The Ensemble Colorito was founded as part of the "Historical Interpretation Practice" at the Musikhochschule in Frankfurt. The musicians of the ensemble have the love and enthusiasm for the sparkling vitality, differentiation and variety of colors of the music of the 17th and 18th centuries. They are members of the Opern- und Museumsorchesters Frankfurt, Badischen Staatskapelle Karlsruhe, Balthasar-Neumann- Ensembles and lecturers at the Akademie für Tonkunst in Darmstadt..
The name of the ensemble has its origin in the Venetian renaissance painting. The most important representatives, such as Tizian and Tintoretto, were more interested in the picturesque "colorito" design and color scheme than in the "disegno", which was mainly used in Florence. The ensemble Colorito is also looking for an interpretation that goes beyond the mere representation of musical architecture and construction by the elaboration of musically expressive colors as an affection bearer.
The repertoire of the ensemble ranges from virtuoso Italian music from the early Baroque to the works of the German and French high Baroque up to early classics. In addition to her numerous performances, the Ensemble Colorito also regularly performs with singers and guest musicians to meet the versatility of this broad repertoire |
Steffen Hamm (Violin)
Katrin Ziegler (Violoncello)
Ute Riemer (Harpsichord)
Monika Nussbächer-Opitz (Violin)
Donata Wilken (Violin)
Leevke Hinrichs (Flute, Recorder)
Toshinori Ozaki (Lutenist, Theorbo, Baroque Guitar) |