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Recordings & Discussions of Cantatas: Main Page | Cantatas BWV 1-50 | Cantatas BWV 51-100 | Cantatas BWV 101-150 | Cantatas BWV 151-200 | Cantatas BWV 201-224 | Cantatas BWV Anh | Order of Discussion
Discussions of General Topics: Cantatas & Other Vocal Works | Performance Practice | Radio, Concerts, Festivals, Recordings

Cantata BWV 43
Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen
Discography - Part 2

Recordings of Individual Movements


Bach Aria Group [C-1]

Aria for Alto (Mvt. 9) from Cantata BWV 43 []

William H. Scheide

Bach Aria Group

Contralto: Margaret Tobias; Robert Bloom (oboe); Harry Shulman (2nd oboe)]


1947 or 1948

4 12” 78s = LP



J.S. Bach: Soli Deo Gloria Vol. 4

Chorus (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 43 [4:17]

Hans Pflugbeil

Greifswalde Bach Tage Choir / Bach-Orchester Berlin


Baroque Music Club

Late 1950's - Late 1960's ?


Buy this album at: Baroque Music Club


Arien aus Kantaten von Johann Sebastian Bach [L-4]

Arias for Tenor (Mvt. 3) from Cantata BWV 43 []

Erhard Mauersberger

Gewandhausorchester Leipzig

Tenor: Peter Schreier

Eterna 825865
Decca SMD-1232

Nov 10-13, 1969

LP / TT:
LP / TT:

Recorded at Versöhnungskirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.


J.S. Bach: Dich loben alle wir [T-1]


Chorus Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen (Mvt. 1) from Cantata BWV 43, arranged for trumpet, trombone & organ []

Horst Wilm (Ensemble Director)

Gnadauer Posaunenbund.

Jean F. Michel (Trumpet); Andreas Woyke (Organ)

Verlag der Liebenzeller Mission VLM-28804



Recorded at…


Cantatas & Arias [C-1]

Aria for Bass (Mvt. 7) from Cantata BWV 43 [3:02]

Maryland Bach Aria Group


Baritone: Larry Edward Vote; Trumpet: Jeff B. Silberschlag; Bassoon: Deborah Greitzer; Harpsichord: Jeanne Fryberger-Vote

Crystal Records



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J.S. Bach im Basler Münster: Ausgewählte Arien und Choräle mit Trompeten [C-1]


Cantata Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen, BWV 43:
9. Mvt. 7: Aria [B] Er ist´s, der ganz allein [3:20]

Instrumental ensemble (trumpets, strings, organ, timpani, etc.)

BWV 43/7: Bass: Michael Pavlu; Urban F. Walser (Trumpet)
Concert-master: Frank Gassmann; Sulamith Haecki (Violin); Aglaia Kellerhals (Viola); Rolf Laubi (Cello); Alfred Steinauer (Double-bass); Rolland Fournier (Timpani); Charles-Joseph Bopp (Flute); Felix Pachlatko (Organ); Other Trumpets: Philippe Litzler, Albin Simon, Roger Delmotte

Wiediscon Records Zürich WD-9110


CD / TT: 61:26
MP3 / TT: 61:18

Recorded at Basler Münster, Switzerland.
Buy this album at:
CD (2012): Wiediscon Records Zürich
Music Download (2012): | |


Bach Edition Vol. 23 - Chörale / Chorales [C-2]

Chorale (Mvt. 11) from Cantata BWV 43 [1:36]

Nicol Matt

Nordic Chamber Choir / Soloists of the Freiburger Barockorchester


Brilliant Classics / Bayer Records

Jun 1999


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J.S. Bach: Cantatas & Arias [C-1]


Recitative & Aria for Tenor (Mvt. 2 & Mvt. 3) from Cantata BWV 43 [2:58]

Fabio Biondi (Director & Violin)

