Herr Gott, dich loben wir
The German Tedeum
Text and Translation of Chorale |
EKG: 137
Author of Original Latin Text: Te Deum laudamus’ by Nicetas of Remesiana (circa 366-420 AD)
Author of German Text: Martin Luther
Chorale Melody: Herr Gott, dich loben wir [The German Tedeum] | Composer: Anon (probably 3rd or even 2nd century AD) / Martin Luther (?) |
Vocal Works by J.S. Bach:
[there are no verses since it is treated as one long chant] |
Ver |
Work |
Mvt. |
Year |
Br |
RE |
KE |
Di |
BC |
Type |
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BWV 16 |
Mvt. 1 |
1726 |
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A57:1 |
Chorus (Chorale) |
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BWV 119 |
Mvt. 9 |
1723 |
- |
134 |
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B3:9 |
Chorale |
- |
BWV 120 |
Mvt. 6 |
1729 |
- |
135 |
- |
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B6:6 |
Chorale |
- |
BWV 190 |
Mvt. 1 |
1724 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
A21:1 |
Chorus |
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BWV 190 |
Mvt. 2 |
1724 |
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A21:2 |
Chorale & Recitative |
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BWV 190a |
Mvt. 2 |
1730 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
B27:2 |
Chorale & Recitative |
BWV 190/2 = BWV 190a/2 |
Below are original Latin text, Luther's German adaptation and a phrase-for-phrase translation of the German text into English. Please notice that there is not phrase-for-phrase responsion between the German and Latin. To preserve the division of the German text, the latin phrases were put against the German wherever they correspond. Where there are gaps there is nothing in the Latin that corresponds to the German.
Ch = Choir; Cg = Congregation |
Latin Text (Nicetas) |
German Text (Luther) |
English Translation (Browne) |
Ch: |
Te Deum laudamus: |
Herr Gott dich loben wir, |
Lord God, we praise you, |
Cg: |
te Dominum confitemur. |
Herr Gott, wir danken dir. |
Lord God, we thank you. |
Ch: |
Te æternum Patrem |
Dich Vater in Ewigkeit, |
You, Father, in eternity |
Cg: |
omnis terra veneratur. |
ehrt die Welt weit und breit. |
are honoured by the world far and wide. |
Ch: |
Tibi omnes Angeli, tibi coeli |
All Engel und Himmelsheer |
All the angels and host of heaven |
Cg: |
et universæ Potestates, |
und was dienet deiner Ehr, |
and what serves your honour, |
Ch: |
tibi Cherubim et Seraphim |
auch Cherubim und Seraphim |
the cherubim and seraphim also |
Cg: |
incessabili voce proclamant: |
singen immer mit hoher Stimm: |
sing always with loud voice |
Ch: |
Sanctus, |
“Heilig ist unser Gott, |
"Holy is our God, |
Cg: |
sanctus, |
heilig ist unser Gott, |
holy is our God, |
Ch & Cg: |
sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth |
heilig ist unser Gott, der Herre Zebaoth.” |
holy is our God, the Lord of Sabaoth." |
Ch: |
Pleni sunt coeli et terra
majestatis gloriæ tuæ. |
Dein göttlich Macht und Herrlichkeit |
Your divine power and glory |
Cg: |
geht übr Himmel und Erden weit. |
fills heaven and earth. |
Ch: |
Te gloriosus Apostolorum chorus, |
Der heiligen zwölf Boten Zahl |
The company of the twelve holy apostles |
Cg: |
te Prophetarum laudabilis numerus, |
und die lieben Propheten all, |
and all the devoted prophets |
Ch: |
te Martyrum candidatus laudat exercitus. |
die teuren Märtrer all zumal |
together with all the beloved martyrs |
Cg: |
loben dich, Herr, mit großem Schall. |
praise you , Lord, with a great cry. |
Ch: |
Te per orbem terrarum |
Die ganze werte Christenheit |
The whole holy Christian church |
Cg: |
sancta confitetur Ecclesia |
