C-1 |
Duke Vespers Ensemble Concert - The Leipzig Legacy: Bach and His Predecessors 10/25/13 |

05:00: Johann Hermann Schein: Ich lasse dich nicht [7:10]
12:10: Johann Schelle: Christus, der ist mein leben [13:20]
23:30: Johann Kuhnau: Tristis est anima mea [8:00]
31:30: Georg Philipp Telemann: Concerto Polonois in G, TWV 43:G7 [11:20]
42:50: J.S. Bach: Concerto for 4 harpsichords, strings & continuo in A minor, BWV 1065 [13:10]
57:00: J.S. Bach: Cantata Jesu, der du meine seele, BWV 78 [27:33] |
Brian A. Schmidt |
Duke Vespers Ensemble / Cappella Baroque Players |
Vocal Soloists (all chorus members) |
YouTube |
Oct 25, 2013 |
Video / TT: |
Recorded & filmed live at Goodson Chapel Goodson Chapel | Duke University Chapel, Durham, North Carolina, USA.
Watch on YouTube:
Complete Concert [84:33] |
C-2 |
Bach Vespers |

BACH VESPERS - A Lutheran Vespers at the Time of Bach:
VOLUNTARY: J.S. Bach: Chorale Prelude Meine Seele erhebet den Herren, BWV 648 []
VERSICLE & RESPONSE: Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer: Deus in adjutorium meum intende and Domine ad adjuvandum me festina []
PSALM : Ps. 30 - Plainchant
PSALM: Ps. 51 Andreas Hammerschmidt: Schaffe in mir Gott []
GOSPEL: Mark 5:21-43 - Read in German by Anne Gidion, Duke Divinity visiting lecturer
MOTET: Adam Gumpelzhaimer: Wir danken dir []
HYMN: Jesus Christ, My Sure Defense - Congregation remain seated and sing verses 1-3 and 6-7 []
CANTATA: J.S. Bach: Cantata Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir, BWV 131 []
CANTICLE: Johann Schelle: Magnificat []
CONCLUSION: Gottfried August Homilius: Benedicamus Domino / Deo Dicamus []
HYMN: Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart — Congregation remain seated and sing all verses
VOLUNTARY: J.S. Bach: Fugue on the Magnificat: Meine Seele erhebet den Herren, BWV 733 [] |
Conductor: Brian A. Schmidt
Organist: Christopher Jacboson
Presiding Pastor: Anne Gidion |
Duke Vespers Ensemble / Cappella Baroque Players |
Vocal Soloists (all chorus members): Sopranos: Samantha Arten; Lydia Greene; Alto: Meredith Pysnik; Tenors: Thomas Isaac Collins, Ryan Koter; Basses: Nathan Jones, Michael Lyle
Instrumental Soloists: Stephanie Vial (Cello); Robbie Link (Violin); William Thaue (Oboe) |
YouTube |
Oct 16, 2015 |
Video / TT: |
Recorded & filmed live at Goodson Chapel Goodson Chapel | Duke University Chapel, Durham, North Carolina, USA.
Producer & Editor: James Todd; Photography: Chrislyn Choo; Sound Engineer: Josiah Brock; Videography: Michael Burns.
Watch on YouTube:
Complete Concert [84:29] |
Recordings of Other Vocal Works |
V-1 |
South Dakota Chorale: Jesu, Meine Freude BWV 227/J. S. Bach |
Motet Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 [21:18] |
Brian A. Schmidt |
South Dakota Chorale |
- |
YouTube |
Jan 10, 2013. |
Audio / TT: |
Recorded live in concert at St. Joseph Cathedral, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.
Listen on YouTube:
Motet BWV 227: Complete Motet [21:18] |