Europa Galante

Tenor: Ian Bostridge
EG: Raffaelo Negri, Isabella Longo (Violin 1); Enrico Casazza, Carla Marotta (Violin 2); Lorenzo Colitto (Violin 2, Viola); Ernesto Braucher (Viola 1); Robert Brown (Viola 2); Maurizio Naddeo (Cello 1, Continuo); Antonio Fantinuoli (Cello 2); Nicola dal Maso (Double-bass); Petr Zeifart (Recorder 1); Lorenzo Cavasanti (Recorder 2, Flute); Sergio Ciomei (Harpsichord, Organ); Vittorio Ghielmi (Viola da gamba); Alessandro Piqué (Oboe, Oboe d’amore); Giogio Mandolesi (Bassoon); Ugo Nastrucci (Therbo)

Virgin Veritas 545420
Virgin Classics 463021

Mar 25-30, 2000

CD / TT: 67:55
MP3 / TT: 67:35
CD / TT: 67:55
MP3 / TT: 67:50

Recorded at La Biblioteca Monumentale dell Abbazia di San Giovanni Evangelista, Parma, Italy.
Producer: John Fraser; Executive Producer: Alain Lanceron; Balance Engineer: Frédéric Briant (Musica Nuneris); Editors: Claire Luhan, Tony Harrison.
Buy this album at:
CD (2001): | |
Music Download: | | iTunes
CD-2 (2009): | |
Music Download: | | | iTunes


Musica Michaelis: Cantates festives · Festliche Kantaten [C-1]


Aria for Bass Er ist’s, der ganz allein die Kelter hat getreten (Mvt. 7) from Cantata BWV 43 [3:20]


Le Concert Royal

Bass: Dominik Wörner
Guy Ferber, René Maze, Emmanuel Alemany (Baroque Trumpets); Thomas Holzinger (Timpani); Daniel Leininger (Organ) [J.A. Silbermann 1741]

Amati AMI-2502/1

Jul 13-15, 2009

CD / TT: 74:25

Recorded at Saint-Thomas, Strasbourg, France.
Buy this album at:
CD (2011): | |


Arias for Trumpet and Voice from the Cantatas of Johann Sebastian Bach [C-1]

All works by J.S. Bach, transcribed for the featured performers and piano by Peter Knudsvig:
Cantata BWV 43: Mvt. 7: Aria for Bass Er ists, dganz allein [2:44]

Bass: Marc Webster; Benjamin Sebald (Trumpet); Nathan Hess (Piano)

ITG Journal CD-23

May 20-24, 2013

CD / TT: 55:24

Performances of selected arias from the cantatas of J.S. Bach that utilize the trumpet in major roles with the vocal soloist as transcribed for the featured performers and piano by Peter Knudsvig. Produced by Peter Knudsvig.
Recorded at Hockett Family Recital Hall, Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York, USA (recording, mixing and mastering: Alex Perialas, assisted by John Berwick).
This CD is planned for distribution with the March 2014 ITG Journal and is free to all members of the Guild during the 2013-2014 membership year.


Bach Institute Showcase Concert [BI25-1]
Bach and Society: An Evening of Bach Arias and BWV 10


Compassion and Charity:
Aria for Bass Er ist’s, der ganz allein (Mvt. 7) from Cantata BWV 43

Conductor: Ryan Turner

Bach Institute 2025 Fellows

BWV 43/7: Baritone: Anthony Pilcher; Nick Hill (Trumpet); Slava Kozlenko (Organ); Adam Broce (Cello); Randy Zigler*(Double-bass)

Emmanuel Music

Jan 19, 2025

Video / TT: 135:20

Recorded & filmed live at Emmanuel Church, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Watch on YouTube:
Full Concert [134:20]

The list of recordings was compiled by Aryeh Oron (October 2002 - January 2025)
Thanks to contributors: Matthias Hansen (February 2012, May 2014); Walter Roth (July 2016); Teri Noel Towe (May 2002)

Cantata BWV 43: Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen for Ascension Day (1726)
Discography: Details & Complete Recordings | Recordings of Individual Movements
Discussions: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5

Recordings & Discussions of Cantatas: Main Page | Cantatas BWV 1-50 | Cantatas BWV 51-100 | Cantatas BWV 101-150 | Cantatas BWV 151-200 | Cantatas BWV 201-224 | Cantatas BWV Anh | Order of Discussion
Discussions of General Topics: Cantatas & Other Vocal Works | Performance Practice | Radio, Concerts, Festivals, Recordings


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Last update: Thursday, January 23, 2025 01:28