Luthran Church Year
Dates of "Mariä Verkündigung" (Feast of Annunciation of Mary) |
Readings: Epistle: Isaiah 7: 10-16; Gospel: Luke 1: 26-38 |
Musical Context of Bach Cantatas: Motets & Chorales for Feast of Visitation of Mary |
Dates in the Lifetime of J.S. Bach |
All dates are in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD.
Abbreviations of German weekdays: Sonntag, Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag. |
1685-03-25 So Okuli
1686-03-25 Mo
1687-03-25 Di
1688-03-25 Do
1689-03-25 Fr
1690-03-25 Sa Karsamstag
1691-03-25 So Laetare
1692-03-25 Di
1693-03-25 Mi
1694-03-25 Do
1695-03-25 Fr
1696-03-25 So Okuli
1697-03-25 Mo
1698-03-25 Di
1699-03-25 Mi
1700-03-25 Do
1701-03-25 Fr Karfreitag
1702-03-25 Sa
1703-03-25 So Judika
1704-03-25 Di Osterdienstag
1705-03-25 Mi
1706-03-25 Do
1707-03-25 Fr
1708-03-25 So Judika
1709-03-25 Mo
1710-03-25 Di
1711-03-25 Mi
1712-03-25 Fr Karfreitag
1713-03-25 Sa
1714-03-25 So (Palmsonntag) - Cantata BWV 182 Himmelskönig, sei willkommen (1st performances, Weimar)
1715-03-25 Mo
1716-03-25 Mi
1717-03-25 Do Gründonnerstag
1718-03-25 Fr
1719-03-25 Sa
1720-03-25 Mo
1721-03-25 Di
1722-03-25 Mi
1723-03-25 Do Gründonnerstag
1724-03-25 Sa - Cantata BWV 182 Himmelskönig, sei willkommen (4th performance, Leipzig) + Cantata BWV Anh 199 Siehe, eine Jungfrau ist schwanger 1st performance, Leipzig; Music lost) (?)
1725-03-25 So (Palmsonntag) - Cantata BWV 1 Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern (1st performance, Leipzig)
1726-03-25 Mo - J.L. Bach: Cantata Ich habe meinen Konig eingesetzt, JLB (1st performance, Leipzig; Lost)
1727-03-25 Di
1728-03-25 Do Gründonnerstag
1729-03-25 Fr
1730-03-25 Sa
1731-03-25 So Okuli
1732-03-25 Di - J.F. Fasch: Cantata Gottes und Marien Kind (1st performance, Leipzig)
1733-03-25 Mi
1734-03-25 Do
1735-03-25 Fr
1736-03-25 So Palmsonntag
1737-03-25 Mo
1738-03-25 Di
1739-03-25 Mi
1740-03-25 Fr
1741-03-25 Sa
1742-03-25 So Ostersonntag
1743-03-25 Mo
1744-03-25 Mi
1745-03-25 Do
1746-03-25 Fr
1747-03-25 Sa
1748-03-25 Mo
1749-03-25 Di
1750-03-25 Mi |
Vocal works with no definite date |
(Weimar Years) - Cantata BWV 182 Himmelskönig, sei willkommen (2nd & 3rd performances, Weimar)
(After 1728) - Cantata BWV 182 Himmelskönig, sei willkommen (6th performance, Leipzig)
(?) - G.P. Telemann: Cantata BWV Anh 156 Herr Christ der einge Gottessohn, TVWV 1:732 (not known if performed by J.S. Bach) |
Sundays and Holidays in the Lifetime of J.S. Bach |
Prepared by Aryeh Oron (March 2010), Aryeh Oron (March 2010)
Contributed by Aryeh Oron (March 2010)
Please direct any questions or comments to: Dr. Georg Fischer |