Sweden is killed in battle
The world's first daily newspaper is published in Leipzig
The stock exchange is built in Naschmarkt squa
Opening of the first opera house on the Brühl promenade |
after 1894
1899-1905 |
J.S. Bach works as the towns musical director and choirmaster of St Thomas's Church in Leipzig
Birth of the ''Great Concerts'', the forerunners of today's Gewandhaus concerts, and of the
Gewandhausorchester Leipzig, the oldest German civilian concert Orchestra
Johann Wolfgang Goethe studies at the University of Leipzig
Richard Wagner is born in Leipzig
The Battle of the Nations is fought near Leipzig
The ''German Booksellers and Publishers Association of Leipzig'' is founded
The publishing company Brockhaus begins industrial scale book production
Anton Philipp Reclam founds a lending library and later a publishing house
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy works in Leipzig as the conductor of the Gewandhaus Orchestra.
The first long-distance railway line is opened between Leipzig and Dresden
Construction of the Bavarian Railway Station
F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and Robert Schumann found in Leipzig the Music Conservatory
Foundation of the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig
Opening of the Museum of Fine Arts at Augustusplatz
Opening of the New Theatre at Augustusplatz
Ernst Pinkert opens the Leipzig Zoological Gardens
Reconstruction of the university building at Augustusplatz
The German Central Library for the Blind is founded in Leipzig
The Leipzig Fair is turned from a product fair into a samples fair
Inauguration of the Supreme Court of the German Reich
The Pleissenburg Castle is demolished and the New Town Hall is built in its place |
Construction of the Central Station
Opening of Leipzig Airport
Opening of the German National Library
Inauguration of the Monument of the Battle of the Nations & St Alexeis Russian Memorial Church
The Leipzig Station of MDR Central German Broadcasting goes on air for the first time
1933 Nazi rulers stage the Reichstag Arson Trial at the Supreme Court
''The Night of the Broken Glass'' marks the beginning of the end for more than 13,000 Jewish
residents in the city
On December 4, 1943 Leipzig suffers its most severe air raids
US troops arrive in the city on April 18; on July 2 the Americans hand over control to the
Soviet army
The University of Leipzig reopens. First trade fair after the war
Strikes and demonstrations against the communist East German government take place on June 17
Opening of the New Opera House on the site of the New Theatre which was destroyed during
World War II
Demolition of the University Church in the central Karl Marx Platz square, now Augustusplatz
Completion of the new buildings of Karl Marx University (todays University of Leipzig) on the
site of the former University Church
Inauguration of the new Leipzig Concert Hall Gewandhaus.
Prayers for Peace are held at St Nicolas Church. The Monday Demonstrations which started out
along Leipzig's inner Ring Road after the prayers brought about the peaceful reunification of
Celebrations for the 300th anniversary of the Leipzig Opera House, the 250th anniversary of the
Gewandhausorchester Leipzig, and 150th anniversary of the Music Conservatory
Opening of the Leipzig New Fair exhibition centre
Reopening of the Central Station with the Hauptbahnhof Promenaden a modern shopping and
service centre
To commemorate the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Peaceful Revolution, the Forum of
Contemporary History opens in Leipzig on October 9
Opening of a new runway facilitating intercontinental flights at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Opening of the media city Leipzig |
by 2005 |
Opening of the new Porsche plant in Leipzig
Leipzig is elected as the German bid city for hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012
A new BMW plant is constructed in Leipzig |
Bach Connection |
Leipzig is the city in Saxony where J.S. Bach was employed from 1723 until his death in 1750. It combined an older function as a free imperial city (like Mühlhausen) with that of a garrison and market town. It was in J.S. Bach's time larger than the Saxon capital, Dresden, and it was probably older, but although situated at a crossroads of 18th-century Europe, it could boast no navigable river (though the Pleiße was much beloved of its citizens). The population, including those dwelling beyond the city walls, numbered just under 30,000. Leipzig was divided into four Viertel ('quarters'), each with its own constabulary subject to the governor; during much of J.S. Bach's time in the city the governor was Count Joachim Friedrich von Flemming, to whom J.S. Bach dedicated three homage cantatas (BWV 210a, BWV 249b, and BWV Anh. I 10). The governor himself, whose headquarters on the Pleißenburg housed a small garrison of Saxon troops, was a token of royal and electoral authority rather than any kind of direct ruler. Civic rule rested in the town council, made up of three burgomasters (or mayors) who each presided over ten assessors (30 in all). Every year on St Bartholomew's Day (August 24) a new burgomaster and ten assessors came into power by rotation.
