Johann Ludwig Bach [3/72] (Composer) |
Born: February 4, 1677 - ThaI, near Eisenach, Thuringia, Germany
Died: Buried: May 1, 1731 - Meiningen, Germany |
The German composer, Johann Ludwig Bach [3/72], may have received some instruction from his father, Johann Jacob Bach [3/68]. He attended the Gotha Gymnasium from 1688 to 1993, and then began to study theology.
From 1699 Johann Ludwig Bach was a court musician at Meiningen, from 1703 Kantor and from 1711 court Kapellmeister. In 1706 he had unsuccessfully applied to succeed A.C. Dedekind as Kantor of St George's, Eisenach, although he had been interested only in the musical and not the teaching duties of the post. His lifelong patron Duke Ernst Ludwig died in 1724 and Johann Ludwig wrote the music for his funeral.
Johann Ludwig Bach wrote an imposing number of vocal works. Although orchestral music was probably his principal activity from 1711 onwards, hardly any material is extant. The preservation of the cantatas is due entirely to J.S. Bach, who performed 18 of them, as well as the two masses, in Leipzig in 1726; some were given again between 1735 and 1750. Denn du wirst meine Seele was long considered an early work by J.S. Bach (BWV 15). The cantatas constitute the most significant part of Johann Ludwig's work; in contrast with the main corpus of J.S. Bach's cantatas, they represent the older type of mixed cantata, before Erdmann Neumeister, which consists essentially of biblical text and chorale, in the following scheme: text from the Old Testament; recitative; aria; text from the New Testament; aria; recitative; chorus; chorale. The standard scoring is for four-part choir, strings and (usually) two oboes; in one cantata two horns are required, but there are no solo woodwind. These works had at least some small influence on J.S. Bach, for example in his use of strings to the words of Jesus. |
Works |
19 cantatas, all D-B: Gott ist unser Zuversicht; Der Gotdosen Albeit wird fehlen; Darum will ich auch erwählen; Darum säet euch Gerechtigkeit; Ja, nun hast du Arbeit gemacht; Wie lieblich sind auf den Bergen; Ich will meinen Geist in auch geben; Die mit Tränen slien, ed. in SBA; Mache dich auf, werde Licht; Es ist aus der Angst und Gericht; Er macbet uns lebendig; Und ich will ihnen einen einigen Hirten erwecken; Der Herr wird ein neues im Land erschaffen; Die Weisbeit kommt nicht in eine boshafte Seele; Durch sein Erkenntnis; Ich aber ging für dir über; Siebe ich will meinen Engel senden; Denn du wirst meine Seele nicht in der Hölle lassen, BWV 15, ed. in J.S. Bachs Werke, ii (Leipzig, 1851); KIingt vergnügt (secular cantata)
8 motets: Das ist meine Freude, 8vv, ed. in SBA; Die richtig für sich gewandelt haben, 10vv; Gedenke meiner, mein Gott, 8vv; Gott sei mir gnadig, 9vv; Ich will auf den Herm schauen, 8vv; Sei nun wieder zufrieden, 8vv, ed. in Cw, xcix (1964); Uns ist ein Kind geboren, 8vv (Leipzig, 1930); Unser Trübsal, 6vv, ed. in Cw, xcix (1964)
Magnificat, 8vv
Mass, g [Ky-GI), BWV Anh l66, ed. V. Junk (Leipzig, n.d.); Mass, c [Ky-G]; Christe by J.S. Bach, BWV 242], BWV Anh 26, D-Bds
Funeral music, Ich suche nur das Himmelleben, 1724, ed. K. Geiringer, Music of the Bach Family (Cambridge, Mass., 1955)
Funeral music, O Herr, ich bin, Bds
Passion; cantata cycle for 1713: lost, cited in S. Kümmerle, Encyklopädie der evangelischen Kirchenmusik, i (Gütersloh, 1888/R1974), 67
Ov., orch, G, 1715 (Vienna, 1939) |

Source: The New Grove Bach Family (by Christoph Wolff, MacMillan London, 1983)
Contributed by Aryeh Oron (December 2005) |
Johann Ludwig Bach : Short Biography | General Discussions
Works: Cantata BWV 15 | Cantata Ja, mir hast du Arbeit gemacht, JLB-5 | Cantata Ich will meinen Geist in euch geben, JLB-7 | Cantata Die mit Tränen säen, JLB-8 | Cantata Mache dich auf, werde licht, JLB-9 | Cantata Er machet uns lebendig, JB-11 | Cantata Der Herr wird ein Neues im Lande erschaffen, JLB-13 | Cantata Die Weisheit kommt nicht in eine boshafte Seele, JLB-14 | Mass in C major, BWV Anh 25 | General Discussions | Mass in C minor BWV Anh 26 | Mass in E minor, BWV Anh 166 | Mass in G major, BWV Anh 167 |
Bach Family : Sorted by Name | Sorted by Number | Family Tree | Family History | Discussions: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
