Cantata BWV 90
Es reißet euch ein schrecklich Ende
Discography - Part 2 |
Recordings of Individual Movements |
M-1 |
Eastman Virtuosi [C-2] |
Aria for Bass Herr Jesu Christ, wahr'r Mensch und Gott (Mvt. 4) from Cantata BWV 127
Aria for Bass Es reifet euch ein schrecklich Ende (Mvt. 3) from Cantata BWV 90 [8:02] |
Bass: Thomas Paul
Barbara Butler (Trumpet); Henry Tyszler (Violin I); Emi Takahashi (Violin II); Ting Yu Hsieh (Viola); Christopher Hutton (Violoncello); Matthew Baker (Double bass); John Hunt (Bassoon); Jaime Bobb (Harpsichord) |
Eastman School of Music |
Apr 25, 1998 |
Reel-to-reel tape |
Recorded live at Recorded in Kilbourn Hall, Eastman School of Music, Rochester, New York, USA. In celebration of the inauguration of James Undercofler as Director of the Eastman School of Music. "PD format, 48 kHz."
Source: WorldCat Libraries (OCLC Number: 39310149) |
M-2 |
J.S. Bach im Basler Münster: Ausgewählte Arien und Choräle mit Trompeten [C-1] |

Cantata Es reißet euch ein schrecklich Ende, BWV 90:
13. Mvt. 3: Aria [B] So löschet im Eifer [4:11] |
Instrumental ensemble (trumpets, strings, organ, timpani, etc.) |
BWV 90/3: Bass: Michael Pavlu; Urban F. Walser (Trumpet)
Concert-master: Frank Gassmann; Sulamith Haecki (Violin); Aglaia Kellerhals (Viola); Rolf Laubi (Cello); Alfred Steinauer (Double-bass); Rolland Fournier (Timpani); Charles-Joseph Bopp (Flute); Felix Pachlatko (Organ); Other Trumpets: Philippe Litzler, Albin Simon, Roger Delmotte |
Wiediscon Records Zürich WD-9110
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1998 |
CD / TT: 61:26
MP3 / TT: 61:18 |
Recorded at Basler Münster, Switzerland.
Buy this album at:
CD (2012): Wiediscon Records Zürich
Music Download (2012): Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk | Amazon.de |
M-5 |
J.S. Bach: Orgelmesse (BWV 552, 669-689, 802-805) [R-7] |
CD-2 [57:57]:
1. Chorale Vater unser im Himmelreich (CM: Vater unser im Himmelreich) (Mvt. 5) from Cantata BWV 90 [0:58]
2. Chorale Prelude Vater unser im Himmelreich (II), BWV 682 [7:35]
3. Chorale Prelude Vater unser im Himmelreich (III), BWV 683 [1:29] |
Chorales: Thomaskantor Georg Christoph Biller |
Chorales: Thomanerchor Leipzig |
Thomasorganist Ullrich Böhme (Organ) [Bach organ, built by Gerald Woehl in the Bach Year 2000]
Chorales: Basso continuo: Hartmut Becker (Violoncello); Claus-Peter Nebelung (Violone); Ullrich Böhme (Positive Organ) [Gerrit und Henk Klop, Garderen, 1992] |
Rondeau Production ROP-4017-18
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Organ: Apr 2002
Chorales: Jan 2003 & Oct 2003 |
2-CD / TT: 114:02
MP3 / T: 113:13 |
Recorded at Thomaskirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany [Organ & Chorales: Oct 2003]; Lutherkirche Leipzig, Saxony, Germany [Chorales: Jan 2003].
Recording: Christian Frank [Organ & Chorales: Oct 2003], Walter Quintus [Chorales, Jan 2003]; Mastering: Walter Quintus; Production: Stefan Altner / Thomanerchor Leipzig; Frank Hallmann / Rondeau Production.
Buy this album at:
2-CD (2005): Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk | Amazon.de
Music Download (2014): Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk | Amazon.de |
M-7 |
Arias for Trumpet and Voice from the Cantatas of Johann Sebastian Bach [C-1] |

All works by J.S. Bach, transcribed for the featured performers and piano by Peter Knudsvig:
Cantata BWV 90: Mvt. 3: A [B] So löschet im Eifer der rächende Richter [3:46] |
Bass: Paul Hindemith; Peter Knudsvig (Trumpet); Peter McGuire (Violin); Robert Chabora (Piano) |
ITG Journal CD-23 |
Oct 21-22, 2012 |
CD / TT: 55:24 |
Performances of selected arias from the cantatas of J.S. Bach that utilize the trumpet in major roles with the vocal soloist as transcribed for the featured performers and piano by Peter Knudsvig. Produced by Peter Knudsvig.
Recorded at Christianson Recital Hall, Concordia College, Minnesota, USA.
This CD is planned for distribution with the March 2014 ITG Journal and is free to all members of the Guild during the 2013-2014 membership year. |
M-9 |
J.S. Bach: Tenor Arias [C-1] |

9. Aria for Tenor Es reißet euch ein schrecklich Ende (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 90 [6:01] |
Magnus Kjellson |
Göteborg Baroque |
Tenor: Leif Aruhn-Solén
Violins: Fredrik From [9], Hannah Tibell [9], Marie Louise Marming [9], Julia Dagerfeldt [9], Gabriel Bania [9], Jens Solgaard [9]; Violas: Susanne Brunström [9], Rastko Roknic [9]; Cello: Christian Berg [9]; Violone: Mattias Frostenson [9]; Mandora: Dohyo Sol [9]; Claviorganum: Magnus Kjellson [9] |
Nilento Records NILCD-2007
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Nov 2-6, 2020 |
CD / TT: 59 min
MP3 / TT: 58:33 |
Recorded at the Christinae Church, Göteborg, Sweden.
Producer: Lars Nilsson; Recording, Mixing & Mastering: Lars Nilsson; Editing: Joar Hallgren.
Listen on YouTube:
CD: Complete Album [Sequence; 12 Tracks; TT: 58:45]
Buy this album at:
Music Download (2020): Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk | Amazon.de |
The list of recordings was compiled by Aryeh Oron (September 2002 - October 2021)
Thanks to contributors: Walter Roth (July 2016) |