C-1 |
Something Borrowed, Something Blue: Music to Marry By |

Chorale Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (Jesu Bleibet meine Freude) (Mvt. 10) from Cantata BWV 147 [3:29]
Aria for Soprano I Follow Thee (Ich folge dir gleichfalls) (Mvt. 9) from Johannes-Passion BWV 245 [4:16] |
Soprano: Dawn Holt Lauber
BWV 147: Susan Jolles (Harp); James Byars (Oboe)
BWV 245: Saffron Y. Chung (Piano); Lisa Johnson (Flute) |
Albany Records TROY-522
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Oct 2000 |
CD / TT: 49:16
MP3 / TT: 49:16 |
Recorded at Master Sound Studios, Astoria, New York, USA.
Other works: not by J.S. Bach.
Buy this album at:
CD (2002): Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk | Amazon.de | ArkivMusic
Music Download: Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk | Amazon.de | iTunes |