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Marina Makarova (Soprano)

Born: Saint Petersburg, Russia

The young Russian soprano, Marina Makarova (Russian: Марина Макарова), studied as a violinist since 2006. She started to learn singing with the Professor of St. Petersburg University Alexander Tsvetkov and the soloist of Mariinsky opera Irina Vasilieva since 2015. She won a lot of the Prizes in the various international vocal competitions, including XIII International vocal competition in Kohtla-Jaarve in 2018, Isabella Yourieva competition (2019), etc. In 2019, she was 1st prize winner at International competition, a prize winer of international competition, 1st prize winner at Ludmila Senchina competition. Since 2020, studies at Rimsky-Korsakov Music College (музыкальное училище им.Римского -Корсакова). She also gives concerts as soloist, in ensembles in different concert halls in Saint Petersburg and in Estonia. She currently lives in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Marina Makarova profile on Facebook
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (May 2024)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Alexander Tsvetkov [organ]


[CV-1] (2022, Video): BWV 199
[CV-2] (2023, Video): BWV 199

Links to other Sites

Marina Makarova on Facebook

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Last update: Saturday, June 01, 2024 15:20