The university, which had gradually enhanced Leipzig's reputation since its foundation in 1409, was a major influence within the town in matters theological, legal, scientific, and medical. There was no official recognition of music in the curriculum or in the degrees awarded (as there was at both Oxford and Cambridge); most of those who matriculated with any notion of taking up music enrolled as students of law.
The importance of Leipzig in the printing and book trade, together with the tradition of cosmopolitan meetings at the annual book fairs held at Easter, Michaelmas, and New Year, had made Leipzig into a centre of fashion and good manners. With its streets lined with lanterns, and regular patrols made by each quarter's watch, it was an unusually safe place to be, even at night, so that well before 1750 it was being described as a 'kleiner Paris' ('little Paris'). Each Viertel had a gate in the city wall through which one gained access to the linden-lined promenades that encircled the old city. Beyond these were the parks and pleasure gardens that added further to the refined reputation of Leipzig, affording rehearsal space on lawns and in amphitheatres for dramatic and musical entertainments, and ensuring that rich and poor alike were able to enjoy the natural delights of plants and birds.
Within the city walls housing was crowded, but there were also open spaces such as the market (reconstructed after the World Wars to recapture its 18th-century appearance), the Thomaskirchhof, and an equivalent space between the Nikolaikirche and its own school. The main thoroughfares were quite wide, and the better houses were built to a height of five storeys, but each Viertel had its share of narrower alleys and elbows, mainly of use to pedestrians, such as the appropriately named Stadtpfeifergasse where the trumpeter Gottfried Reiche lived. J.S. Bach and his family occupied rooms in the Thomasschule adjoining the Thomaskirche; the building was extensively reconstructed in 1731-1732 with the addition of two storeys, allowing more space for J.S. Bach's ever-increasing family. It remained virtually unaltered until 1903, when it was demolished.
J.S. Bach's official duties as Thomaskantor and director chori musici centred on his singers at the Thomasschule and particularly on the first choir, which performed the cantata in the two main churches, the Thomaskirche and the Nikolaikirche, alternately on most Sundays, and at both chuon major feast-days. But there was excellent music at most of the city's other churches too. Morning service at whichever of the two main churches was not favoured with the cantata was provided by J.S. Bach's second choir, trained and directed by a prefect under the watchful eye of the school's Conrector, or deputy headmaster. A regular musical programme was followed at the university church, the Paulinerkirche, where responsibility lay with J.G. Görner; since festive services were held there only a few times a year, Görner was able to work also as organist of the Nikolaikirche (1721-1739), and then of the Thomaskirche.
Görner also ran one of Leipzig's two 'townand-gown' music clubs (see article: Bach’s Collegium musicum in Leipzig and Its History) which had been founded by musical students Johann Friedrich Fasch and Georg Philipp Telemann) early in the 18th century. J.S. Bach directed the other from 1729 until after 1740. The locations and times of their meetings were advertised during the Michaelmas and Easter fairs. A later development was the Großes Concert Gesellschaft, a rather more ambitious body capable of performing early Classical orchestral and choral music with soloists. Although J.S. Bach himself was not directly involved in this, a number of his pupils and acquaintances, as well as several of the professional Stadtpfeifer, lent their services. In contrast with the otherwise comparable town of Hamburg, or the residences at Dresden and Weißenfels, Leipzig failed, after 1709, to support a permanent opera house during the first half of the 18th century.
