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Benjamin Bergey (Conducor)

Born: August 15, 1988 - Perkasie, Pennsylvania, USA

The Amereican conductor and music educator, Benjamin Bergey, began on the piano and violin at age 6. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree in Vocal Performance and Church Music from Eastern Mennonite University (2007-2011); his Master of Music degree in Orchestral Conducting from James Madison University (2013-2015); and his Doctor of Musical Arts in Conducting, Literature, and Pedagogy from James Madison University (2015-2018), where he conducted the Symphony and Chamber Orchestras, as well as the Opera Orchestra, conducting performances of Rossini's Barber of Seville and Puccini's La Bohème.

Benjamin Bergey is an energetic and passionate musician, whose conducting has been described as "captivating" and "communicative." and works now as a conductor, educator, and church musician. He is Assistant Professor of music at Eastern Mennonite University (since August 2019), where he directs the choirs and orchestra (since August 2018), and teaches courses on music theory and conducting. He is an active musician who is the conductor of the Rapidan Orchestra in Orange, Virginia (since June 2016)) and Assistant Conductor (since 2023) and Board Member (since August 2014) of the Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival in Harrisonburg, Virginia.

Additionally, Benjamin Bergey is a prominent music leader in the Mennonite Church, having served as Director of Music at Harrisonburg Mennonite Church for six years (September 2016-April 2022), and notably as Music Editor for Voices Together, the hymnal for Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada, as well as compiler and editor for the hymnal's Accompaniment Edition. He has also served as Chamber Choir Conductor at Trinity Presbyterian Church (August 2011-April 2012); Choir Director at Harrisonburg Mennonite Church (September 2012-May 2013); Strings Teacher at Eastern Mennonite School (July 2013-August 2014); Director of Music Ministries at Dayton United Methodist Church (June 2014-August 2016).

Benjamin Bergey regularly leads worship and resourcing events at assemblies, workshops, and conferences, and was the music planner for the 2022 Mennonite World Conference Assembly music and songbook. His doctoral research focused on how ensemble music is a tool in peace-building by bringing diverse people together for building empathy and dialogue, using two groups in Israel and Palestine as examples.

Benjamin Bergey currently lives in Harrisonburg, Virginia with his wife, Kate, who together have a daughter and a son, and they love to garden, bike, hike, and travel.

Benjamin Bergey Website (2016-2023) & Facebook/LinkedIn profiles
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (June 2024)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Benjamin Bergey


SVBF [SV24-05] (2024, Video): BWV 114

Links to other Sites

Benjamin Bergey - Educator, Conductor, Peacebuilder (Official Website)
Benjamin Bergey on LinkedIn
Benjamin Bergey on Facebook

Biographies of Performers: Main Page | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Explanation | Acronyms | Missing Biographies | The Sad Corner


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Last update: Monday, July 01, 2024 00:17