BS-32 |
Choral Society of the Triple Cities and Community Symphony Society: Annual Christmas Concert: Works by Bach and Mozart (Reel 32/33) |

1. J.S. Bach: Cantata Christen, ätzet diesen Tag, BWV 63: Mvt. 1: Chorus [4:23]
2-4. J.S. Bach: Cantata Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir, BWV 131: Mvts. 1-3 [23:12]
5-8. J.S. Bach: Cantata Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen, BWV 56 [20:39]
9. J.S. Bach: Cantata Christen, ätzet diesen Tag, BWV 63: Mvt. 7: Chorus [7:26]
10-14. W.A. Mozart: Litaniae Lauretanae, K 195
15. J.S. Bach: Cantata Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft, BWV 50 [5:29] |
Fritz Wallenberg |
Choral Society of the Triple Cities & Community Symphony Society (Binghamton Symphony and Choral Society) |
Concert Soloists: Soprano: Norma Humphries; Contralto: Jean Fisher; Tenor: Ray DeVoll [BWV 131]; Bass: Robert Ludden; Baritone: Arthur Scott [BWV 131]; Baritone: Kenneth McDavit [BWV 56] |
Binghamton Symphony BS-32/33 |
Dec 10, 1961 |
Audio / TT |
Recorded live at West Junior High School, Binghamton, New York, USA.
Donor: James Wallenberg.
Listen on YouTube:
Cantatas BWV 63/1, 131, 56, 63/7, 50: Full Concert [Playlist; 15 Tracks; TT: 90:40] |
BS-52 |
Choral Society of the Triple Cities and Community Symphony Society: Annual Christmas Concert (Reel 52/53) |

1-6. J.S. Bach: Cantata Schauet doch und sehet, BWV 46 [21:37]
7-12. Z. Kodály: Psalmus Hungarius
13-22. F. Schubert: Mass No. 2 in G major
23-25. J.S. Bach: Cantata Gloria in Excelsis Deo, BWV 191 [18:44] |
Fritz Wallenberg |
Choral Society of the Triple Cities & Community Symphony Society (Binghamton Symphony and Choral Society) |
Soloists: Soprano: Norma Stehli; Soprano: Jean Halliday [BWV 191]; Alto: Marinez Rideout [BWV 46]; Tenor: Henry Nason [BWV 46, 191]; Bass: Clifford Myers [BWV 46] |
Binghamton Symphony BS-52/53 |
Dec 15, 1963 |
Audio / TT: 91:35 |
Recorded live at West Junior High School, Binghamton, New York, USA.
Listen on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 46 & 191: Full Concert, including Complete Cantatas [Playlist; 25 Tracks; TT: 91:35] |
BS-72 |
Choral Society of the Triple Cities & The Community Symphony Society: Annual Christmas Concert (Reel 72/73) |

1-6. J.S. Bach: Cantata Gott, der Herr, ist Sonn und Schild, BWV 79 [18:28]
7. J. Brahms: Alto Rhapsody, Op. 53 [13:49]
8. A. Hovhaness: Glory to God [16:19]
9-16. J. Haydn: "Lord Nelson Mass" |
Fritz Wallenberg |
Choral Society of the Triple Cities & Community Symphony Society (Binghamton Symphony and Choral Society) |
Concert Soloists: Soprano: Toby Jean Manker [BWV 79]; Soprano: Carol Bolton; Alto: Margery Stetson; Alto: Anne Martin [BWV 79]; Bass: Harold Manker [BWV 79] |
Binghamton Symphony BS-72/73 |
Dec 12, 1965 |
Audio / TT: 88:37 |
Recorded live at West Junior High School, Binghamton, New York, USA.
Donor: James and Maggie Gregory.
Listen on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 79: Full Concert, including Complete Cantata [Playlist; 16 Tracks; TT: 88:37] |
BS-94 |
Binghamton Symphony and Choral Society: Spring Concert 1967/68 Season (Reel 94) |

1. L. Cherubini: Requiem in C minor
2-7. R. Starer: Ariel, Visions of Isaiah
8-12. J.S. Bach: Cantata Ich habe genung, BWV 82 [22:31] |
Fritz Wallenberg |
Binghamton Symphony and Choral Society |
Bass: Kenneth McDavit [BWV 82] |
Binghamton Symphony Reel 94 |
Apr 28+29, 1968 |
Audio / TT: 98:12 |
Recorded live at Binghamton West Junior High School [Apr 28], Owego Free Academy [Apr 29], Binghamton, New York, USA.
Donor: Katherine (Wallenberg) Rabinowitz, David Rabinowitz.
Listen on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 82: Full Concert, including Complete Cantata [Playlist; 12 Tracks; TT: 98:12] |
BS-133 |
Binghamton Symphony and Choral Society: Spring Concert 1973/74 Season (Reels 133-134) |

