Fuldaer Mädchenkantorei und Domsingknaben (Choir) |
Domchor founded: 1804, Fulda, Germany
Mädchenkantorei und Domsingknaben founded: 1989 - Fulda, Germany |
Domchor Fulda |
The Domchor Fulda (Cathedral Choir Fulda) exists now already over 190 years to the Fuldaer Kathedralkirche. In 1804 1804 of Michael Henkel founded it as boy and man choir, carried out itself in the change of the times the opening to the mixed choir, as the cathedral choir presents itself also today. This transformation served above all the enlargement of the repertoire at choir literature.
Among its most distinguished tasks codesigning the holy Liturgie in the Pontifikal and Kathedralgottesdiensten in the Fuldaer Dom ranks by a-cappella-music as well as by instrument-vocal-accompanied orchestra works. At present the Domchor consists of 85 active singers of different ages.
From the self understanding of the choir out to work as musical faith messenger and carry the glad message into the world, the singers prepare also on sacred concerts, which do not only come to Fulda to hear the performance, but are also with choir tours in their homeland and abroad. Since December 1997 the choir stands under the artistic direction of Domkapellmeister Franz-Peter Huber. |
Mädchenkantorei und Domsingknaben |
The Mädchenkantorei und Domsingknaben (= FMD) exist since April 1989 at the Fuldaer Dom. The choir is divided into the Mäedchenkantorei A (girls in the age between 13 and 20 years), the Mäedchenkantorei B (girls in the age between 9 and 12 years), the Domsingknaben (boys in the age between 9 and 14 years) and the Männerstimmen (man voices) and stands under the direction of Domkapellmeister Franz-Peter Huber. The musical early education for children is pre-aged to these groups of choirs starting from 4 years, the singing class for children of the 1st school year and sucked. Pre-assembled-let for children 2nd school year. Altogether at present 330 children and young person are in the musical and singing training at the Fuldaer Dom.
In the twice weekly taking place training the children and young person of sacred choir literature of different epochs (e.g. from the periods of Baroque, Classical and Modern Time of Lieder as well as Gospels and Spirituals) study, in addition, lay choir literature e.g. volkslieder belong to the repertoire.
Most distinguished task of the Mädchenkantorei und der Domsingknaben is the musical organization of the services in the Fuldaer Dom. Except in the services the boys and girls can be heard in numerous concerts as well as opera performances. On the program stand beside CD productions also choir and concert tours in their homeland and abroad, as well as exchange programs with national and/or international youth choirs and orchestras. |

Source: Chöre und Chormusik am Dom zu Fulda, English translation by Aryeh Oron (October 2003)
Contributed by Aryeh Oron (October 2003) |
Franz-Peter Huber : Short Biography | Ensembles: Fuldaer Mädchenkantorei und Domsingknaben
Bach Discography: Recordings of Vocal Works |
Links to other Sites |
Chöre und Chormusik am Dom zu Fulda [German] |