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Ingeborg Reichelt (Soprano)

Born: May 11, 1928 - Frankfurt/Oder, Germany

The German soprano, Ingeborg Reichelt, was the prize winner in Wettbewerb Music competition in 1944. In 1945 she began to study singing at the Dresden University. In 1947 she graduated after studying at that Hamburg college of music (singing, dance, play). She was also a free student in physiology at the University. In 1950 she passed national examination for singing teacher, and stated her first educational experiences. In 1953 she passed artistic maturity examination and concert exam as a pupil of Henny Wolffs.

Since 1955 Ingeborg Reichelt was in co-operation with the Konzertdirektiron Fritz Dietrich (Frankfurt/Main). She made international career as Oratorio and Lieder singer with extensive repertoire from J.S. Bach and George Frideric Handel, through Haydn and W.A. Mozart, Johannes Brahms and Pfitzner to Arnold Schoenberg and Henze.

Ingeborg Reichelt made recordings for with Columbia, Erato, edition de L'Oiseau L'Oiseau-Lyre, Cantate and others.

In 1975 Ingeborg Reichelt was appointed Professor, giving master classes for singing at the Robert-Schumann-Hochschule in Düsseldorf. Since 1970 she has been in the jury of singing competitions of the German music, including the VDMK, the DAAD of the International Hugo Wolf Society among others.

Düsseldorf Music Scool Website. English translation by Aryeh Oron (June 2001)
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (June 2001)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Ludwig Doormann


BWV 93, BWV 187

Alfred Ellenberger


BWV 8 [Excerpts], BWV 244 [Excerpts]

E. Wolfram Füril


BWV 248/1-4

Helmuth Kahlhöfer


BWV 61, BWV 132, BWV 207a, BWV 214

Helmuth Rilling


BWV 58, BWV 75, BWV 88, BWV 155

Karl Ristenpart


BWV 79 [2nd], BWV 159, BWV 211, BWV 212
BWV 19 [2nd], BWV 57 [1st]

Kurt Thomas


(1952): BWV 21, BWV 68, BWV 70, BWV 147
BWV 244 [2nd recording, 1958]
[CR-39] (1957, Radio recording): BWV 39
[CR-194] (1957-1960, Radio recording): BWV 194

Max Thurn


Radio: BWV 80, BWV 115
[R-6] (1954, Radio Recording): BWV 68
[R-26] (1957, Radio Recording): BWV 85

Fritz Werner


BWV 6, BWV 23, BWV 39, BWV 51, BWV 72, BWV 76, BWV 80, BWV 85, BWV 137, BWV 140, BWV 147, BWV 150, BWV 232

Links to other Sites

Prof. Ingeborg Reichelt, Gesang (Düsseldorf) [German]

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Last update: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 15:49