1-6. J.S. Bach: Cantata Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht mit deinem Knecht, BWV 105 [22:36]
6-18. A. Hovhaness: Magnificat, Op. 157
19. J. Brahms: Naenie, Op. 82
20-27. W.A. Mozart: Missa Solemnis in C, K. 337 |
Fritz Wallenberg |
Binghamton Symphony and Choral Society |
Soprano: Neva Pilgrim [BWV 105]; Soprano: Carol Bolton [Hovhaness]; Alto: Jean Fisher [BWV 105]; Tenor: Donald Weiskopff [BWV 105]; Bass: Kenneth McDavit [BWV 105] |
Binghamton Symphony BS-133/134 |
Apr 28, 1974 |
Audio / TT: 96:02 |
Recorded live at West Junior High School, Binghamton, New York, USA.
Donor: Eliese Besemer.
Listen on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 105: Full Concert, including Complete Cantata [Playlist; 27 Tracks; TT: 96:02] |
Recordings of Other Vocal Works |
BC-91 |
Binghamton Symphony and Choral Society: Annual Christmas Concert 1967/68 Season (Reel 91) |

1-12. J.S. Bach: Magnificat in D major, BWV 243 [31:51]
13. O. Respighi: Laude to the Nativity [29:14]
14-19. W.A. Mozart: Litaniae de venerabili altaris Sacramento |
Fritz Wallenberg |
Binghamton Symphony and Choral Society |
Soloists: Soprano: Ethel Mae Mason [BWV 243]; Soprano: Rebecca Reinsmith [BWV 243, Dec 10]; Soprano: Harriet Johnson [BWV 243, Dec 11]; Alto: Jeanne Woodall [BWV 243]; Tenor: Paul Dieke [BWV 243, Dec 10]; Tenor: Alan Crabb [BWV 243, Dec 11]; Bass: Clifford Myers [BWV 243] |
Binghamton Symphony Reel 91 |
Dec 10+11, 1967 |
Audio / TT: |
Recorded live at Binghamton West Junior High School [Dec 10], Owego Free Academy [Dec 11], Binghamton, New York, USA.
Donor: Don Boros.
Listen on YouTube:
Magnificat BWV 243: Full Concert, including Complete Work [Playlist; 17 Tracks; TT: 103:21] |
BS-13 |
Choral Society of the Triple Cities and Community Symphony Society present Bach: St. Matthew Passion (Reel 13/14/15) |

1-22. J.S. Bach: Matthäus-Passion BWV 244 [128:31] |
Fritz Wallenberg |
Choral Society of the Triple Cities and Community Symphony Society (Binghamton Symphony and Choral Society) with 150 Voice Children's Chorus |
Soprano: Jean Halliday; Contralto: Tatiana Troyanos; Tenor: Ray DeVoll; Bass: Kenneth McDavit |
Binghamton Symphony BS-13/14/15 |
May 3, 1959 |
Audio/ TT: 128:31 |
Recorded live at West Junior High School, Binghamton, New York, USA.
1st recording of Matthäus-Passion BWV 244 by F. Wallenberg.
Donor: James Wallenberg.
Listen on YouTube:
Matthäus-Passion BWV 244: Partial Work [Playlist; 22 Tracks; TT: 128:31] |
BS-84 |
Choral Society of the Triple Cities & Communuity Symphony Orchestra: The Chirstmas Oratorio by J.S. Bach (Reel 84) |

1-37. J.S. Bach: Weihnachts-Oratorium BWV 248 [104:25] |
Fritz Wallenberg |
Choral Society of the Triple City / Community Symphony Society (Binghamton Symphony and Choral Society) |
Soloists: Soprano: Geraldine Ballard; Soprano: Elise Sheppard; Soprano: May Belle Golis; Contralto: Gloria Kirk; Contralto: Rebecca Naumann; Tenor & Evangelist: Paul Dieke; Bass: Harold Manker; Bass: Robert Ludden; Barbara Garges (Organ) |
Binghamton Symphony Reel 84 |
Dec 11+12, 1966 |
Audio / TT: 104:25 |
Recorded live at Binghamton West Junior High School [Dec 11], Owego Free Academy [Dec 12], Binghamton, New York, USA.
Donor: Grant Best.
Listen on YouTube:
Weihnachts-Oratorium BWV 248: Partial Work [Playlist; 37 Tracks; TT: 104:25] |