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Lutheran Church Year: Main Page and Explanation | LCY - Event Table | LCY 2000-2005 | LCY 2006-2010 | LCY 2011-2015 | LCY 2016-2020 | LCY 2021 | LCY 2022 | LCY 2023 | LCY 2024 | LCY 2025
Sundays & Holidays in the Lifetime of J.S. Bach | Performance Dates of Bach’s Vocal Works
Readings from the Epistles and the Gospels for each Event | Motets & Chorales for Events in the LCY
Discussions: Events in the Lutheran Church Year: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Readings from the Bible

Lutheran Church Year
Sundays and Holidays in Year 1732

Dates in the Lifetime of J.S. Bach

All dates are in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD.
Abbreviations of German weekdays: Sonntag, Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag.

1732-01-01 Di Neujahr
1732-01-06 So Epiphanias
1732-01-13 So 1.So.n.Epiph.
1732-01-20 So 2.So.n.Epiph.
1732-01-27 So 3.So.n.Epiph.
1732-02-02 Sa Mariä Reinigung
1732-02-03 So 4.So.n.Epiph./Letzter So.n.Epiph.
1732-02-10 So Septuagesimae
1732-02-17 So Sexagesimae
1732-02-24 So Estomihi
1732-02-25 Mo Rosenmontag
1732-02-26 Di Fastnacht
1732-02-27 Mi Aschermittwoch
1732-03-02 So Invokavit
1732-03-09 So Reminiszere
1732-03-16 So Okuli
1732-03-23 So Laetare
1732-03-25 Di Mariä Verkündigung - J.F. Fasch: Cantata Gottes und Marien Kind (1st performance, Leipzig)
1732-03-30 So Judika
1732-04-06 So Palmsonntag
1732-04-10 Do Gründonnerstag
1732-04-11 Fr Karfreitag - Johannes-Passion BWV 245 (3rd Version, 3rd performance, Leipzig)
1732-04-12 Sa Karsamstag
1732-04-13 So Ostersonntag
1732-04-14 Mo Ostermontag
1732-04-15 Di Osterdienstag
1732-04-20 So Quasimodogeniti
1732-04-27 So Misericordias Dom.
1732-05-01 Do Maifeiertag
1732-05-04 So Jubilate
1732-05-11 So Kantate
1732-05-18 So Rogate
1732-05-22 Do Christi Himmelf.
1732-05-25 So Exaudi
1732-06-01 So Pfingsten
1732-06-02 Mo Pfingstmontag
1732-06-03 Di Pfingstdienstag
1732-06-08 So Trinitatis
1732-06-12 Do Fronleichnam
1732-06-15 So 1.So.n.Trin.
1732-06-22 So 2.So.n.Trin.
1732-06-24 Di Johannis
1732-06-29 So 3.So.n.Trin.
1732-07-02 Mi Mariä Heimsuchung
1732-07-06 So 4.So.n.Trin.
1732-07-13 So 5.So.n.Trin.
1732-07-20 So 6.So.n.Trin. - Cantata BWV 177 Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ (1st performance, Leipzig)
1732-07-27 So 7.So.n.Trin.
1732-08-03 So 8.So.n.Trin.
1732-08-10 So 9.So.n.Trin.
1732-08-17 So 10.So.n.Trin.
1732-08-24 So 11.So.n.Trin.
1732-08-31 So 12.So.n.Trin.
1732-09-07 So 13.So.n.Trin.
1732-09-14 So 14.So.n.Trin.
1732-09-21 So 15.So.n.Trin.
1732-09-28 So 16.So.n.Trin.
1732-09-29 Mo Michaelis
1732-10-05 So 17.So.n.Trin.
1732-10-12 So 18.So.n.Trin.
1732-10-19 So 19.So.n.Trin.
1732-10-26 So 20.So.n.Trin.
1732-10-31 Fr Reformationsfest
1732-11-02 So 21.So.n.Trin.
1732-11-09 So 22.So.n.Trin.
1732-11-16 So 23.So.n.Trin.
1732-11-19 Mi Buß- und Bettag
1732-11-23 So 24.So.n.Trin.
1732-11-30 So 1. Advent
1732-12-06 Sa Nikolaus
1732-12-07 So 2. Advent
1732-12-14 So 3. Advent
1732-12-21 So 4. Advent
1732-12-24 Mi Heiliger Abend
1732-12-25 Do 1. Weihnachtstag - Cantata BWV 91 Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ (2nd performance, Leipzig, earlier version; or 1731)
1732-12-26 Fr 2. Weihnachtstag
1732-12-27 Sa 3. Weihnachtstag
1732-12-28 So So.n.Weihnachten
1732-12-31 Mi Silvester


Sundays and Holidays in the Lifetime of J.S. Bach

Prepared by Dr. Georg Fischer (April 2007), Aryeh Oron (March 2010 - September 2010)
Contributed by Dr. Georg Fischer (March 2010)

Please direct any questions or comments to: Dr. Georg Fischer

Lutheran Church Year: Main Page and Explanation | LCY - Event Table | LCY 2000-2005 | LCY 2006-2010 | LCY 2011-2015 | LCY 2016-2020 | LCY 2021 | LCY 2022 | LCY 2023 | LCY 2024 | LCY 2025
Sundays & Holidays in the Lifetime of J.S. Bach | Performance Dates of Bach’s Vocal Works
Readings from the Epistles and the Gospels for each Event | Motets & Chorales for Events in the LCY
Discussions: Events in the Lutheran Church Year: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Readings from the Bible


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Last update: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 01:48