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Marga Melerna (Mezzo-soprano)

Born: March 22, 1957 - Velsen, North Holland, the Netherlands

The Dutch mezzo-soprano and singing teacher, Marga Melerna, obtained her teaching musician diploma and soloist diploma with Cora Canne-Meyer at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam (the current Sweelinck-Conservatorium) in 1979. She subsequently became a member of the Opera Studio of the Dutch Opera Foundation and attended master-classes with Ré Koster, Christa Ludwig and Vera Rosza. In 1981-1982 she waas a member of the Opera Studio van de Nederlandse Operastichting. She was a finalist in the 1983 Internationale Vocalistenconcours van ‘s Hertogenbosch (Janine Micheau Prize) and won another prize for the best interpretation of the French song in Clermont-Ferrand in France in 1987.

After singing for a season at the Pfalz-Theater in Kaiserslautern (1984), Marga Melerna decided to settle permanently in the Netherlands (since 1985). She became assistant to Cora Canne-Meyer and as such gave singing lessons at the Sweelinck-Conservatorium for many years (1985-1991). Working with talented professional students is a valuable experience. Here she first came into contact with the successful principles of the Alexander Technique. These principles have proven themselves time and time again, both in her contact with the students and in her own singing. In addition to her assistantship, she started her own singing practice in the.

Since 1989, Marga Melerna has been singing as the first alto with the Groot Omroepkoor, which also uses her soloistic capabilities. She sang small solos under the baton of great conductors such as Henry Lewis, Hans Vonk, Valéry Gergiev, A. Ros-Marba, Bernard Haitink and Reinbert de Leeuw. In 2003, she exchanged 50% of her permanent position with the choir to follow the three-year Alexander Technique teacher training course. Her teachers were Tessa Marwick and Paul Versteeg.

Marga Melerna has been a certified Alexander teacher since 2006 and in her own teaching practice (2007-2009: Westzaan region; since 2009: Bussum) she gives - in addition to regular singing lessons - singing lessons with Alexander Technique and Alexander Technique lessons (not exclusively for musicians). She regularly gives Lieder recitals for the association Vrienden van het Lied together with pianist Jorrit van den Ham. She married to Pieter Van Der Wulp in May 1993.

Marga Melerna Website, English translation by Aryeh Oron (May 2024)
Groot Omroepkoor Website
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (May 2024)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Piet Philipse


[CV-1] (2020, Video): BWV 169
[VV-1] (2019, Video): BWV 245

Links to other Sites

Marga Melerna (Netherlands Radio Choir)
Marga Melerna on Facebook
Marga Melerna on LinkedIn
Marga Melerna (Official Website) [Dutch]

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Last update: Friday, May 31, 2024 04:40