Guide to Bach Tour
Weißensee - Photos Part 3 |
View of the Old Town & the Gondelteich (by Ballon-Team Reiche) [12] |


Statue of the Ministrel Walther von der Vogelweide w/ view of the Rathaus and the Stadtkirche[11] |
Litography of Weißensee from mid-19th century [13] |


Historic Rathaus w/ the market bubbling fountain [14] |
Weißensee Casle - Runneburg [16] |
Crest stone on the facade of the historic Rathaus. He wears under a Blendarkatur three shields the arms of the Duchy of Saxony Thuringia lions & and the Weißenseer fish [15] |


Kirche St. Nikolai [17] |
Kirche St. Peter und Paul 18] |


Article 12 of the "Statuta thaberna" with the oldest German Purity Law [19] |
Ratsbrauerei [20] |


Grave stone (detail) of DukeWilhelm III [11] |
Sächsische Helbe [23] |
The Romanesque part of the Rathaus are tapestries with historical representations of the minstrel Walther von der Vogelweide (right) and Heinrich Hetzbold von Weißensee (left) [12] |
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All photos from Archiv der Stadt Weißensee unless memtioned otherwise
Prepared by Aryeh Oron (March 2004) |