The German conductor and organist, Thomas Stadler, has sung in various choirs in his hometown Rottenburg (near Landshut) since primary school - later he also helped and conducted rehearsals. He has developed a wide repertoire of classical choral music, but also modern compositions and arrangements up to pop music. He received lessons in piano, organ and singing in the main subject, as well as accordion, flute and viola in the minor subject. Between 2010 and 2014 he took part in national and federal resignations as part of the “Jugend musiziert” competition and was subsequently included in the support class of the Musikschule Rottenburg, where he also received lessons in music theory and music history. From 2014 to 2018, he studied choral conducting at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" in Leipzig with Professor Roland Börger. He received lessons in orchestral conducting with Dr. Michael Köhler, piano with Oriol Plans-Casal and vocal accompaniment with Professor Hartmut Hudezeck. Since 2018 he has also taken the Bachelor's degree in church music from Anna-Victoria Baltrusch and Daniel Beilschmidt (organ literature) and David Timm (liturgical organ playing, organ improvisation) at the Leipziger Hochschule. For the final exam in orchestral conducting, he directed the performance of Felix Mendelssohn's Ruy-Blas-Ouvertüre with the Leipziger Sinfonie-Orchester. With this orchestra he performed F. Mendelssohn's Hebriden Ouvertüre and Johannes Brahms' Hungarian Dances, Nos. 2 and 3. In addition to his studies, he also takes master-classes with Professor Patrick Russill (RAM London), Professor Frederike Woebken (HfK Bremen), Professor Denis Rouger (HMDK Stuttgart), Thomaskantor Gotthold Schwarz (Thomaskirche Leipzig) and with Professor Morten Schuldt-Jensen (MH Freiburg). In his bachelor thesis, supervised by Professor Dr. Phil. Martin Krumbiegel, occupied with performance-related questions of the recitatives from J.S. Bach's Weimar cantatas.
In addition to his studies, Thomas Stadler gained extensive experience in leading choirs of various age groups and levels of ability: from 2015 to 2019 as choir director of the traditional choir Lyra, Bad Schmiedeberg and from 2018 to 2019 as a parental leave substitute for the Taborkantorei, where he was active from 2016 to 2019 as as assistant to the Kantor Andreas Mitschke. Since October 1, 2018, he has taken over the management of the Leipziger Oratorienchor. From 2019 to 2020 he was Kapellmeister of the free orchestra Sinfonia Leipzig. In 2020 he took over the musical direction of SING and SIGN.
Thomas Stadler made a name for himself above all by studying and conducting concerts with choral and orchestral music. In addition to this regular work, he is always involved in rehearsals, individual choir rehearsals, as a musical assistant or accompanist for other choirs, such as for the GewandhausChor Leipzig or for "Leipzig singt". He currently lives in Leipzig, Germany. |