Works previously attributed to J.S. Bach |
Cantata Denn du wirst meine Seele, for Easter Sunday, BWV 15, (Anh. III 157), JLB-21 (before 1710)
Mass in C major, BWV Anh 25
Mass in C minor, BWV Anh 26 (Kyrie & Gloria) [by Francesco Durante or J.L. Bach]
Mass in E minor, BWV Anh 166 (Kyrie & Gloria) (1716)
Mass in G major, BWV Anh 167 [by J.L. Bach or Antonio Lotti] |
Works performed by J.S. Bach |
Performed by J.S. Bach in Leipzig:
Cantata Mache dich auf, werde licht, JLB-9, for Purification (Text: Rudolstadt) - February 2, 1726
Cantata Gott ist unsre Zuversicht, for 4th Sunday after Epiphany JLB-1 (Text: Rudolstadt) - February 3, 1726
Cantata Der Gottlosen Arbeit wird fehlen, for 5th Sunday after Epiphany, JLB-2 (Text: Rudolstadt) - February 10, 1726
Cantata Darum will ich auch erwahlen, for 6th Sunday after Epiphany. JLB-3 (Text: Rudolstadt) - February 17, 1726
Cantata Darum sät euch Gerechtigkeit, for 7th Sunday after Epiphany, JLB-4 (Text: Rudolstadt) - February 24, 1726
Cantata Ja, mir hast du Arbeit gemacht, JLB-5, for 8th Sunday after Epiphany, (Text: Rudolstadt) - March 3, 1726
Cantata Ich habe meinen Konig eingesetzt, for Annunciation, JLB (Text: Rudolstadt) - March 25, 1726 [speculation, lost]
Cantata Denn du wirst meine Seele, for Easter Sunday, BWV 15, JLB-21 (Text: Rudolstadt) - April 21, 1726
Cantata Es ist aus der Angst und Gericht, for Easter Monday, JLB-10 (Text: Rudolstadt) - April 22, 1726
Cantata Er machet uns lebendig, JB-11, for Easter Tuesday (Text: Rudolstadt) - April 23, 1726
Cantata Wie lieblich sind auf den Bergen, for 1st Sunday after Easter, JLB-6 (Text: Rudolstadt) - April 28, 1726
Cantata Und ich will ihnen einen Hirten, for 2nd Sunday after Easter, JLB-12 (Text: Rudolstadt) - May 5, 1726
Cantata Die Weisheit kommt nicht in eine boshafte Seele, JLB-14, for 4th Sunday after Easter, (Text: Rudolstadt) - May 19, 1726
Cantata Der Herr ist nahe allen, for 5th Sunday after Easter, JLB (Text: Rudolstadt) - May 26, 1726 [speculation, lost]
Cantata Der Herr wird ein Neues im Lande erschaffen, JLB-13, for Visitation, (Text: Rudolstadt) - July 2, 1726
Cantata Wo sich aber der Gottlose bekehret, for 3rd Sunday after Trinity, JLB (Text: Rudolstadt) - July 7, 1726 [speculation, lost]
Cantata Ich tue Barmherziges an vielen Tausend, for 4th Sunday after Trinity, JLB (Text: Rudolstadt) - July 14, 1726 [speculation, lost]
Cantata Ich will meinen Geist in euch geben, JLB-7, for 6th Sunday after Trinity, - July 28, 1726 and c1743-1746
Cantata Wer sich des Armen erbarmet, for 9th Sunday after Trinity, JLB (Text: Rudolstadt) - August 18, 1726 [speculation, lost]
Cantata Durch sein Erkenntnis wird er, mein Knecht, for 11th Sunday after Trinity, JLB-15 (Text: Rudolstadt) - September 1, 1726
Cantata Ich aber ging fur uber, for 13th Sunday after Trinity, JLB-16 (Text: Rudolstadt) - September 14, 1726
Cantata Die mit Tränen sähen, JLB-8, for 3rd Sunday after Easter (Text: Rudolstadt) - c1743-1746
Mass in E minor, BWV Anh 166 - performed by J.S. Bach in Leipzig 1729
Missa in G major, BWV Anh. 167 (by J.L. Bach or Antonio Lotti) - performed by J.S. Bach in Leipzig 1738-1739 |
Use of Chorale Melodies in his works |
Messe sopra cantilena Allein Gott in der Höh , BWV Anh.III.166 [opening of Gloria by J.S. Bach] (CM: Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr) (1716) |
Links to other Sites |
HOASM: Johann Ludwig Bach
Bach, Johann Ludwig: Biography (Sojurn)
Bachdiskographie - Bach-Familie: Johann Ludwig Bach [German]
Johann Ludwig Bach (Wikipedia)
Johann Ludwig Bach (Meningen Museum) [Picture] |
Bibliography |
Dörffel : Verzeichnis der Kirchenkompositionen des Johann Ludwig Bach in Meiningen, Johann Sebastian Bachs Werke, xli (1894), 275
A. M. Jaffé: The Cantatas of Johann Ludwig Bach (dissertation, Boston U., 1957)
W. H. Scheide: Johann Sebastian Bachs Sammlungvon Kantaten seines Vetters Johann Ludwig Bach, BJb, xlvi (1959), 52-94; xlviii (1961), 5; xlix (1962), 5
W. Blankenburg: Eine neue TextqueIle zu sieben Kantaten 1. S. Bachs und achtzehn Kantaten J.L. Bachs, BJb, lxiii (1977), 7
K. Hofmann: Forkel und die "Köthener Trauermusik" Joh. Seb. Bachs, BJb, Ixix (1983) [re: funeral music, O Herr, ich bin] |