The Russian mezzo-soprano, Tamara Kravtsova-Renik, graduated from the Leningrad Conservatoire in 1954. She had beautiful voice, which sounded extremely smooth in all the registers. She sang in a concert of the Leningrad Theatre of Miniatures and "she personified talented youth, youth that was beautiful and charming, emotional and pervent in its every word, gesture and movement". Already then she had grace and plasticity, she also has a flair for the pantomime and even for mnemotechny. With years she mastered variety-stage art to a remarkable degree. She not only catched musical works quickly, but interpreted them as well. She sang the most difficult works by composers of the past centuries and our contempoeraries.
Today (as of early 1990's) Merited Artist of the RFSFR, Tamara Kravtsova appears on the major concert platforms of the country with invariable sucess. She works much and with enthusiasm as in her youth, sparing no time and effort in her endeavour to make her every performance interesting and rewarding. |