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Ángel Sampedro (Violin)

Born: Madrid, Spain

The Spanish violinist and music pedagogue, Ángel Sampedro, completed his higher studies in Violin and Composition at the Real Conservatorio Superior de Música in Madrid (1975-1980).

For years, Ángel Sampedro has occupied the position of Violin Soloist of the Orquesta Sinfónica de Madrid, the main orchestra of the Teatro Real. Later he moved to netherlands and specialized in the performance of early music with Sigiswald Kuijken at the Koninklijk Conservatorium in The Hague (1983-1987). He has worked with important specialized orchestras in Europe, such as: Nederlandse Bachvereniging Barokorkest (Director: Jos van Veldhoven), The Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra (Director: Ton Koopman), La Chapelle Royale (Director: Philippe Herreweghe, Orchestra della Capella Musicale di San Petronio, among others.

Since its creation, in 2003, Ángel Sampedro has been the musical director of the group El Arte Mvsico. For 13 years he has been director of the Orquesta Barroca de Salamanca (1990-2004) with which he has performed numerous concerts in Spain and Europe, as well as a recordings,. In 2013 he created and directed, commissioned by the Madrid City Council, the Orquesta Barroca Conde Duque (2013-2014).

Noteworthy from his discography are: the VI Sonate a due Violini col suo Basso Continuo (Nüremberg 1694) by P. H. Erlebach and the Suonate a tre Op 1 (Venice 1693) by Antonio Caldara, both with his group El Arte Mvsico; the Tercer Libro de Piezas de Clavecín by Jacques Duphly with the harpsichordist T. Millán, the 12 Sinfonie a Quattro by Antonio Caldara as director of the Orquesta Barroca de la Universidad de Salamanca, all of them published by the Verso record label and Violin Sonatas Opp 1-3 by Antonio Veracini (1659-745) with the Brilliant Classiscs record label.

Ángel Sampedro teaches courses and master-classes in violin, chamber music and orchestra at different higher and professional conservatories. He collaborated for two years with the AECID for the creation of Baroque music schools in the Misiones de Chiquitos (Bolivia), receiving with honors the Public Recognition of the Government of San Ignacio de Velasco - Santa Cruz (Bolivia) for his invaluable contribution to training from the Baroque music schools of San Ignacio de Velasco and Santa Ana respectively. He served as Professor of Baroque violin at the Academia de Música Antigua de la Universidad de Salamanca (1990-2004); and currently is Professor of Baroque viola at the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Castellón (since January 2016).

Conservatori Superior de Música de Castelló (CSMC) Website, English translation by Aryeh Oron (May 2024)
Ángel Sampedro profiles on Facebook & LinkedIn
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (May 2024)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Pau De Luís Alba

Orchestrea Director

[CV-1] (2020, Video): BWV 4

Links to other Sites

Ángel Sampedro (CSMC) [Spanish]
Angel Sampedro (El Arte Mvsico) [Spanish]
Angel Sampedro on Facebook
Angel Sampedro on LinkedIn

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Last update: Monday, May 06, 2024 16:23