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Stefan Gottfried (Conductor)

Born: 1971 - Vienna, Austria

The Austrian conductor, Stefan Gottfried, studied piano, harpsichord, composition and music pedagogy at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, as well as basso continuo and historic keyboard instruments at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, French horn at the Vienna Conservatory and mathematics at the Vienna University of Technology.

This was followed by a varied international concert career with harpsichord, fortepiano and piano as soloist, chamber music partner and continuo player in ensembles with historical instruments (eg Concentus Musicus Wien, Bach Consort Wien, Orchester Wiener Akademie) and modern orchestras (including Wiener Philharmoniker and Berliner Philharmoniker under conductors such as Zubin Mehta, Daniel Harding, Georges Prêtre or Kent Nagano).

Since 2004, Stefan Gottfried has worked regularly with Nikolaus Harnoncourt, among others in his opera productions at the Styriarte (W.A. Mozart's Idomeneo, Smetana's The Bartered Bride, Offenbach's Barbe-Bleue), at the Theater an der Wien (George Frideric Handel's Rodelinda Haydn’s Orlando paladino, Il mondo della luna, L.v. Beethoven’s Fidelio, Igor Stravinsky’s The Rake’s Progress and most recently the Mozart-Da Ponte Cycle) and the Salzburg Festival (W.A. Mozart's Le nozze di Figaro, Die Zauberflöte) and at many concerts (eg Wiener Musikverein, Berlin Philharmonic, Lucerne Festival).

Stefan Gottfried is professor for piano at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien and gives lectures on various aspects of historical performance practice. Since 2022, he also teaches at the Instituts für Alte Musik.

In 2015 he made his debut as a conductor at the Vienna Chamber Opera with the reissue of F.L. Gassmann’s Gli Uccellatori and has conducted since then u.a. the Bach Consort Wien, the Wiener Symphoniker and the RSO Wien.

Following the resignation of Nikolaus Harnoncourt in December 2015, Stefan Gottfried, together with Erich Höbarth and Andrea Bischof, took over the artistic direction of Concentus Musicus Wien. As leader of the Concentus Musicus Wien he conducted for example J.S. Bach's Mass in B minor BWV 232 and Magnificat in D major BWV 243, Haydn's Creation, various L.v. Beethoven symphonies, Schubert's Unfinished Symphony and works by Felix Mendelssohn and Bruckner at the Wiener Musikverein, at the Internationale Barocktage Stift Melk, at the Styriarte Graz and at the Brucknerfest Linz. At the Theater an der Wien, where he was "conductor in residence" in the 2018-2019 season, he conducted various operas (G.F. Handel's Alcina, H. Purcell’s King Arthur).


Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien Website
Photo 04: © (c) Wolf-Dieter Grabner
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (May 2024)

Stefan Gottfried: Short Biography | Ensembles: Concentus Musicus Wien
Bach Discography:
Recordings of Vocal Works

Links to other Sites

Stefan Gottfried (Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien)
Stefan Gottfried (Salzbug Festival)
Stefan Gottfried (Wikipedia) [German]
Stefan Gottfried, Conductor on Operabase
Stefan Gottfried on Facebook

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Last update: Monday, May 20, 2024 01:11