The Kammerchor der Frauenkirche was founded by Frauenkirchekantor Matthias Grünert in January 2005. It consists of about 40 semi-professional singers, who work together and perform under the direction of Kantor mainly a cappella works and oratorios from the 17th and 18th centuries.
The Kammerchor der Frauenkirche performed for the first time in public during Lent 2005 with an a cappella concert in the crypt of the Frauenkirche. Since then perform mainly the musical aspect of the worship, the sacred music on Sundays as well as concerts and other events at the Dresden Frauenkirche. In addition, the choir has experience as a musical ambassador of the Frauenkirche in concerts outside of Dresden. Thus they undertook concert tours in Alsace (2005), Japan (2006), Northern Italy (2008) and (2010 and 2012) to the UK. |
Norina Bamberg
Clara Bauer
Susanne Grünert
Ulrike Heindel
Antje Hoehne
Karoline Hübener
Juliane Kathary
Naoko Kamiyam
Dorit von der Osten
Claudia Poppe
Monika Schneider
Christiane Schubert
Milena Stephan
Christiane Thamm
Ulrike Thätner
Beate Zahnert |
Susanne Arndt
Angela Schmidt
Dorothea Bleyl
Annedor Heidkamp-Schröder
Elisabeth Gruël
Claudia Philipp
Cornelia Rabeneck
Christiane Sichelschmidt
Cornelia Tschöpe
Heidi Herbst
Grit Schuster-Kosensky |
Olaf Baumgarten
Gregor Hirschmann
Marc Holze|
Florian Kircheis
Norbert Missel
Christoph Münch
Hans-Martin Sachs
Martin Schulze-Griebler
Jörg Sichelschmidt
Franz Wosslick
Matthieu Gourdon |
Frieder Bamberg
Joachim Bleyl
Jörn Gruël
Christoph Hein
Hans-Christian Hoch
Sebastian Hoehne
Michael Kraner
Christoph Meißner
Brian von Rueden
Rico Wenzel
Carl-Johann Winkler
Seves Schütze
Christian Lotze
Wolf-Ulrich Müller |