Lutheran Church Year
Sundays and Holidays in the Lifetime of J.S. Bach |
Years |
Select any of the following years in Bach's lifetime to see a list of the dates of all Sundays and holidays in that year:
1685 | 1686 | 1687 | 1688 | 1689 | 1690
1691 | 1692 | 1693 | 1694 | 1695 | 1696 | 1697 | 1698 | 1699 | 1700
1701 | 1702 | 1703 | 1704 | 1705 | 1706 | 1707 | 1708 | 1709 | 1710
1711 | 1712 | 1713 | 1714 | 1715 | 1716 | 1717 | 1718 | 1719 | 1720
1721 | 1722 | 1723 | 1724 | 1725 | 1726 | 1727 | 1728 | 1729 | 1730
1731 | 1732 | 1733 | 1734 | 1735 | 1736 | 1737 | 1738 | 1739 | 1740
1741 | 1742 | 1743 | 1744 | 1745 | 1746 | 1747 | 1748 | 1749 | 1750 |
Events |
Select any of the following days to see a list of the dates in the years 1685-1750 where that day occurred:
1. Advent | 1. Weihnachtstag | 1.So.n.Epiph. | 1.So.n.Trin. | 10.So.n.Trin. | 11.So.n.Trin. | 12.So.n.Trin. | 13.So.n.Trin. | 14.So.n.Trin. | 15.So.n.Trin. | 16.So.n.Trin. | 17.So.n.Trin. | 18.So.n.Trin. | 19.So.n.Trin. | 2. Advent | 2. Weihnachtstag | 2.So.n.Epiph. | 2.So.n.Trin. | 2.So.n.Weihn. | 20.So.n.Trin. | 21.So.n.Trin. | 22.So.n.Trin. | 23.So.n.Trin. | 24.So.n.Trin. | 25.So.n.Trin. | 26.So.n.Trin. | 27.So.n.Trin. | 3. Advent | 3.So.n.Epiph. | 3.So.n.Trin. | 3. Weihnachtstag | 4. Advent | 4.So.n.Epiph. | 4.So.n.Trin. | 5.So.n.Epiph. | 6.So.n.Epiph. | 5.So.n.Trin. | 6.So.n.Trin. | 7.So.n.Trin. | 8.So.n.Trin. | 9.So.n.Trin. | Aschermittwoch | Buß- und Bettag | Christi Himmelf. | Epiphanias | Estomihi | Exaudi | Fastnacht | Fronleichnam | Gründonnerstag | Heiliger Abend | Invokavit | Johannis | Jubilate | Judika | Kantate | Karfreitag | Karsamstag | Laetare | Letzter So.n.Epiph. | Maifeiertag | Mariä Heimsuchung | Mariä Reinigung | Mariä Verkündigung | Michaelis | Misericordias Dom. | Neujahr | Nikolaus | Okuli | Osterdienstag | Ostermontag | Ostersonntag | Palmsonntag | Pfingstdienstag | Pfingsten | Pfingstmontag | Quasimodogeniti | Reformationsfest | Reminiszere | Rogate | Rosenmontag | Septuagesimae | Sexagesimae | Silvester | So.n.Weihnachten | Trinitatis |
See: Table of events in German/English and the corresponding Bach's works |
All dates are in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD.
Abbreviations of German weekdays: Sonntag, Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag. |
Performance of Vocal Works by J.S. Bach |
a. Listed in the Event & Year Pages are only vocal works associated with the events in the LCY and performed by J.S. Bach. Vocal works assiciated with other events (such as weddings, town council, secular events, etc. are not listed.
b.Year Pages: Listed are only vocal works, of which definite performance date/s by J.S. Bach are known.
c. Event Pages: Listed are all vocal works performed by J.S. Bach on this Event.
d. See also:
- Vocal works performed by J.S. Bach in chronological order
- Works of other composers performed by J.S. Bach in chronological order |
Comment by Dr. Georg Fischer |
The calculation of the LCY in the lifetime of J.S. Bach does not respect any local calendar modifications. It computes Easter for years 1583 to 4099 A.C. - our calendar. Therefore the pages tell the month and day numbers of the Sundays and the Holy Days as we see them today, not as Saxonian people would have denoted them. Since Easter (and therefore most of the Holy Days) depend on the raising of the moon after the equinox - which is independent of human day numbering - the dates are accurate - from today's point of view.
The change of Julian to Gregorian calendar took place in Saxony and Thuringia on February 22, 1700, whereby ten days got lost. However, the context of the pages is the relation to the creation dates of J.S. Bach's cantatas. He didn't write them before 1700. |
Sundays and Holidays in the Lifetime of J.S. Bach |
Prepared by Dr. Georg Fischer (April 2007), Aryeh Oron (March 2010)
Contributed by Dr. Georg Fischer (March 2010)
Please direct any questions or comments to: Dr. Georg Fischer |