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Gottfried August Homilius (Composer, Organ, Kantor, Copyist, Bach's Pupil?)

Born: February 2, 1714 - Rosenthal, near Königstein, Saxony, Germany
Died: June 2, 1785 - Dresden, Saxony, Germany

The German composer and organist, Gottfried August Homilius, was a pupil of J.S. Bach, and master of Johann Adam Hiller. He was born the son of Gottfried Abraham Homilius (Pastor in Rosenthal). He matriculated at the University of Leipzig on May 14, 1735, studying law (until 1742?). He also studied privately with J.S. Bach during these years. In 1742 he became organist of the Frauenkirche in Dresden, and in 1755 director of the music in the three principal churches there, and Kantor of tbe Kreuzschule, the choir of which he brought to a high pitch of excellence. He enjoyed a considerable reputation among his contemporaries as an organist, especially for his skill in registration. He was an industrious composer, and in the latter part of the 18th century his larger church works were ranked very high.

Gottfried August Homilius' numerous sacred compositions are characterised by a peculiarly happy vein of melody, and, in accordance with the taste of the day, an avoidance' of polyphonic treatment of the parts. On the other hand, it is difficult to compare his music with more modern homophonic compositions. His treatment of his themes - as is the case throughout this period in which J.S. Bach's influence was paramount - is always interesting, and sometimes masterly. His most important works are his motets, model compositions of the kind.

Little of his music has been printed, but he was very liberal in allowing copies of his works to be taken. Of his 32 motets some excellent examples are to be found in his pupil Johann Adam Hiller's Vierstimmige Motetten, in Sander's Heilige Caecilia (Berlin, 1818-1819), Weeber's Kirchliche Chorgesänge (Stuttgart, 1857), and Trautwein's Auswahl. Specimens of his organ works are to be found in Körner's Orgelvirtuos. A Pater Noster for four voices, fully bearing out the description of his style just given, is printed in Hullah's 'Vocal Scores.' His published works include, a Passions-Cantate (1775); a Christmas oratorio, Die Freude der Hirten über die Geburt Jesu (1777); Sechs deutsche Arien fiir Freunde ernsthafter Gesänge (1786) and a Weihnachtsmotette. Those still in manuscript are much more numerous, and comprise a course of church music for Sundays and festivals; several Passions, including one according to St. Mark, perhaps his best work; a Choralbuch containing 167 chorales; and finally organ music, consisting of fugues, chorales with variations, and trios.

Gottfried August Homilius was first called J.S. Bach's pupil by Johann Adam Hiller in 1784 and later by Forkel (1802). However, earlier sources do not exist. On the other hand, Michael Maul was able to make plausible that G.A. Homilius in Leipzig was actually a pupil of the Nikolaikirche organist and J.S. Bach's pupil Johann Schneider (A-11) and not of J.S. Bach himself.

References: Koska: C-20; GND: 118553356; Bach Digital: 00002867


Concerto per il Cembalo concertato in F-Dur HoWV XI.2
Fuge G-Dur BWV 581 / Anh. II 42->; HoWV IX.5
Ich habe dich je und je geliebet HoWV V.64
Ihr waret weiland Finsternis (Pfingstmusik) BR-CPEB Fp 16; H deest; Wq deest
Johannes-Passion "Der Fromme stirbt" HoWV I.4
Johannes-Passion 1776 BR-CPEB Dp 9; H 789; Wq deest; HoWV I.4
Legt eure Harfen hin HoWV II.49
Legt eure Harfen hin HoWV II.49
Lobsinget dem Heiland BR-CPEB Ff 35; H deest; Wq deest; HoWV II.74
Lobsinget dem Heiland HoWV II.74
Lukas-Passion "Du starker Keltertreter" HoWV I.5
Lukas-Passion 1775 BR-CPEB Df 8.1; H 788; Wq deest; HoWV I.5
Lukas-Passion 1783 BR-CPEB Dp 8.2; H 796; Wq deest; HoWV I.5
Markus-Passion "So gehst du nun, mein Jesu, hin" HoWV I.10
Markus-Passion 1770 BR-CPEB Df 5.1; H 783; Wq deest; HoWV I.10
Markus-Passion 1774 BR-CPEB Dp 5.2; H 787; Wq deest; HoWV I.10
Markus-Passion 1778 BR-CPEB Dp 5.3; H 791; Wq deest; HoWV I.10
Markus-Passion 1782 BR-CPEB Dp 5.4; H 795; Wq deest, 230 (Chor); HoWV I.10
Markus-Passion 1786 BR-CPEB Dp 5.5; H 799; Wq deest; HoWV I.10
Musste nicht Christus solches leiden HoWV II.72
Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele BWV 759 / Anh. III 172->; HoWV VIII.17; Emans 156
Uns schützet Israels Gott HoWV II.78
Was suchet ihr den Lebendigen bei den Toten HoWV II.66

Works of Bach he copied [Manuscript No. in Bach Digital / Work / Performance/Copying date]

