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Palle Fuhr Jørgensen (Baritone)

Born: October 8, 1955 - Odense, Denmark

The Danish baritone, Palle Fuhr Jørgensen, studied at the Pedagogical Academy in Denmark. He then began training at the Sweelinck Conservatory in Amsterdam. After several years of study at the opera class, he continued his training with private lessons. He was taught by Erik Hammer, Louis Devos, Marie Louise Hendrickx, Zeger Vandersteene and Lucienne Van Deijck, and attended master-classes with Cathy Berberian, Tom Krause and Guus Hoekman.

Palle Fuhr Jørgensen briefly worked as a teacher in Denmark and then worked freelance with the Groot Omroepkoor. In addition, he sang in the Koor Nieuwe Muziek, Nederlands Kamerkoor and Netherlands Bach Choir. He forms a permanent duo with pianist Roel Praas and has performed solo in oratorio performances, opera productions, concerts and song recitals. He was winner 5th prize at the Mina Bolotine Competition in Antwerp. In 1983 he received his permanent appointment as bass with the Groot Omroepkoor. In addition to his work with the Groot Omroepkoor, he is an enthusiastic viola player and plays in orchestras as well as string quartets. He currently lives in Fredensborg, Frederiksborg, Denmark. He enjoys cooking, walking the dog, cycling, camping, chores and gardening.

Radio Filharmonisch Orkest Website
Palle Fuhr Jørgensen profile on Facebook
Photo 21: Alexander van den Tol; Photo 22: Esther de Bruijn
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (May 2024)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Piet Philipse


[VV-1] (2019, Video): BWV 245 [Pilatus]

Links to other Sites

Palle Fuhr Jørgensen (Radio Filharmonisch Orkest)
Palle Fuhr Jørgensen (Groot Omreopkoor)
Palle Fuhr Jørgensen on Facebook

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Explanation | Acronyms | Missing Biographies | The Sad Corner


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Last update: Friday, May 31, 2024 04:40