The Dutch bass singer, researcher, and graphic designer, Bas Cornelissen, obtained both his Bachelor's degree, Beta Gamma with a major in mathematics (2010-2014) and his Master's degree in Logic (2014-2017) from the University of Amsterdam. During his studies he worked as Student research assistent at Amsterdam Data Science (2014-2015) and in Various (teaching) positions at University of Amsterdam (September 2013-December 2016). He started singing as a child, but was well in his twenties when he rediscovered singing in choirs. He studied for Bachelor of Arts degree in Music, Classical voice with Karin van der Poel at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht (September 2019-April 2022; he did not finish the bachelor). Since November 2017, he is a PhD student in computational musicology at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) - University of Amsterdam (UvA). He is interested in the cultural evolution of music, and how musical traditions across the world differ.
Besides solo singing, choral repertoire remains close to his heart. Bas Cornelissen participated in Meesters&Gezellen multiple times, and currently sing in Consensus Vocalis (Director: Béni Csillag; since March 2022) and the newly founded ensemble Fonos. In April 2022, he participated in several performance of J.S. Bach's Johannes-Passion (BWV 245) with Houtens Kamerkoor Rondo and Houtens Ensemble Sinfonia, where he sang all bass solo parts.
Bas Cornelissen has worked as Graphic designer and web developer at Studio Metrum (since Januar 2008). He is a member of Music Cognition Group. The research of the Music Cognition Group (MCG) has a special focus on the everyday listener, using theoretical, empirical and computational methods. The research program aims to identify the basic (neuro)cognitive mechanisms that constitute musicality (and effective ways to study these in human and nonhuman animals) and to develop methods to unravel the cognitive, biological and environmental mechanisms that underpin our capacity for music. |