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Julie Grutzka (Soprano)

Born: 1993 - Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

The German-French soprano, Julie Grutzka, received private singing lessons from the age of 7 and subsequently gained numerous musical experiences in solo and ensemble projects. She is still musically active in the chamber choir Cappella Lacencis. From October 2012 to February 2019, she studied singing for her Bachelor of Mudsic and Master of Music degree at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main, first with Professor Ursula Targler-Sell, then with Professor Hedwig Fassbender and currently with Professor Klesie Kelly-Moog. In February 2022, she successfully completed her concert exam studies with Professor Thilo Dahlmann at the same institute. She is a scholarship holder of the Richard-Wagner-Verband Koblenz, Frankfurter Bachkonzerte, as well as the Deutschland Stipendium and supplemented her academic studies by attending master-classes, for example with Helmut Deutsch, Kai Wessel, Thilo Dahlmann, Andreas Scholl, Franz Hawlata and Christoph Prégardien.

At the Staatstheater Darmstadt Julie Grutzka performed the role of Destino in F. Cavalli's La Calisto in 2016, (April-July 2016) and again in the 2016-2017 season as Sandmann and Taumann in the revival of Engelbert Humperdinck's Hänsel und Gretel (December 2016). In 2018 she was heard in the »Opera for Children« series in R. Wagner's Rheingold at Oper Frankfurt. After her first engagements at the Staatstheater Darmstadt and the Oper Frankfurt, in January 2019 Julie Grutzka e played the title role in Claudio Monteverdi's L'incoronazione di Poppea as part of the Rossi Festival at the National Theater in Belgrade. This was followed by an engagement at the Schauspiel Frankfurt for the singing role in the production Vor Sonnenaufgang, and again at the Staatstheater Darmstadt for the roles of Ninfa/Proserpina in Monteverdi's L'Orfeo and for the role of Dorinda in George Frideric Handel's Orlando (May-June 2019).

As a concert and Lieder singer, Julie Grutzka can look back on numerous engagements at home and abroad. In addition to concerts in Moscow, Israel and Berlin, she performed at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, where she sang Lieder by Franz Schubert as part of the artist Lee Mingwei's Sonic Blossom project (November 2018).

In addition to her work as a singer, Julie Grutzka is a founding member of the Backstein Kollektiv, an interdisciplinary trio with two dancers that deals with socio-cultural and political topics and implements them performatively. They performed their performances in, among others, the Gallus Theater, Staatstheater Darmstadt, Landungsbrücken, and in October 2022 in the Naxoshallen, where they were able to be part of the 11th Politics in Independent Theater Festival.

Theater und Orchester Heidelberg Website
Julie Grutzka Website, English translation by Aryeh Oron (May 2024)
Photo 01: @De-Da Productions
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (May 2024)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Joachim Weller


[CV-2] (2022, Video): BWV 29, BWV 137

Links to other Sites

Julie Grutzka (Theater und Orchester Heidelberg)
Julie Grutzka on Operabase
Julie Grutzka on Facebook
Julie Grutzka - Sopran (Official Website) [German]

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Last update: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 08:20