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Jos Vermunt (Conductor)

Born: January 25, 1957 - Roosendaal, The Netherlands

The Dutch conductor, Jos Vermunt, studied choir conducting with Reinier Wakelkamp at the Utrechts Conservatorium, and orchestra conducting at with Lucas Vis at the Koninklijk Conservatorium in The Hague.

In the 1980's Jos Vermunt directed the Utrechtse Bachcantatediensten (Bach Cantata series); later he worked as a repetitor/conductor with the Groot Omroepkoor. In the same period he conducted works from the big symphonic repertoire with several amateur symphony orchestras. In the summers of 1988 and 1989, he was selected for the orchestra conductiing class of maestro Gennady Rozhdestvensky at the Accademia Musicale Chigiana in Siena, Italy.

The Toonkunstkoor Utrecht, the Residentie Kamerkoor, the Residentie Bachkoor and the Residentie Bachorkest stand under his direction. With these ensembles Jos Vermunt performed premieres of compositions by Willem Wander van Nieuwkerk, Peter-Jan Wagemans, Christian Ernst Graf, Frans van Doorn and Joost Kleppe. During the royal funeral services of ZKH Prince Claus, HKH Queen Juliana and ZKH Prince Bernhard, the services of ZKH Prince Constantijn and HKH Princess Laurentien, and the baptism service of HKH Princess Alexia, Jos Vermunt was the musical director. He conducts educational projects with the Randstedelijk Begeleidings Orkest and the Nederlands Kamerkoor. He appears as guest conductor with the Residentie Orkest and the Brabants Orkest.

Jos Vermunt teaches choir conducting at the Koninklijk Conservatorium in The Hague and the Conservatorium of Amsterdam (former Sweelinck Conservatorium).

Tonkunstkoor Utrect Website, English translation by Aryeh Oron (February 2005)
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (February 2006)

Jos Vermunt: Short Biography | Ensembles: Residentie Bachkoor | Residentie Kamerkoor | Residentie Bachorkest
Bach Discography:
Recordings of Vocal Works | Cantatas in Services 2024 | Cantatas in Services 2025

Links to other Sites

Jos Vermunt (Tonkunstkoor Utrect) [Dutch]

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Last update: Monday, February 24, 2025 12:18