The Hungarian choral conductor and bass singer, Zoltán Kocsis-Holper, received his primary and secondary education in Soprano. From the age of 7 he studied at Sopron State Music School (Állami Zeneiskola), later at József Horváth Elementary Art School (Horváth József Alapfokú Művészetoktatási Intézmén, where he studied to play the piano. In 2001 he graduated from the Széchenyi István High School (Széchenyi István Gimnáziumban), and was admitted to the University of West Hungary Faculty of Economics (Nyugat-magyarországi Egyetem Közgazdaságtudományi Karára). He contin ued his musical studies during the university.
In December 2001, Zoltán Kocsis-Holper the amateur youth mixed choir, Kórus Spontánusz. TRhis ispired him to suspend his ecopnomics studies and to attend in 2004 the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapes, where he studied viocal music education, and choral conducting. His teachere there were Csaba Kutnyánszky and Péter Erdei (choral conducting), Sándor Kovács (music history), and Renáta Darázst. He also studied with Boglárka Terray (solfege) and Miklós Mohay (music theory). He also began to sing. to understand better the relationship with the choir. During the years of study in the institute's mixed choir directed by István Párkai Stephen Park, and Péter Erdei. A lot of working together with them formed his musical approach. In 2015, the Széchenyi István Egyetem Varga Tibor Zeneművészeti Intézetének as a private student of Magdolna Máriánál Szabó. Since 2016, heis a PhD strudent at the Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem Doktori Iskolájának.
After his graduation, in 2009-2016 he wass Professor at Sopron Horváth József Alapfokú Művészetoktatási Intézmény (József Horváth Elementary Art School), deputy director from 2012-2014 and head of department. 2012, he was teacher of choral conducting was the Bartók Béla Zeneművészeti Szakközépiskola és Gimnázium (Béla Bartók Secondary School) in Budapest and choir conductor for a year.
Since 2001 he has been active in many artistic ensembles, and some of which still directs: 2001: Founder and director of f Kórus Spontánusz in Sopron; 2004: Main director of Gárdonyi Zoltán Énekkar (református gyülekezet) in Sopron; 2005-2011: Main director of Szt. Mihály Énekkar karvezetője in Sopron; 2011: Main director of Raiding The Men's Choir (MGV Raiding) in Raiding, Austria. Since August 2016, conductor deputy director of the Nemzeti Énekkar (National Choir). He worked with the Hungarian Radio Choir, and even with the Netherlands Radio Choir and the Nederlands Kamerkoor in a course.
He won the first prize and the audience award in the National Competition of Young Conductors in 2008. He finished second and was awarded a special prize in the 8th International Competition of Young Conductors in Torino, Italy in May 2015. |