The burghers of Leipzig witnessed the creation and performance of most of J.S. Bach's greatest works, but much of the composer's energy was dissipated in frustrating disputes with his superiors. There was first a dispute with the university authorities over responsibility for the Alt-Gottesdienst in the Paulinerkirche, which J.S. Bach took as far as the king in Dresden in an attempt to preserve what he saw as his rights. Shortly afterwards there was a ripple of disagreement and misunderstanding over where the St John Passion (BWV 245) was to be performed on Good Friday 1724, J.S. Bach preferring the Thomaskirche but the council insisting on the Nikolaikirche. Four years later there was a dispute with the subdeacon of the Nikolaikirche over who should choose the hymns for Vespers, and in 1730 complaints that J.S. Bach was neglecting some of his duties (recalling those levelled against him at Arnstadt) led to his submission to the council of the famous Entwurff, in which he set out his ideas and requirements for 'a well-regulated church music'. This was dated August 23, 1730, a clear indication of J.S. Bach's hope that the new council taking office the following day might be particularly heedful of his suggestions and requests.
Far from resolving matters, the Entwurff seems if anything to have aggravated them, and two months later J.S. Bach, in a letter to his former schoolmate Georg Erdmann, spoke of the authorities as 'odd, and little interested in music, with the result that I must live in almost constant vexation, envy and harassment. I shall be compelled, with help from the Most High, to seek my fortune elsewhere.'
J.S. Bach was destined, however, to remain at Leipzig for the rest of his life. He made no secret of the fact that, in presenting the Elector Friedrich August II with the Missa in B minor (BWV 232), together with a request for a position in the Dresden Kapelle, in 1733, he was seeking to bolster his standing in Leipzig. The sought-after title of Hofcompositeur ('court composer') was not granted until 1736, by which time J.S. Bach had come into conflict with the new Rector of the Thomasschule, J.A. Ernesti, particularly over the appointment of prefects in the school. In March 1739 there was some disagreement over the Good Friday Passion performance, but by then J.S. Bach had almost entirely ceased to compose music in his capacity as director chori musici. While he continued to discharge the other responsibilities of his post, the outcome of his famous visit to Frederick the Great in May 1747 and his decision to join Lorenz Mizler's Correspondierenden Societat a month later are more indicative of where his interests and sympathies lay during the last decade of his life.
Leipzig has retained its pre-eminence in the performance, publication, dissemination, and study of J.S. Bach's music. The Thomanerchor (choir of St Thomas's), under a succession of distinguished conductors, has undertaken foreign tours and made gramophone recordings, and Leipzig has acted as the main .host for Bach festivals arranged by the Neue Bachgesellschaft. The Bose house in the Thomaskirchhof has been fitted out as a Bach museum, and also houses the Bach-Archiv, a research centre, founded in 1950 by Werner Neumann, which functions as the editorial office of the Bach-Jahrbuch and shares responsibility with the Johann-Sebastian-Bach Institut, Göttingen, for the editing and publication of the NBA.
Leipzig musical ensembles specializing in perfroming J.S. Bach's works:
Favorit- und Capellchor Leipzig (FCCL) (Vocal Ensemble)
Leipziger Barockorchester (LBO) (Baroque Orchestrea)
Camerata Leipzig (Chamber Orchestra)
Leipziger Concert Ensemble (LCE) (Instrumental Ensemble)
Das Leipziger Concerto Vocale (LCV) (Vocal Ensemble)
Gewandhausorchester Leipzig (GOL) (Symphony Orchestra)
Leipziger Oratorienchor (Choir)
Leipziger Universitätschor (LUC) (Choir)
Leipziger Vocalensemble (LVE) (Vocal Ensemble)
Neues Bachisches Collegium Musicum Leipzig (NBCML) (Instrumental Ensemble)
Neues Leipziger Barockensemble (NLBO) (Instrumental Baroque Ensemble)
Rundfunkchor Leipzig (RCL) (Choir)
Thomanerchor Leipzig (Choir), one of the oldest and most famous boys' choirs in Germany
