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Piet Philipse (Organ, Conductor)

Born: October 13, 1950 - Kapelle, Zeeland, the Netherlands

The Dutch organist and conductor, Piet Philipse, studied organ and choral conducting at the Zeeuwse Muziekschool with Adriaan Fonteyn and continued at the Muziekschool Zeeland (January 1960-1969) and Detaihandelsvakschool (1963-1967).

In 1960, Piet Philipse started his career as an organist in the Gereformeerde Kerk in Tiel, first as a substitute and from 1962 with a permanent appointment, after which appointments followed in Goes (1964), Hilversum (1975) Leiden (December 2008-May 2011) and in the Wilhelminakerk in Bussum (since January 2005). The first appointment as conductor came in September 1967. (a very popular youth choir at that time). Appointments as cantor/organist followed in the following years in Goes, 's-Gravenpolder, Hilversum, Huizen, Amersfoort and Bussum.

Piet Philipse thought and still thinks that the most important thing is to try to make music from notes that touches people and that requires emotion. Dare to be critical of yourself. Don't settle for a lower benchmark if you can achieve a higher one. The public expects, and rightly so, a quality standard that can withstand the test of criticism. Of course there are differences in quality between various choirs, think of the English choir schools or the professional choirs in the world, but in his opinion it should never be an excuse to perform below your level. He is almost a musical omnivore when it comes to choral music, as long as the music and text have something to say together, he usually feels at home with it. He is currently a conductor with Vocaal ensemble Voices & Wilhelminaconsort, Bussum, which he founded himself, and cantor-organist at the St.Vitusparochie in Naarden (since 2016). Until 2022, he served as cantor organist of the cantata services in Bussum, which were held on the third Sunday of the month in the period between September and May, where he is responsible for the liturgical design and musical interpretation of the cantata services. In addition to conducting his vocal ensemble, he also played the monumental Flentrop organ in the Wilhelminakerk in Bussum until 2011. He currently lives in Hilversum, North Holland.

Piet Philipse Website & Facebook/LinkedIn profiles, English translation by Aryeh Oron (May 2024)
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (May 2024)

Piet Philipse: Short Biography | Ensembles: Vocaal ensemble Voices & Wilhelminaconsort, Bussum
Bach Discography: Recordings of Vocal Works

Links to other Sites

Piet Philipse, organist en dirigent (Official Website) [Dutch]
Piet Philipse on Facebook
Piet Philipse on LinkedIn

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Last update: Friday, May 31, 2024 04:59