The Hungarian soprano, Csilla Tillai (neé: Csilla Szalaki), began her music studies started in kindergarten. After graduating from Pécsett a Liszt Ferenc Zeneóvodát követően (Liszt Music Academy in Pécs), she went to the Liszt Ferenc Zeneiskolába (Liszt Ferenc Music School) and then studied at the Pécsi Művészeti Gimnáziumban (Pécs Art School). She also sudied at Kodolányi János Főiskola in Budapest. She graduated in Tourism and Hotel Economics. During her university years she continued her musical training privately, with Alice Komáromi, Katalin Harmat, Katalin Töreky and Magda Nádor, among others.
Csilla Tillai has been a member of several choirs over the years, including the Belvárosi Templom Jubilate Kórusa (Jubilate Choir of the Downtown Temple), Pécsi Kamarakórus (Pécs Chamber Choir), Pius Templom Kórusa (Pious Temple Choir), Budapesti Stúdiókórus (Budapest Studio Choir) or Pannon Philharmonic Festival Choir. She has also performed as a soloist.
Csilla Tillai married Atilla Tillai on August 24, 2013. She currently lives in Budapest, Hungary.