Johann Friedrich Ackermann (Medical Doctor, University Professor, Bach's Pupil) |
Born: February 3, 1726 - Waldkirchen im Vogtland, Saxony, Germany
Died: June 4, 1804 - Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany |
Johann Friedrich Ackermann was born the son of Johann Friedrich Ackermann (Pastor in Waldkirchen im Vogtland; Rector of Thomasschule in Leipzig: 1689-1694). He enrolled at the Thomasschule in Leipzig on July 6, 1740; studied there from 1740 to 1747; and at Universität Leipzig from 1757. As
a Thomaner he was in Choir III (in the New Church) from May 17, 1744 (Pentecost) to June 6, 1745 (Pentecost). Although he attended the Thomasschule during J.S. Bach's tenure, it is not known if he actually studied with him. His elder brother, Friedrich Ackermann (1708-after 1748), was also Thomaner.(1723-1727).
In 1752 Johann Friedrich Ackermann wrote his dissertation Praesagia medica ex praecordiis in Göttingen with Georgio Guilielmo Feuerlein and then worked as a medical doctor in Kiel. From 1760 he was Professor of medicine (anatomy) and physics at Universität Kiel. In 1769 he set up the observatory in Kieler Schloss. In 1787 he married in a third marriage the mistress Caspar von Salderns, Mademoiselle Frederike Amalie Schnepel. He had 5 children. Around 1798 he received support from Christoph Heinrich Pfaff. |
Writings |
Commentarius observationum physico-astronomicarum et meteorologicarum (Bartsch, Kiel 1770).
Orationes duae prorectorales (1770).
De Insitione Variolarvm Ad Avvncvlvm Svvm Aeterne. Gratulationsschrift für Georg Gottlob Richter (1771).
Einladung zur Inaugural-Disputation von Christian Eugen Layriz (1786).
Joh. Fried. Ackermann der Arzneywiss. und Naturl. öffentl. ord. Prof. Nachricht von der sonderbaren Würkung eines Wetterstrahls (Kiel, 1772. Buchenröder und Ritter, Hamburg 1772).
Ansprache der medicinischen Facultät in Kiel an die Einwohner von Dithmarschen (Mohr, Kiel 1802). |
1. Bernd Koska: Dissertation "Bachs Thomaner als Kantoren in Mitteldeutschland" (Beeskow 2018), Anhang VII.1 Die Alumnen der Thomasschule 1710-1760, English translation by Aryeh Oron (April 2020)
2. Andreas Glöckner, Sabine Thomas and Melvin Unger: Alumni and Externals in the Choirs of the Thomas School during Bach's Time in Bach, Vol. 40, No. 1 (2009), pp. 17-20 (published by: Riemenschneider Bach Institute)
3. German Wikipedia Website (March 2018), English translation by Aryeh Oron (April 2020)
Contributed by Aryeh Oron (April 2020) |
Links to other Sites |
Johann Friedrich Ackermann (Kiel Directory of Scholars)
Johann Friedrich Ackermann (Wikipedia) [German] |
Bibliography |
Literature: Richter 1907, Nr. 214 |