Carl Gotthelf Gerlach
(Organ, Copyist, Bach's Pupil) |
Born: December 31, 1704 - Calbitz, near Oschatz, about 50 km east of Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
Died: July 9, 1761 - Leipzig, Saxony, Germany |
Carl Gottbelf Gerlach was a German organist. He was born the son of Melchior Gotthelf Gerlach (Pastor in Calbitz). He enrolled at the Thomasschule in Leipzig on June 4, 1716; studied there from 1716 and 1723; and probably studied with J.S. Bach in the 1720’s. On April 30, 1727 he enrolled at the University of Leipzig, and in 1729 was appointed organist of the Neukirche in Leipzig. Up to that time the organist of the Neukirche had always directed the collegium musicum that Georg Philipp Telemann founded in Leipzig in the early years of the century, but in 1729 J.S. Bach himself took charge of the collegium musicum. Gerlach, however, took over from J.S. Bach for a couple of years between 1737 and 1739.
It is known that Carl Gottbelf Gerlach occasionally represented J.S. Bach, supported foreign guest appearances and took over his Collegium musicum, and he was also recommended by J.S. Bach in the organist election in 1729. He was also involved in the production of the original set of parts for Orchestral Suite BWV 1066 around 1724/1725. Gerlach's lessons with J.S. Bach from 1723 onwards are therefore likely, but have so far not been proven beyond any doubt. His younger brother, Heinrich August Gerlach, was also a Thomaner (1723-1727).
References: Richter: 7; Koska: B-7; GND: 141359447; Bach Digital: 00000996 |
Works of Bach he copied [Manuscript No. in Bach Digital / Work / Performance date] |
B-Br Fétis 7327 C Mus, Faszikel 3: BWV 760 / Anh. III 172-> (nur die letzten 3 1/2 Takte), BWV 761 / Anh. III 172->, BWV 708a, BWV 708 [c1730]
B-Br Fétis 7327 C Mus, Faszikel 6: BWV 907; BWV 908 [c1733?]
B-Br Ms II 3892 Mus (Fétis 1877), Faszikel 1: BWV 238 [c1735]
B-Br Ms II 3892 Mus (Fétis 1878), Faszikel 1: BWV Anh. 27 / Anh. III 167-> [c1745?]
D-B Am.B 40-42, Faszikel 1: BWV 73 [c1729/1730]
D-B Am.B 102-104, Faszikel 1: BWV 16 [c1730]
D-B Mus.ms. anon. 1542: Johann Christian Röllig: Sanctus, D-Dur
D-B Mus.ms. autogr. Hoffmann, M. 3 N: Georg Melchior Hoffmann: Little Magnificat BWV Anh 21 / Anh. III 168-> [c1708-1730]
D-B Mus.ms. Bach P 136: BWV 16
D-B Mus.ms. Bach St 152: BWV 1066 [between May 1724-End 1725]
D-LEsta 21081/7369, Faszikel 1: BWV 564 [c1725]
D-LEsta 21081/7369, Faszikel 2: BWV 572 [1730-1735?]
D-LEsta 21081/7369, Faszikel 3: BWV 572 [1730-1735?]
D-LEsta 21081/7377: BWV 221 / Anh. II 23-> [c1730-1735?]
US-Wc ML96 .B186 Case BWV 531: BWV 531 [Early 1720's] |
Specimen of Carl Gottbelf Gerlach handwriting (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin)
[HW-01] |
1. Oxford Composer Companions J.S. Bach (Editor: Malcolm Boyd, OUP, 1999)
2. Bernd Koska: Dissertation "Bachs Thomaner als Kantoren in Mitteldeutschland" (Beeskow 2018), Anhang VII.1 Die Alumnen der Thomasschule 1710-1760, English translation by Aryeh Oron (April 2020)
3. Bernd Koska: Bachs Privatschüler in Bach-Jahrbuch 2019, English translation by Aryeh Oron (April 2020)
Contributed by Aryeh Oron (January 2011, April 2020); Thomas Braatz (January 2011) |
Links to other Sites |
Gerlach, Carl Gotthelf (Bach Digital)
Article: Bach’s Collegium musicum in Leipzig and Its History [T. Braatz] |
Bibliography |
Sources: Dok I, Nr. 68, 174; Dok II, Nr. 254, 261, 383, 455, 573; Löffler 1929/31, Nr. 18; Löffler 1953, Nr. 28; Schulze Bach-Überlieferung, S. 121–125; MGGo; NBA IX/3, Nr. 65; BJ 2010, S. 153–198 (M. Maul); BJ 2013, S. 138–148 (P. Wollny); BJ 2018, S. 31 (H.-J. Schulze)
Literature: Richter 1907, Nr. 7; Vollhardt 1978, S. 180 und 444; Dok I, Nr. 68 und 174; Dok II, Nr. 254, 261, 383, 455 und 573; Dok V, S. 298; Schulze 1984, S. 123f.; Glöckner 1990, S. 88–97; Jung 2006, Nr. 3; MGG2, Personenteil VII, Sp. 787f.; NBA IX/3, Nr. 65GND: 141359447 |