Article by Stephen Daw in Malcolm Boyd (Editor): Oxford Composer Companion - J.S. Bach (Oxford University Press, 1999)
Martin Petzoldt: Bachstäten Ein Reiseführer zu Johann Sebastian Bach (Insel Verlag, 2000)
U. Siegele, 'Bach and the Domestic Politics of Electoral Saxony', in J. Butt, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Bach (Cambridge, 1997), pp. 17-34
G.B. Stauffer, 'Leipzig: A Cosmopolitan Trade Centre, in G.J. Buelow, ed., Man and Music: The Late Baroque Era (London, 1993), pp. 254-295
Leipzig brochures from Bach Tours of Aryeh Oron (1999, 2004) |
Events in Life History of J.S. Bach |
Date/Year |
Place |
Event |
Köthen (1713-1723) |
Dec 16, 1717 |
Leipzig |
Organ examination in Paulinerkirche, Leipzig |
Dec 21, 1722 |
Leipzig |
Candidate entered for post of Thomaskantor, Leipzig |
Leipzig (1723-1730) |
Leipzig (1731-1740) |
Leipzig (1741-1750) |
Posthumous Years (1750-1800) |
Aug 7, 1750 |
Leipzig |
Election of Johann Gottlob Harrer as Thomaskantor (other applicants for his position: Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, A.F. Graun, Johann Ludwig Krebs, J.G. Görner and J. Trier) |
Aug 29 +, 1750 |
Leipzig |
The Leipzig Town Council acquires performing parts of chorale cantata cycle from Anna Magdalena Bach for the use of the Thomaskantor |
Oct 2, 1750 |
Leipzig |
Installation of Johann Gottlob Harrer as Thomaskantor |
Nov 11, 1750 |
Leipzig |
Settlement of Bach’s estate at the probate court of Leipzig University |
July 9, 1755 |
Leipzig |
Death of Thomaskantor Johann Gottlob Harrer |
Oct 8, 1755 |
Leipzig |
Appointment of Johann Friedrich Doles, cantor at the cathedral in Freiburg (a pupil of J.S. Bach’s 1739-1743) as Thomaskantor |
Feb 27, 1760 |
Leipzig |
Death of Anna Magdalena Bach (age 59); buried Feb 29 |
Jan 14, 1774 |
Leipzig |
Death of daughter Catharina Dorothea Bach (age 65) in Leipzig |
Aug 18, 1781 |
Leipzig |
Death of daughter Johanna Carolina Bach (age 43) in Leipzig |
Aug 24, 1781 |
Leipzig |
Death of daughter Elisabeth Juliane Friederica Altnickol (age 55) in Leipzig |
Jan 1, 1782 |
London |
Death of son Johann Christian Bach (age 46) in London |
Dec 14, 1809 |
Leipzig |
Death of daughter Regina Susanna Bach (age 67) in Leipzig |
Performance Dates of J.S. Bach’s Vocal Works |
See: 1723 [Leipzig] | 1724 [Leipzig] | 1725 [Leipzig] | 1726 [Leipzig] | 1727 [Leipzig] | 1728 [Leipzig] | 1729 [Leipzig] | 1730 [Leipzig] | 1731 [Leipzig] | 1732 [Leipzig] | 1733 [Leipzig] 1734 [Leipzig] | 1735 [Leipzig] | 1736 [Leipzig] | 1737 [Leipzig] | 1739 [Leipzig] | 1740 [Leipzig] | 1742 [Leipzig] | 1745 [Leipzig] | 1747 [Leipzig] | 1748 [Leipzig] | 1749 [Leipzig] | Unknown Years |
Bach Festivals & Cantata Series |
Festival (Link to Website) |
Artistic Director |
Years |
Months |
Place |
Neue Bachgesellschaft e. V |
Martin Petzold |
1904- |
Various cities, Germany |
Bachfest Leipzig |
Georg Christoph Biller, Elmar Weingarten, Christoph Wolff |
1999- |
May-Jun |
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany |
Thomanerchor Leipzig |
Georg Christoph Biller |
1723- |
Cantata Series |
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany |
Features of Interest |
Thomaskirche (St. Thomas Church) : built in the 12th century, is the place where J.S. Bach worked as Kantor and now lies buried (See: Memo-1211); Bach window; home to the renowned Thomanerchor. See: Memo-1210, Memo-1520, Photos Part 2: Thomaskirche
New Bach Memorial: in St. Thomas’s churchyard created by Karl Seffner in 1908. Regular Monday concerts in July and August. See: Memo-1208
Nikolaikirche (St. Nicolai Church): built c1165. The first 12 members of Thomanerchor sang, conducted by J.S. Bach, in the churches of St. Nicolai and St. Thomas. The Church of St. Nicolai was the starting point for the peaceful change to the unification of Germany in 1989. Regular organ recitals in July and August. See: Memo-1500, Photos Part 6: Nikolaikirche
Bach Archives (since 1950) & Bach Museum in the Bose House: permanent and special exhibitions with furniture and instruments from Bach era. Office of the Leipzig Bach Festivals and the Leipzig International J.S. Bach Competitions. Headquarters of the New Bach Society. Regular concerts.
