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Magdalene Harer (Soprano)

Born: Germany

The German soprano, Magdelene Harer, studied singing with Sabine Ritterbusch at the Hochschule für Musik Detmold, graduating in 2010; and at the Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover. She completed the artistic diploma and the concert exam with honors.

Magdalene Harer excels in a variety of music styles. She appears on the international stage performing repertoire spanning seven centuries, in oratorio, song and chamber music. Under the baton of Konrad Junghänel, Jarosław Thiel, Raphaël Pichon, Alexander Liebreich, Paul van Nevel, Philippe Herreweghe, Peter Neumann, Hermann Max and Jörg Straube, she has given concerts in many of Europe’s most prestigious venues, including Koelner Philharmonie, International House of Music (Moscow), National Forum of Music (Wroclaw), Tchaikovsky Concert Hall (Moscow), and National Theatre (Sarajevo), as well as Israel and the USA.

Magdalene Harer's current focus is ensemble and consort singing and she regularly appears with some of Europe’s most celebrated period ensembles, such as Cantus Cölln (Director: Konrad Junghänel; since 2013), Collegium Vocale Gent (Director: Philippe Herreweghe), Huelgas Ensembld, RIAS-Kammerchor (Director: Hans-Christoph Rademann), Ensemble Pygmalion (Director: Raphaël Pichon) and Ensemble Polyharmonique.

For seveal years Magdalene Harer is a sought-after soloist in the concert area and nationwide with the great oratorios. She has appeared with numerous orchestras, among them Concerto Köln, Göttinger Barockorchester, Hannoversche Hofkapelle, Barockorchester L'Arco, Lautten Compagney Berlin (Director: Wolfgang Katschner), Ensemble Schirokko, Nordwestdeutschen Philharmonie, Göttinger Symphonieorchester and Neuen Philharmonie Westfalen, Neue Düsseldorfer Hofmusik, Münchener Kammerorchester and others.

In addition, Magdalene Harer dedicated herself to Lieder singing and played on the opera stage roles such as Adele in Fledermaus and Eurydice in Orpheus und Eurydike.

Magdelene Harer Website & Facebook profile
Cantus Cölln Website
Photos 000, 014, 031, 110, 137, 188, 205, 231, 270: Christian Burkert
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (August 2018)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Alfredo Bernardini


[C-5] (2019): BWV 158, BWV 56 [Chorales]

Florian Deuter & Mónica Waisman


[C-1] (2022, HRCD/MP3): BWV 51

Bernd Eberhardt


[V-4] (2010, Audio): BWV 232

Konrad Junghänel


Member of Cantus Cölln:
[C-3] (2014): BWV 12 [2nd recording], BWV 230, BWV 18, BWV 4 [2nd recording], BWV 227
[C-2] (2017, Video): BWV 14

Stefan Kordes


[BT8-1] (2023, Video): BWV 74, BWV 68
[BT8-2] (2023, Video): BWV 172, BWV 184
[BT8-3] (2023, Video): BWV 175, BWV 129

Ändreas Küppers


Member of Ensemble Polyharmonique:
[C-1] (2021, CD): BWV 233a

Johanna Soller


[VV-1] (2019, Video): BWV 244

Gernot Süßmuth


Member of Ensemble Polyharmonique:
[V-1] (2020/2021]: BWV 248/1-6

Links to other Sites

Magdalene Harer - Soprano (Official Website) [German/English]
Magdelene Harer on Facebook
Magdalene Harer (Cantus Cölln)

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Last update: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 15:48