Domenico Morgante (Musicologist, Organ, Harpsichord) |
Born: January 21, 1956 - Monopoli , Bari, Italy |
Domenico Morgante is an Italian musicologist, organist and harpsichordist. Following his degree in organ and harpsichord, he graduated in musicology, specializing in science education, and was a student of Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini, Colin Tilney, Gustav Leonhardt, Marie-Claire Alain, Sergio Vartolo.
As a researcher and philologist Domenico Morgante has worked on various European Projects of Music, teaching at the same time at the Conservatory (Campobasso, Rome) and in the University (Bari, Rome). Of many compositions of the past has performed salvages and restorations critics (Girolamo Frescobaldi, Giorgio Lapazaya, Jacquet de Berchem). As a musicologist has to his credit a hundred publications in Italy and abroad. At the end of the 1960s, though very young, was among the first in Italy to deal with philological interpretation of Ancient Music and the concertism with historical instruments. He directed the restoration of important historical keyboard instruments, collaborating on several occasions with the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities. Since its founding in 1985 he has been the Director of the Mediterranean Institute of Musicology.
Domenico Morgante was awarded Professor Emeritus in the Organ Academy "Giacomo Insanguine" of Monopoli (Bari), for his outstanding teaching in the field of the organ he was awarded the Premio Abbiati Italian Music Critics under the High Patronage of the President of the Republic (Fiesole, 2008). In 2013 he received awards from the art world and from the Albanian academic world (Biennale Music, Durrës; Ministry of Culture,Tirana). |
Important Pubblications: |
D. Morgante: Monumenti Musicali Polignanesi, Fasano, Schena, 1985.
D. Morgante: Gli affetti sonori - Prassi musicale ed esteticità tra Cinque- e Seicento, in Aa. Vv., Modernità e coscienza estetica, a cura di F. Fanizza (pubblicazione della Cattedra di Estetica dell'Università degli Studi di Bari), Napoli, Tempi Moderni, 1986.
D. Morgante: Girolamo Frescobaldi, in "Dizionario Enciclopedico Universale della Musica e dei Musicisti" (DEUMM), Le Biografie, vol. III, Torino, UTET, 1986.
D. Morgante: Jachet de Berchem, ibidem.
D. Morgante, La Musica in Puglia tra Rinascite e Rivoluzioni, prefazione di Giorgio Pestelli, Bari, Fondazione "N. Piccinni", 1991.
D. Morgante: L'Encomio in Musica: due esempi pugliesi del XVI secolo, in "Scritti di Storia Pugliese in onore di Feliciano Argentina", vol. I, Galatina, Editrice Salentina, 1996; contiene in appendice le edizioni critiche del Madrigale "Glorioso Pastore" [Venezia 1555] di Jachet de Berchem e della Canzonetta alla napolitana "Deh canzonette mie" [Venezia 1591] di Antonio Mogavero da Francavilla.
D. Morgante: The theatricality of Frescobaldi's keyboard language, in EUROMAC-VII European Music Analysis Conference / Conservatorio di Musica "S. Cecilia" / Roma, 29 settembre-2 ottobre 2011 / Programme and Abstracts Book, Bologna, G.A.T.M., 2011.
D. Morgante: Il Codice di Giorgio Lapazaya (1532), un "connubio" musicale tra Italia e Albania nel primo Cinquecento, Istituto Mediterraneo di Musicologia, Monopoli, 2013. |
Pubblication on J.S. Bach: |
a) Recordings:
Toccata & Fugue in D minor, BWV 565
Fantasia & Fugue in A minor, BWV 561
Chorale Prelude Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier (V), BWV 731
Chorale Prelude Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott, BWV 721
b) Publications:
D. Morgante: Le matrici della musica bachiana, in "Gazzetta Musicale Pistoiese", II (4/1988).
D. Morgante: Il "teocentrismo" di Bach, in "Gazzetta Musicale Pistoiese", II (6/1988). |

Source: The Artist (April 2015); Photos: Marcella Mattioli
Contributed by Domenico Morgante (April 2015) |
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