Old Bach Memorial: near St. Thomas Church sponsored by Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and unveiled in 1843. See: Memo-1209
Old Town Hall: in the Market Square, built in 1556-1557. Houses of the Museum of Municipal History with the only authentic portrait of J.S. Bach.
Leipzig University Museum of Musical Instruments: in the Grassi Museum, including an old organ keyboard from St. John’s Church with J.S. Bach once used.
Völkerschlachtdenkmal (Battle of the Nations Monument): the largest monument in Europe, built to commemorate the victorious battle against Napoleonic troops
Gewandhaus (former Cloth Hall): home to the famous Gewandhaus Orchestra, it is the third building of that name
Altes Rathaus: the old city hall was built in 1556 and houses a museum of the city's history
Neues Rathaus: the new city hall was built upon the remains of the Pleißenburg, a castle that was the site of the 1519 debate between Johann Eck and Martin Luther in 1519
City-Hochhaus Leipzig: built in 1972, it was once part of the university and is the city's tallest building
Auerbachs Keller: a young Goethe ate and drank here while studying in Leipzig; it is the venue of a scene from his Faust
Städtisches Kaufhaus (municipal department store): the world's first sample fair building and today home to offices, retail stores, restaurants and interim classrooms for the University of Leipzig (its name is misleading, as it is privately owned)
Bundesverwaltungsgericht: Germany's federal administrative court was the site of the Reichsgericht, the highest state court between 1888 and 1945
The Leipzig Botanical Garden is the oldest botanical garden in Germany
Old Stock Exchange.
Gohlis Palace.
Historic courtyard markets and passageways in the inner city such as Barthels Hof, Mädler Passage with Auerbachs Keller, Specks Hof, municipal department store, Strohsack and Webers Hof.
Mendelssohn House.
Moritz Bastion.
Russian Memorial Church.
Tavern: “Zum Coffe Baum”.
Museum of Visual Arts
Among Leipzig's noteworthy institutions are the Opera House and the Leipzig Zoo, the latter of which houses the world's largest facilities for primates. Leipzig's international trade fair in the north of the city is home to the world's largest levitated glass hall. |
Information & Links |
Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
Richard-Wagner-Straße 1
D-04109 Leipzig
Tel: +49 (0)341 7104-260, +49 (0)341 7104-265 | Fax: +49 (0)341 7104-271, +49 (0)341 7104-276
Website: http://www.ltm-leipzig.de/
E-mail: info@ltm-leipzig.de
Leipziger Freiheit
Richard-Wagner-Straße 1
D-04109 Leipzig
Tel: +49 (0) 341 124689-0 | Fax: +49 (0) 341 124689-1
Website: http://www.leipziger-freiheit.de/
E-mail: info@leipziger-freiheit.de
Stadt Leipzig (Official Website) [German]
Leipzig Online [German]
Leipzig (Wikipedia) [various languages]
Cityreview: Sachsen > Leipzig [German]
Leipzig (Meinestadt) [German]
Bach Festival Leipzig
Neue Bachgesellschaft e. V
International Johann-Sebastian-Bach Competition
Bach-Archiv Leipzig
Thomaskirche - St. Thomas Church
Leipzig 1723-1750 – Part 1 (Koster)
Leipzig 1723-1750 – Part 2 (Koster)
The J.S. Bach Tourist 12: Leipzig (Koster)
On the Traces of J.S. Bach: Leipzig (Germany Tourism)
J.S. Bach Biographie: Leipzig 1723-1750 (Schlu) [German]
J.S. Bach Education & Career: Leipzig 1723-1750 (T.A. Smith)
Bach's Leipzig 1725-1750 - The City of Leipzig in pictures (Sartorius)
J.S. Bach Biography: Leipzig (Carolina Classical) |
Prepared by Aryeh Oron (March 2004 - April 2010) |