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Johanna Krödel (Mezzo-soprano, Contralto)

Born: Germany

The German mezzo-sprano/contralto, Johanna Krödel, passed a state examination in music and English at the Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover and at the Leibniz Universität Hannover and then completed advanced singing studies in the class of Professor Gudrun Pelker. Master classes with Marie-Paule Hallard (French Song, Mannheim) and Evelyn Tubb (Early Music, Basel) complemented her training and development as a musician. Her artistic and vocal development was shaped by her many years of work with Professor Charlotte Lehmann (Würzburg/Hannover).

Johanna Krödel has a wide range of experience and is enthusiastic about concerts as well as the large opera stage, oratorio, chamber music and ensemble singing. At the Opernhaus Dortmund she could be heard in the new production of Philip Glass' opera Einstein on the Beach (music direction: Florian Helgath; direction: Kay Voges). In March 2016, she was part of the cast of Louis Andriessen's opera De Matter (1988) in New York (music direction: Peter Rundel; direction: Heiner Goebbels). The production received widespread acclaim when it opened the annual arts festival Ruhrtriennale in 2014. She participated in the first full staging of Carl Orff’s Prometheus (conducted by Peter Rundel), which was awarded the Carl Orff Prize 2013. As an opera singer, she has appeared on the stages of the Ruhrtriennale (December 2011-December 2018), Armory Hall New York, Nationaltheaters Mannheim, Oper Frankfurt, Oper Dortmund, Theaterakademie Hamburg and at Schloss Rheinsberg.

In the concert field Johanna Krödel prefers to devote herself to the deep alto repertoire from Baroque to Romantic. She sang the title role of George Frideric Handel's Solomon accompanied by the Göttinger Barockorchester under the direction of Antonius Adamske and made her debut with G.F. Handel's Messiah in Eastbourne, England, alongside Evelyn Tubb (soprano) under the direction of Michael Fields, where she also appeared in J.S. Bach's Matthäus-Passion BWV 244 in 2018. She also sang under the direction of Peter Rundel, George Benjamin, Brad Lubman and Florian Helgath, with whom she has had a particularly intensive and long-standing collaboration at the Ruhrtriennale. She performs with well-known orchestras such as the Berliner Philharmoniker, Ensemble Modern, Ensemble Ruhe, Musikfabrik Köln, International Contemporary Orchestra (New York), Concerto Köln, Göttinger Barockorchester, Barockorchester L'Arco and La Banda. She sings contemporary compositions and works of the 20th century with joy and curiosity; She gained a wide range of experience in this area in concerts and opera with pieces such as Frank Martin's oratorio Cantate pour le temps de Noël, Helmut Lachenmann's opera Das Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzern or Philip Glass' operas Les enfants terribles and Einstein on the Beach.

Chamber music projects with string quartet and guitar as well as recitals with piano and organ complement her artistic work. The CD :Glaubenslieder" (Rondeau) was awarded an Echo. Two recordings were recently released for Naxos with works by Johann Simon Mayr and Gaetano Donizetti under the direction of Franz Hauk. She also participates in projects of professional ensemble ChorWerk Ruhr (Director: Florian Helgath).

From March 2012 to September 2019, Johanna Krödel held a teaching position for singing at the Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover. In the winter semester 2019-2020 she moved to the Hochschule für katholische Kirchenmusik und Musikpädagogik Regensburg.

Johanna Krödel Website & Facebook profile, English translation by Aryeh Oron (May 2024)
Photo 006: @jotitzephotography; Photo 014: Foto by Jürgen Wahnschaffe
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (May 2024)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Stefan Kordes


[BT8-1] (2023, Video): BWV 74, BWV 68
[BT8-2] (2023, Video): BWV 172, BWV 184
[BT8-3] (2023, Video): BWV 175, BWV 129

Links to other Sites

Johanna Krödel - Mezzosopran (Official Website) [German]
Johanna Krödel on Operabase
Johanna Krödel on Facebook

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Last update: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 08:20