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Vocaal ensemble Voices & Wilhelmina Consort (Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble)

Founded: 2005 - Bussum, North Holland, the Netherlands
Disbanded: Summer 2022

The Vocaal ensemble Voices & The Wilhelmina Consort, founded both in 2005 by conductor Piet Philipse as cantor-organist of the Protestantse Gemeente Bussum to provide musical interpretation for Cantata services in the Wilhelminakerk of Bussum. Until then, the cantata services were performed with ad hoc choirs and orchestras. Continuous composition was sometimes almost impossible due to the busy schedules of musicians and that is why these ensembles were founded.

Vocaal ensemble Voices is a mixed group of semi-professional singers. Voacal ensemble Voices provides performances of classical and modern (church) music: from Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina to Vasks and from George Frideric Handel to Vugs. The repertoire is in line with the ecclesiastical roots of the ensemble. In many cases, Vocaal ensemble Voices looks for ways to return (classical) music to its original context. For example, cantatas by J.S. Bach are performed in the context of a church service and appropriate to the time of year. The music gains meaning because it is framed by subsequent readings.

Members of the Radio Filharmonisch Orkest, with concert master Wouter Groesz, jointly form the Wilhelmina Consort as orchestral accompaniment in the cantata celebrations and concerts. Voices' permanent organist is Wybe Kooijmans, organist of the Grote of St.Vituskerk in Naarden, Bram Brandemann organist of the Buitenkerk in Kampen and Dirk Out. In addition to a number of cantata celebrations in the Wilhelminakerk in Bussum, the Vocaal ensemble Voices also provides a number of concerts per year in Hoorn, Naarden, Weesp, Amsterdam, Nijkerk and Kapelle.

The choir has now built up a broad repertoire. Music from the Middle Ages, J.S. Bach, Felix Mendelssohn, W.A. Mozart and Gabriel Fauré are on the list. In addition to music from the 20th century by, for example, John Rutter, Philip Guran, Hendrik Andriessen and Peteris Vasks, a large number of works from the English choral tradition.

The Vocaal ensemble Voices has been abandoned since the summer of 2022. Part of the choir continued as a project basis (double quartet), partly with a different repertoire under the name The New Baroque Singers.

Members of Vocaal ensemble Voices, Bussum:





Dineke Overweel
Nicola Balzan
Everdien Liekamm
Rozemarijn Berends
Cynthia Groesz

Jane Kelman
Riet Teunissen
Petra Philipse
Mattanja Hendriks
Lydia Vermunt

Pim Liekamm
Johan Visscher
Pieter van der Wulp
Pim Philipse

Edwin Hendriks
Bert-Jan Teunissen
Cees Snel
Evert-Jan van Katwijk

Piet Philipse Website, English translation by Aryeh Oron (May 2024)
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (May 2024)

Piet Philipse: Short Biography | Ensembles: Vocaal ensemble Voices & Wilhelminaconsort, Bussum
Bach Discography:
Recordings of Vocal Works

Links to other Sites

Piet Philipse: Ensembles [Dutch]
Vocaal ensemble Voices, Bussum (Official Website)

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Last update: Friday, May 31, 2024 04:40