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Pim Philipse (Baritone, Piano, Conductor)

Born: The Netherlands

The Dutch baritone, pianist and conductor, Pim Philipse, received his classical piano training from Maaike Stapersma. He studied choir singing and technique at the Koorschool St. Vitus in Hilversum, where he was an alto soloist for a number of years. He received singing training as a baritone from Rob van Surksum, known for various roles in the successful musical The Phantom of the Opera in Scheveningen.

In addition to his own choirs and performances as a baritone or pianist, Pim Philipse often works on a project basis. Both with singing and/or piano or together with various groups. Theater productions of Jesus Christ Superstar, Oliver Twist, In de voetsporen van Laurens Janszoon Coster, A Christmas Carol (Scrooge) and And There was Light with Gospel group Vision & Sound4life band.

As a pianist, he plays Classical, gospel, modern piano accompaniment.

As a baritone singer, Pim Philipse has built a nice repertoire of bass/baritone roles and perform it live with choir and orchestra, such as: Jesus Christ Superstar (Pilate); Gabriel Fauré's Requiem; W.A. Mozart's Requiem and Coronation Mass; J.S. Bach's Cantata Actus tragicus BWV 106, Matthäus-Passion BWV 244 and Johannes-Passion BWV 245; Felix Mendelssohn's Psalm 115.

As a conductor, the choirs and vocal groups Pim Philipse works with or has worked with in the past include: Jongerenkoor Chaverim Hilversum, Mannenkoor Immanuël Hilversum, Vocal Motion Naarden, Vocaal ensemble Voices Bossum, Cantemus Loosdrecht, Ritsen Bussum, Church2day Bussum, Gospelgroep Vision Hilversum, Ceciliakoor Naarden, Inspiration s’Gravenland, Band Sound4life.

Pim Philipse Website, English translation by Aryeh Oron (May 2024)
Photos: Moon Saris
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (May 2024)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Piet Philipse


[VV-1] (2019, Video): BWV 245 [Christus]

Links to other Sites

Pim Philipse - Dirigent, Pianist, Bariton (Official Website) [Dutch]
Pim Philipse on LinkedIn

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Last update: Friday, May 31, 2024 04:40