The German tenor, Peter Erdrich, studied at the Pädagogischen Hochschule (Pedagogical University) of Freiburg in the fields of education, psychology, music (Major: saxophone), theology and technology. In 1989 he passed the first state examination for teaching in secondary schools. He continued his studies at the Musikhochschule in Freiburg, majoring in singing (Professor Dr. Bernd Göpfert), and as a member of the opera school (Mauro Guindani). In 1995 he recevied diploma for private music teacher (singing).
Peter Erdrich acts since 1990 as a singing teacher, inter alia, at the Drama School "Theater am Martinstor" in Freiburg, Musik- und Kunstschule in Achern-Oberkirch, the national seminar for practical training school in Offenburg and as singing training in various areas of the archdiocese of Freiburg. In 1999 he founded a singing workshop in Oberkirch.
Since 1995, Peter Erdrich acts mainly as as a concert singer (tenor), specialising in Lieder and oratorio. He is a member of various ensembles including the a cappella jazz group "quartett komplett" and the male vocal quartet "Warten auf Heizmann".