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George Fergus (Choral Conductor, Organ)

Born: June 9, 1991 - Fort Worth, Texas, USA

The American choral conductor, organist and church musician, George H. Fergus, obtained his Bachelor of Music degree from St. Olaf College (September 2009-May 2013); and his Master of Music degree in Organ Performance and Certificate in Church Music Studies from the Yale Institute of Sacred Music (September 2014-May 2016).

Upon graduation, George Fergus was awarded the Gerre Hancock Fellowship in Church Music by the Association of Anglican Musicians, which he served at Washington National Cathedral before being appointed to the full-time music staff there. Prior to his appointment in Washington, he served as Organ Scholar at Grace Church in New York, and Choirmaster and Organist of Berkeley Divinity School at Yale.

George Fergus served as the Associate Director of Music and Chorister Program Director at Washington National Cathedral (August 2016-July 2022). He maintained an active schedule of rehearsals and services in the cathedral’s music program, as well as appearing on the cathedral’s online stream of worship services and recitals, including the annual Christmas Day, Easter Day, and Independence Day concerts. He accompanied the Cathedral Choirs on domestic and international concert tours, and has appeared on concerts with Washington Choral Arts Society, Washington Bach Consort, and the American University Chorus. George is an active recitalist, both as an organist and collaborative pianist. Concerts this spring have taken him to Berkeley, California, Richmond, Virginia., as well as his home of Washington, D.C. During his tenure at the National Cathedral, he has played for several services of national significance, including the funeral services of notable public figures, including Liu Xiaobo, Senators Bob Dole and John McCain, U.S. Army General Colin Powell, Madeleine Albright, and President George H.W. Bush.

George Fergus serves as the Director of Music at historic Christ Church in downtown Savannah, Georgia since August 2022. At Christ Church, he coordinates and oversees the music program in all its many offerings, including liturgical music, a children’s choir, an annual concert series, as well as a project to overhaul and renovate the 1972 Harrison & Harrison organ that is a mainstay of worship and music at the church.

Outside of his role as a church musician, George Fergus is active as an organ recitalist, collaborative pianist, and choral conductor. Recent concert engagements have taken him to Dallas, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Washington D.C, and his performances have been featured on Pipedreams from Minnesota Public Radio and NPR’s 1A.

George Fergus is the founder and artistic director of Musica Atlantica, a professional chamber choir based in Savannah and in residence at Christ Church. Musica Atlantica is committed to offering concerts of powerful, relevant, and approachable chamber choral music that spans the breadth of the tradition. Recent and upcoming concerts include “Songs of Deliverance” featuring Hubert Parry’s Songs of Farewell, and “To Build a Home” in collaboration with Washington, D.C.-based Bridge Voices. He lives in Savannah, Georgia with his wife, Kerry Auer, and their two-year-old son, Teddy.

Christ Church Episcopal Website (2022)
George Fergus profiles on Facebook & LinkedIn
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (June 2024)

George Fergus: Short Biography | Ensembles: Musica Atlantica
Bach Discography:
Recordings of Vocal Works

Links to other Sites

George Fergus - Director of Music (Christ Church Episcopal)
George Fergus on Facebook
George Fergus on LinkedIn

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Last update: Friday, June 14, 2024 07:17