D-B autogr. Krebs, J. L. 5 N: G.A. Homilius: Chorale arrangements on: Gelobet seist du Jesu Christ (HoWV VIII.4); Hilf Herr Jesu, laß gelingen (HoWV VIII.5); Christ lag in Todesbanden (HoWV VIII.6); Christ lag in Todesbanden, Fughette (HoWV VIII.7); Wer nur den lieben Gott (HoWV VIII.3); Straf mich nicht in deinem Zorn (HoWV VIII.2); Herr Jesu Christ, du höchstes Gut (HoWV VIII.8); Wir Christenleut (HoWV VIII.9); Sei Lob und Ehr dem höchsten Gut (HoWV VIII.10); Meine Hoffnung steht auf Gott (HoWV VIII.11); Herzlich lieb hab ich dich, o Herr (HoWV VIII.12); O großer Gott, du reines Wesen (HoWV VIII.13); Komm heiliger Geist, Herre Gott (HoWV VIII.14); Meinen Jesum lass ich nicht (HoWV VIII.15); Christ lag in Todesbanden (HoWV VIII.16); Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele (HoWV VIII.17 = BWV 759 = Emans 156); Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott (HoWV VIII.18); Jesus meine Zuversicht (HoWV VIII.19); Erschienen ist der herrliche Tag (HoWV VIII.20); Mach dich, mein Geist, bereit (HoWV VIII.21); Jesus meine Zuversicht (HoWV VIII.22); Der am Kreuz ist meine Liebe (HoWV VIII.23); Helft mir Gottes Güte preisen (HoWV VIII.24); Mein Gott das Herze bring ich dir (HoWV VIII.25); Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder (HoWV VIII.26); Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (HoWV VIII.27); Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ (HoWV VIII.28); Wo soll ich fliehen hin (HoWV VIII.29); Dies sind die heilgen zehn Gebot (HoWV VIII.30); Der am Kreuz ist meine Liebe (HoWV VIII.31); Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme (HoWV VIII.32); Wie soll ich dich empfangen (HoWV VIII.33)
D-LEb Kulukundis I.H767 (Depositum im Bach-Archiv): HoVW XI.2 [until 1743]


1. Grove’s Dictionary of Music and Musicians (1952 Edition, Author: A. Maczwesky)
2. Bernd Koska: Bachs Privatschüler in Bach-Jahrbuch 2019, English translation by Aryeh Oron (May 2020)
3. Bach Digital Website (May 2019)
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (December 2005, June 2014)

Works previously attributed to J.S. Bach

Chorale Prelude for organ Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele, BWV 759
Chorale Prelude for organ Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele, BWV Anh 74 (Emans 157) (?)

Use of Chorale Melodies in his works

Allein Gott in der Hoh sei Her, Chorale Prelude for Organ (CM: Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr)

Christ lag in Todesbanden, Fugato for Organ (CM: Christ lag in Todesbanden)

Durch Adams Fall Ist Ganz Verderbt for organ & oboe (CM: Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt)

Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ, a Cantata (CM: Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ)

Gelobet Seist Du, Jesu Christ, Chorale for Organ (CM: Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ)

Choral Prelude for organ, Herr Jesu Christ, Du Höchstes Gut (CM: Herr Jesu Christ, du höchstes Gut)

Nun Komm der Heiden Heiland, Choral Prelude for Organ (CM: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland)

O Gott, du frommer Gott, Cantata (CM: O Gott, du frommer Gott)

Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele, Chorale Prelude for Organ (previously attributed to J.S. Bach as BWV 769) (CM: Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele)

Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele, Chorale Prelude for Organ (previously attributed to J.S. Bach as BWV Anh 74) (CM: Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele)

Schmücke Dich, O Liebe Seel, for organ & oboe (CM: Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele)

Cantata: Schwing dich auf zu deinem Gott (CM: Schwing dich auf zu deinem Gott; 1783)

So gehst du nun, Mein Jesu, hin, Motet for Chorus (CM: So gehst du nun, mein Jesu, hin)

Mache dich mein geist Bereit, Choral Prelude for Organ (CM: Straf mich nicht in deinem Zorn

Straf Mich Nicht in Deinem Zorn (CM: Straf mich nicht in deinem Zorn

Panta kalos pepoinke with the German Chorale Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan, Motet (CM: Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan; 1768)

Chorale Prelude for organ Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten (CM: Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten)

Wir Christenleut, Chorale Prelude for Organ (at one time considered to be a composition by J.S. Bach) (CM: Wir Christenleut habn jetzund Freud)

Links to other Sites

HOMILIUS, Gottfried August (BBKL) [German]
Gottfried August Homilius (St Martin Chamber Choir)
Homilius, Gottfried August (Bach Digital)


Sources 2: J. A. Hiller, Lebensbeschreibungen berühmter Musikgelehrten und Tonkünstler neuerer Zeit, Leipzig 1784, S. 24f. (= Dok III, Nr. 895); Dok VII, S. 54; Löffler 1929/31, Nr. 35; Löffler 1953, Nr. 50; MGGo; C. Blanken, Die Orgelchoräle von Gottfried August Homilius. Probleme der Überlieferung, in: „Ohne Widerrede unser größter Kirchenkomponist“. Annäherungen an Gottfried August Homilius, hrsg. von G. Poppe und U. Wolf, Beeskow 2017 (Forum Mitteldeutsche Barockmusik. 7.), S. 225–251; M. Maul, Homilius: wirklich ein Schüler Bachs? Überlegungen zu seiner Leipziger Zeit, in: ebd., S. 67–80
3: NBA I/24, 41; IV/5–8, 10, 11; V/4, 6.2, 12; BR III/2; VI; VII; Dok I, III, V, VI, VII

Bach's Pupils: List of Bach's Pupils | Actual and Potential Non-Thomaner Singers and Players who participated in Bach’s Figural Music in Leipzig | Alumni of the Thomasschule in Leipzig during Bach's Tenure | List of Bach's Private Pupils | List of Bach's Copyists
Thomanerchor Leipzig: Short History | Members: 1729 | 1730 | 1731 | 1740-1741 | 1744-1745 | Modern Times
Bach’s Pupils Discussions: Part 1 | Part 2
Articles: Organizional Structure of the Thomasschule in Leipzig | The Rules Established for the Thomasschule by a Noble and Very Wise Leipzig City Council - Printed by Bernhard Christoph Breitkopf Leipzig, 1733 | Homage Works for Thomas School Rectors

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Last update: Monday, January 02, 2023 15:30