Göppinger Kantorei (Choir & Orchestra) |
Born: Göppingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany |
Die Chöre der Göppinger Kantorei |
The Göppinger Kantorei is the name that stands for the church music of the Stadtkirchengemeinde Oberhofen (city parish). The choir is the assembly of all the people who make music in praise of God under the direction of the Kantor. The Kantor supplied worship with music, he plays the organ matinees, he performs oratorios, cantatas and motets to the highest possible quality and represents all those involved with the church in public.
The Göppinger Kantorei currently consists of 110 singing children, adolescents and adults of all ages who rehearse separately for different tasks, but are formed as a chorus to one unit.
KMD (Church Music Director) Klaus Rothaupt is Director f the Göppinger Kantorei. Under him, the music of the Stadtkirchengemeinde Oberhofen: Kinderchor (Children's Choir), Kirchencho (Church Choir) and Concerto Vocale.
Göppinger Kantorei is also Foundation for church music, to which can join everyone who wants to support their musical work.
On February 15, 2011 this association has constituted under the direction of Dean Rolf Ulmer and church administrator Siegfried Hartmann in Oberhofengemeindehaus with 34 members. |
Concerto Vocale |
The Concerto Vocale has emerged from the Motettenchor. The ensemble sings motets, cantatas and oratorios. Besides the main motet concert in June, the traditional highlight is the concert in November; in 2013, the performance of the oratorio Paulus by Felix Mendelssohn. |
Collegium Musicum |
At concerts and cantata worship the Collegium Musicum is also used. It is mainly composed of professional musicians and music students, and make music together in various formations, supporting the work of the choir of the Göppinger Kantorei. |

Source: Göppinger Kantorei Website, English translation by Aryeh Oron (May 2013)
Contributed by Aryeh Oron (May 2013) |
Klaus Rothaupt : Short Biography | Göppinger Kantorei | Recordings of Vocal Works |
Links to other Sites |
Göppinger Kantorei (Official Website) [German] |