rühmt dich auf Erden allezeit |
praises you on earth always, |
Ch: |
Patrem immensæ majestatis |
Dich, Gott Vater im höchsten Thron, |
you, God our Father on the highest throne, |
Cg: |
venerandum tuum verum et unicum Filium; |
deinen rechten und eingen Sohn, |
your true and only Son, |
Ch: |
Sanctum quoque Paraclitum Spiritum. |
den Heilgen Geist und Tröster wert |
the Holy Spirit and our dear comforter |
Cg: |
mit rechtem Dienst sie lobt und ehrt. |
are praised and honoured rightly. |
Ch: |
Tu Rex gloriæ, Christe. |
Du König der Ehren Jesu Christ, |
You are the king of glory, Jesus Christ, |
Cg: |
Tu Patris sempiternus es Filius. |
Gott Vaters ewger Sohn du bist; |
eternal Son of god the Father; |
Ch: |
Tu, ad liberandum
suscepturus hominem,
non horruisti Virginis uterum. |
der Jungfrau Leib nicht hast verschmäht |
you have not disdained the Virgin’s womb |
Cg: |
zu ‘rlösen das menschlich Geschlecht. |
to redeem the human race. |
Ch: |
Tu, devicto mortis aculeo, |
Du hast dem Tod zerstört sein Macht |
You have destroyed the power of death |
Cg: |
aperuisti credentibus regna coelorum. |
und all Christen zum Himmel bracht. |
and brought all Christians to heaven. |
Ch: |
Tu ad dexteram Dei sedes, |
Du sitzt zur Rechten Gottes gleich |
You sit at the right hand of God |
Cg: |
in gloria Patris. |
mit aller Ehr ins Vaters Reich. |
with all glory in the Father’s kingdom. |
Ch: |
Judex crederis esse venturus. |
Ein Richter du zukünftig bist |
You will be the judge |
Cg: |
alles das tot und lebend ist. |
off all the living and the dead |
Ch: |
Te ergo quæsumus, tuis famulis subveni, |
Nun hilf uns, Herr, den Dienern dein, |
Now help us, Lord, your servants, |
Cg: |
quos pretioso sanguine redemisti |
die mit deim teurn Blut erlöset sein; |
whom you have redeemed with your precious blood, |
Ch: |
Æterna fac cum Sanctis tuis |
laß uns im Himmel haben teil |
let us have a share in heaven |
Cg: |
in gloria numerari. |
mit den Heiligen in ewgem Heil. |
with the saints in eternal salvation. |
Ch: |
Salvum fac populum tuum, Domine, |
Hilf deinem Volk, Herr Jesu Christ, |
Help your people, Lord Jesus Christ,, |
Cg: |
et benedic hæreditati tuæ. |
und segne, das dein Erbteil ist, |
and bless your inheritance |
Ch: |
Et rege eos, et extolle illos |
wart und pfleg ihr’ zu aller Zeit |
tend and care for them at all times |
Cg: |
usque in æternum. |
und heb sie hoch in Ewigkeit. |
and raise them high in eternity. |
Ch: |
Per singulos dies benedicimus te, |
Täglich, Herr Gott, wir loben dich |
Day by day , Lord god, we praise you |
Cg: |
et laudamus nomen tuum in sæculum, et in sæculum sæculi. |
und ehrn dein’ Namen stetiglich. |
and honour your name continually |
Ch: |
Dignare, Domine, die isto sine peccato nos custodire |
Behüt uns heut, o treuer Gott, |
Guard us this day, O faithful God, |
Cg: |
vor aller Sünd und Missetat. |
from all sin and wrongdoing. |
Ch: |
Miserere nostri, Domine |
Sei uns gnädig, o Herre Gott, |
Be merciful to us, O Lord God, |
Cg: |
miserere nostri |
sei uns gnädig in aller Not. |
be merciful to us in all our troubles. |
Ch: |
Fiat misericordia tua, Domine super nos, |
Zeig uns deine Barmherzigkeit, |
Show us your compassion |
Cg: |
quemadmodum speravimus in te. |
wie unsre Hoffnung zu dir steht. |
since our hope depends on you. |
Ch: |
In te speravi |
Auf dich hoffen wir lieber Herr, |
In you we hope, dear Lord, |
Cg: |
non confundar in æternum. |
in Schanden laß uns nimmermehr. |
grant that we may never be put to shame. |
Ch & Cg: |
Amen. |
Amen. |
-- |
Original German Text was provided by Thomas Braatz (September 2005)
English Translation by Francis Browne (September 2005)
Contributed by Francis Browne (September 2005) |