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Discussions: Bach Memorabilia
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Bach Memorabilia |
Memo-1496 |
Type: |
Bach Painting |
Title: |
J.S. Bach 1 |
Description: |
Digital Painting.
What the artist says about this work:
Like all classical violinists, I hold the unaccompanied Violin Sonatas of J S Bach in the highest regard. Here I have photographed a small area of my own copy of the Violin Sonatas, which I have owned since age 12. I scanned the image and then created this digital interpretation. The film was Fuji Velvia 50. |
Measures: |
8" x 10" / 16" x 20" |
Creator: |
Artist: Chris Scroggins |
Comments: |
Artist's Statement:
For me the joy of photography lies in the challenge of capturing and sharing moments of my life when I have been inspired and awed by the beauty and mystery of the world. My goal is to convey these moments to the viewer as directly as possible in the hope that he or she will experience happiness and pleasure. I have been informed by the writings of Rachel Carson and Jane Goodall, and inspired by the photography of Ansel Adams and contemporary artists such as Frans Lanting, Tui De Roi, Nancy Rotenberg, John Sexton, and the late Nadine Blacklock. More recently I have been moved by the work of Masaru Emoto and his book, "Message from Water". Indeed, my own attraction to the Water element is evident in much of my photography. In no way am I a self taught artist. I am deeply grateful to all those teachers past and present who have helped to shape my destiny first as a musician, and secondly as an artist. Without their help and guidance, I would not not be who I am today. |
A professional violinist for more than twenty years, Chris has embraced photography and art as precious sources for renewing her artistic expression. In addition to formal training at the Rocky Mountain School of Photography in 1999, she has traveled extensively, photographing nature and wildlife, from the quaint corners of Cylburn Arboretum in Baltimore to the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador. She enjoys photographing all kinds of animals as well as flowers, and also has many landscapes and seascapes. Chris uses 35mm film, and scans and prints all of her images on an Epson 2200 inkjet printer. The work is primarily in color, although occasionally she works in black and white. |
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Source/Links: Artist Rising
Contributor: Aryeh Oron (February 2008) |
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Discussions: Bach Memorabilia
| Face of Bach