The Polish choral conductor, Jadwiga Małecka, graduated from the Akademię Muzyczną im F. Chopina in Warsaw. where she studied with Professor Henryka Wojnarowskiego. Upon graduating, she won the award at the IX Ogólnopolskim Konkursie Dyrygentów Chóralnych in Poznan in 2002.
From of 2002 to 2012 Jadwiga Małecka worked with the Warszawskim Chórem Chłopięco-Męskim (Warsaw Boys' and Men's Choir) as a second conductor, and since 2006 deputy Artistic Director. From 2004 to 2009 she directed the vocal ensemble Bluemen, which she founded. This ensemble won prizes at competitions, and performed her compositions, which were broadcasted by the Radio Prague Warsaw. In co-operation with the Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego (Warsaw Uprising Museum) she recorded a CD, "Mój Śpiewnik Powstańczy" with the Blue Ensemble. She has participated in concerts and opera productions Warszawskiej Opery Kameralnej (Warsaw Chamber Opera). She has also performed with the Warszawskim Teatrem Muzycznym (Warsaw Music Theatre). She currently directs several choirs of diverse ages: among others, girls' chorus of Promienie of Nadarzyna and chamber choir Towarzystwa Pieśni Dawnej, chamber choir Pośrodku Żywota (since June 2014).
Privately, Jadwiga Małecka is happily married and a mother of a musical family. In her spare time, which usually she does not have, she loves knitting music caps, and seasonally she enjoys skiing and sailing. |